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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1922, p. 6

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ZION C oncrete Cernenti 'mZiog Football had their annal meigand elected their officers. 1 jCryderman. W ork Zo egeitn iiigKd ion lenue intyendveting, ed- pemng.nFia eeig ete periti. .Lnmi neti I am prepamed te do aIl kinds of the Zien Ladies' Aid and their bue- bande et lber home on Wednesday cernent or concrete womk. evening. Columbus Young people invaded Aise have plant complete for ent the borne of Mme. A . D. Langmnid and presented hiem with an Oak Extension by day or as desimed. Table and a Wooden Tray. Congratulations te Mm. Wrn. Sulley who was mamried te Mise MeGegor Aof Oshawa. Tley will reelde la Oshawa whea they retumafrmthi honeymoen spent et St. Cathar1ne%, Corner Church &Slver St Niagara and Buffalo. 11-4Visitors: Mm. and Mme. Russel 114Bowmanvilîe Robins at Bowmanville; Mm. and Mme. Chas. Vivian and baby at Mm. S. G. Chant's; Mme. E. Thompeon at ______________________Mme. J. G. Lenigmaid's; Miss Jessie Balson, Oshawa, et lhem home; Mm. and Mme. A. D. Langmaid et Colum- bus. A Ua ily 'I'nic Finest lune of curtain materials and A Fam ly T ffi c carpet ruge we have ever shown are now in stock. Coueh, Johaston & Thnis is wflat Warpoe's, Cod Liver Oil is. It is good for children. also for aduits, young and old. It is a system fortifier and a nerve and tissue builder . A splendid bracer after the grippe. For a large bottie the price, is One Dollar Kerslae's Drug Store Phone 49 Bowmanville, We have the exquisite "IDay Dream" toilets, Per- fume, Talcum, Face Pow- der, Pondre Creme and Toilet Water. Insumrance is a Saf e Foundation the Erection of a New Business Whet wiil yen bniid upon if yonr 1f e'e work gees up la emoke? The oaly, fiend yen cen depend upon te, corne aonnd and haad yen the money te start over egain le a fire insumance poliey. See US.1 ENNISKILLEN Mmes. Jas. Monntjey continues very .A baby girl nrrived et Mm. W. Ash- ton'e, Saturdny, April let. Leagne meeting on Wednesday eveaîag wae in charge of 4th Vice- President, Mies Aima Wemry. Bible leseon was rend by Mm. Robert Prest- on. Topie wee givea by Mr. E. E. Staples. A duet wes sweetly sung by Mme. H. J. Wery and Mme. . E. Staples; study chapter wns rend by Miss Gladys Stainton. Reading by IMise Lueila Stevens. Atteadace 24. Mizpah Benediction. If yen waut to enjoy e good even- ing'e entertalament corne te Enais- kilien on Fidey, April 7, wbea the choir will present their play "The Village Choirmaster". Characters Betty Crane Myrtie Buat Jime Sweetheart Squire Whitcombe Howard Stev ens The Cloirmeeter Deacon Jones Theo Siemon Jim Whitcombe Robert Preston Prep. of the Village Grocemy Squires Son There wiIl be soles, duete, quertets, glees and readinge by the members of the choir. Bnrketon trio andi IMise Vere Siemea, Haydoa, wiii aise assist in the pregram. Adulte 25e; children 15c. Mme. R. J. Luke and Mise Gussie visited atdMm. S.EgrWrys Mr. and Mme. R. J. Luke and Mr. and Mme. H. F.* Wery, Kedmon Wae for later date of entertain- ment and box social nader auspices of Solin 'a Athletic Association. Mm. E. R. Taylor bas been il.... Eldad S. S. Annivereamy le Suaday, May 28, and a Monday eveaing en- tertalament . .. Mm. Ed. Millsoa'e sale was weli ettended-prîces faim. Mr. Harold Naylor le conaeecing nicely .... Wesley, younger son of S. Edgar Wery wes operated on et Bowrnan- ville Hospital, Satumday foradenoide and tonsils .... Messrs. H. G. and A. L. Pascoe were buyems et Bowman- ville Holstein Sale .... Mm. Joe Rey- nolds las goni te Cherrywood for the summer .... Mm. R. J. Baldwin, e former resident of this village, died et Oshawa on Snndey .... Mme, Wrn. Cewling, Hampton, le convaieecing nlcely at bier dauglter's, Mme. é Sid Hockeday's. ' Mrs. Anie Langmaid, Oshawa, spent e few deys at Mr. C. T. Lang- maid' . . .. Messrs. H. E. Tink and J. Baker attended a Shorthorn Sale et Myrle. .. _Mme. W. T. Baker and Mies Naylom attended the Kirby- Penfonnd wedding et Oshawa... Gond attendance et Beker'e Sebool when Consolidation was well diecus- sed .... Mm. A. L. Pascoe epreseat- ed Deriington on Banch of rnilk and ceam producers et the Toronto Milk & Ceam Produceme' Association.... Miss Doreen VanNeet had n pleasant visit'with Ebenezer and Oshawa 'friends .... Mm. àqid Mmr. Ernest Lemmer, Blackstock, visited et Mr. W. T. Taylor's ... . Eldad ceagrega- tion will be asked Snnday for nid te starving Russien cilîdren. Get that Separa tor Now The RENFREW gets ail the cream, easiest cleaned, has the self -oiling wonderful feature, is an asset and a pro- fit maker, convenient crank and supply tank-note height. Agents Wanted atMILLBROOKC, OMEMEE and BETHANY THE RENFREW MACHINERY COMPANY, Ltd. Renfrew Ontario 'i NESTLETO?4 Mrs. John Williams, or., and Mrs. Henry Joblin are sick. Carload of lumber is being unload- en at station for new parsonage at Blackstock. Miss Norma Suggitt of Toronto, le visiting her father, Mr. R. H. Snggitt and friends, Nurse McArthur, Toronto, spenta f ew days with her mother, Mrs. R. H. Snggitt recently. Our merchant wns confined to his bed a f ew days last week but we are pleased to see him ont again. Mr. Malcolm Emerson's family have recovered from scarlet f lever but are yet under quarantine. Mr. Glen Emerson, Oakwood, Mrs. John Glass and Mrs. Skitch, Lindsay, receatly visited at Mr. J. W. Emer- son s. Mr. William Thempson's boys'are now doing aicely but Donald at time' of writing had not fnlly recovered; tley also have scarlet fever. Service was conducted on Sûnday by Pastor Carruthers who peached a1 helpful sermon on "Tact". The boys of the Tuxis Square nssisted by maie members of choir conductefl the musical part pf the 'service which was mnch appeciated. BURKETON The last two days of March were stormy. It certainly went ont like a lion. The fresh snow has melted and left thînge as well as ronds lnaa muddy condition .... The C. G. I. T.1 met at Mrs. Waterhouse's Monday1 evening. . .. Glad te see Miss, Teenie4 McKnight ont again. .League this1 (Thursday) at 7.30 p. m. Conse- cration. Mrs. McCutcheon Vice- President.>Ail are welcome. . Snnday ScbQol 10.15 a. m. Every- body corne. Report of Public School for March: Sm. IV-Florence eAvery, Bert Waterhouse, Willie Hudson. Jr. IV-Bertha Curran, Enri Adams. Sr. III-Dorothy Shortridge, Blanche Parkias, Dina McKnight. Jr. III- Ruby McDoaald, Thomas Watchorn., ny. Jr. iI-Marjory McKnight, George Adams, George MeCutcheon. Jr. I-Kenneth Pediar, Clarence Ped- lar, Ernest Perfect. Sr. Pr.-Charles Adams, Arthur Perfect, Mabel Insley. Jr .Pr.-Edgar Wilson, Elleen Me- Knight, May Adams. Margaret A. Reidi, teacher Don't miss "The Village Choir- master" at Enniekillen, Friday aight. HAYDON Practice is in full swing for the Enster entertalunent. Don't miss "The Village Choir- master" at Enniskillen, Fridny night. Mr. Thos. Mountjoy and Miss Vera visited at Mr. Jas. Mountjoy's,, Enniekillen. Dr. Albert E. Aunger, Stettier, Alta., has been visiting hie brother aad many friende areund here. Pastor Wickett delivered one of hie excellent discourses here' on Sun- day aftemnoen te an appreciative audience. Consécratien service was splendid- ly attended on Sunday evening. The President npp'aed the meeting by song and payer. The Bible lesson was ead la three parts by Mm. Ceeul Siemon, Mrs. EnrI Coulter and Mast- er Fred Ashton. Our let Vice-Presi- dent, Mr. Clarence Avery tien took charge of the progrnm. The topie wae given in twe parts. Firet "Re- suits la Personal Work" by Mrs. Rus- sell Crossman, Second "Wbat does following Christ Mean" by Miss Vera Siemen. A trio was sweetly render- ed by Mrs. S'. Woodlëy, Mme. H. Ash- ton and Mrs. L. Graham. A reading was given by Master Gordon Greer. A splendid talk 01n "What Consecra- tien Menas" was given by Mme. Henry Ashton. The Roll Cali met with ready responses. Lengue closed witb the Mizpnh Benediction. TYRONE The sale of the late W, R. Clem- ens on Friday laet was iargely attend- ed. Mm. and Mme. Lillicmapp and Velma, Cannington, vieîted their daughtem, Mme. F. L. Byam. Sympathy le expressed te Mm. Wim. Worden in bis recent Illness. Beet cf by Kathleen Gibbs; selection from Junior Orchestra. Refresirnents were eerved et close. The Juniors and their wortly leader, Mme. W. T. Wickett, deserve much credit in the way they conducted the programe..' New goods are here-carpet squares,,ail kinds, linoleums, congo- lenm ugs and curtain materials. i Conch, Johaston & Cryderman. 1 HAMPTON Reserve the date, Friday, April 14, for the concert consisting of vocal and piano solos, adrili, a pantomne and a short play entitled "A Search For Happîness", to be given in the basement of the Church, Hampton, by the Young Ladies' Bible Class. Admission, adults 25c; children 15c. 14-2 Moore's ready mixed paints, are sold on a "satisfaction or money back guarantee", in Hampton by Will Horn. 14-2w Don't miss "The Village Choir- master" at Enniskillen, Friday night. E NFlE LD Mrs. Abrahams, Brandon, Man., is with relatives here. Mr. Albert Niddery, Tweed, recent- ly visited at Mr. John Hepburn's. Mr. Russel Ormiston is suiffering much with înflammatory rheumatism. Miss Lyda Taylor has been unable to teach for two weeks and school has been closed two weeks, but, is in full swing again. The meeting for ýdiscussing Con- solidated Schools was not largely at- tended. Another meeting will be held in the near future'. Don't miss "The Village Choir- master" at Enniskillen, Friday night. HAMPTON THE BEAUTIFULI Hampton has the reputation of be- ing the prettiest village in these parts-and it's rlght toe. Bert Jen- nings bas the means- for maklng every bouse and building in the vil- lage and township more beautiful and attractive. Paint will do it- and Bert bas just received a big ship- ment of, brand, new paints and oils direct frbm the manufacturers. Yes, yen can now aff ord to paint for Bert's prices are Iower. What about a little wall paper to make the interior of your home more invitîng? Ask to see samples when you buy that can of paint. 14-t HAPPY GOLDEN WEDDING (Po rt Hope Guide) Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke cele- brated the 5th anniversary of their marriage March 29th. The bride and groom of a haif century, ýtheir six sons, relatives and friends gathered at the anniversary dinner. A large wedding cake was ademned with 50 candies. About 75 neighhors and friends shared the pleasant evening. The family presented their parents with a beautif ni electric stove, friends added a handsome electrie lnmp, a cold meat fork, a five dollar gold piece and a bouquet. The gifts were accompaiiied by an address and the presentatien made by thegrand- children. PORT HOPE LIBERALS MEET Friday evening Mr. W. T. R. Pres- ton addreseed a meeting of Liberals of Port Hope. Mr. A. H. C. Long, President, was in the, chair. These resolutions were unanimously adopt- ed: Moved by Sandy Lockington, se- conded by Fred Rosevear, that the Port Hope Liberal Association desire te embrace this opportunity to ex- tend their'heartiest congratulations to Mm. W. T. R. Preston upon hie election as Chairman of the Ontario Libemal1 Association at the recent Con- vetion la Toronto, and to express their great satisfaction and pride at this Provincial recognition of hie abil- ity. Theyaise wish to record their admiration of the gallant fight Mr. Preston put up against overwhelming odds in the recent Federal electien in Durham and their deep appreciation of his untiring energy and invaînable service to the Liberal cause. Moved hy W . B. Davison, se- cended by F. W. Wilson, that we de- sire to affirm our unswerving loynlty to Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, and the policy and prînciples of which he and bis Cabinet are the officiai ex- ponents; and nîso our congratula- tions upon the good judgment le has shown in the selection of the distin- gnisbed personnel of his Cabinet.' CHOICE 0F ROUTES5- TO WESTERN CANADA The Canadian National Railway in addition te providing unexcelled ser- vice between Easternannd Western Canada off ers pnatrons optional rouit. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALiL 1 arn offering two of the choicest onî acre buildtng lots lni the town of Bow- manville at very reasonable -prices, ln -oond loaity oni Liberty-st., Just one block< douth of Nursery corner. E5xcellent gar- den wlth about 60 good apple trees on each lot just eôrning Into bearing. Nor. man S. B. James, Statesman Officne, Bow. n a nvIlle. COURTICE, Mrs. M. J.' Deane has returnedý from la plensant visit with friends ini Bowmanville ... . Many friends wit-ý nessed the marringe on Tuesday at King-st. Church, Oshawa, of Missý Ethel-Kirby and Mr. Roy Penfound.1 Congratulations... Maple GroveI yeung people give their play "I Can't Aff ord It" here on 13t...... Epworth League was held on Monday evenin* this week on account of young people presenting "Every Youth" on League night ... . Mr. R. E. Osborne was in Toronto last w........ Mrs. Herbert Nîclols is under the doctor's came, .Mr. Horace Hancock has been con-i fined to the bouse for about a weeki with n very sore hand. COURTICE SPR1NG WEDDING Allin-Carpenter A very petty weddiag was solema- ized at the home of Mm. and Mme. [Henry Carpenter, Valentin, by the Rev. G. R. Clame, Merci 29,we Stella Irene Carpeaterer only danghter, beceme the bride of Fred- erick Roy Allia, youngeet son of Mme. [W. C. Allia, Bowmanville. The bride was attimed la pale bine satin witl silk overlace trimmed witb rose bnde. After the ceremony wns per- forrned a dninty luncheon was semved and the young couple ieft amid show- ers of confetti on the evening train for Toronto where the groom's uncle gave a big reception for tbern. The young couple will reside la Bowman- ville. Report of S. S. No. 8, Damington, for Mamel: Sm. IV-Della Essemy, Aura Brooks, Walter Oke, Harold OBITUARY [Denison, Willie Peaberthy, Mary Brown, Howamd Essery, Bert Nichols, Mrs. Mary McDougall, Chatham, Dorothy Courtice._____ Sm. III-Beth Gay, Stanley Kine- Mm. James Mcflougall is in Chat- man, Della Balson, Gordon Cochrane, hem where he went te attend the fun- Rnby Finir, Annle Cochrane, Elmer emal of hie mother,, Mme. Mary Me- Walter, Sadie Muir, Isobel Gearing, Dongaîl, an old and esteemed resi- Kenneth Walter, Madeline Courtice, dent of that city who passed away in James Haacock (absent). St. Joseph's Hospital in ber 84th yeam. Jr. III-Viola Welsh, Edith Balson, The funemel took place from the Sam Gay, Fergus Kiasman, John Wil- farnily' esideace, 89 Lansdowne Ave.,, kins, Velma Gay, Roland Wenn, Jýack on'Satumdny, Merci 25, service be- Comnish, Seebuma Essemy, William ing conducted by Rev. A. S. Orton, Eversen, John Temmy. minister of St. Andrew's Church of Sm. II-Mona Kinsman, Gordon which she was e member. She le Brown, Harmy Gay, Beatrice Allia, sumvived by three daughters, Mm. Willie Bickle, Leonard Courtice, Wil- Duncan MeKerracher and Mme. John lie Konopachi. 11 Smith, Chatham, and Mme. C. E. Day- Jr. Il-Douglas Courtice, Hazel idsoa, Glencee; and thmee sons, Hugh Oke, Gladys Biekie, Nomman Walters, ad Alex. MeDougail, Chathamn, and Vemna Found, Kenneth Eesery, Leon- James McDougaîl, Bowrnanviule. erd Wean, Archie Muir. Sm, I--J aek Gay, Anale Wilkins, Clame Courtice Eva Courtice, Alfred Welsl, Lomna Barber. Jr. 1--Cleve Kinern, Hazel Walt- ers, Robert Courtice, Walter Shortt, :' ik s Ray Temry, Edne Sadier. Pm-Norah, AMamý, Elsie Court- T ice (equal), Helen Wilkins, Rose Oke, I The Ouiy Courtice Genring, Gwelda Trimble,- Centmallys Mary Konopachi, Edith Allia, Elva t Kinsman, Marion Travail. Fîeproo Fi C. E. Williamson, M A. Cole, teacheme sW iel ne Fg i ~ ~ 4double roc Kennetl Moncrief, Benefomt, had a rd M Pi~ ree ta hand caught between rollers of chafBckai cutter and terribiy crushed and sev- . 240 .IÂVV eral fingers broken. 01 HERE'eSý 14 lbs. St. Lawîrenc'e or Redpath's Sugar for..........10 Hoisecleaning Iist, Ammonia Powder, Gold Dust, Gem Lye and Sapolio, 3 pkgs. for 23c Macaroni "Lion Brand" 2 pkg. for 29c Choice Red Salmon "iRed Star Brand" 38c per tin Pure Maple Syrup ...........60e quart MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Pnul's ClurcI, Rev. D. W. Best, minister. il a. m.-The Imperative of Love and Sympathy-or the man who leade hie life inetend of f ollowing' it. 7 p. m.-A greet Book u/ Pmaise. 2.80 p. m.-Snnday Sebool and Bible Classes. Churcl of Christ-Rev. L. E. Zavitz,- pastor. Subjects f or Sun- day, April 9: il a. m.-Momning Worship. Sermon topie: The Second Advent. (1) Will He Come? 2.30 p. r.-Snnday School. 7 p. M.-I Eveaing Service. Sermon topie: The" Origin and Development of the Mod- ern Dance. St. John's Clurch, Rector Rev. C. P. Muirlead, Orgaist-Mrs. J. A. Gun EvPning pmayer Fridny at 8 o'cleck. Palm Sunday, April 9. Holy Communion 8 a. m. Moring service il e. m. Snnday Sehool at 2.3 0 p. mn. Eveaiag Song 7 p. m. Soloiet Mme. Capt. J. B. Neale, B. A. Specini Easter music on Snnday next, Preacher, The Rector, Methodiet Cburch, Rev. S. C. Moore, Pastor. Evangelistic Cam- paiga continues. Rev. Dr. Mahood preaches and Mm. Waugh sings at both services, il a. m.---"The spimit-filled Lif e". 7 p. m.-"The un- pardonable Sin". 2.30 p. m.--Sun- day Schooi and Bible Classe.The. large chorus-choir will lead the sîng- ing. Mr. T. W. Stanley presides at the organ and Miss Ruth Mahood at 'the piano. Ail people, net wor-ý shipping eleewhere, are earnestly in-, vited to attend., DARLINGTON Base Line Sunday School Anniver-, samy will be beld on Sunday, May 2lst. Particulars Inter. B3EST Fresh Creamery Butter ....42c per lb Potatoes, fine cookers ....25c per peck Fresh Ground Coffee, try it, only 53c lb, Choice White Beans.... 3 lbs. for 25c Brooms, 6 doz. only, Special at 40c Surprise, Comfort & Gold Soap 7 bars for 49c Fresh Shredded Cocoanut 25c per lb. Men's Department Men's Work Shirts, extra good quality, Men's Black fine ail wool Cashmere eSpecial $1.00 each Hose, 59e per p air or 2 pair for $1.00 Men's Black Cotton Socks, 29e pair or Men's Khaki Pantsail sizes, 4 pair for $1.00 $1.95 and $2.25 Men's Hats, Borsalino, Brocks and Men's Ties, yourchoice for 25c ea Wakefield, in 3 lots,, Men's Combination Overails, a few $1.95, $2.95 and $3.95 sizes left, $2.95 Men's Dress Shirts, new patterns, Men's Work Boots, try a pair $3.95 $1.50 each Men's Box Calif Bluchers $5.95 Per pr Dry Goods Department Corne and inspect our new Easter Blouses in Crepe de Chene, Georgette, Paisley, Lace, Voile and Silk, in al shades from $2.751to $7.50 58 inch Home Spun in plain check and stripes, ranging from $2.50 to $3.00 40 inch Voiles in ail the newest shades and patterns, 'Special 59c to $2.25 Ladies' Lisle Hose, black, white and tan only 49c per pr Ladies' Front Laced Corsets, regular 4$4.50, for $2.98 PHONE 83 Ladies' House Dresses, regular $3.00, While they last $1.98 Children's Sweaters in ail shades, reg. $3.00, Your choice for $1.98 5 inch Hair Ribbons in ail shades, reg. 40e for' 29c per yd,. 36 inch Cotton Cashmere, regular 45c, For 39c per yd A nice assortment of Ladies' Under- wear, ranging from 25c to $1 a garme nt Princess, Patt Hair Nets, fringe and cap shapes 3 for 25c BOWMAN VILLE 0F, AÇI.TP ]Buy your wants and check the Iist ýfor Friday and Saturday Grocery Department McMurtry & Co.,-Ltd. THE

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