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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1922, p. 3

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-- -- -- = - A BUSINESS (?) MAN Isn't it funny that the man whc thinks he is a business man will-gel up ia the morning from an advertised mattress, shave with an advertîsed' razor, take off advertised pyjamas, and put', on advertised underw ear, hose, shirt, collar and tie, drink ad-1 vertised coffee, put on an advertised bat, light an advertised cigar, go to lis plaCE« of business and turn down advýertisg, on the ground that it does not pay? Chiropractie (Spinal Adjustm.nts) Remove the Cause of Diseue without Medicine or Knife. Chifr- optactors bave remarkable suc- re"s in removing the cause of Appendiciti., Deafness, Asthma, RheumatiBm, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Pile., Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousnesu in many forma respond readily to Chiro- practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simzo. St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. and GASOLINE H.* e. Smith Successor to Jas. Elott When starting to use your coal oul stove Dion't Forget to ring 318 (temporary number.) Phone orders promptly attended tg Superior Service and Reliable Goods Cannot Lie Sooner o r later their true character 'will, develop, in satisfaction to the patient. It is grati- fying to Mr. Mit- cte-ll to note that miuch of his' in- creased patronage is coming from par- ties to whom hie has been recommend- ed by pleased pat- ients. Our years of pract- ical experience plus only first qual- ity frames and lenses-not fact- ory left-overs-is the guarantee be- hind every pair of Mitchell Glasses. R M. Mtchell & Co. Druggists & Optometrists Bowmanville Ont. $b 35 BUYS ONE-MAN ÎP~ FORD TOP Ineluding Sales Tax. No Windshield Back ýCurtain w th two lights for Fords $350. Deck with quartera at- tached (n0 ide curtains) $5.25. P. 0! B. Orillia or Alexandria-our, option. C ah with order. Serial number of cLr required. Address Dept. 8. CARRIAGE FACTORIES LIMITED ' Orillia On t. Canada. C. C. M. Bicycles' are sold by harry Alu1n iust west Royal Theatre REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE BIG PROGRAM 0F SPORTS OSHAWA AND DISTRICT FOR VICTORIA DAY FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Bang Up Time ini Bowmanville Beiùig Eastern Division Arranged for May 24. Schedule for season 1922. Sub- ject to approval of the League Com- At the weekly meeting of Bowman- mittee. ville Amateur Atb]Iei Association To play: on Tuesday, April 4th the entire even- Wednesday, May 24 ing was devoted to makingarrange- BowmenvJle-Ontario Regîment, ments f or a complete day of sports Enniskillen-General Motors. for Wednesday, May 24th. *Solina. The chief events will include Foot,- Saturday, May 27 bal-Ontario & District Football Bowmanville-Solina. League-Bowmanville vs Ontario Ontario Regiment-General Motors Regimental (Oshawa) at 2 p. m. *Enniskîllen. BasebaWl-Central Ontario Bàse- ~ Saturclay, June 3 bail League-Belleville vs Bowman- eraMorsBw nvl. ville. Solina--Enniskillen. Racing events-100 yd. dash; 200 Saturday, June 10 yds; 440 yds; 120 yd hurdle; factory Enniskillen-Bowmanville. relay; mile; marathon; and races for Ontario Regiment-Solina. boys 16 and under. *General Motors. Time and distance for marathon Saturday, June 17 is to be worked-out later. Solina-General Motors. Prizes were donated as f ollows: ýEnniskilln-Ontario Regiment. lst prize cup, value $50 R. E. Wilson *Bowmanville 2nd prize cup, val $25 G. O. Paterson Saturday, June 24 3rd prize cup, value $15 Dr. Devitt. Regiment-Bowmanvîlle. 4th prîze cup, value $8 C. S. Halîman General Motors-Enniskillen. 51th prize cup, value $5 W. A. Edger *Solina. Saturday, JuIy 1 First Bowmanville resident to fln- Solina-Bowmanville. ish in race, gold medal by G. N. General Motors-Ontario Regiment. Thurston. *Enniskillen. Gold, silver and bronze medals Saturday, July 8 were dedided ae prizes feq other Bowmanville-General Motors. races, except relay, whîch will be 4 Enniskllen-Solina. silver medals. *Ontario Regiment. Messrs. Wilson, Edger and Camp- Saturday, JuIy l'S bell were appointed a committee to Bowmanville-EnIiki1len. bandle traek events for the day. Solina-Ontario Regiment. Admission fees were decided as fol- *General Motors. 1lows: General admission (adulta 35c; Saturday, JuIy 22'ý ehildren 25c; auto 50c; grand stand General Motors-Solina. 15C. Ontario Regiment-Enniskîllen. The association wiîî also give an Bwavle entertainment in the Opera bouse *Byes on dates as indicated, evening of May 24th. F., Williams The first team in each case la the was appointed chairman with power home team. to choose his own committee. In the absence of representives Secretary was instructed to write, from Solina and Enniskîllen the above Ontario Branch of Canadian A A. hedule was drawn up by members "0 obtain its sanction for Field from Bowmanville, General Motors Sports on May 24th. and Ontario Regiment at Bowmaa- ville, Tuesday, March 28, 1922. BASEBALL NOTES TRAP SHOOTING GOOD FRIDAY Port Hope Theatre gave a benefit Members of the Oshawa Gun Club night and donated haîf the proceeds are planning another big program for to the ball club. Good Friday. Circularsý have been International Basebaîl League sent out to many towns, including opens Wednesday, April l9th with Whitby, Pickering, Bowmanville, Or- Toronto at R.eading, Rochester at ono, Port Hope, Cobourg, Lakefield, Baltimore, Syracuse at Jersey City Peterboro, Belleville, Lindsay and and Buffalo at Newark. others, extending invitations to visit Letter from John G. Nott, Secre- Oshawa on the holiday., Not a few tary C. O. A. B. L. to G. O. Paterson, have sîgnified their intention of comn- Secretary Bowmanvyille Club reads: îng by communicating with Secretary "Glad to see Bowilanville is putting H. E. Tylor, to that effeet. pep into the League as you are the The club have two new traps opera- only team that bas credentials in so ting which will aff ord ample accom- far".l modation for ahl visting shooters. The Port Hope Guide: Jack Stark who main object of holding this meet is to held down third base for the Lindsay bring ail Eastern Ontario clubs and Greybirds lael year was in town to- 'rapshooters together with a view to day. Jack bas been in, Bowman- -eventually f orming an association. ville for a f ew days but'if our guess Inter-club contesta could then be is right h ewould like to don a Port staged and a sehedule arranged Hopeunifrm.which would greatly increase the in- A Girls' Basebaîl League bas beentretithspo. formed witb teama from Rosa Can Co. 2 from Thomaon Knitting Co. and CNRLOTROLAU Front Street team. Schedule will JCNRLOTROLAU Pe drawn up to start May lat. Girls GOSSIP re already practising from 5.30 at The officiai sehedule for the firat he Publie Sehool grounds. haîf was mailed Thursday laat, also Le,.side Athletie Associa tion hasj bond for $50 requîred fr-om eaeh club. eci, cd to proceed with the erection April lSth is the date when ail cred- fa grandstand at Leaside. Contracta entials from clubs are to be in the "iibe let in a few days for the im- seeretary's banda at Oshawa. provin g of tbe playing field. The -olors of the association were dis- Amateur application forme and c ertificates were reeeived at the an- eussed, but no definite action wasInual meeting of the Ontario Associa- taken. The entering of a team in tion.Thfomravben aid the Central Ontario BasebalLeaguetoeah eubfndrme aterhen mte by the association should result in soecay ah club iesbnd ah atehndh many interestng games being played eheque for $15, with officers, umpires, at the Leaside fiel.d this SummeT._ officiai seorer, etc. Port Hope has the fans gueasing at Bwavlei h ia ohv t hast. Inquiries are being made on fulieredntilsled wte irt hvetary cvery hand as to who the Jersey City fuTheenllowiaed th efcers:Ho. Skeeter is who has located in Sandy Thf loigaeteoicr:Hn Loekington's settiement. It s rum- President, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P.,; Pres- ored that hie is a high clasa twirîer ident, Dr. J. C. Devitt; Vice-Presi- and shoul.d fit in nicely with the Port dent, Dr. B. J. Hazlewood; Treasurer, Hope crew. An announcement by R. F. Aitchison; Secretary, M. A. The Guideregarding the new man Neal; Adviaory co mmittee: R. E. Wil- would be quite in order now. son, C. S. Halîman, A. Frise; Base- Osliwa Rformr: M. Gergehall Committee: R. E. Wilson, chair- Ohawkofaseformer:nMr. George man; Geo. O. Paterson, secretary; G. Paycock of Leasid, ain town un-li iN. Thurston, Sam Mason, Jr., A. daynt a enwngacqueeaitnces botfheMingeaud; Representative to C.O.B.L. idn'ist ywat teOnexactprpsos e ofG. O. Paterson; Officiai Scorer, Geo. are under is that the former 'Oshawa Parkin; Umpires, Ted Large and Cee- pilot was on a scouting expedition. il Osborne. The Leaside manager states that bis b The seeretary'bas received a num- clanr will be right in the ýrunning this ber of new applications for umpires, year. He was also loaded down with!ý the lateat being Frank Sehaffer, of arguments ail in favor of why Lea-! Cobourg. side should be granted special privi-1 Third Vice-President J. J. Solomon leges in regard to the reaidence rule, o Peterboro, and Secretary Jack 'ýSPÔRTI -1NGNEWS Piper Frise Callan Large Smith Caunter Wrigbt Sturgeon Routledge Wain Bowmanville 194-202-145-541 191-125-150-466 212-168-193-573 198-146-197-541 182-161-172-515 977-802-857-2636 New Toronto 213-214-271-698; 200-154-18a-537 194-104-299-597 161-196-196-5531 149-197-197-5431 917-865-1146-2928 TOWN BASEBALL LEAGUE A Town Basebaîl League bas been organized made up of teams from three industries and a Front Street team. Firs tachedule bas been ar- ranged as follows: April 14-Ross Can vs Thomson Knit-1 ting. 18-Goodyear vs Front Street. 20-Front Street vs Ross Can. t25-Thomson Knitting vs Goodyear 27-Rosa Can vs Goodyear. May 2-Front St. vs Thomson Knit- ting. Ail games will be played on High Sehool Grounds. Games will be 5 inning commencing at 6:15 p. m., except Aprîl 14 (Good Friday. - B. A. A. A. wil Idonate a suitable pennantto winning team, League is controlled solely byv the Basebaîl Committee of the B. A. A. A. together with one representative from each industry concrened. Balîs, bats, catcber's equipmeat- will be furnished by B. A. A. A., other gloves, etc., by players. 1. GRAHAM TROPHY FINALS Won by New Toronto Team. Division C team from the New Tor- onto plant of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. was in town Satr niglit to settie the argument conea ing the resting place of the Grahamn Trophy. C. A. Smith's team fromn the local plant, spent the previous Saturday nîght in trying to persuade New Toronto that Bowmanville was the logical resting spot for the silver-. ware, but Plant 1 teamn out-argued him by 67 pins. Not daunted by this narrow margin, -the city team were invited to continue the co- troversy at the local alleys April 8. Plant 2 had a plentiful supply of sup- porters, and if noise had been a prom- mnent factor in the gamie, New Tor- onto would have fared less well. At the end'of the second gaine Smiths team were only 70 pins under, and, wîth the Cup in the balance, both teams aquared away to bowl the game of their lives. And New T oronto did that little thing. Whle Bow- manville was running up an averagel score, New Toronto were hanging up a record score for the local alleys, taking a lead of 289 pins f or tbe game, and 359 on the round. 't was some finish to see-saw gamThe score:1 Tire -Repairing by Modern Methods Your wora or injured tire wvill receive skiled attention in our Vulcanizing Shop and its hf e will be lengthened. We will repair it accordiag to modemn methoda-the best methoda kaown to the tire ia- dustry. Ail material that we put into your tires wilh be the beat mater- ials procurable. Bring in your wora casings-- there may be mileage in them, If there la, we will see that you get it. If your tires are not worth repairing, well tell you. WE SELL TIRES Jamieson Bros. -EXPERT TIRE Bownianville REPAIRERS Oshawa AUCTIONEER WILL r. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. Live Stock a Specialty. Live Stock and farms for sale. Phone 167-14. Tractor Drivers and Mechanies' EARN VERY -MG PAY. $5-$15 per day. Huge demand, every Spring and Summer., Learn this work for only $25-$50, at the big H-emphill Auto Gas Tractor School, 163 King-st. West, Toronto. Write at once for particulars., 15-t . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . The Shop That Leads' The La test Attire, for Easter A man is known by the clothes he wears. The material, the style, and every detail of tailor- ing that is put into Ready Made Clothes is there to make them look as smart as possible- wear as long as possible-and they are sold at $20.00 to $35.00 as low a price as possible ART VL~THtK The man wrho Wants lis clothes tailored to his measure we can recornmend Art Clothes tail- ored to fit. Furs for Spring, and Sum-merl wear are here. We have particularly attr~activej neck pieces for this season's'wear. Corne in and select just the kind that you Want. What is more - attractive' over a pretty gown than a pretty fur piece? G. N. THURSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. 1 1111111 1 ammu BRANTFORD READY ROOFING, METAL ROOFING ROOFING PAINT & NO-LEAK PASTE Mason & Dale's.Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville

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