Bang! Goes Bronchitis Gonel Swept riglt out of existencee by Buckley's Bronchitis ixture'S The most powerftul resnedy you can use to obtain complets relief. 40 Dosles for 750. 8old under a MONEY BACK GUARANTE SeM by ail druggista ar by mail from W. 9-uhT Lbitsd, 142 MîiunIt. Tea SOL-D HN B'OWMANVILLE BY F, R. KERSLAKE Jnteresting Letter From Woman ini South Africa Johannesburg, South Afri<,,a-"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable COMPounci for weakness and because 1 feit rua down, 1, tried a lot of medicines before 1 tried yours, One day I was standing on nîy stoop when a boy came up to me and handed nie one of your lie books. 1 read tCe book ani the next day my busband 'went to the cbemist's and bougbt me a bottie of Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compoiund. I have taken tbe Medicine ever since and I feel quite strong and well now as I arn on the msixth bottie. 1 have written to my sister and told her ail about the 'Wonders it has donýe for, ne, and 1 aRni quite, ing for you to use my anea1'can flot thank you týkoiigh for-wbat it bas dons for eY-Ms Wý. Fý Rusil, 128 qth Ave., M~f Forde.sburg, Johannesburg, Soutb Aerica. It k tiu sort of praise of Lydia E. i --bo 's Vegetab1e Cocm foiind, g.ven by leiter or verballj, one, wxon-an Io anotber, that ou'iht to corn- inerd his s ili medicine t0 you. Lvdlia E. Pinkbam's Vegetabie Com- pounid is a medicine for women's ail- Imeuts (in use nearly fifty years), 2r,11 the fact that it bas helped thou- sands of other women, should cause You to give it a trial now. It can be safely taken by any wornan-young or olI., LABOR TROUBLES ON TEA PLANTATIONS The high wages paid to workers on the tea plantations in India and Cey- Ion during the war, and the present scarclty of the leaf, have lead to a constantly increasng price for good tea. It is rumored that the cost of producing tea, whichlas advanced betwesn 12 and 16, cents a pound during the last eîghteen months, will soon make necessary a general in- ,crease in retail prices. Liver Pains Pains under the. shoulder blades tell of liver derangernents. Other indications are sallow complexion, indigestion, constipa- tion, biliousness and bilions head- achcs. The quickest way to arouse the liver to healthful action is by use of Dr. Chas's Kidney-Liver Pis. Conîinued use wsîî insure lasting relief, correct the whole digestive systern and purify the 141ood. Mrs. Win. Barten, Hanover, "For s ome time 1 suffered from liver tronhle.ý There was a hard, bearing- down feeling in my bsck which Icould not get rid of, Some one advised me 'io try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PuIs. 1 djd sol and found them excellent. The dragging feeling in my back dis- appeared and 1 feltnsuch benefitted generally. 1 have great confidence in Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pulis, and always keep themn on hand for general use." Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pille, one pill a dose, 25c a box, al dealers. or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limîted, Toronto., BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 6th., 1922 skate and 1 made quits a hit with MY superintended the placing of the hockey skates. They were fixing the stove in our kitchen, It was painful bridge while we were there and the to ses a man pick up a stove-minus CANADIANS IN KOREA cooiles chopping out the ice had on the trimrings-and carry it on his _____ri o stockings at ail and sloppy straw back up a very steep hli but lie Extraets from Letters written by Dr. shoes! They have finished ice liai- di. n't even swear about it. 0f and Mrs. Norman Found f rom Kor- vest, I guess, thougli the ice is fhick- course, they had to corne in class ea, to their Canadian Relatives. er now than it has ever been-about hours, so I missed my class. I had feu juches, another case this morning-a W. M. f Editor's Note: Oui readers must Their ideas of keeping warni are S. lady in the station lias a nose in- 1bear iu mind that Dr. Founýd's letters woneerful. They build a flue in an fection requiîing much washing and were neveu intended by hlm to appeau open field and crowd around it. They, spraying. in print, as they are wrîtten to diff- carry a little flue of charcoal in a The bulbs are beginning to sprout suent members of lis family and in tin box next tlieir stomachs. Whsnithese days and we hope to lave n that sense are private corresPon-1 riding1 a bicycle they have mittens flower garden in the near future. dence. But, aitho ws omit orne, attached to the handles and to keep paragrapis, tlieir uctivities in settiflg their thiglis from rubbing they have A correction-In Dr. Found's letter up housekuepiug, the customs of th'ý ,tue horizontal bar covered with vel- published in our Maudli 23rd issue, the Koreans, and the vaîied incidents! ve't. last sentence slould have îead: In narrated to his people possess a pec- Tliursday, February 2nd. Kobe was a sîgu stili better :Tailou uliar inteeset to the ordinar37 reader1 Last niglit we studied, uead and shop for men and women; ladies take as well, so we are taking the liberty1 played croquinols and turned iu at their flits upstairs and men theirs of publishing almost everything con-, 10 P. M. This moraing we studied downstairs." tainsd in his last letter. We hope t0 a while and thea went down town to be foîgiven if we have tîansgressed'try to get our month's supply of cash too mucli, for Dr. Found's letters are from, the Chosen Industrial Bank. being read frorn week to week with'Wt î epo yKra ece DRAG THE ROAD very great intsrest. who also knows Chinuse and Japan- Whsn the smiles of Spring appear, Kongju, Korea, February 1, 1922. use I was abosof0 gt a0draft o Kobe Drag the roads; 1n akbo ih 0 e om hn the sumumer time is lere, It is now 5:10'p. mn. and as it îisi credit as well as a cheque book like Drag the roads; Isf111 rather chlly weatlier, 1 arn toast-, a copy book. Thougl i t took them Wben the corn is in the car, Iing MY toss by the coal flue in the1 over half an hour to fix me up, the Iu the wintsr cold and drear, tiliglit and thouglit if a good oppo'-, charges were ouly 19 sen-in Canada Every season of the year, tunit to write a f ew Unes home oni 91/2 cents. Unfoutunately tliey iu- Drag the roads; local happenings. This morning af-'tend fo hang on to the 100 yen for aWenyuvntinesetdo Ite r a breakfast consisting of apples, while and rneanwhule after paying Drag uveoth roads o o corun isal, toast, eggs and coff es, we' our board to date we are stîll nearly If but for an hour or two,- tudied Korean f or two hours. Then broke. Atrdne eupce Drag the roads; 1 rend short stories for an hour, then' oui groceries to ses if tley are al I will keep them good as new; we had dinner, consisting of spare: bers and then wrote a letter to the Witb a purpose firm and true, ribs, potafoes and apple pie with grocer in Seoul enclosing cheque for Faîl in lins, it's up to yo- wipped (pueseuved) cream. i 5 0 yen. TIen we got a lady living Drag the roads. After dinner Mrs' Amendt had to on next hlil and with lier went to the go to teach Englieli at the school and Kumn river for another skate. As the while she was away a man came to day is quite warm we wers tired and the doouflourishing a paper for rny quife îeady for pancakes for supper. Ci op cic tojuce- s . my naine., Now since! Since supper Mrs, Arnendt lias lad' (pnlAjsmna the papier was writtsn lu Japanese, 1 an English ciass hure and for variety (pn7Ajsmn3 was not anxious to sigu my nine, so has had a spelling match. She lined Rernove the- Cause of Disease by menus o! gestures and two Korean up the, "boys" lu fhe parlor and stuck hn Medicine or Kuife. Chiii- words "Cho chi lu wassa". I was able them o1, simple woids sudh as oe -or have rensaukable sýuc- to figure ouf that there was some ' tbuough" and "f eif". The joke of cu _nl removing thee o! freigîfat the ottom o the iI ofe whols tbîng se that the boysare Apendicitîs, Deafness, Az;-rna, 1 went clown f0 cee if I could make al men befween fwenty and thiuty }i eunatism, Lumbago, Lame thern cart it f0 the top of the hili vuars of age. It is a veîy funny Bck, Constipation, Piles, Female where my "palvie" is. Meanujhile thing that they cannot distinguisl "'l" i seuses, Stomadli and Kidney Helen took the paper over to the froni "y" aud lu their own language l'roubles, Nervousuess in many scholo to bu translated to find out fIers is ouly one sigu for both and forme îrespoud readily to Chiro, what it was and how mudli to pay.ito make matters wouse tley often Dractic. By the time 1 lad got the wagon as puonouno e the letter "in". So you, Examination Fiee at Office. usai to the bouse as possible Helen see I have my own troubles, îeturned witb Mus. Amendt and Tbey seem to be trying to get me DR. S. M. JONES. would not allow me toi and over tbe to go to wouk. My teacher's child is 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa moeyuti te crie eeytig sick and to-day Mus. A. felliclown two P"~ne 224. >up the 1111. As it was impossible tose adtie lrbck Tw carry the box as Ît was we opented it nigbts ago Helen ian into the wall and lad the articles carried up the and nearly broke bier nlose. Tu les- 1111 piecemeul, even to the box and day nigît the maid who is about 50 packing. Then we paid tlem and years of age feli bal! way down the signed up. The Koireans were "soie", stairs and bas been laid up ever since. ail riglit, since tley expected to "Put 1 wag down to ses bher once but could it over me" and make me pay Bones- flnd no broken bones. Heu husband body eîse to carry it up t ill11, in- turne out to be a Chinese scholar who, stead. o! course, can do no work, so lis wife We inspected the things and foundbatogouadwokytedy eveythngailrigitwhih l vry atwbile the daugbter-in-law keeps 1To Taste is to Believeps No matter what you buy in kitchen utensils, deé. mand that each article carry the SMP trade-mark shown below. SM P Enameled Ware is saf e to use; acids or aikalis wiîIl not affect i t; it cannot absorh odors; cleans like china; wears for years. Tell the storekeeper you want cither Diamou,.d Ware is a three-coated enameled steel, sky blue and white outside with a snowy white lin- ing. Pearl Ware is enameled steel with two coats of peari grey enamel inýide and out. THESHEET METAL PRODUQ CCO IIE MONTPEA. TORONTO WN~~ EDMONTON VANCOUVER5 CALGARY Imm ý r- -- ý , Ithe Essence of ail That is9 Best in Tea