EASTER - The'Buying Season of the Year Our new styles, ideally harmonizing with the "dress Up" spirit of Springtime, will surely satisfy Ithe particular woman buyer when selecting the footwear portion of her Easter costume. BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 6th., 1922 WHY SHOULD 1 ADVERTISE N tc o Celtr LT,-COL McLAUGH LINa A press agent, travelling aheadof acircus, called on the owner of a IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of, IN OTTAWA general store,-the ouly merchant in James Ginn late of the towu of Bowman. ville ln the County of Durhiam, a retired alittie, town. "Brother," si e farmer, deceased. Commander of Famous Iron Second.,"whei the show gets in tOWn we'll NOTICE is herebygiven that ail per-1 ve the usual parade. Aud 1 waut Fons havirng dlens or demnarudsansL (Ottwa ail Citzen hathe late James Gi1na Who died on or about (Ottaa Daiy CitZe) to: reut you advertising space dur- ýhe 2th day of Mardi, 1922, at the town Lieut.-Colonel L. T.* McLaughlin,; iug the parade." 'ýVereabouts?" of P.owmanville in thue Province of on- C. M. G., D. S. O. and two bars, of the storekeeper asked. "du the el- tarjo, are requir'ed to send by post pre- ,,aid or deliver to the xudersigned agent Bowmauville, Ont., who was com-1 ephartt. He's the greatest theug ford Alfred J. Huggins and Alexander mande~r of thé 2nd Canadian Infantry in the procession. l'Il paint'your Michael, the exedutors under the will Of Battalion in France from May, 1917,nm nec îe fteeehuthe 'a'd deceased, their namnes and ad- nameon ech sde o theélépantdressses and ful particulars lu writing until it was demobilized iu April, and there won't be a mau or womau cf their dlaimns and statements of their 1919, isin Ottawa for a f ew days on for miles arouud whlo wo't see your accounts and the nature of the security, business and is meeting many of the ad." There's not one of 'em don't if any, held by th,,m. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the officers aud' men who served undr kow me already," replied the meý-- filreeîuth ayo p4, 1922, the'said ex- him vn1 trade BIG RUSH 0F BUSINESS I THIS SPRING Present indications point to, the busiest I season we have ex- 1%t perienced since start-, I ing in business. I , ~ - Fortunateily we are $ ~ 4 I I ~?< E'Y" ~ VAFT Qi LîM~3RS ý a K kX %v *- 'c-'4L Up% Q , i ,~ ,ut t, ur ~t r r,-eu~ t,~d,3l J y) îjt~~ ~ c w " l Hi L- ý-