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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1922, p. 5

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____________________________________ -- - -- --- ----,------ EASTER - The Buying, Season of the Year Our new styles, ideally harmonizing with the "dress Up" spirit of Springtime, will surely satisfy the particular woman buyer when selecting the footwear portion of her Easter costume. And men-' Siater" Shoes have such an en- viable worldwide reputation for satisfaction and durability that it would pay you to look over our ines hbefore -buying. BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 13, 1922 MlEMORIAL SERVICE TO LATE MRS. J. J. HARE In the Asembly Hall o f the Ontario Ladies' College, where for so many years she served as Lady Principal and wielded an influence for untold good, a memorial service to the late Mrs. J. J. Rare, who passed away in Rockford, Ill., on March llth, was held Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock.J It was amost impressive occasion. Gathered in the hall were scores who had known and loved the late Mrs. Hare during the years of hier activity at the college. From the town large numbers came to paytheir last sad re- spects to hier memory. The sor- rowing husband, Rev. Dr. J. J. Hare, Principal Emeritus of the College, andhis son Frank of RokfordI-ll.. ENJOYED'LONG SPAN LIFE Mrs. John Renwick Died Tkursday at Age of 97. The death occurred Thursday ,morning, April 6, of Mrs. John Ren- wick ,at 268 Roncesvalles Ave., Tor- onto., She had almost reached the century span. Deceased was born of English parents in Cobourg, Ont., in 1825., She had as teachers the late Rev. William Ormiston, D. D., and Rev. Egerton Ryerson, D. D. She was able to give most interesting histories of the early if e of these two divines, as well as of scores of others who earned distinction in the past century. Deceased saw people travel in stage coaches in ail the glory of those old coaching days, and witnessed the ad- vent of steamships, railroads, the electric telegraph and other inven- tions. She and her young husband CHANGE 0F TIME For the convenience of the Always -elicou ONTARIO I -. IUýUVU, . -. ULIWI' est caughter aiea ini 187. ieceas- Rev. Dr. F. C. Stephenson, and a ed is survived by two daughters, Mrs. number of former students of the (Dr.) John Hunter, Toronto; and College. Mrs. William- T. Lockhart of New- The body of the date Mrs. Hare lay castle ;seven grand-children and six in a handsome casket in the hall great-grandchildren, and by a brother where so often she had mingled with step-brother and three step-sisters, the girl students, and where the years whose ages average about 84. Mrs. of her health and strength were given Renwick's mother dîed at the age of to the young lives that came under' 93. The funeral took place to Bow- 'her influence.- Students of the Col- manville cemetery Friday evenîng, lege, though now of a later genera- Rev. S. G. McCormack, B. A., offi- tion, formed no small portion of the cîating. large concourse which gathered for Dr. John Hunter and Mr. Allan the service, and their tribute to the Lockhart, Toronto, Mrs. George memory of one who had contributed, Chalmers and' Miss Margaret Math- to the honoured hîstory of their Alma ews, R. N., Peterboro, attended the Mater was sincere. funeral here. The remains were in- Immediately after the casket had terred ln the family plot beside those heen borne into the Assembly Hall by of her huiband. the _Ëall-bearers, Messrs. Fred Hatch, Ge-o. A. _Ross, T. G. Whitfleld, J. L. -Smith W. J~--. Rcharson~ ~ tion received from Chapters of, thel 2 tt Art Cole, Proprietor. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of: James Ginn late of the town of Bowman* ville in the County of Durham, a retlred farmer, deceased.1 NOTICE is hereby given that ail per- sons having dlaims or demande againsti ttthe late James Ginn who died on or about the 2th day of March, 1922, at the town of Bowmanville in the Province of On- tario, are required to send by post pre- paid or deliver to the underalgned agent for Alfred J. Huggins and Alexander Michael, the exedutors under the will of nthe said deceased, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars in wrîtlng of their claims and statements o! their accounts and the natur e o! the security, -if rnyï-held-- hrn AND) TAKE NOTICE that after the Itenh day-of April, 1922-, -ti-r- aïdxe- cutors will proceied to distrihute the £ J ./A & A AJ X mJk I Ldh.h THIS SPRING Present indications point to the busiest season we have ex- il perienced since start- ing in business. - Fortunately we are in a position to handle this work promptly, efficiently and at the "~andi'd"lowest cost possible. Best -ef--mater-als--always -used-4t-t-pays- to -getý- 4 RGESILST êFFLE~UME& TUBERCULOSIS IN CATTLE EXCESSIVE AT PRESENT TIME Speaking of the statepment of' Dr. Charles J. Hastings that tubercular cattie were sold on the Toronto mar- ket and that there were not sufficient inspectors to prevent diseased meat products from being sold, Con. W. W. Hltz stated to The Star recen'tlythat he, thought the amount, of tuber- culosis among cattle at present was exceptional. The tide might turn in a month or six weeks. "f would be in favor of putting on temporary inspectors", he said. "Dr. Hast- ings has not, to my knowledge, asked us for more inspectors, although he may have brought it up before his own board". I"'STILL GROWING sold in sealed aluminum packets only Neyer in BUIX. BLACK-GREEN..MIXED travel-

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