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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1922, p. 8

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The Cough Killer is Busy! Ceugba nd Cekisds reed b h thoasan4i every &1Y. InstantkltIef fi- y.ur mffemg guarateed hy ftking BaKk&y'& Bronckwts Mixture Z- erme4 wksch i. twentytie .rg tam 1yetron Sth,--market. Moo daakMk.gho si" ,Il. 40 D- £- fr» W. ILUIUSIB, flIUU 4lu mwI U mUt SOU> IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE STAND AT lMES Hi", &&c and Legs Would ]Have That Tired Ache Everett, Washington. - i For several years 1 have had trouble with the Iowest Part of my back and my hips and my legs wouýld ache with that tired ache. I could hardly stand on xny feet at times. 1 was always able to do my work although I did not feel good. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Comn- pound advertised and havingheard several praise it 1 decided te try it. I fel frst-rate at the present trne. It has done wonders for me and I keep t in the house right along. 1 always recommend it te <thers who are suck and ailuing. "-Mrs. J. M. SIBBEâT, 4032 High St., Everett, Washington. Te do any kind of work, or to play for that mnatter, is next te impossible if you are sufering from soins forin of female trouble., It may cause your back or your legs to ache, it may make you nervous and irritable. You may be able to keep up and around, but you do not feel good, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn.. pound is a medicine for women. it ja especially adapted to relieve the cause of the trouble and then these annoving pains, aches and "ne good " feelings disappear. It hias done this for nlany, niany wo- inen; why flot give it a fair trial-now, STRENGH AND HEALTH Red Blood, Vim, Vigor, Vitality Fol. low Thia Advice Niagara Falls, Ont.-'As my par- suts .have used Dr. Pierce's remedies with' such won- derful and quick S resuits I take great r' 'i 1:p pleasure ln send- * ~ ing a good word to boost the cause of 'Freedom from Illness.' I have used the Golden Medical Discovery at times for the past three years. iArn a pressman by occupation and the labor is quite fatiguing and injurious te the systein. But today business has no drawback for me. Three cheers for Dr. Pierce's DiscoverY!" -William H. Dempsey, Jr., 32 Bridge St. As soon as you begin to take this "Discovery" you begin to feel its bracîng, appetizing effect. Buy of your neighborhood drug store in tab. lets and liquid, or send 10e to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont., for trial pkg. tablets and write for free medical ad vice. AFTER GRIP Colds, Feyers or a Rundown Condition, Take This Advice Pleasantville, N. S.-"Fouir years iago 1 was a very siek woman. Theî doctor said it was pneumonia. It kept me la bed for five weeks and left me so weak that I could hardly get about. A dear friead advised me to trY Dr. Pierce's remedies and 1 dld se., After taking a bottie of the Golden Medical Discovery and one of the Favorite Prescription I found I was getting s0 much stronger that I continued using them, together 'wth Dr. Plerce's Pleasant Pellets, until I fully recovered My strength.» p-Mrs. Agnes Brunell.9 The Double Track Route between Toronto Detroit Chicago Uniexcelled dining cars' ervice. Sleeping cars on night tr'ainw in Par ler' carson the. ps'.nipal day tan Full information trom any Grand Ts'nnk Ticket Agent os' C. EK. Hornl ITbt r4iet + s n ier A rant- T . f .5 l, = n V J. I. H. JURY, Ageat Fh@n. 78 BwiI Pim ES De net ufes' anotiier daywâtI ing, or k'ru4 surgical ope. L 14~~atiofleqEI D.Chase's Oltment wHrlèeYUmc and ford lating beneft. aOc.Sabu- &a5 dealors or Edmanson, Bates & Q>D.ianAE ê Toronto.. mpe Box freo if 711nolam shOb oseer and=cl2 0. r stO vuiBPumab. a D'SPHOSPHODNEýý E»sTonesauad invigof-ates the whole in old Velus. Uaed for Nervous Deb,lity, Mental andl Brain W"ry Dsondenci, Loss of Energ.v, Palpitation of the Heurt, Faiîng Memor>. ries $2 pe.' box,3 5 fr$5 Sold byalldruggista. ormnailedin pln pkg. on reýcipt of price. New pumpbleFt mailedl Vç.IE WO EDICINECO.,OR@NTooNr. BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 13,- 192ý DON'T USE SMALL ENVELOPE The Post Office Department caîl ai tentien to the tact that pestingo small cards and envelopes ought te b discontinued and point eut the fol lowing objections te their use-(1 Cancellation mark frequently falis u the address; (2) Difficulty in sorte tion and handling causes unavoîdabl delay; (3) Possibility et a* less,a they are apt te faleut of the bunm les in which they are tied; (4) RE spensibility for loss, misdeliveryo delay as outlined abeve >rising frei the use of small cards and enveloe rests entirely with the sender. Headaches Gone Perhaps yeu can imagne what this means te one who had suffered terribly with headaches for ten years. Read about it in this latter. Mrs. Tena A. Smith, Country Harbor Cross Roads, N. S., writes: -1 feel that if anyone can recom- mend Dr. Chase's medicines 1 certainly can. 1I suffered for tan years from severe headaches, and alîhough 1 took A kinds of headache powrlers they just relieved me at the 'ime. 1 kecame very nervous and run-dqwn, and every- thing seemed to trouble me. 1 have taken eighteen boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and it has made an en- tirely new person of me. 1 fait that i could flot have lived without it. I do flot have ona headache now for every hundred 1 used to bave, and sny nerves are gooci and strong. i jusî weigbed 109 pounds wben I began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and now 1 weigh 121. Knowing what this treatment has done for nme, i cannct too higbiy recommenci it to others." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 5Ocý a box, ail dealers, or Ecimanson, Bates & Ce.. Limited, Tronte. AT ITS BEST IThe strongest comn- pliment ever paid to 'Scott'sEiulsion' Iis the vain attempts atI imitation. Those lwh o take cod-liver oil at its best, take IScott's Emulion- Sott & Bowne, Toronto. Ont. -ALSO MAKERS0PF- I (rabiots or Granules) FOR INDIGESTION EVE RY MONTH 4 1-, MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Tablets and are free of the Griping Pain and SIck Headaches. Read what Mrs. Wright says: "1 recetvedyoursample oet too Tab- lets, and teek thein fer evere pain <mnonthiy) and headache. At the end of 3o minutes, 1 was entlrely tree of pain and expleaced ne more throughout the peried. Isaffera great deal atthese timef and foui - rateful that I have a remedy whlch affrds quick relief. Every woman à tbe and shoiuld know about Zuto Taesand what thevilidlo." M. ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulford, Que. TAIKE ZUTOO LEONARD EAR OUL RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES ,'¶ub it in Back ot the Ears" (Neyer Put in Eurs) Insert in Nestrils Deafness is greaty relieved by a simpi,1etrat snt with Leonard EarOil. s Zil .ttons by a noted Far Speealst for diffe.-ent ki,,ds of Deafi. uses and Head Nouses entained un eaeh Patkag-à Leonard Ear 01i l ot an experiment, but bas bad a suceafal sale ince1907. «"You cannot afford to bo deaf." 'TRY THIS OuL. Ih ba, helped thousaudi et people. Wby noS, VogI? Descriptive circular upon requcat. MADE IN CANADA I. .B dlingten Co.$ÈaesAgents, Toronto A. . LEONARDInlc., Utra,70 5thAv.,Nt.Y.Cuy JURY & LOVELL I__Ij Ietc. Stops bleefllng at stomach - and thos that are foundndl amnount of materia, beli Ionce. Removes proud 'the intestines. The latter are the h tnadb hc flesh, oeesan wl- mest destructive, as they dling te the ing. terfes'ed with work havoc t]ee M- i Dunmlop Tire At ail Dealeman sd Ds'utsivt& . er's Worm -Powdes's dislodge both: i1 Manufaard only byv kinds.and while expelling thein frein me"I d ffiesand FmctovL I - f 2 ASK YOUR BANKER HINTS ON INCUBATION OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM isDid your best triend ever sell yen F'. C. Elford, Dominion PouIt*ry The millions ot children who are S$500 worth of something for $100? Husbandman. fighting for their lives in the famine No. Hlow much less likely is a districts et ]Russia are of the saine tstranger te do se? t would be tee Prospects for this year: It looks as flesh and bone as the littie ones who of good a bargain fer yen. There is1 though incubatien resuits should' be play about Our streets under the pro- e one safe rule-ask your banker. at least average this year. The win- tection of humane laws and precepts 1-When a speculative offer is made yeu, ter has net been very hard on the which decree that neneý shahl be per- )tell the salesman you will talle it over poultry and as a rule the produ~ction mitted te perish frein neglect. n with your bank. If the s9esman is, has net been very high, and if the Following, Scriptural precedent the ,a agreeable do so. If hie objects don't best et the breeding stock,,is used the Christian world bas ever regarded it le bother to talk te the banker-just results should be satisfactory. There as a solema duty te guard the weltare as turn it dewn. will be, the difficeulty -this year even, et beings who are unable te look at- __________ more than last that the t al la prices ter theinselves. Our cilîdren are et eggs whîch will be due about the our first thought. or WHAT TREES TO PLANT turne mont people are hatching will "Women and chiidren first" is the m____ have a tendency te discourage poul- rnIset the sea when a vessel in te es Questions and Answers by Canadien trymen frein incubating as many eggs be abandoned. What wonld be Ferestry Assoclation, as they had intended. This drop in thought et the man who>wonld crowd price can only be expected ns the the lite-boat te the exclusion et seme QI a mteld that the Penasylvania price for eggs has bon extremely helpless tet on the sinkiag ship? Is state has given a great impetus te high, censidering the prices for other i e hnteslm uyo vr planting by private undividuals. Is tarin products and the cost oetfteed. i net tha te slemene uty e turedr this se? This drop then sol net icuaen obligation unfulfilled te rescuïe as A Ia that State last year 791 tree people but should be a warning that many et the children et Russia frein planters set ont 3,189,,000 t orest they must prépare for lower Praces, death by starvatien as it in within trees., The ceai mining cempaniez must cut dewn their cest et product-. their means te do? planted over 290,000 forent trees in ion and one ot the first things they1 a sngl yer.must see te in order te cnt this cost Can we afford te do ess f or the a snge yar .down in that they hatch onîy treim chiidrea et Russia because they are QI ownt considerable landcinl On- the best.,j Russians than we weuid de for tarie et no agricultural value. What chulrneswee trees wouid yen advise me te plant? What te use: Immature puilets or1 draeshre A Where yonr object is the pro- pullets that have been torced terpre- Send yens' subscription te Mr. F. duction et fuel, tarin lumber, etc., la duction during the winter ehould net R. Kerslake, Drnggist, Bewmanville, the greatest quantities in the shortest be bred. Our experiments show that Or hand t te yeur church, batik, or possible turne, snch species as birch, there in a heavier mertality ameng other local organizatien. and Carelina Pepiar f ori a rapid chicks frein snch breeding stock than wood crep which while et somewhat there is frein the chicks batched frein interior quaiity provides good suin- healthy hiens. Theretore, la select-, Tbeusnnds ot people whe had given mer wood and brings a fair' price on ing yeur eggs, keep oniy these frein l ophv en etrdt the market. Black Lecnst la South- the birds that are mature, particulayp ail hoethavbeeakngretred te ern Ontario 15 without an equal for these that are in their second iayîng Jury & Loveil. pests and poles making an exception- season, and eliminate ail weaklinigs ally rapid growth and pessessing ex.. and immature stock froin the breed-' celent durnbiluty. If yen are look- ers. E>1Iu ing for a timber crop et high grade Timo te Hatch: For a number et commercial wood, white, Scotch and years the resuits on the Experinmental, R IIEU MVA II Sm red pine excel. Fari System have been best froin LUMBAGO Q What trees are advîsed for April batches, thatis, witb the Amer-1 NEURITISv. plantîng in order te prevent land slip ican breeds. The lighter breeds can SCIATICA and eresion? be hatcbed a f ew weeks inter with' Rheumatism and simila.rtroubles A The deeper rooted hickories and good resultz. invamiably yield te thia T.R.C.1s oaks excel la preventing erosion. Net only do April hatched chicksa lto'i Rheumatic Cap» Trees grow best on deep, perous, give the best batches but they aise ies) treat ent. Many doctors meist soul with ricli humus and min: give the leat inortality, and whenj and Many hûndreds of druggists erai nutriments. Hemlock, pine and the April hatched pullets go into i trueat.Tehdeate atwlos. spruces are the best wind breaks for winter quarters they give the best ac-! noaa ltte ini Our' files show Ontario. count et theinselves. 1tkat TeRC.a hbave succeslully Q Is there anything la the story Late hatched stuif it net good and its'eated Rheumatism, Lumbago, that the "Naval Stores" indnstry, the sbould neot be considered especially1 Nemuitls,,Seia.tica aad acute Neu- extraction et euls, pitch and other res- in a year lîke this when prices are' ral ' an alkinds. But tMe beat meous products promises te become going te be much lower than usual.ý eviâeae j your own expersence. oe eoe the great branches et British Natural Incubation: As a mIle, 1!Ifyen sufer' we wauat y4e U7t t Columbia preduction? natural incubation is satistactory' thils guaranteed non-injuries. A As yet the Naval Stores in- where a limited number of ebicks are ramedy at Our expense. Drue. dnstry et British Columbia is in its being reared, say less than 100. There gists seIl T.2.C.'s $ 1.00 per bx intancy but seems assured et a grent is however, mnch te be gained by the For Free Trial write T.1k.C. 6%. futue. Te sapleset Brgu d dption et systei even in natural 56 Colborne St., Toronto. pitch frein British Columbia subinit- incubation. The oid systein et set- Soid by Ju'r & Leveli ted te British manufacturers accus- ting oeslhen at a tins in an open nest tomed ýte use the Gernan articles in the peultry bouse menas dissatis- hav brnglt mstfavrabe crnfaction. Ahl liens that are set should ment which pinces the British Colum- hegvnapaebytenevsaa bia article on a par with the finest frein the rest et the fleck, and in or- EnÈropean pitcb. der te minimize the work and labeur,, Q set as many, lhens as yen can at I QWhy den't Canadian s'ailway the saine turne. Circular No. 1 will' cempanies de more te preveat forent give further information on this and' fires? can be precured upen application te A Railways are a very miner tact- thse Peuitry Division, Experimental or in terest fire iess. Their inter- Farin, Ottawa. ests are identicai with torest. proteet- Artificial Incubation: Without aý ien. 'Govermient and private own- deubt artificial incubation bas been ed ,railway lunes acceunted fer a very the menas et pntting the poultry in-! sinaîl fraction et the actual timbes' dnstry on a business basis and arti-, loss. ficial incubation shonid bg' used in a' generai way where yen are rearing ~ sny more than 100 chicks. The kind et incubater te use will. Uound Thein Best depend upon oae's conditions. As a rule, tde net pay te u cheap machines ner dees it pay',te -buy S heHad ver sedmachines wîth a very lirited capacity.' > n tact it is better te have a mace tee large for yens' requirements than What Mrs. Parlee Says 0f tee smali. Dodds KdneyPui anAs te whetber it in advisable te bny Dodd's idney Plls anincubator for oae's own use or .. dépend on custom hatching depends' Sussex, N. B. Weman Who Suffered upon yen conditions. If yen can get From Many Forma of Kidney yeur owan eggs batched net tee tas' Trouble Singa the Praiiea Of away frein home, at a cent et two or Dodd's Kidney Pilla. three cents per egg, it would, undes' Sussex, N. B., April lOtit (Special) mest conditions, be better fer yen te, -Mrs. L. Parise, who lives on Bread have thein hatched than te buy a' Street bers, us another et that great machins and hatcb f or yonrselt, but army et Canadian wonen who are ai- ne matter whether yen hatch yens' was ready te sny a geod word for owa eggs or get then hatched, oes.L Dedd's Kidney Pilîs. Evsry onsetfetfthe main thîngs la incubation is 'M then bas a reasen. that yen suppiy eggs frein streng, "I have found Dodd's Kidney Pis hnty ieossokad tatareý et good vaine te me", Mrs. Parlées weli tertilized. states. "I had typhoid and it lstt me with milk ieg. I sufl'ered aise frein____________ cranps la the muscles, backache, A VETERINARY MAY QUALIFY headache and heart flntterings. My ____ sleep was brokenand unrefrsshing, 1 was lwas tredandnerensand For Accredfited Herd Testing and had dark cîrcles undes' my eyes. Enegnc ok "I took twe boxes et Dodd's Kidney 'Arrangements bave recentiy been Pilîs and they have dons a lot et made by the Dominion Minister et good. I aetudDdd's Kidney Agriculture whes'eby practisiflg voter- Pilîs the best I oves' used". Mrs.Paree'stroblescam frinmarinas will ho ýenablçd te take part the. kias. Astrouyesraneîhbosi n the accredited bord work 'now be- rhelibieet.ailkneyrmeies. By hus ifgeating ts regu A-staffà Sold everywhere in boxes 25c-40 pilla 5OC-90 pilla Oao A Bi*g'Bar, A fuil-s ize, full-wei'ght, solid bar of good soap is "SU R PR ISE.11 Best for any land ail household use, iredom is most manifcst. Mileage records almost unbelievable Canada. [king Process, which is the basis of our Fabric Tires, bas Lnce, stronger side walls to rcsist curb and rut abuse, special tread, etc., add the last touch to popuiarizing to the ft a d in high favor. good from their inception. ktorists to expect more resiliency, greater air space, larger [fter carrying capacity-in short, bigger mileage; and that is ail Cord Tires are judged to-day. & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Any Touch of Indigestli Your Until your various digestive organs, Food are in order' your food, insteZd f will properly nourishing you, will be liable Feed to clog and pois on your system. Your blood will be poor and impure and you your nervous system thoroughly run more down. Take immedîate steps to secure the heaithy activity of stomach, liver, Take and boweis. To this end you should /ýlje 1 le 11 s

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