T astef-ul Easter %Gifts One of the most pleasant things about E 'Laster'is the occasion it presents in giving gifts to friends and loved ones. Should you be thinking of a gift for a lady China is always acceptable.11 1No doubt she has already commented on the beaut ify display of MINTON CHINA AYNSLEY CROWN DERBY WEDGEWOOD POTTERY now in our window and wiil be overjoyed if she is fortunate enough, to be the re- ceipient of a piece of this attractive China. There is everything from sait and pep- pers to dinner plates and baskets-and s0 inexpensive, too, when' you consider the high quality. Jeweler ALEX. ELLIOT Bowmanvrille TO UET BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 13, 1922 FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good land and buildings, immediate possession. A&pply j. c. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf LOST LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOsTr-Child'a Muskrat Cap with ear Byyu atrsi tJhso' laps on April 5, betWeefl Oshawa and Byyu atrsi tJhso' Bowmanville On Kngston Road. Finder and lead the fashion parade. please leave at Rice & Co. Store, BOW- Mr. Chas. Chapple of the Medical mavl.O-T1brw5dcs-n1ge College, Ann Arbor, Mich., is visit-1 ilake stayed f root;17, .F., Darling- fing his aunt, Mrs. F. M. Souch. ton, ontApril 7.Inortio asàB' to their See the "Singing School" under Blake1 ýSrt, CeBowmhflvilphneThd3. direction of Prof. Percival Pîppin in -e - -ýbn.8 Opera House, Friday, April 28th. Mrs. R. T. Siemon, Haydon, and WANTED TO RENT Mrs~. S. T. Mountjoy, Hlampton, are. gueàs of Mr. ànd Mrs, J. E. Elliott, ýrwo or three unfurnished rooms with Concession-st. .~t.Apply to W. F. ward, Bowman- vile.12-tf Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st has returned from spending the win- -ter in Toronto with hier niece, Mrs. WANTEDJ. H. Cavanagh. WANTEDMass meeting of men and boys will CATTLE WANTED-For ranch, lot 3, be held- Sunday afternoonin the con. 6, Darlington, for particulars write Methodist Church at 3.30 'c ck. Al Geo. Lane, Oakwood. 13-3w HELP WANTED-Wanted at once an men and boys cordially invited. experienced farmn hand. Apply to H.- Another very heavy rain fell in Pawsofl, Bowmganville. 14-2 this -district Monday night and Tues- WANIF.t, TO RENT-For séason, cot-dyfrnostlgth teib, tage at fbeach, furnished or unfurnished.dyfoeostlig he erbe Phone 297, Bowmanville. 15-1* roads as only a great rainfail can. WANT TO'BUY-Small house, brick Mrs. N. S, B. James returned home cottage preferred, centrally located, con- 1 veniences, about 'Àacre of garden wth from the hospital Saturday and Mrs. smaîl shed or hen bouse, on easy terme. J. B, E. Staples is down from the city Apply by letter stating full particulars to seding a fè 'day ihbe-itr S. E. Drawer B., Bowmanville 13-tf spenswthlersstr Mr.and Mrs, D. W. Johnson, Peter- boro, are Visiting Mr .and Mrs. J. PROPETY FO SALE Thickson, Ontario-st., on their hon- PROPRTYFOR ALE eymoon trip to Toronto and peints FOR SALE-In Bowmanville,' Barn 18 West. x 30 for remnoval. .Appiy to J1. J. Mason Ms.LreTulad agtr & Son, Bowmanville. 4t r.LreTulad aghr FOR SALE-Brick residene, 7 rooms, Gwendolyn and Mss Helen Trull, and one acre of land, with fruit trees, Toronto, spent the week-end with at Nursery Corner. Apply te W. B- their grandmother, Mrs. 'W. HI. Wil- Pinch, Division-st., Bowmanvllle. 5.tf liams. FOR SALE-Brick' cottage containing 6 rooms, furnace and electric lights. Rard Mothers who have been unable to and soft water in house, good garden and get suits for their boys willbe glad fruit-trees. Apply to J . Westaway, Queento ko tat ohsn (Hre Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf t nw ta ontn (osy FOR ýSALE-Good brick residence on Block), specializeà in lothing for ,r 'ntre-st., containing 8 rooms, fireplace, boys and chlldren. 1-i modern conveniences. Possession at Ms.WG. arewllecvet a mionths notice. Apply to Box 366, r.W .Gre ilrciea Eowmranville. 12-tf lier home on Horsey-st., on Wed4es- FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemens, day, April 19 fro m 4 to 6 and from farm, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres, 8 to 10 p. m. ,Afterwards on the 20 acres young orchard; fanl work done. fourth Wednesday. fali wheat sown. Possession at once. Aupply Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-at., Tor- Mrs. H. H. Dillfng, Mrs. J. W. Mil- onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf ler Mrs. Wm. Edger and Mrs. F. W. PROPERTIES FOR SALE-If intereat- Goddard were in Oshawa recently at- ed in securing a lot overlooking river at teliding the second anniversary of the Windy Cove, Bowmanvife Beach, write Eastern Star Chapter. F G. Dyke, Ro om 708, Dominion Bank Finest line of curtain materials and Building, Toronto., 13-3* carpet rugs we have ever shown are ýî now in stock. Couch, Johnston & Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Stock, POUTRYGlidden, Sask., announce the en- POULTRYgagement of their only daughter, EGGS FOR HATCHING-Single Comb, Jessie Lillian May, to Mr. George E. Black Minorca, strain. $1.00 for 15 MacKay o fM.Jse aKy eggs. Apply to W. W. Henderson, Bw asnfM.Jse aKy inanville. 15-Tiverton, Ontar o,th marget EGGS FOR HATCHING-.'From hlgh take place the latter part of April. cias bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. $1.50 It pays to advertise in The Statetî per settilig. Thos. Bottrell & Son, corner Church and Liberty-ste., Bowmanvllle, mnan. A lady who advertised a din-5, phone 2, 14-tf ing-room table and other furxiture EGGS FOR HATCHING-White Wyan- recently, says she must have had 20 dotte, Martin's Reller's, White Leghorns ctos fyuhv oehn Barron's and Fe#rie's, Strain, Rose Comb applictos Ifyuhv mein ,- own Leghorns, Ancona' Andulusians, you don't need put a smail advt in 50, setting; $10 ,per 100. R. H. Dilling, our papors and watch -for results. *vmaanville. 13-3w M EGGS FOR HATCHING-I wiîî seil a M. and Mrs. Howard Challis and limlted number of Single Comb White littie daughter attonded a large mis- Leghorn Eggs from mny heavy winter cellaneous shower Friday evoning of layea. ric 8200 er 5 egs. gC0Q, their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Jamieson, Newcastle. 1- EGGS FOR HATCHING-Ferrie' Single and Mrs. Willington Adams, who Comb White Legborna, 300 egg atrain 1 wererecently married and were ac- $150 per setting of 13; $10.00 per hund- opne hmIy teî osn red. 264 egg strain $1.25 per setting $8 copne hmeb tei cus, per hundred. UJtlity settings $6.00pe Miss Pethic of Toronto. 100. Wm. Moorey, Hampton, R. R. e1 New as is lysfrEse phone 190-rb. 15-tf whastigoeafrEtr FOR'SALE-Whlte Wyandotte Egga -get 'em at Johnston's. for hatching. Pen No. 1 headed by Ashburn correspondent te Whitby Cockerel fromn McLeod pen with record Gazette says: eaegin els from 250 to 280 eggs. Pen No. 2 headed .W r on ols by Kelier Cockerel a prize winner at the our beloved teachor, Miss Girven, who Bowmanville Poultry Fair. $1.50 per leaves at Easter te tako care of bier setting. Helen L. Carruthers, Centre-st., deceased siter's children, and we Bowmanvilllo, phone 33. 14-3w cannot but feel that in taking up this task Miss Girven is answering duty's eaul, and will flnd the richest ARTICLES FOR SALE joy in this path of Service. During FOR SALE-Solid Concrete Silos, îast th erMs ive a entah the longest and cost the îeast, get es- ing in our section, sho has endear- timates from W. C. Jackson, Port Perry. ed bherself to the wholo community, 11-4w-fnt only in the school, but in the, \R FOR SALE-Grant Six. in goo'd Young People's Society, the church r' ing order, four new tires, can be seenante l ofhihseasbn aftersix ut Geo. Varocoes, Odel-at., Bow- adteCor fwihsehsbe manville, or phone 323. 15-tf organist for over a year. Where- FOR SALE-$40.00 buys Yearling thoro- over she goes bier influence and tal- bred Hostein Bull-Ormasby Pontiac dnts are given wholeheartedly for the Burkeyje-No. 46751. Apply LeRoy Truli, Bowmanville, phone 176-13.. 14-2w* hîghest good of ail. Our kndest CAR FOR SALE-Ford Car. 4 nearly thoughts and good wishes go with hoer new tires, mechanical condition in good teolher new home at Bowmanville shape Big bargaln for qulck sale. Ap-weesege otk hreo h ply to A. W. ikad Bowmanvllle, 1-t weesege etk hreo h FOR SALE -One 'Universel Favorite home and sinall two childron 80 uni- Steel Cooking Range ;one tbree-burner expectodly left by bier sister, Mrs. McClary's (Florence Automatlc Coal OU1 Alox, Elliot, who died in Peterboro Stoye. Botb in firet class condto.A hie tonng nteritrwo bargain on each, W. . CaVeply, C hil -,nin nte etr wo et., Bowmanvila. 15-tf was il.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE %Men, soe wbat Jobnston says on page 4. Shop where, you are invited to shop. The new,"Oakland" car bas them ail looking. Be sure to attend the Motor Show this Saturday. Twelve pages this week and local news on every page. Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer vîsited frieads in Oshawa recently. Miss Ella Spargo, Toronto, is vis- iting a f ew days at home. Hear Cy Furr at Singing Scbool Friday evening, April 28. Mr. Chas. McClung, Toronto, spent Sunday with bis mother and sister, Mrs. D. Sinclair, Lindsay, is visit- ing ber daugbter, Mrs. F. J. Mitchell. Miss Margaret Kerr, Toronto, spent the week-end wîth Mîss Hilda Jack man. Mrs. Will Kirby, Detroit, Mich., bas been visiting ber cousin, Mrs. J. B. Mitchell. Miss May Vanstone is visiting at ber brother's, Mn. F. C. vanstone, "Cedar Cliff". Mrs. John Morris, Beecb Avenue, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Morris, Montreal, Que. Gyproc is the now improvod wali- board. Anothen car in at J. A. Hol- gate & Son's. Miss Emma McClellanr is visiting ber nephew, Mr. Harold Brittain, Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. G. Fletcher, Toronto, spent the week-end witb relatives bore. Come to "Singing School", a farce in two, acts, Opera House, 1riay evening, April 28tb. Easter Lilios, 25e to 35e per bloom, delivered in town. S. J. Jackman & Sons. Phone 80. Elviry; Kitchener and Vera Swift will compete for medals at Singing School on April 28th. Mrs. S. J. Beacock and Miss Card,] Toronto, were recent guesta of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Durham County Hoîstein-Friesian annual sale was a top-notcher in quai- ity and prices if we may judge by the reports of sales since held in other parts of the Province. At Renfrew the average price including calves was $119 and the highest $230! Bow- manville sales man as high as $400 and the average flot including calves1 was nearly $140. "Owing to the_,unjust troatment handed out by many in connection with credits, we the undersigned, in order to be just to everybody, are placing our business on a strictly cash basis", says a number of the mer- chants of Picton in a haîf page ad- vertisement in the Gazette. Is there not a int in this for others? Public Sehool Trustees' and Rate- payers' Department of Ontario Edu- cational Association meets in Con- vocation Hall, Toronto, next Tues- day at 9 a. m. and continues f or three days with a very fat bill-of- fare. Editor, M. A. James is dele- gate from Bowmanville School Board. Judge J. H. Scott, Perth, is President and Mr. R. J. McKessock, Solina, Vice-President. Another Solina Old Boy, President J. B. Reynolds, B. A., of Ontario Agricultural College, is one of the leading speakers. __________________ 12-t RUSSIAN FAMINE FUND Subýcriptions Handed in to Mr. F. R. Kersiake, Treasurer, te Date. W. W. Allin......... .100 Mrs. W. 'W. An......2.00 Rev. E. A. Tonkin.......... 5.00 Miss E. Cann............... 1.00 T. W. Stanley............. 2.00 Miss A.- Beliman............. 5.00 Mrs. Jane Belîman............ 5.00 Mrs. Jas. Rickard............ 5.00 Mrs. C. T, Cox............. 2.00 A Friend .... ............... 2.50 Young Sympathizers........... 2.75 Jno. Trul.................... 50 Mrs. J. B. Martyn.......... 1.00 Miss Carnie Martyn.......... 1.00 Rev. and Mra. Washington . 5.00 Elmer Cox .................. 5.00 Miss G. Young............... 5.00 Mrs. R. Crago............... 1.00 Mrs F. A. Haddy........... 1.00 Mrs. Kate Wight ............. 1.00 Mrs. W..................... 5.00 A Friend .................. . 1.00 Miss Carnie Power........... 10.00 Rev. S. C. Moore........... 2.00 J. D. Stevens.......... .... 2.00 F. R. Kersilake. ............ 5.00 SPECIALS FOR EASTER C., M. Cawker & Son are off ering some tempting values for Thursday and Saturday. Here's a few: Pure Maple Syrup, 1 gal. tin $2.40; 1 qt. including gem 75c; navel oranges, sweet and juicy 38e dozen. Choico Smoked Back and Breakfast Bacon and strictly frosh eggs. New gardon seeds juat arrivýd. U. F . O. MEETING Providence Farmers' Club will meet on Tuesday, April 18, at S p. m. in Providence School House. Ail members attend. S. C. Allia, C. A Wight, President - Secretary. MAPLE LEAF INSURANCE CO W. G. Rundle, R. R. 4, Bowman- ville, phono 146r2, ia looking aftor ail insurance for the Maple Loaf Farm- ors' Insurance Company in the town of Bowmanville and township of Dar- lington east of the Scugog Road. Mayor R. B. Smith, Columbus, is attending to the business west of that road, Wm. Smith, P. G. Paries, President, Secretar. 144 BIRTHS BEECH-Near Enniskillen, on April 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Alymer H. Beech, (nee Stella 'Smith), a daughter. (Blanche Lucille.) VARCOE-In Pawtucket, Rhode Island, April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Varcoe (nee Winnie Jollow), a daughter. (Dor- othy Marion.) DEATHS GOODE At St. Clouds, Florida, on April, 3, Richard Herbert Goode, aged 56 years. Funeral from Methodist Church, Bow- manville, on Saturday, April lSth, to Bowmanville Cemetery, IWILLIAMS-In Bowmanville, April 6, Charles Williams, aged 71 years, FOSTER-In Mariposa, April 7, Mrs. Thomas H. Poster, in her 77th year. HAN NA-At Cadmus, March 30, Ellen Montgomery, beloved wife of William Ilanna, aged 71 years. STEPHEN-In Port Ferry, Maréh 30, lVary McDermott, widow of the late Wm. Stephen, in her 69th year. ROBE RTS-4At the residence of hie son, W. Chas. Roberts, 51 Manor Road, Toronto, April 7, William Roberts, In his 67th year, Interred at Oshawa. HOOEY.-On March 19, at Handel, Sask. William M. Hooey, aged 81 years. Broth- er-in-law of Mr. Wm. J. Malcolmn, Maple Grove. CRUSE-In township of Hope, April 6, 1922, Lillian May_ eldest and beloved daughter of Walter and Aberta Cruse, aged 23 years. ioo K--On Thursday, March 29, of pneumonria, A. Harry Hook at Valley Ranch. New Mexico, U. S., formerly of Bowmaânville. GRIERSON-In Toronto, on April 6th., D'Arcy D. Grierson of the Law fIrm of Arnoldi & Grierson, 103 Bay-st., in bis 66th year. Interment in Union Cemetery Oshawa. RENWICK-On April 6, at the resi- dence of her son-in-IAw, Dr. John Hunter, 268 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, Rachel S. Matthews ,widow of the late John Ren- wick, Newcastle, In her 97th year. WRIGHIT-At the residence of hie son- in-iaw, Mr Lewis Caverly, Wellington- st., Bowmanville, on Wednesday, April 12, John M. Wright, aged 81 years. In- terred in Preston, Ont., on Friday. CARTMILL-At Western Hospital, Tor- onto, April lst., Comda Margaret Cartmill, aged 60 years, lovlng daughter of Mar- garet and the late William Çartmll, mis- ter of Mrs. S. G. Henry of Toronto, Mrs. H. L. Henry of Seattle and Mrs. Mary A. Steen of St. Paul, Minn. IN MEMORIAM In fond and loving memnory of Pte. Percy Wery, 75th B .N., who waa kîlllod in action, April 9, 1918, at Vimy Ridge. E. Tr. Soott. SEYMOUR-In loving memomy of Fred- erick Samuel, infant son of Mm. and Mms. J. S. Seymour, who passed away April 11, 1921, aged 5 months, 3 days. God has taken back our darling And placed our bud amongst his flowers Taken back the child be lent us To a better home than ours. Sadly missed by Mamma, Daddy and Sister. In loving memory of Pte. A. P. Ring, 2nd Batt., fommely 116 Batt., killed in action April 12, 1917, aged 21 years and 2 months. Softly the stars are shining,, Over the silent grave, Where there sleepeth without deaming, One we loved but could not save. Par and oft our thoughts do wandem, To that grava so far away, Where they laid our dear Frank Five long years ago to-day. Sleep on dear son, and take thy rest, They miss you most who loved yon best. FamUly. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES At the Salvation Army on Saturday and' Sunday, Apnil 15 and 16 meet- ings will be conducted by Staff-Capt- ain Cameron of Toronto. Everybody wolcome. St. Paul's Churcb, Rev. D. W. Best, minister. il a., m. -"The Rison Lord". 7 p. m.-"The Risen Lif e". Special Easter music. 2.30 P. M.- Sunday School. A special Easter service to which the parents and others are invitod. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH HoIy We ek and Easter Day Services. Thursday l8th 8 p. m.-'Sermon Rev. T. G. Wright, Whitby. 'Solo Mrs. J. B .Neale, "There is a Green 1Hl1",(Gunod.) Good Friday il a. m.-Morning Prayer, The Rector, sole, Mr. A. Hir- cock. S p. m.-Evening Prayer, The Rector. Easter Day 8a. m.-Holy Communion. il a. m.-Morning Prayer, Holy Communion Sermon, The Rector. Anthem, "Christ is Risen" Lok nane), Choir. Duet, " IWaited for the Lord", Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Mrs. J. B. Neale,. 2.30 p. m.--Clilldren'% Service, The Rector. 7 p. m.-Evening Song and Ser- mon, Rector, Anthem, ",Jesus Lives" (Spinney) Choir, Magnificat and Nunc Dim (Marks). Haîf hour special music. Organ Solo, Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Or- ganist. l Anthem "Christ iis Risen" <Lock- nanoý, Choir. Solo, Mi. A. Hîrcock. Duet "In the Cross of Christ we Glory", J. W. Hynds, W. H. Densem Solo, "Easter Dawn" (Woodman), Mrs. J. B. Neale. Hyrnn, Recessional. JAMES BISHOP, OSHAWA Licen sed Auctioneer. Al orders loft with Thomas Perey, Bowman- ville, wîll receive my prompt atten- tion. 15-4w* BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE I am offering two of the choiceat onc acre building lots in the town of Bow- manville at very reasunable pricea, In good locaity on Liberty-et., just one block aouth of Nursery corner. Excellent gar- den witb about 50 good apple trees on eacb lot just comîng Into bearlng. Nor- man S. B. James, Statesmati Office, Bow- manville. CONSULTINO ENÔINEERS$ JAMES, PROCTOR 9, RFDPÇrPN Trý E. M. Proctor, B. A.Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavementa, Waterworké, Sewer- age Systems, Incinerators. Scbool., Pub- lic Halle, Houslngs, IFactories,Arbitra- tiens, LItIgfation. Our Feoe:-Utually pald out of the meney we cave our clients O-ur New.ï" Spring Shoes. Areé Wonderful Value 'I&-f1AND EASTER WILL, SOON BE HEREX You wiIl need new Shoes to set off that new Dress or Suit and the cost won't be great if you buy them here. We have V brought prices down to where they shoulId be, and are stili able to give you the best of quality. THE NEW CREATION is the Patent Scotch Grain Oxford with perforated toe and vamp and amedium heel. Price per pair $7.00. 1Black or Brown, 2 Strap SIippers, cuban or Iow heel welts at $6.00'tO $6.50 per pair Patent 2 Strap Slippers, cuban or low ,heels $4.150 to $5.00 per pair Fine Caif Black or Brown, one or -three strap with buckles, made by Blach- fords, priced at $9.00 and $9.75 per pair Men's Oxfords in black or brown perforated toes and ývamp with new French toe, Priced at $7.50 per pair. W. Claùide Ives PHONE 241 BOWMANVILLE CASH SHOE STORE ALL THINGS NEW FOR EASTER-TIDE New Styles-New Materials-New Colora Ail presented in our extensive collection of Women's, Misses' and, Juniors' Suits, Wraps, Frocks, Skirts, Waists and Accessories, Even if you are not ready to choose immed- iately, corne and learn how attractive and moder- ate in price the new modes realiy are. NEW HOMESPUNS FOR SKIRTS, SUITS AND DRESSES Very popular and stylish, ail colors $2.75 and $3.00 NEW SWISS SPOT MUSLINS In verypretty colorings, per yd $1.50 LADIES' DAINTY CAP HA IR NETS Princess Pat, in ail colors, 3 for 25c WHEN YOU THINK 0F CORSETS Think of 'D, & A' and Cromptons, the corsets- that willgive you reai satisfaction. Guaranteed rivetted steels. BOWMANVILLE'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE SW.Mao&Sn Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods Phone 106 Bowmanville . . . . . . . . . . ilp4mammaum . . 1 -- 1 1 -, -, !MIM IIII 2m