LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Chief Wm. Edger, Bowmanville's veteran fire fighter, is a contestant in the Buff alo Courier "Cruise Con- tesy' fo fireman in Ontario and New Yo1î state. If you take The Cour. ier eut out the coupon and give it to Mr. Edger as he has a good chance to take in this joy ride, standing 7th ir luis district last week. Dan McGinnis of Ops township was ýamitted f or trial at Bowmanville oný Wedneeday by Police Magistrate Horsey o'nu a charge of seduction; the complaînant being a sixteen year oIc girl of Manvers township. He was brought to the jail here to await trial àt the next general sessions of the Peace.-Cobourg World. John Hrcio, butcher who conducts a business at Albert and Jackson Sts.. Oshawa, was the victim, of a daxing hold-up Monday evening, when s masked bandit walked into his store, looted his cash, levelling a revolver at hîm at the game time. The bandit took $100 ia cash and 26 cheques. The cheques were afterwards found. Reference is made elsewhere to the death of W. J. McMurtry at St. Thom- as. Besides bis wif e, he leaves three daughter, Edna, Helen and BeatHice; three sisters, lMrs. R. Collicott, Mrs. S. J. Honey, Bowmanvîlle; Mrs. T. E. Hoar, Toronto, and three brothers, George A. McMurtry, St. Thomas, E. C. McMurtry, London, and T. J. Mc- Murtry, Bowmanville. Don't buy your Spring Suit or Coat until you have first inspected Our 1display. Couch, Johnston & Crýyder1man. WANTED TO RENT Two or three unturnished rooms with bath. Apply te W. F. Ward, Bewman- ville. 12-tt WANTED CATTLE WANTED-For ranch, lot 3, con. 6, Darlingto11, for particulars write Geo. Lane, Oakweod. 13-3w HELP WANTED-Wanted at once an experîenced tarm hand. Apply te H. Pawson, Bowtqanville. 14-2 WANTED-Dining-room girl, wanted at once. Good wages. Apply at Bow- man House, Bowmanville. .9-tf WANTED-A smail portable henheuse suitable for a brooder. Helen L. Car- ruthers, Centre-st., Bowmanville, phonel 33. 14-1 WANTED TO RENT-Twe large roemsi or twe bedreeme and a sitting reem. Pre- ferably unfurnished by end et April. Ap- ply te Box 221, Bowmanville. 15-tf - WANT TO BUY-Small house, brick « cottage preferred, centrally lecate, cn venie ces, about Y4acre ot garden with F,inall shed or hen house, on easy terms. Apply by letter stating fulil particulars te S. E. Drawer B., Bowmanville 13-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-In Eowmanville, Barn 18 x 30 for removal. Apply te J, J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 14-tf FOR SALE-Brick residence, 7 rooms, and one acre ot land, with fruit trees, at N rsery Cerner. Apply to W. B. P incO "Divisien-st.,, Bowmanville. 5-tf FOR SALE-Brick cottage containing 6 reems, turnace and electrie lights. Hard and seft water ln lieuse, geod garden and fruit trees. Apply te J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowmanville. . 12-tf FOR SALE-Goed brick residence on Centre-st., containing 8 rooms, fireplace. ail modern cenveniences. Possession at a month's notice. Apply to Box 366. Bowmanville. 12-tf FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemens' farm, located Tyrene, Ontario, 154 acres. 20 acres yeung orch.ard; tati work dene, fali whea t sown. Possession at once, A-pply Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st., Tom- onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf PROPERTIES FOR SALE-If interest- ed in securing a lot evemlooking river at Windy Cove, Bowmanville Beach, write F G. Dyke, Room 708, Dominion Bank Building, Teronto. 13-3. POULTRY EGGS FOR HATCHING-From higli class bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. $1.50 per setting. Thos. Bottreil & Son, corner Churcli and Liberty-sts., Bowmanville. phone 2. 14-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-White Wyan- dette, Martin's Rellem's, White Leghorns Barron's and Ferrie's Strain, Rose Cemb Brown Leghiorns, Alicona Andulusians, $1.59 setting; $10 per 100. R. H. DilIing, Bowmanville. 13-3w EGGS FOR HATCHING-I will seil a limited number of Single Comb White Leghorn Eggs from my heavy winter layers. Price $2.00 per 15 eggs. George Jamieson, Newcastle. 12-t FOR SALE-White Wyandotte Egge for hatching. P'en No. 1 headed by Cockerel trem McLeod pen with record from 250 to 280 eggs. Pen No. 2 headed by Keller Cockerel a prize winner at the Bowmanville Poultry Fair. $1.50 per setting. Helen L. Carruthere, Centre-et., Bowmanville, phone 32. 14-3w ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Solid Concrete Silos, last W. G. Rundle, R. R. 4, Bowmaa- ville, phone 146r2, ie looking after al insurance for the Maple Leaf Farm-: ers' Insurance Company in the towa of Bowmanville and township of Dar- lington east of the Scugog Road. Mayor R,- B.ý Smith, Columbus, is attending +, the business west of that road. W=. Smith, P. G. Purves, President. Secretary. 14-4 LOCAL AND -OTHERWISE 8Read the advts. tNew Clothing Store for Bowmn- -ville-see page 8. Sergt. Thomas Annison is la Bow- manville H-ospital for treatment. lMiss Diana Fowler, New York City, ivisîting her mother, Mrs. Fowler. Mrs. (Dr.) C. W. Slemon will not receive on Frîday afteraaon of 'thîs week. e Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Snowden, Osh- a wa, spent Sanday with the Misses J Brimacombe. S There's a lot of good news la the ,l merehants' advts. this week Be sure eto read them. Mr. and-,Mrs. J. G. Sulley, Liberty. S st., are home from Florida xhere they Ispent the winter. 9 Men, yoar Spring suit ýnow awaits you at the new lower prices. Couch, Johaston & Cryderman. t Miss Metealfe has returned ta Co- bourg having spentth ieree Mrs. Norman S. B. James is recov- ering nicely after an operation in Bowmanville Hospital f or appendi- citis. Mrs. Wm. Robsoni spent the week- end with hier son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robson, B elle- ville. Miss Irene Werry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werry, Tyrone, spent 7Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood jRundle. Her many friends wiIl be glad ta leara that Mrs. S. Thompeon has re- turned from Toronto and will reside in town. Glad ta see Rev. W. C. Washing- ton, M. A., out f or a short walk on Wednesday -after his long confine- ment to his home. 1Better place your order early for Easter Lilies-25e ta 35e bloom-de-1 livered la town. S. J. Jackman &1 Sons. Phone 80. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frice and daughter Betty, spent the week-end with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howden, Toronto. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting on Friday, April 7 la Couneil Room at .30 p. m. Ahl members attend. Miss Anna Edsall's friends will be gîad to know that she is convaleseing satisfactorily after a serious opera-j tien in Bowmanville Hospital. The Women's Century Publishing1 Company of Toronto has assigned. 1 Cerne and sc Haddy & Ce display of new patternanad dreshats, Mrs. C. A. Bonisteel and son Ger- adBelleville, were recent guests of lier sister, Miss Emma Knight, Lake- view Farm, Port Bowmanville. Mr. F. F. Morris, Chairman Publie Sehool Board underweat operatîon in Bowmanville Hospital for appendici- tis on Friday and 18 making splendid pregness. Mr.' Clarence T. Batty, accountant1 of the Oshawa branch of the Stand- ý ard Bank, has been transferred to1 the Bank's branch at Flesherton as manager. Owing, to failing health Mr, John G. Orr has resîgned his position as1 principal of Cobourg Public Sehools. Mr. C. R. Gumaiow is temporary prin- cipal until June. A spark plug concerni wants ta bo- cate in Port Hope. They only ask a freé site, nominal fixed, asseesment, cheap electrie power and water and a stock subseription of $75,000. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bragg, Provi-J dence, announce the engagement of( their daughter, Helena Mary, andE Mr. Edwin 'C. Hoar, Newcastle, the marriage to take place la April. S. Roy Fester le impnoving his ser- vice ta the public by apening a but.-< cher shap la J. B. Martyn's store. He will still continue to delîver meat. See his advt la anather columa. Finley Johaston, Belleville, was fined $300 and easts or six months la jail for violation of B. O. T. A. Was arrested at a dance and tea, botties of whiskey confiscated. He le eerv- ing the terni. Substantial reduction on the price of Dadge Cars now la effeet. Bradley Bras. of Oshawa, are the dealers la this locality. Write for illustrated catalogue or phone 169 for deman-I stration. 11-4s A despatch from Pantypool says: "Within a week three of the oldest residents of this loeality have been laid ta rest, "Capt." Gea. Argue, aged 85, John Aldread, aged 79 and Mrs. W. Mcîndoo, the oldest lady la, the township, aged 93 years. CARD 0F THANKSS Mr. Alfred Mann, Horsey-st., de-C sires to thank hie many friende andJ neighbors for their Idndnems and S syzapathy extended to him during thei illnees and death of hie wif e, and ta the Guild and Auxlllary of St. John'sa Church and others for the beautiful floral offerings. Jr. II-................4,20 r. I ......................20 SrasII...................58.20 Jr. II1-..................... 2.90 Sr. I ...................... 2.76 Jr. I-............,....... .82 Prilpary ............. 8.30 Sout'h Ward-. ............... 4.00' $50,75 I I GIFT 0F A SON ON APRIL ONE Oshawa, April 1, 1922 It's a boy! Oh, what joyi! Caîl hlm Donald Warren- A name that can't annoy (us) -Mr. and Mrs. Dan Douglass. 236 ýBurke-st., Oshawa. BIR THS H UM BV-Iu Bowmanville Hospital, on April 2, .e Mm. and Mms. H. T. Humby (uce Rota Reenigk), Port Credit, a son. (William Roenigk.) LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Twelve pages this week and local news on every page. Citizens, read article on "Pure Milk Supply" en page 9 by Dr. John Spencer. See the "Singing School" under direction of Prof. Percival Pippin ln Opera House, Friday, ýApril 28th. Stout ladies should see special line of Dianthia Dresses at Couch, John- ston & Cryderman's, April 7 and 8. The new Anglican Prayer, Book is just out. We have a good assortment of bindings and at aIl prices. W. T. Allen. Miss Bidwill, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bidwill, Detroit, Mich., Mr. J. L. Watt, Toronto, were here Mon- day attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Alfred Mann. Mr. Robert J. C. Stead ,the well knowa Canadian Author, was in town Tuesday organizing a local commit- tee to launch a campaign in behaîf of "Save the child Fund". Watch for further particulars next week. Corne ta "Singing School", a farce in two acte, Opera House, Friday evening, April 28th. Capt. J. B. Neale furnished the program. for the Whitby Athletie As- sociation Concert on Monday, Âpril 3rd. Their Press declared it to be the greatest mystery show ever seen in Whitby. How does he make a full sized lighted lamp with ehade cemplete vanish in plain view of the audience? TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Honor Roll For March Central School Sr. IV-Bernard Mitchell, Mary Muirhead, Audrey Trimble, Leland Berry, Dorothy James, Ruby Hall- man, Jack Kent, Sam Buttery, Vera CoIwell, Lucy McMurtry. J. H. Johnston, teacher. Jr. IV-Doreen Battie, Dick Wid- dicombe, Edward Rundle, Annie Tay-1 lor, Gregory Colmer, Ruby Wither- idge, Marlon Reach, Gertrude Grant,ý ElWood Fennell, Greta Pollard. Minnie M. Jennixsgs, teacher.ý Sr. III Rena Caverly,, Helen Darch, Isobel McMurtry and Johnj James equal, Ted Mason and Adeline Merritt equal, Fred Jackman, Lena Diiling, Nelson Jackman, Stuart Candler. Helen G. Morris, teaeher., Jr. III-Irene Bateman,' Morgan Lunney, Orville Hooper, Dick Mc- Millan, Herbert Moorcraft, Marjorie Moore, Harold Williams, Florence Ives, Pauline Turner, Philip Grant. Greta M. Wickett, teacher. Sr. II-Herbert Coîmer, Ruth Aluin and Brenton Hazîewood equal, Beat- nie Heaslip, Mabel Curran, Greta Symons, Marion Hamilton, Mamie Demay, Leola Miller, Kitty Knowles. Amy E. McKewan, teacher. Class S5-Jabez Vanstone, Horace Hobbs, Morley Vanstone, Margaret Oliver, Duaine Thickson, Marlon Hamley, Geoffrey Terrett, Edgar Tomlnson, Thelma Werry, Archie Wood. Grace M. Armstrong, teacher. Jr. II-Stanton Caverly, George Ives, and Jessie Macfarlane equal, Josephi Baron and Roy Lunney equal, Jack Mewhiney, Harold Siemon, George Chenery, Robbie Bate, Clar- ence Osborne., Leta L. Bragg, teacher. Sr. I-Winona -Caverly, Stanley Dunn, Lawrence Williams, Orville Souch, Marlon Battle, Donald Me- k en, Newton Hackney, Gordon Jol- ow, Walter Hately, Charlie Cawker. Myrtie A. Wilson, teacher. Jr. I-Bob Raffauf, Elford Cox, Edward 'Bagnell, Dorothy Edger,ý Marguerite Burden and Kathleen Thurston equal, Lee Chung Ramn, Winton Bagnell, Ruth Tuerk, Marion Slemon and Elsie Carruthers equal. Gertrude C. Hamley, teacher. Pri mary-Jaek Lunney, May Me- Lean, Fera Smith, Jack Fennell, Bes- sie. Gives, Christina Crombie, Milton Graham, Dorothy Mewhiney, Edith Marrie, Ruth Hamm. Nellie Montgomery, teacher. South Ward Jr. II-Frank Blunit, Dorothy Hum- page, Olive Piper, George Marsh, Is- NEW ROSS BUILDING 0 F CAN CM.LTD. Tickets $1.00. Iýehments served by Mrs. Christie extra. Proceede will be devoted ta Hos- pital Auxiliary work.' JARDINE'S ORCHESTRA TORONTO EXCELLENT FLOOR Pereonal invitations are not being ifsued. [Consider this your invitation ta attend. PATRONESSES.- Mrs. J. B. Neal, Mrs. McClel- Ian, Mrs. Hagerman, Mrs.,McMil- Inn, Mrs. Morrison, Mn". Lapp, Mrs., Davis, Mrs. Fawler, Mrs. Cawker, Mrs. Munroe Neal, Mrs. Raffauf, Mrs. Spencer._ ~- 4~ SOur -New Sýpring SosAre Wonderful, Value AND EASTER WILL SOON BE HERE You will need new Shoes to set off that new Dress or Suit and the cost won't be great if you buy them here. We have brought prices down to where they should be, and are stili able to give you the best of quality. THE NEW CREATION is the toe and vamp and a medium heel. Patent Scotch Grain Oxford with perforated Pýrice per pair $7.00. 1 t MARRIAGES PENFOUND-KIRBY-At King Street Methodist Church, Oshawa; on Tuesday, April 4, by Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., B., D., Mr. Charles LeRoy Penfound, Lindsay, and Ethel Winnifred, daughtcr ot Mr. W. H. Kirby, Oshawa. e ALLIN-CARPENTER-In Valentia, on Wednesday, March 29, by Rev. G. R. Clare of the Methodist Church of Little Brittain, Stella Irene, only daughter of >Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carpenter, Valentia, and Frederick Roy Allun, youngest son of Mrs. W. C. Allun, Bowmanville. DEATHS FISHER-In Newcastle, April 5, Earl 7Chester Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fisher, in his 30th year.. Funeral from his late residence, King- st., Newcastle, on Friday, April 7, at 2.30 p. m. Cortege to Bondhead Cemetery. McMURTRY-On March 28, William John McMurtry, in his 63rd year. HODSON-In Whitby Township, 'April 2, William Hodson, over 90 years of age. NIJGENT-At Millbrook, April 3, Mar- garet E. Jenkins, wîdow of late William David Nugent. WILLIAMSON-On Tuesday, April 4, at Orono, Jessie Cutteil, beleved wif e of Fred W. Williamson. MAN N-m-l Bowmanville on Saturday, April 1, Emily E. Mann, beloved wife of Mr. Alfred Mann. MATH EWSON-At Oshawa Hospital, March 28, Lucy Wilson, widew of the late Andrey, E. Mathewson, Toronto. WILLIAMS --- At Kendal, on Tuesday, April 4, Wm. Williamns, in bis 87th year. Father of Mrs. G. A. Corden, Bowman- ville. r POWEL.L-In Whitby, suddenly on March 27, Mary Almond,. widow of the late James Bradford Powell, in her 87th year. McDOUGALL-At St, Joseph's Hospit- al, Chatham, March 22, Mary, widow of the late Alexander McDougall, in her 84th year. FOWLER-On March 11, at 72 Trafal- gar St., West, Scarborougli, England, John H. Fowler, late of Bowmanville and Toronto, aged 43 years. 1 MASON At Davenport, la., April 2nd., John Lawrence Mason, in his 79th year. Brother of Mr. S. W. Mason, Bowmanville and Mr. Frank H. Mason, Lexington, Oklia. CH ESTER-On April 4, at the residence ef his son, J. F. V. Chester, 56 Aberta Avenue, Toronto, John E. Chester, in1 his Sîrd year. Interment at Orono. GOODE-At Saint 'Cloud, Florida, on April 3, Richard Herbert Goode, aged 55 years. Brother or Mr. Bert and Miss C .R. Geode, Bowmanville. Funeral arrangements later. IN MEMORIAM HARRIS-In memery, ef our mother, Mrs. R. H. Harris, whe passed away, April 3, 1921. This day brings back sad memeries, 0f oee who is gene te rest, And those. who think et her to-day Are these who loved her beât. FamIIy. NOTICE Ail women and girls of Bowman- ville who are interested in erecting a fmonument to Our soldiers who fell in the great war are urgently request- ed t0 mneet in the Councti Roomi on Saturday, April 8, at 7.80 o'clock. 13-2 tHaddy &LCo. wMl have on display a new shipment, of Pattern and Dress Hats on APRIL 10TH and following days DANCE A Publie Dance le being ar- ranged by a committee of ladies for TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH - et 8.30 p. m in the EASTER-MTIDE New Styles-New Materials-New Colors Ail presented in our extensive collection of Women's, Misses' and Juniors' Suits, Wraps, Frocks, Skirts, Waists and Accessories, Even if you are not ready to choose immed- iately, corne and Iearn how attractive and moder- ate in price the new modes really are. NEW HOMESPUNS FOR SKIRTS, SUITS, AND DRESSES Very popular and stylish, ail colors $2.75 and $3.0 NEW SWISS SPOT MIUSLINS In very pretty colorings, per yd $1.50 LADIES'DAINTY CAP HAIR NETS Princess Pat, in ail colors, 3 for 25c WHEN YOU THINK 0OF CORSETS Think of 'D & A' and Cromptons, the corsets; that will give you real satisfaction.- Guaranteed rivetted steels. BOWMANVILLE'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE S aW. Mason & Son e Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods Phone 106 Bowmanvilie E B î Black or Brown 2 Strap Slippers, cuban or low heel welts at $6.00 to $6.50 per pair Patent 2 Strap Slippers, cuban or low heels $4.50 to $5.00 per pair Fine Caif Black or Brown,-one or three strap with -buekies, made by Blach- fords, priced at $9.00O and $9.75 per pair W. CA U DE I VE S CASH SHOE STORE BOWMANVILLE PHONE 241 Il 1 --ý 11 iý - 11 F