BOWMANVILLE, HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY In order to comply with, the Act governing Horticu1t-, ural Societies it now be-1 cornes inecessary that ail sub- 1 scriptions for the year 1922i be in the hands of the Sec-' retary not later tha.n June 1, after which date the Secre- tary cannot accept subscrip- tions for 1922. Ail former subscribers are cordiaiiy in- vited té renew for 1922, and are aiso to endeavor to bring1 in another new subscriber, but be sure to be in with your dollar by June lst. MRS. EDITH V.' SCOBE LL, Secretary, Bowmanville Society $19,75 f or $9,75. THIS WEEK ONLY SIMMONS ALL FELT MATTRESS For one week price of $M 5. ago for $ 19.75. ses we are able now. only we are making this special This same mattress sold a year iBy buying fifty of these mattres- to give this bargain. Order one Undertaker & Embalmer Bo'wmanville Furnîture Dealer Ontario To You Women Who llandle llubby's Pay Envelope 1 Have yen ever stopped te figure eut how much yen ceuld save in a year if yen saved 2c te 5c on eve'ry pound cf Meat yeu buy? Ask yeurself these questions: "Amn 1 a shrewd housewife? Deý I get value for every dollar 1 spend? Amn I letting hubby's hard-earned meney slip away because I do notir try te buy at lower prices?" BACON AND EGGS FOR EASTER Give -us a trial. Let us prove to your entire satisfaction that we cain sel! you cheice Meat at mioney-saving prices. Fer Easter trade we bave a very choice and select stock cf bacon, also fresh eggs right from the f arni Go A. Edmondstone One Joor east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bawmanville Get that Separator N1,ow The gets ail the cream, easiest leaned, has, the ,wonderful self-oiling feature, is an asset and a pro-' fit maker, convenient crank and supply tank-note height. Agents Wanted at, Bowmanville and RENFRWMACHNERYHampton THE EFE AHNR COMPANY, Ltd., Renfrew Ontario COURTICIE Mr. and Mrs. Power spenxt Monday at Mr. B. Courtice's. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rundleset Monday in Toronto. Mrs. Acy Penfound is visiting ber! son John in Toronto. Miss Lyla Osborne, Tcrontc, spent the week-end et home. Messrs. Archie Muir and S. S. Brooks metored te the city this week. Mis. Fred Nichols recently visited her daughter, Mrs. Albert Owens, Oshawa.' Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Soules and sons, Misses Ethel and- Dorothy' Brooks, Toronto, were at Mr. S. S. Brooks' on Sunday. The, play "Every Youth" given by young people last Thunsday evening was weli rendered. A fairly large crowd attended and listened attent-I ively as the good morals, were por- trayed by diffenent charactens. Thosel present also enjeyed the numbers be- f ore the play ccnsisting of Piano duets by Misses Muriel Penfound and Audrey Werny, Oshawa; reading by Mns. R. C. Pearce; solos by Mr. Frank Walter. Proceeds $32. HAMPTON Moore's neady mixed paints, are sold on a "satisfaction or môney back guarantee"l, ia Hampton by Will Horn, 14-2w BURKETON The y oung men hai'e organized a foot-bail team. We wish them suc- cesa during the coming season. Some of cur citizens went te En- niskillen Monday night. They report an enjoyable time and an excell ent concert. Geod attendance at church Sunday. Now that the ronds are dT.ying np and the weather improved conuld we net have a full chnrch? S. S. at 10.15, chunch at 11. Special Easter music. School closed to-day for Ensten vacation. Opens Monday, April 24th. Mrs. John Grear is home from the hespital and is doing as well as cen be expected. In the account of our C. G. 1. T. concert we are sorry te say that Miss M ay Werry's name was omîtted. Rer ýrery pleasing instrumental was much appreciated and we hope she will fav- or us again ln the near future. Good attendance at League Thurs- day night. g Even the muddy ronds do net deter Our young people. Mas- ter Willie Hudson made an excellent chairman. Leagne to-night at 7.30 p. M. Miss Rhoda Avery in the chair. Missionary collection. Last Tuesday was miother's night at our C. G. I. T. class and the girls enterteined their mothers. A daintyî but substantial luncheon was served, and a protram given in which each girl toek part. Mrs. Waterheuse's kindness in giving her house bcth for the meetings cf the clam and enter- taining purposes is mncb apreciated. ZION S. S. Anniversary first Sunday in June.- Picnic as usual. Spring la here at last; farmers wîll soon be te work; Hepeticas are eut. The many friends of Mrs. G. A. Langmaid, Oshawa, are very sorry te, hear of her ilîness. Miss Cruse had an openation on ber throatiat Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. School is closed till after Enster holidays. About thirty cf Zion Leagne visit- ed Kedron Club Ffiday evening where they enjoyed themselves te the full. Miss Cruse attended the funeral of ber cousin at Cannington on Sat- urday. The young people visited the home of Mr. J. W. Sulley on Thursday evening. Mr. Wm. Sulley was pre- sented with a cut glass berry bowl from the young men's class and a littie edock from the 'Gleanens' Class of which he was teacher. Zion Sunday School Officers are: Supt.-Mr. J. G. Langmaid; Assist. Mr. Tracy Glaspeli; Secretary-Rus- sel Stainton;, Assist. do,-Elva Pas- coe; Assist. Librarian-Fred Camer- on; Assist. Librarian-Stanley Chant; Treasurer-J. W. Balson; Pianist- Florence Cameron; assistant-Ada Pascoe; Teachers' Primary-Mrs. J.i G. Langmaid; Intermediate Girls- Janey Trevail and Ada Pascoe; Boys -Tracy Glaspell; Buds of Promise Girs-Florence Cameron and, C. Cruse; Gleaners Boys-A. D. Lang- maid; Onward (Young Ladies) -Mrs. A. T. Staînton; Zion Volunteers, (Young Men's)-Mr. A. T. Stainton; Adult Mixed-Mr., S. G. Chant. MAPLE GROVE years betweend here and >H11ampton. Don't'f orget the caccent on Good Miss Laila'Wilkins, Salein, spent Fniday when Salem people will pre- Sunday with bier cousin, Miss Rulde sent their play e"The Convenson cf Foley. the Hon. Mrs. Ling"~. Admission, Mr. Clifford Swallow bas retnrned adults 25c; childnen 15c., home from Toronto 'after a pleasant Special Enster services on Sunday. vîsît with relatives. In the morning the W. M. S. wiIl have Mn. John Lee and daugbter Gentie, change. 'Snnday Scbool will cern- Kedron, visited tbe forrner's niece, mence et 9.4 5 a. m., and the -W. M. S. Mrs. Thos. Snowden on Snnday. service at- 10.30 a. 1~. ins. ýKen- Mn. Eber Snowden bas engaged dry of Peterboro, will be the speaker. witb Mn. George Hart, Oshawa, fer Special music by the lad ies. In the this year and is driving the milk evening Pastor McKenzie will deliver, truck., a specal Enster sermon. Mu.sic by A social evenîng was beld at the choir. League on Wednesday, March 29, On Apnil 2 wes our last missienary when a godiy number were présent. instruction in Sunday School for this A short Sonlg service followed by yean. inrs. Tbeo Slemon, Miss Mynt- readings by lins. Mark Munday, -i., le Brunt and Mn. W. E. Moore toek Vicie Stevens, Cecil Jeffeny; Instru- up the work on faitb on Hudson Tay-, mental by Mergeret Abennethy; solo, ion wbicb weas very instructive; Aud- Mis. Wmn. Lymer. A geography rey Dorland and Grace Werny gave a match was then held, the losing side telephone recitation and Mn. Jas, A.ý ierving abundance cf ice creem and Werry and Miss Mey sang "Throw cake. Put the Line". Our S. S. bas raised 1The annuel S. S. meeting was held thein objective cf $60. lest Friday evening, the f ollowing officers elected for this year: Supt. Lèagihe meeting on Wednesdey --Thos. Snowden; Assistant Supt.- evenîng was in charge cf oui Pregi- H. G. Freemaul; Secretany-Clifford dent, Mn. Francis Werry. Bible les- Swallow; Assistant do-Ivison Mua- son was reed by Miss Eva Vannatto; day; Treesurer-Truman Power; Topic. taken by Miss Mae Werry Libaian-Frank Swallow; Assistant was very instructive; chapten study do-Ray Snowden; Musical Director was reed by Mn. Lloyd Ashton; e duet -Alfred Laird; Oganit-lirs. C. was sung by Miss Gledys Stainton H. Snowden; Assistant do-Ime and Miss Rets Ashten; a readîng by Power; Cradie Roll Supt.-Mns. F. Mn. Roy McGill; a solo wes sweetiy Swallow; Home Dept. Supt.-ý-Mni. Sung by Miss Florence Brunt., Roll Wm. Lymer:; Mssionary Supt.-Mns. caîl, after whicb two new memnbenu T. Power; Temperance-Ceëil Jeif- joined. Attendance 25. League ery; Teacheni--Bible Clasàm-R. G. closed with the Longue Bénediction. Freeman; Wide Awke-A. Laird; Owing te thîe thundensterin choir Buîy Workers--Mns. W. J. Snowden; concert wes postponed frem Friday Intermediate Boys-Mns. T. Power; nîgbt until Menday evening, when Intermediate Girls-lins. P. Swal- considering the ronds e fairly goed low; Junior Intenmediate Lloyd crowd gatbered te hear the program. Snowden; Primary ClUssMrs. M. Mn. and Ms. P. Waterhonse and Mis, Munday, Jr. McCntcbeon came down from Burke- Scbool report for Merch: -Si. IV ton te essist and eacb sang a scie -*John Caiiaghan, John Hockley, wbicb was mucb enjoyed by ell. We Fred Jenningi, Beaven Snowden. hope tbey will come eften. Miss Jr. IV-Clarence Heckin, Fred Sain- Vera Siemon gave two readings ilalber is Nellie Snowden. Sr. III--James usual bappy -gtyle receiving mnch ap- Armstrong, Russell Gimbiett. Jr. plause. The play was, good.ý Each III-Erneit Brock, William Laird, one performed bis or ber part in e Cortina Samis, Rosa Somenscales, very creditabie manner spealdng dis- 'Vera Trimble. Sr. II-Gladys tinctly. The selections by the choir Brcek, Mildred Brock, Muriel Hen- membens were elI good. One se- denson, Marion Snowden,' Bessie lection had te be cancelled "The Lad- Tucker. Jr. fl-*Ellen Gimbiett, les Quartet" owing te an accident John Henderson, Elsie Semis, Don- whicb happened te lins. George Reid. othy Somerscales, 'Dorothy Stevens. After singing the epening chorus as Sr. I-Wilfred Aldworth, Lavone she was going down into the baie- Trnimble. Jr. I-Elizabeth Hender- ment she slipped on the steps and son. Si. Pn.-Etbel Hendenson, f ell beadfinst breaking bier glaises 11elea Tucker. and cuttingber nose and face badiy. .Ethel G, Macklin, teecher. We hope something wili be done te Mien, yôur Spring suit now aweits make the steps safer. Miss Marion yen at the new lower pruces. Couch, Orchard, orgenist, was the eccompen- Johnston & Crydlerman. ust. Proceeds ever $27. SOLINA Mr. Ivan M. Law recently visited in Toronto. Miss Kate Cryderman had a birtb- day party Saturday night.1 Mr. Sulas Williams was in Hope Township et the funeral of bis uncie. Mr. W. Mountjoy and Miss Gussie Luke, Kedren, visited at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's. Athletic Assocation bave with- drawn their basket social on account of bad roads. Mn. W.' T. Baker attended Direct- ors' meeting of Percheron Breeders Asosciation at Toronto. Miss Florence Walkington waî at Toronto attending the funenal cf ber cousin over the week-end. Enster program at Eldad Sunday Scbool and special Easter service by Paster Jones and singing by the Men's Choir. Mn. and Mis. Osborne Irwin, Cam_- bray, bave been visitig Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy previeus te moving te Bowmanviile. 1 New goods 'are ~hee-carpei squares, ail kinds, linoleums, congo- lenm rugi and 'curtain matenials. Conch, Johaston & Crydermen. Mri. R. Hatherley is with -relatives in Peterboro. Miss Phena Westington, Plainvilie, is with bier sister, Mns. S. V. Hear. 1Mrs. L. Hicks is with bier brother, Mn. T. Bisbin, Yelverton, wbo is very ill. Mr. Wilmot Wright, Amhenstburg, is holidaying at bis fatber's, Mn, W. A. Wight. "The Cross Trumpbanit" will be given by tbe members of the W. M. S. assisted by the young girls of the cburch. It promises te be good- help tbem by your presence. League in charge of Mn. Albert His; "Study" by Mn. Lloyd Dudley and topic by Rev. W. T. Wickett with a reading by Lola Richards fol- lewed by a-consecration service made a splendid meeting on Thursday nigbt. The "L1il Try and "llelping Hand" classes gave a splen4id cantata "The Spinit cf Easter"~ at tbe Missionary program on Sunday, eacb one taking ffeir part well sbowing the need cf a Christ for women cf beathen lands' and our responsibility in sending te1 them tbe Baster message., Don't buy your' Spning Suit or Cent until you havé first' inspected our display. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. ENNISKILLEN Mns. Wesley Oke visited in Bow- manville over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore spent Sundey at Mr. Wilfrid Sanderson's. Mn.,and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, recently visited Mn. and, Mrs. Jas. A. Werry. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beecb on the arrivai of a lit- tie daugbterý. Mn. andMrs. Milton Werry and' Miss Irene Wenry, Tyrone, vsited at Mrs. J. H. Wenry's. We hope tbe ronds will seon dry up. Tbey say -they areý the worst in Reports show haif of Automobile Accidents Due to Eye Defects Two prcn of automobile ac- cidento =relased by 4efective niachxnery or loisscf control; about twenty-three per cent are caused by reckless driving and 9peed, and fifty per cent are laid te Defectiv, Vision. More than one driver in auto- mobile accidents, adniitted that they did net see the other car until toc late. Allow me to urge: a Scientilie Examination immediately and help prevent accidents. Wreford F. Souch Registered Optometrist One doolr e st of SkatingRink. Phone 315 Bowmaayille To HAMPTON THE BEAUTIFUL Hampton bas the reputation cf be- ing the pnettiest ý village in these parts-and it's ight toc. Bert Jen- nings has the means fer making every bouse and building in the vil- lage and Atownship more 'beautif ni and attractive, Paint will, do it- and Bert has juit neceived a big ship- ment cf brand new peints and oi direct from the manufecturers. Yes, yen can now afford te paint for Bert's prices are lower. Wbat about a little wall paper te make the intenier cf your home more inviting? Ask te see samples wben you bny that can cf paint. 14-t have us reserve it. in town. S. J. .Jackman & Sons .Fiorists and 6rowers Phone ý80 Bowmanville AUCTION SALE Wjdn-day, April 19--Mr. Samuel Hooper, Tyrone, will Bell al cf his household furniture and furniah- ings, including parler, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen furniture, stoves, garden tools, etc. Sale at 1 P. M. See bis. Terme cash. Theo M. Slemon, Auctiqneer. Buyeirs, You wHilfiïnd attractive bargains Thursday .a.nd Saturday Our week-end sales are ,proving very popular. Peopfle are realizing that it pays handsomely to buy, at the West, End IHouse every day-and particularly on these special'occasions. GREATER VALUES THAN EVER We week. have put forth an extra effort to give greater values than ever These prices speak for themselves and bear comparison. for this I Granulated Sugar, Redpaths or St. Lawrence...............12,lb. for 85c Apple and Raspberry Jami 25c per jar Washing Starch inbulk. . ..3 lb. for 25c Seedless Raisins .............27c per lb. Potatoes an~d Carrots . ...25c per peck MapleSyrup, try it ....60c per quart 61 New Spring Overcoats,, sizes 36 to 38, Regular $35.00, Your Choice $25 Linen Collars, ail new styles, Regular 25c, 3 for 50C Khaki Pants, ahl sizes, $195 and $2.25 Boys' Negligee Shirts, Your Choice 48e-, ..Men's Grey Suede Gloves, unlined $1.50 per pair -Men's Box Caîf Bluchers$5.95 per pair Pure Linen Glass Towels, Special 25c each, Pure Linen Huck Towels, ranging from 75c to $1.25 each' 72 inch Pure Linen Table Linen, Reg- ular $3.,0, For $2.39, Fancey Gîrdies and Beits from Iiý 25c to $3.00 Ladies' and Chldren's Ribbed Cotton Stockings, Black and Tan 25c per pair PHONE 83 T & B Smoking Tobacco 9 plugs $1.00 Jelly Powders in glass mould 2 for 25c Baby Chick Food ........... 5 lb. for 25e Canned Pumpkin, largetin 19e p>er tin Canned Sliced Pineapple . ... 25c per tin Toilet'Paper............... 6 pkgs. for 25c Men's Silk Gloves, sizes 73/4 to 8½/, $1.50 per pair New assortment Easter Ties, Your Choice $1.00 Men's Black Cashmere Socks 2 pair for $1.00 Men's Jnterwoven Silk Socks ail shades $1.25 per pair Men's Work Boots, try a pair $3.95 Ladies' and Children's Middies in white ,navy and copen, also white with green, navy and copen collars, Special at $1.59 Large range of Ginghams in ail shades, -Special 25e per yd A large shipment of wools in ail this season's shades and makes -at 25e bal Ladies' Silk Hose in ail shades, S$1.85 per pair 36 inch Chintzand Creton, Special 29c yd McMu rtry &CO., Ltde BOWMANVILLE DANCE A Public Dance is being ar- ranged by a conimittee cf ladies for TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH at 8.30 p. m. in the NEW BUILDING 0F ROSS CAN CO. LTD. Tickets $1,00.,R»efreshments served by Mrs. Christie extra. Proceeds will be devoted te Hot-. pital Auxiliary work. JARDINE'S ORCHESTRA - TORONTO- EXCELLENT FLOOR Personal invitations are net being issued. Consider tht. your invitation to attend, PATRONESSES: Mng. J. B.,Neal, Mrs. McClel- Ian, Mrs. Hagerman, Mrs, McMil- Ian, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Lapp, Mm, Divis, Mrs. Fowler, M., Cawker, Mns. Munroe Neal, Mn. Raffauf, Mrs, Spencer. WILLIAMS & CANN Easter Grocery Prices Reduced Special Values f or Men Why Pay More When You Can Buy at These Prices LILIES, FOR EASTER 25e to 35c per bloom Phone your Delivered Order and any place ý i