Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, ulse.BOMNILNTRY APRIL 13,, 1922. $2.00 a Year In Advance ~ 5c a Copy. N.1 EASTER MODES THURSDAY AND, SATURDAY PRESENT WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES TO- SE- CURE THE NEWEST STYLES FOR SPRING WEAR Our exceptionally attractive showing will be a revelation to those who seek charming Sprikg apparel in fashion's newest modes, while our moderate p)rices will further enhance -the'popu- Jarity of this store. A truly beautiful assortment of Suits- Coats -Ski rts--Dresses-Blouses-Silks-Taff- etas-and the finest range of Voiles ever shown in towfl. Shop In the mornings, if possible-we can give much better service. DUR SPECIAL ADVT FOR MEN ON PAGE 3 L . I DETENBECK'S Introductory Sale STARTS TH URSDAY, APRIL l3th, This store is being opened under 'entirely New Managemnent. The undersîgned having purchased the Stock of W. H. Cole, Esq., at a low rate on the dollar, which wilI, be cleared at ASTONISHING REDUCTIONS in most cases. We are adding many Special Unes for this evenit and in the cou rse of a short timne our stock of Men's and Boys' wear will be the most complete and comprehensive ever shown in Bowmanville. Our policy will be to give best values at lowest prices. Nothing ½ut deipendable goods will be offered for your approval. Our Ten Days' Sale Starts Thursday, April l3th after which many necessary iinproYemnents wiIl be mÊade to- the store. C. W. Dtenbec Phone 61 Phone 130 Bowmanville 'Oshawa THE EDITOR TALKS Reading Mr. Sam Snowden's glow- ing accounts of bis recen-vsi- t numerous friends in dear old.-Devon- shire -and Corwall revives in us a posi- tive longing to go over there once more. As he t#u1y remarks, Hng- lish f olk do sincer4ly appreciate a vis- it frorn a Caniadian relative or friend. Canada is to many over there a charmed cou~ntry and but for thel wideness of the Atlantic, its boister- ous behavior at turnes, and the avar- icious, grasping character of thel steamship companies whose passage rates are extortionate of late rnanyl more of the young people in the Old Countries would corne across. Farin help of both classes able and willing to work can find good country homes at fair wages in almost any part of this Dominion, but it is a bad country for the idie and zhiftless. l' Passing of Two Former Darlington Men The possibilities of wireless tele- phony are beyond man's co 1nception. Im A The very rapid extension of radio transmission within a f ew months bas struck wender into the mindsý of Jesse W. WilHami ChatrIee WUias men as to the universai adaptation of the wireless.- Its introduction into TRIPLE BEREAVEMENT the wilds of the far north countries and other distant places of the earth is geing to accomplish great results. Jesse and Charles Williams Die Within a Few Hours of No more can the weary m-rchan.t or ahO er A N p wDisnC icg professional inan enjey the quiet and EaîOhrA Npe isi hcg complete absence of world worry on the Day of Their Burial., a sea1 voyage for such conditions of freedoin are now rapidly dîsappear- A very remarkable occurrence wasi The floral tributes frein Oshawa ing.. The large steamships, a writer that in connection with the death of1 friends and others were very beauti- predicts, will have a wireless in every two well-known former residents of fui. stateroom, and those who cros~ the Darlington. Mr. Jesse W. Williams1 The pall-bearers were Messrs. E. L. ocean inay keep in constant oueh of 39 Bruce-st., Oshawa, was taken Vickery, A. J. Stalter, William Hall with their friends and business lssoc- to the hospîtal a week previcus land Warren Dearborn. iates. There will be no more pecesufering froin the resuit of a par- Relatives and~ friends persent i n- f or the weary traveller. ýHis ýoffce alytic stroke and gradually sank tîli cluded Mr. Herbert Cowan, Winnipeg, will tell caliers to try "Levi .than death came Wednesday night or ear- a. r n r.F olo n 3553", and lie wiil have to sp ~d a ly on Thursday morning. About Man., r. and Mrs180F.aFoultonand great portion of bis time* hangin~ on- noon on Thursday Mr. Charles Wil daugCoheranse, M180E.PaleA, Mr. to the receiver when lhe is net ang- liains of Bowmanville, who has E.ardCoh n,r.L . Wiiams, ing over the rail. It is nlot i con- been in feeble health for a year or Miss Velma Temple, Mrs. Eber ceivable that sea-sickness may yven two as the resuit of a stroke, passed npMsR.Eley Ms G now become a blessing mn disg ise. away and both brothers were boprrne.Eise, Mr.G Those of us who live another' 25 te their last resting place on S I G. D. Joh M.nMsn, Torontoad years will see wonderful progress la day. A further co-incidence was M.GD.JhsoTrnad scientiflc discovery and achievemîent. that on Saturday merning a message many others frein town and country. came that a nephew Russell Knapp of Mr. Charles Williams' funeral took IChicago, Ill., bad died during Friday place fo i aers-ecEgn Snîght. He was youngest son of the stfNron bisatersd fernc , Eagn late Mr. Charles Knapp, Enfleld,stNorhon audyafeonn POPULAR TOWN, WOMEN'S ÇLUB whese wif e was Jane Williams, sîster hour later than tijat of bis brother of te ermit the relatives to attend both Mothers' Club Celebrate Passi of the deceased brothers. Mr. and sevcs. Tesrvc aPcnut Week Mrs Knpp ded everi yars go.ed by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., The parents of the Williams broth- pastor of the Methodist Church, of The Mothers' Club mect on Tuesday whicnh le was a member and faithful evening in the Lecture Reoin cof St., ers were pioneer fariners in Northatednaslgashlhprm- Paul's Church,, and enjoyed a'truly Darlîngton, and in later years Mr.atedant EAs.ong kas ,anperit seasnabe pogrm. Te cmmuityJess Wilias bilt he inet sonefriend- of the family, assisted in the seasnabe prgra. Te comunty residence te be seen in that part of theig Wit St hieClb sn oleteo the township. He was an enterprisng service. The internent took place the -WhiteShied Clu is osnpnge,,in Bowmanville cemetery. was frein the hyma book. Mrs. D. up-to-date fariner and stock breeder, W. Best and Mrs. C. A. Cawker £av- bis farin buildings and environent Charles Williams wa.s twice married ored the mothers with seime beautiful o f the home were evidences of good -first te Letitia Knapp of Enfleld, Easter music, Mrs. Cawker's render- taste and progressive ideas. We are te whomn three children were ýbora: îng cf The Pains being particularly informed that Mr. Williams brought Dr. L. B. Williams, 1725 Duferln-st. beautiful. A quartet of young girls inte that section, then known as East Toronto; Mr. Cecil H. B. Williams, fren Ms. ests Snda Scloo ClssSettiement, the flrst reaping machine Souris, Man., and Mrs. Howard John-ý aise successfuily helped te entertain that would drop a true sheaf, and itstnTono. isecdwfewa the mothers. was a curiosity in those eariy days. Miss, Eva Brown of Bowmanviile, whol H1e was quite a leader in the commun- survives.' The great, grand and timply feat-' ity and an active Methodist, being a The bearers were-Messrs. Thos. ure of the evening was the showing very acceptable lecal preacher. He Ted, Chas. L. Brown, J. A. McClel- of pictures cf the Oberamergau Pas- was f ond of a good herse and bis ian and William Hislop. sien Play, a particuiarly weil-made soins in1ýerited a simihr >leve f or Among relatives and friends pre- set cf slides which had been renitedI herses and bis flrst-born and naine- sent were-Mrs. Howard Jehnston, 51 from Toronto fer the purpose. For sake in the years cf bis active farin Woverleigh Bivd; Dr. and Mrs.-L. B. the second time in its history the life was a successful exhibitor at the Williams and daughter Luella 'of club 'deinenstrated its dependence local fairs and at Toronto Exhibition 1725 Duferin-st., Toronto; Mrs. upon "Mere Man" under 'certain cir- Of Clydesdale horses. Both brotherS Robt. Fewster, Mrs. Eber Knapp, cuinstances for 11ev. D. W. Best, B. were streng Liberals ia poiitics and Miss 'Veina Temple, Mrs. Çleo. Couit- A., lectured on the pictures, and Mr. members ef the Methedist Church. er, Mrs. W. Scott, Mr .and Mrs. El- Ralph Carruthers ably managed the Altbe Charles had been aiiing for a lis'Edwards, Mrs. Ellsley, Mr. Frank lanterai. consîderabie turne, neither brother Fulton, Toronto; Mrs. J. H. Ashley, knew of the critical illness of th r.H ekns r n r.B At the clese cf the prograin Mrs. jother. Hinkson and Miss Gladys, Osbawa; Hamilton, on behaif cf the mothers, Mr. Herberti Cowan, Winnipeg; Mr. made a short speech moving the Jesse W. Williamns was bora' on the and Mrs. Wesley Knapp, Burketea; thanks cf the Club te Miss McKowan bomestead 78 years ago and bis Mrs. Eliza Brown andl sister, Miss for what she bad done in heiping te brother Charles flrst saw theligbt cf Carrne Broad, Mr. and Mrs. Charles organize the Club and keep it going. day en the saine fanai 71 years ago. L. Brown and Mr. Otho Brown, town; They were sorry te lese Miss Mc- They were educated at East Settie- Mn. and Mrs. Cee. Cochranie, Enfleld; Kowan, but wisbed her Godspeed la ment School, S. S. No. 17, Darlingten, Mr. Fred G. Kersiake, Hampton. the new and larger wenk that is be- and on neaching. manheod nannied Possibly the eidest conupanions and f ore bier.' Miss McKowan in reply, and settled on adjoining farins wbere friends of the two Williams brothers said, any help she had been able te tbey carried on farming operations present at the funeral were Rev. E. contribute to the Club bad given for many years. Some eighteen A. Tonkin and M. A. James and so mere pleasure te herseif than te any years ago Jesse sold eut and meved te members of thein faniiies desire it re- others. She tbanked them fortheir Oshawa and some years later Charles corded that since their eaniiest days good"wishes, and wished fer the Club fellowed his brother's example and they have heard in their homelife sc tbat it aight continue to grow in moved inte Bowmanvîlle. much of 'the naines cf Editor James numbers and usefulness. -.I - T --- m -_ ad R ii E. . TnkinA., fithe4ic Mri. Jesse W illians inarried Eliza The meeting closed with the sing- Lanlsing, Scugog Isiand, -wbo -ncw sur- ing cf the National Anthen and three vives hum with their three daughters cheers for Miss McKowan. -Mrs. Frank Fulton, Toronto-, Miss Leona Williîams, Art Teacher in Win- On Tuesday afternùon pupils cf nipeg Public Schools; and Mrs. lier- the Fourtb, Third and Second BockI bert Cowan cf Winnipeg, Man. His Classes cf the Çentral School enjoyed funerai teck place eariy Saturday an uaexpected treat. Through thel feno ri i aersdnea oeres f the Mothers' Club they Oshawa, Rev. J. H. McBain, B A., were invited to the Presbyterian Of Simcoe-st. Methodist' Churcb, Church at four o'clocSFand shown the officiating, the internent taking place pictures cf the Oberaînergau Passion in the Union Cemaetery. Editor and Play. ,Bey. D. W. Best and Mr. Mrs. M.. A. James, old acquaintances, Ralpb Carruthers managea the Ian- attended the funeral wbicb was large- tern, and Miss McKowan explained ly attended. the pictunes. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS METHODIST CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY Costing Lý,ts of Money Tg Educate Few Pupils 11ev. S. C'. Moore, Pastor. Evan-1 geiistic Campaiga closing services. Col. J. W. Odeil, Public School Ia- 11ev. Dr. Mahood- preaches; Mr. spector in district number three, basWagan hrsoisi.1.0 pnepared a statement showing 1'an WuhadCeu-hi ig 10 average attendance cf 13 each for a. n.-Easter Fellowsbip Service. the five schools surrcunding, Mill- il a. m.-"Hlow te live at our Best"ý. brook, Durhamin Ceunty. These 7 P. mn-"Tbe Wonderful Naine'1. schools are: Whitfleld's, Failis Line, 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School, Bible, Cedar Valley, Zion and Fair's. The" total cost cf maintenance cf the five Classes and Men's Brotherhood. M±~. schols, it is stated, was $4,996. Tak- T.- W . Stanley at the organ, and Miss ing these things into ceasideration, Ruth Maheod at the pi ano. A warm there is %being discussed the possibili:ý weicome awaits il net worshipping1 ity cf a consolidated district being'elsewbere. 3.30 P. n. mass meeting fcnxned bere.,1 c1 f men and boys. sence cf these two old friends cf their paternal and maternai parents ameng the-many friends is very inuch appreciated. CARD 01 THANKS Mrs. Chas. Williamns, Eigin-st., de- sires, te thank ber many friends and neighbors for their kindness and ,syinpathy during the iliness and death cf ber husband and for the beautiful floral oferings. Already the trees are showing signs of Sping as buds are swelling and opening and lawns and meadows' are again presenting the restful green to the tired eyes qf our people. Thrice' Iwelcome, Gentie Spring. Another weekly newspaper, the Hepworth Progress bas gone by the board. It bas been, published for many years but the strain become too great. High costs and an absence of an adequate return determined, Edi- tor W. R. Kinch to, drop out of the gaine. LIBetter. place your order ea rly for Easter Lilies-25e to 35c bloorn-de- livered in town. S.' J. Jackrnan & S'ons. Phone 80. GRAND MOTOR SHOW SATURDAY West End Garage Sets Pace in M 1 tordorn. The big event of the week is the Chevrolet Motor Show on Saturday, April 15, at the West End Garage, Bowmanville, of the firin of Luke, Boys Limited. .Great preparations are going on ta give a display of cars and trucks the like of which bas neyer been ap- proached here before. The build- ings throughout are being attractively decorated which when completed wilI give a gala and inviting appearance. 0f course the different popular 1922 Chevrolet'Models will be on dis- play in the show rooms, giving visit- ors on Saturday an opportunity of comparing models and learning more about the many advantages that the Chevrolet cars possess. You will then' better underatand why more chevrolets are being sold in this dis- trict than any other, car. An added attraction to make this event more enjoyable will be the presence of an orchestra afternoon and evening. Besides the cars and trucks there wrill also be on display tires, a coin- plete line of motor accessories, ojîs, etc. Demonstrators will be present to answer ail questions. It is pointed out that this sb,ow is an exhibition and the general public is invited to come to "look 'em over"'. You will not be importuned to pur- ichase, cars. In the meantime tura ta page 10 in this issue and read the big announcernent. EVANGELISTÉIC SERVICES Evangelisti c ampaign Meetings stili of very great interest andtry far-reaching influence-remarkable manifestations of the divine presence and peace are in evidence. Scores seek and confess Christ as Saviour and Lord. Services will continue over Sunday next as follows. Rev. Dr. Mahood preaches. Thursday 3 p.. m.-Subject- "Heaven, the Christian's Final Tri- umph"; 7.45 p. m.-"The Deity of Christ. Friday 3 p. m.-Subject-"Good Friday Message". 7.4 5p. mn.- "The King is at the Door". Sunday 10 a. m.-"Easter Fellow- ship Service". il a. m.-"How to Live at Our. Best". 7 P. m.-"--ýThe Wonderful Naine". Mr. Waugh and the large chorus sing at ail services. You are earnestly invited, TOWN COUNCIL Regular monthly meeting of coun- cil was held April 3rd with Mayor Quinn presiding and ail meinhers present. Fpetition for a cernent walk on south side of Church-st., from. Liber- ty ta George-sts., was referred ta Roads & Streets Committee to re- port. Petition for extension of water- works system. on Odeli, El 'gin and High Streets was referred to Water- works Committee to report. L Resignation of K. Fletcher as fire- man was accepted and application of Mr. Heckney was approved. W. H. Kerr, Cobourg, advised coun- cil that he would discuss matter of fari lands withdrawing froin thie corporation on April 6th. Imperial Oul Co. gave notice of vacating Fire Hall stable froin May lst. Compiaint of bad roads ieading ta Ross Can Co. factory was referred ta Roads & Streets Committee to re- port. Dr. John Spencer asked couneil to, tule and fill in ditch in front of bis property on Concession-st. Refer- red to Roads & Streets Committee ta report. Roads & Streets Committee subinit- ted a statement of proposed wQrk on roads and streets for year amounting to $3,500. Report was adopted. By-iaw was passed authorizing the issue of debentures amounting to -$65,088.75 for pavîng of King-st. Waterworks Dept. was'authorized to purchase necessary supplies and equipinent- for immediate use. Property Committee was instrueb- ed to prepare estimatecf painting re- quired on town buildings. -A BOOST FOR HEALTHIER BOWMAN VILLE Gien Rae Dai.y Milic "Better Than Pasteurized MiIk". Couch, Johnston & Crydermanil Bowma nvillie Phone 104 Limitea 1< III