-________________ - - ---- -. - ------ -~ - ---- ___ - - zEEEE~~ Buy Your Easter Sbuit And Join, in the F-ashion, Parade Ail the world i5 dressing up for this occasion-an occasion that officially marks the opening of the Spring season. Right now we have neyerý presented a finer stock, neyer so0 complete, at prices 80 alluring. Although our shop has only been open a week in Bowmanville men are becoming very enthusiastic over the styles we are showing. They also tell us we present the best values i nclothing and men's furnishings offered in years. Men' s Suits Our stock is bubbling over with Sp ring freshnqs- New Suits in ahi the latest patterns,emo fsand colorings, from the plain blue' and grey to the most fashionable ines of fancy checks andherringbone patterns in every shade-Prices range from. $18.00 $29-.50 $25.00 and every suit has our guarantee of money refunded. up to $40.00 satisfaction or your Society Brand Clothes For the young man desiring something real snappy -we recommend SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES-these are high class clothes, but not high priced. W-Ve carry them in stock or will make them to your measure. $32.00 Ùo $45.00 Men's Shirts We always endeavor to keep this department right up to the minute. IMenalways appreciate nice shirts. Everything here from the plain percail to the finest silk-in plain and fancy stripes and checks, $1.50 up to $6.50 THE BEST WE CAN BUY m en's Hat Every hat we show is this season's hat-the shades and shapes are right up-to-the-min- ute-We carry only the finest- such lines as Frank H. Lee, Buck- ley's, Barbisio. Every hat guaranteed. $3.50 to $7.50 For the work man-We carry carry Headlight Overalis and Smocks as well as a cheaper uine for those not so particular. Our Furnishing Department is, complete in ail fines for men or boys, Boys' Suits, Reefers and Odd Bloomers This department of our stores is the fin est and best equipped in eastern Ontario. Nothing between Toronto and Montreal outclasses our boys' and children's business We especiaily invite mothers to cali and see us, you are always welcome to select anything, take it home for your approval. Noth ing is trouble for us where the mothers are concerned. Suits-$7.50 to $16.50 Reefers-$7.50 to $12.50 Juvenile Suits-$5.O0 to $10.50 Odd Bloomers-$1.85 to $3.00 BOYS' SUITS SPECIAL FOR OPENING DAY Boys' ail wool 2 Bloomer Suits lin Olive and Heath- er mixtures and plain grey, ahl sizes 26 to 36. Very Special $12.75 3 DOORS EAST 0F STANDARD BANK JO1 NSON Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby sA IF ON THE OTHER SIDE 0F THE STREET IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME ACROSS John~sto - -------- -