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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1922, p. 9

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A Wise Builder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent mnakes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir--and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand llardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and'ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- body. Cail and sec us. MClelIan & Co., Limlited King St. East Office Phono 16 Bowmanville Hanse Phones 228, 274, 218 C. G. 1. T. PRESENT LEADER Members of : Canadian Girls-mn- Training at the close of their meet- ing on Moaday afternoon la St.* Paul's Church, preseated their Leader, Miss Amy E. McKowan, who is leavingj town shortly with a handsome real leather tooled hand-bag and an ad- dress accompanied by the best wishes of every member. Miss McKowan organized the C. G. 1. T. last Faîl and has done good work among the girls who wish for her every success la her new position. Miss Jessie Mc- Dougaîl read the address and Miss Ruth Grigg made the presentation. The address was as follows: Dear Miss McKowan,-It is with regret that we leara of your depart- are from aur midst. Ia apprecia- tion of the work you have done1 amoag us, we beg you to accept thîs small tokea from the Bowmanville C. G. I. T. unit, the institution you have organized and which has been so greatly enjoyed by the girls of Bow- manvîlle. We will endeavor to carry on following your example. We trust that, you will have the same success la ail yaur undertakiags of the future as you have had in the past. G. Morris, M. Laverie, Secretary. President. NEWCASTLE WEDDING Adams-Souch At 1 p. m. on Wedaesday, March 15, at the Methodist Parsonage, New- castle, the marriage took place quiet- ly of Miss Olive Edna, second daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Souch, Ken- dal, to Mr. Wellington A. Adams, oaly son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A, Adams, Newcastle, Rev. Wm, Limbert offi- ciating. The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue serge heavily embroid- ered la black, with slippers and stock- ings to match, a satin hat of peacock blue with gold lace brim and oraa- ments, and hanging veil of navy, and a lovely white ostrich maribou stole. She also wore the groom's gift of a gold bar set with pearîs and amethyst. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. A. A. Gibson, and the groom by Mr. A. A. Gibson, The happy couple left îmmediately for Toronto, where, on Friday even- ing, March 16, a reception was held by the bride's aunt, Mrs. W. G. Ped- lar, 51 Symagton Ave., whea a good- ly number of relatives of both the bride and groom xvere present. The bride was wearing her beautiful apri- cot colored barnette satin trimmed with black silk shadow lace and gold beads, with touches of blue, and with stockings to match, with fancy strap- ped slippers. Upon returning home Saturday evenng Mr. and Mrs. Adams were given a reception by her parents, in company with the immediate relatives The bride received many beautîful and useful presents. After doiag justice to a sumptuous repast of oy- sters, ail repaired to the parlor to be entertained hy vocal and instrumen- tal music. The happy gathering broke up by singing "God Save the King"~, and wîshiag Mr. and Mrs. -Adamsa.aynus andLpraswper-ous-wie- ORONO Mr. Frank Pearson aad family1 moved into Capt. A. Stalker'si dence. A very enjoyable time was h& Orono Athletic Association eu and daace in the Opera House on day evening. The play "Eliza Comes to Stay' the Port Hope Dramatic Co., has1 postponed until May 5th owing the bad conditionof the roads. Mr. Leoned Agnew and fai who have been, occupying Miss1 scadden'sa residence, will tenan part of the Mrs. M. N. Powers' dN îing. Mr. James Middletoa who anted the old Manse, Main-st., bouglit the Elias Plain property f Geo. Dinner. The house will fitted up and remodelled. Mrs. L. A. Dent has returned h from Toronto where she has1 waiting on her daughter, Mrs. Pr ro, who is now recovering froi severe attack of flu. Other meir of the f amily are also dowa wît] resi- 1 Mr, C. E. Cutteli, Miss'Lillian Cut- tell, Mrs. J. Johnston, and Mr. Frank Williamson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williamson, Chicago, El, Mr. Lew Williamson, Poatypool and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rae, Port Hope, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. F. W. Williamson Thursday. RAILWAY TIME TABLE,',% 'R BOWMAN VILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Goiag Easr4. Going Wet D Express 12.33 a. m. A Permanent VaII Without Plaster x Express 8.42 a. m. Express 4.22 D *Express 9.18 a. m. Express 5.38 D Gyproc is the new improveil Wall-board. It is not D Express 10.35 a m Pass'ngr 10.02 x made of Wood but of gypsum. Gyproc is absolutely x Passenger 3.09 p m Passenger 7.06*, x Local 7.14 p. m. Passenger 7.13* fire-proof and will not shrink or warp, D Mail 9.58 p m. Passenger 8.16 x Let us send you our free bookiet and samples. x Passenger 1.18 p m Passenger i 56* *Sundays only; x Daily except Sun- day; ! Flagged.___ Canadian Pacific Railway Joihn" A. Holgae & So Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. m BUILDER SUPPLY DEALERS Express 2.36 p. m.* Local 8.0am* Local 10.08 p. m.* Express 4.40ap . Phn 53Bw an:l Express 12.20 a. m Express 7.42 p m* *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town) Agent. Canadian NAional Railway. West Bound 1 East Bound *Daily except Sunday. S. ROY FOSTER, 4UTCHER, ANNOUNCES Improv'ed Service I wish,, to announce to my many customersý that J have rented part of Mr. J. B. Martyn's store and' will have for sale fresh and cured meats of ail kinds. 1 will continue to d eliver meat as usu al each morning and will be in the shop every afternoon and Saturday evenings. Mr. Martyn will serve those'desiring meat at the shop in the mornings. Under this new arrangement meats will be kept in a cooled refrigerator which assures you of saf eand sanitary care of meats at ail times. EARLY SPRING WEDDING Penfound-Kirby The marriage of Miss Ethel Win- nifred Kirby, younigest daughter of Mr. W. H. Kirby aad the late Mrs. Kirby, to Mr. Chas. LeRoy Peafound, Lindsay, son of Mrs. Penfouad and the late Simon Penfound,,of South Darlington, took place in King Street Methodist Church, Oshawa, at 4.30 p. m., oa Tuesday, April 4, Rev. A. M. Irwin B. A,, B. D., officiating. The church was decorated with feras, palms andliles, and the orgaa music supplied by Mr. Geo. W. Henley pro- vided a beautiful setting for the simple marriage service. The bride was charming in a gown of ivory charmeuse'satin and veil with orange blossoms and pearls, and carrying a shower of lily of the valley and sweet- heart roses. She eatered the church during the playing of a Fantasia, (Weber) and was led to the altar by her father. Immediately after the prayer the organ took up the straîns of Handel's majestic "Largo", which occupied the time of the sigaiag of the register, and gave place to Men- delssoha's wedding march as the bridal party proceeded from the church. The guests were later re- ceived at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. R. A. Wright, DMvIaI6xï Street. Going away the bride wore a smart tailored suit of navy trico- tine, with hat of navy and henna and brown fox f ur. ..REBOATS AND LAUNCHES .FEETRIAL, Johnson iight,, speedy, outboard motors. Hyde propellers, ac-1 cessoriecu prices, free deliverles.I Large varîety engiaes-new, rebuit.I Canoes, Bicycle Motors. Free Catal- ogues. Canadian Boat and Engine Ex.I change, Toronlto. SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND One of the earlY responses to the appeal ia last week's paper was this one: Mr. F. R. Kerslake, Druggist, Bowmaville,-I see la reading The Statesman that you have been ap- pointed Treasurer of the Save The Childrea of Russia Fund and en- closed you will fiad $1,00 for the same. Widow's Mite, 14 Alvin Ave., Toronto, April Sth. WATCH FOR "JUNGLELAND" The date of the Kellogg "Jungle- land" campaiga advertising has been set f orward one week, April l8th toi May Srd instead of April 1lth te 25th. The demand for "Kellogg's WAX- TITE Corn Flakes with the "Jungle-~ laad" book for children has already been se great and se far exceeded expectations, that the Kellogg Toast- ed Corn Flake Co. of Toronto, find it impossible to take care of the orders received te date and at the same time produce sufficient goods to get proper distribution in this locality. The first advertsement will appear ia this paper next week.

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