Chevrolet Motor For iieconvniece ho w Fortheconeninceof all those interested in Motor Cars and Motor Trucks F. B. ROADSTER $1525 490 SPECIAL $920 LUKE, WEST END GARAGE, BOWMANVILLE are holding a grand Spring opening in the f orrn of a Chevrolet Auto Show at their' large'spacioaus and completely equipped garage on 490COPE$195 ui Lnewhen there will be displayed a F. B. SPECIAL $1525 FullLin of192 Moelsof Chevrolet Cars and Motor Trucks Every citizen is cordially invited to attend this very attractive and interesting exhibit without feeling under the slightest obligation to purch-ase. 1-5 __________A staff of assistants will be pleas cd to personally show visitors the _____________F. B. COUPE $2250 different 1922 Chevrolet Moclels. 490 REGULAR $920 LOOK THEM OVER-YOU WONT BE PESTERED TO BUY- THIS IS A SHOW-NOT A SALES CAMPAIGN The acompanying illustration show a few of themodels which will be on disp!ay. ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE AFTERNOON AND EVENING ___ Buy Your Car Now Prrices have reached the lowest level 40SDN$20..Above Prices Are F. O. B. Bowmanville, Including Sales Tax F. B. SEDAN $2250 Ready For Spring Sewing Have a Singer Sewing Machine to help you with your work. EASY TERMS Sold on easy terms-$5 down and $3 a month. Repaîr work of ail kinds done. Russel H-obbs At J.T. MoIIon's Store King-st. E.Bowmanville Thé Whole Family Will be plessed wih the work we dû in SHOE REPAIRING We can mend Ladies' Fine Slioes, and Men's Working Boots. Why flot look over the shoes of your famiîy and bring us those that need mending this week? WE SELL CHILDREN'S SCHO0L SHOES U. W. Ilumpage The Repair Man lKngat, E. Bowmanville CANADIANS IN KOREA Ex tracts From Letteýrs Written by Dr. and Mrs. Norman Found From Kor- ea, to their Canadian Relatives. Koug-ju, Chosen, Feb. 12, 1922. To-day beiag Suaday we sleep late. 1 bad to go dowustairs for the pur- pose of meeting 'the mail'munanud sortiug the Euglish letters. 1 was very glad t0 receive a packet of Can-1 adian papers up ta Januury 4, and bave already_ devoured The Globe page by page, this beiug the first 'Toron ,o daily we bave seen fors 10 Iw'eeks ad more. Helen is also read- ing the Nortbera Messeuger. -Helen also got a letter from Kobe, Japan, and appareutly everybody there bas had either flu or grippe since we left, so5 guess I have quite a lot f0 ,answer for. Mr. J. Bates is lu Shaughai this week and rnay returu this wuy ut tbe end of the mouth. My cold sturting last Suuday and kept me in bed 2 days but is about over to-day. Mr. Amendt returned £rom ilamai on Thursday midnight and was warm- ly welcomed by lis wif e who had cer- tainly had her hands full while he was away, acting as interpreter, Eng- lish teaclidr, housewif e and treasurer of the district, at the same time hav- ing us two boarders. It may interest you te hear the troubles in motoring in this country. Mr. Amendt was away about 10 days and had lots of excitement. lie was away over one Sunday and undertook to visît one of his churches 35 miles f urther on. Hie got about 30 miles from Hamai and was crossing a bridge when a front wheel rolled off and he stopped rather suddenly but luckily dîd not go over the bridge. However, he bent the front axie and steering gear 50 badly that he did flot get aay further that day. By borrowiag a little from every car that came along he was able to fix things up,50 that he could get back to ilamai that night. They saw deer out there andlots of pheasants, but he was not a good enough shot to bring aay down with the gun he had, While awayitraîned and he started back Thursday noon, knowing that his car was runnng badly. Hie soon found out it was worse than he thought for he could not use low gear at aill So about 5 p. m. he found himself 30 miles from home stuck in a pass on a muddy road. He a- tempted to go up the hill backward but the road was too crooked to do it with safety. So about dark he wepit back to the nearest village and rooted out 8 men to help hlm at the rate of '71/2 cents a piece. Several hours later, with the help of a longue- thrashing delivered by his lady pas- seager, he pas,%ed a.daugerous bridge an.d paid his men some 25 cents a piece-4 separate bargaina-a&nd fin-~ ally urrived lu the yard at midnight. of water ln gasoline tins swung from ' see the "f oreiguers"' house. ThisI When the engine stopped in the yard ibis sbou1ders. Across the doorway lis quite good form in Korea and, of hie had to pusb it the rest of the way to bis yard was stretched a. string, course, tbey have to see every roorn -and it is likely to stay there a f ew meauing that a girl was born as iu the bouse. A bed wîth its varlous days till hie ueeds it pretty badly. shown by a f ew bits of charcoal fit- parts is of special iuterest to them Meauwbile hie has gone to Seoul to- f tached to it. Just around the cor- since they have nothing to correspond day in the public auto to Chochia toi ner unother gateway had a string at ail. Then tbey have to hear the hire teachers for the uew school year bung across it with churcoal and red piano played and have a few pieces opening April ist.-1 peppers stuck tbrougb it. That ou the gramophone before tbey go At the house here things have not means that a boy has been bora. At home srniliug and happy. A buach been very lively. I spent 2 days in the first street corner a lot of men like this is likely to show up uuy time the house and tried to keep the fire were loafiug around mostly druuk. without waruiug and it would be going to keep me out of rischief. Then we struck off dowa the. main terribly impolite to, refuse to look However, the cbimney wus blocked street, looked at some aluminum disb- after tbern. Helen dlaims to have! with soot so I hud a bud time of it es lu a Jupanese store. seen a robin this week whicb is a aud let the fire go out time and agaia A little later we came to a house record spriag uppearauce. while sitting beside it. Mrs. Amendt where they were huviag arow. We Saturday, Feb. il was a very spec- wouldn't let me take dowa the pipes~ peeked lnanad f ouud them tying Up ial one la the Japanese Empire, be- and was sore when lber busband did it one of their number to a post aud cause, ou this day the empire was as sooa as hie came borne. bluckeaiag his face. Soon some fouuded rny yeats ago. A eulogy Thursday 1 had another experience. haîf dozea men came out shoving this of the Emperor la read la the scbools 1 gotout of the bouse agaia to tryllfellow ahead of them and rnaking and special sacrifices are made at the to buy au Iulaad Revenue stamp to1 terrible noises and finally disapp eured Shinto shriues. The Koreans have a pay for my license to pructise as a1i ,nto another bouse. 1 arn stili woa- special holiday of their owu wbich doctor. Some of the school teachers ceriug ubat the idea migbt have been. cornes ou the samne day this year be- looked up the Chinese characters, and' At the uext corner were another ing the culmination of two weeks' xrote ',hem dowa for me ou a slip of i bunch of druuk men and not far celebration lu bonor of the New Year. paper. Iwnttthbakogt away a ma hada littie fire lu the It is culled "Ta porom nal"-that is, I ett h akt e 'street. We thought it rnight be ~getfuimo a.I selbae some moaey and usk about the sun stope t equreoy1a ulover o ay. drunke oread but some high offiiai was dead and .sacrifice sosopdt qur IYalveKrabyruknrgsad tbey would not work. Saime story ut Io fiad thut lbe had had a bair cut and sacrifices to the full moon, as wvell as the Post Office. Next day I tried was oaly burniug his buir. by the wierd performnces of the uguin und got some money and a pap- We walked on to the river ,and towu band. er which I ussumed to be a stump watcbed the sua set ut 5 :45 p. m. be- Ia Koagju they go still furtber und sent ulong to the Governor Gea- biud the mouantains. About this thun la other places und have a oral in a letter. Now, if you have time we met a Buddbist Priestess as beuthen rite, something like the Jew- neyer writtea a letter to the Goveruor showu by bier white bloomers and isb scupegoat. Two or three, days General you will burdly uppreclute sbuved heud; ulso an unmrried abead we accidentally ra across a the difficulties which corne up. Shaîl youug maus showu by bis long pig struw figure lu the street witb a body I cuil hlm "Sir" or "Dear Sir" or tuil. This is ruther a rare thiug about 4 feet long, a bead 2 feet long, "Deur Frieud" or wbut? Shaîl my o see as tbey are married off lu child- short legs and long urms. Yester- letter be short or long, fiowery or bood usuully. day this efigy was dressed up and simple, subservient or egotisticul? At the river we saw a hunter corne borne triurnpatly tbrougb the Thenaulso I bad to write to the'Brit- ln witb a pheasaut la bis gaine bag. s'reets bebind the baud. Accompan- ish Consul which is ouly sligbtly less Ou the1 way back we passed n'eur a led by a smuller female figure it is uerve-rucking. However, 1 fiuully Chinese house wbich is mucb poorer supposed to represeut the devil and got the letter writteu and posted and than uny Koreun bouse. We ulso bis wife. About 4 o'clock we got 50 that aigbt slept better lu spite of my rnet a Korean ma carryiag bis pipe curious that we wvent dowu to see the cough. und bis wife comiug bebind curryiug f un and fouud the two effigies under Thursday it rained practically ail a baby ou bier buck and leading a dog a tent flap near the main street. day and most of Friday aight, beiug with a lame fot and tryiug to keep Each wus on a low platf orm and bud 'lie first big rain we bad had since I 'p ,a fulse face., The womaa was simply arrived. Eurly iu the week we had Up. git h tw t6ocok rse u h mnwslvsl a smllerrai andone bou a mnthadorued with silky irregular whiskers ago followed by a saowstorm. Sa it wus ulrnost hidden by smoke comlng and hdo ihhtsae a youseewe avea arîty f wathr.from the fires made lu the homes towihbdoahgh utspe bt Friday uftheraou wetywofke othe get supper.1 They use brush and to wt a trident ut the very top. Iu rieraud ack unond wonwdu to rhe- preveut it dîsappeariag too fast they one arm bie carried a sword and la rieatedthec wancbws 10 lesthick-piug tmp tbe chimuey und make an the other a rod or waad of uuthority. i ltetheic whehwa 10inhesthekawful smoke ut euch bouse. Since Hideous eyes stuck out a. couple a week ago had completely disappeur- the bouses are very.close together it inches from bis eye-sockets. A ed and the river was no bigge thnnowder that hineshr streamer beside hlm said mauy tbings efr.built ail the bouses on the bill. Coin- lu Chin ese. Inu'a belt or sasb were Frlduy afternoon beiag fine and iug tbrough towu about balf the sorne arrows and bis legs were encas- warm there were hundredsof women stores were ulready closed for the ed lu some bloomers. wasbing on the large stoues, of the uigbit but the Chinese stores were The people arouad were quite will- creek, and every little while someone stîll open. iag to bave me photograpbed holding would wasb somethiug for supper lu Since supper 1 hav ereud one Wit- ou to the Devil's arm. the samne creek. The clothes. bave ness througb. Church is held o After supper I weut down towa to be tukea apart and sewn together Suuday aight at 6:30 o'clo)ck but agulu witb Mr. Amendt and we fouad each time they are washed. to finish it is not mucb fuu to go. 1 a table set up ln front of each effigy Have just been ugain to the river t ofinish it s not mnuch fun ta go. f piled bigb witb rice and other Korear. and 1 will mention what I saw to give This incident may interest yau. This duinties. About 8 o'clock we.ý weat you an idea, of tbiags. After pad- af teruoou "Kimis"-the lady wha down ugain with tbe Korean doctor, dling dowu the hili througb the mnud, works here aadj fell dOwnstairs l twbo explained what was goîng on. we met a ma carryl*ng two bilckets weeýk-brought ail ber lady friends toi We saw several people give saçrifices of rice and they had a witch or sor- p NoCanV îceress there ready to act as soon as enough money was forthcoming. As ~ N re ~ iwas pretty slow 7e did flot wait FOR 4 Y li-Lin , tilt they burned the image somewhere around midnight. The burning is arUk EV; 1'an M edy supposed to free those who have sac- Ee ~eCea ~ andi rificed from the ll resuitlob her Write for Free I-veCi- a)c misdeeds! IIILe eci O.?~ ee~ C »a ,Dominion SïtoreJLqs Ltd CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS WHERE YOU GET QUALITY AND, PRICE EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK-NOT WEEK-ENDÇ6PECIALS. P & G Na-ptha, Surprise, Sunlight, Gold or Comfort SOAP 15 bars for$1.O 5 IL tin 1âf Edwardsburg 4L e < SYRUP Blue Rose RICE 2 c 3 lbs. Corn Meal, 6 l- bs ....25cI Gillett's Lye, 2, for ...29c RolIed Qats, 6 lbs ....29c Royal Yeast ............7c Pot Barley,-3 lbs....1.1 5C Saniflush................ 3oc Crea ofWhet, 3 bs 5c Old Dutch Cleanser . ...11 c Crea ofWhet, 3lbs25c Ammonia Powder 2 for 15 Icing 'Sugar 2 Ibs...19çm Lux 12c 10 LBS. PURE CANE 100 LBS. 73cSUÙFGAR $66»75 9cSrigi3 ars CastilelO 4 lb. tin Sheriff's r% Choice Bulk o MNARMALADE "ICJ COFFEEO 9c Machine S lîced Breakfast Shredded Ë Bacon 33e IWHEAT'25 C 2 packages TEA Special Blend The Famous Red Package 45c