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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1922, p. 11

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~1J BUY DIRECT B'YYOUR GLOVES AND MITTS DIRECT FROM MAKER WehveteIT PAYS Mle avethefinest imported French Gloves for ladies, also gloves and mitts for men. 300 DIFFERENT KINDS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE The Glove & Mitt Store Manufacturer and Retailer i Doar Fast of Statesman Office Your Insurance, Policy l8 only worth what you will get if you have a boas We stand behind every policy we write. That is why we are so particular to have everything right. So there will be no dispute over the settlement when a loss occurs. AUTO INSURANCE LOWER RATES We are now in a position to off et lower rates in the saine oid reliable campanies. This district has a good record, there- fore, we can off er complete protection against accident ta per- sors or property for a trifle compared with the risk every auto owner runs. At present low premiums we endorse what a sensible man said ta us a f ew day's ago:, "A man is a f aol who carrnes his own risk". J., J. M ASON SO Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bownanvi1e 1; t' ______________________ Potiltry Men l"eil Us: that they are getting excellent results from feeding H-O Steau' Cooked Chick Feed. H-0 Baby Chick Grit. H-O Chick Charcoal. If you are not using these splendid preparations try some to-day and you will notice sudden im- provmentin chicks. Quaker Oats is cheap food for chicks. We have it in 90 lb. bags. NEW MAPLE SYRUP JUST ARRIVED Sole agents for Dixou's Birmingham England Yýonge & Charles Streets, Toronto Is strictly first class la ail depart- iinsand unexcelled la the Do- minion. A sound business edu.- Ication is a sure stepping-stone ta success, but the imitation kind is not. Why not învestigate the Isnbject? We will gladly send you aur large catalogue which contains complete information. For your sake send for it to-day. Students admitted at any time. Our graduates are eminently suc- jW, J. ELLIOTT, Principal. O0ver 25,000 Students HOME TRAINING-PRECEPT AND EXAMPLE Thisstatemient from.the pen of William J. Burns, a famous detective, appears la the Press: "Laws increasing the degree of punishment for such crimes may tend somewhat, to discourage theni, at least to a degree; but it is my per- sonal opinion that the matter goesj f ar beyond or f ar back of these con- siderati.ons and criminals are fre- quently created because of the lack1 of restraint and I might almost say lack of religions teaching and dis- cipline during childhood. 1 amrnent a pessimist, but I some- times wonder whether the opportun- ityr for success along honest lines is sufficiently brought ta the attention of the young men and women of te- day by their parentsand guardians. While I do not intend to pose as a preacher, 1 would like to say that if criminal operations of ail kinds are~ in the future to be reduced in num- ber, it will be necessary for parents to exercise a much more careful sup- ervision of their children's education along moral lines. For, as I have ai- ready said, it is in the home that wE must first undertake to teach them by precept and example and unless we succeed in persuading our children in1 their eanly years that honesty is not only the best policy, but the most suc- cessful and remunerative in the long mun, we shahl ultimately scarcely be proud of aur record as law-abiding citizens". M mki1u - No Sproylt-MI. hui Jusif SWaIlsw a Capsulu RAZ-'MAH la Guarantecd tS restore normal bresthing, stop sauca r therings in the bronchial tub«egv lon1ngho f quiet aleep; centaine a» halt-orlg drug. *1.00 t yeur dïg- ga' Trial afreet ur agenda. or wrte qtpletoits, 142 KIlag W.. Toret.. Soid by Jury & Loveli SHORTHAND. TrYPeWRITING. BOOKKEEPING Compiete Commercial and Generai Im- provement Courses. Students accepted at any tlme. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Oshawa and Toronto. CANADIANS IN KOREA Extracts Fromn Late Lettes Written By Dr. Norman Found to His Relatives. Kong-ju, Chosen, Februany, 1922 Lif e lere is full of vanîety and in- cident ta keep the "foreigners" from getting too homiesick and despondent. Between study and stanting up in hausekeeping, homemaking and get- ting acquainted with the habits, cusý- toms, and peculianities of the natives, with an occasional letten ta Canadian dean ones my time is by no means "hanging heavily" on my hands-not a bit af it. Eveny day bnings us same new experiences. My teacher is teaching Physica at sehool to-day, s0 this is my chance ta do some mare necessany wark at aur little mansion on the hilîsid1e. AI- Mopist eveny ittle job of work adds ta aur experience. Ta-day, for in- stance, 1 uadentook with the help ai aur local dam jang ee (tinsmith) ta set up the stove. We stanted about 9.15 a. m, and it took us about two hours ta get the grates fixed sa they would work. Then Mr. Amendt came along and we progressed more apidly Since dinner we have flot seen the tinsmith wha is probably making a couple stovepipes. To-day also we thought it would le a good idea ta lire a man-charge 40e a day-to do some leavy work. Fîrst, we set him ta dlean up the yard and carry chips, sawdust snd ashes ta a spot on the mountain side whene 1 intend ta start s vegetable garden. In selecting this spot 1 found a hale, evidently an aid ice hanse whicl may serve as a celery garden. After that 1 set hlm ta carry a half ton ai coal from an empty hanse ta mine for use between now and Spring. Then le canied over two statianary bath tubs lut lauiked at an iran bath tub, weighing about 300 pounds! Thea I set hlm ta pumping dry the cistera sud ab last view of him, lie vas still pumping away. Sa yau see work is c .heap enougl la Korea. .Recently I lad made the acquaint- auce lere of a new substance to me called alabastine belonging ta the whitewash famiiy. The walls ai the living-room looked good ta me but the colon l ad ta leclanged. Aiter one layer of alalastine it;looked like the wanst mess 1 had ever sceen. How- ever, it looks lutter aiter 24 hours and aten another coatît may le pass- able. The alabastine 'business looks uuintenesting ta me, indeed. To-nigît the hanse looks ike a rosi hanse f or the first time witl a stave in the kitchen and some grocenies in the cupboard and some wood la the woodbox. We lave, too, some coal and waod bougît fnom the school and two tubs and two boxes of packing materiai. There is a set of dishes ready for use on the cellar shelves, and a bnead box, etc. The led was set np iast week snd we expect ta move la next week-maybel Later 1 weiit down ta see the teacler's baby again. 1 am afnaid it bas infantile paralysis. Invited Mm. Ameadt ta supper at 6:15. 11e las lad lis Fond ail ta pieces in the last twa days and is nat finisled witl it as yet. Now for a sampie ai domiestie ex- penience lere. For twa weeks now we have leen getting along wlhout a servant ta coak sud wash sud carry, sa the Ameudts were overjoyed this E~~~ IUII l ' PFIONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE The Investor's Safeguard e CSAFETY is the first consideration in every phasa "of this Bank's business - and we' are ina position to render a complete investment service» Our nearest. Manager can give you information regard'ing any securities you may contempla te purchasing Let STANDARD SERVICE be your Inveatment Safegiard THUE STANDRD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bamnil rac, - - - - H. W. Lapp, Manager lackstock- Branch, - - - - E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtouville Branches - J. Scott Montgomery, Maniager Scboois. i hey came tram ail oe h Prvice. Every parent testifies bath ta or tecningancspevsisn. Saa arnElevenP-hoZ..S.nat P.Mlish, -ChiefPrincdpal When We Promiese If we say your battery is going to be ready for you at ten a. m. Saturday, you can depend on having it then; or of getting a phone cail from us in advance ex- plaining why it won't be ready. And it doesn't make a bit of difference whetlîer it happens to be a Wiliard Battery or somne othier make-you get the same consideration, t he same courtesy, the same skilled workmanship. i3ring your battery ta Battery Headquartcrs! You mnay be sure we wau't try ta sehi yau a bat- tery if repair of your prescrit one isgoing ta save you xnaney. Ontarîo BatterY SERVICE Moffatt Motor Sales Bldg Bowmanville Representing Willard Storage Batteries wnong mind", that is, made s mis- take, sud would came back at the aid tenms and le a good boy foreveer. The terms' are something like this: 1 A miid hanse and a sajali baniey field free ai nent., 2 A steadyý job 31 days a month £rom dayliglt ta dark fan the stipend of 25 yen 12½% gold a month! H1e shows up eariy enougli ta light fimes' in ledroams on cold mornings, gets breakfast, cleans up, heips wash, Inys ueariy ail supplies dowu towu, weeds the ganden, gets dinner and supper sud goes lamne aiter dank. He takes a rest ai 2 lours aîten dinnen' and neally las a much better tino than most Koreans as is shown by the faet that lu the two weeks away he could not find any job whicl would give hlm neanly as mucl as le is get- ting lere. We addness him as Kim- Subong, meaning Mn. Kim. ,lanaur own taik we caîl him the "Bang" which means nothiug ta them since tley do not use the long a af bang veny aiten in their wýords. About a quarter ai the people ai Korea are called Kim. We wene out fan a walk this aiten- noan, 1 picked pussy wiihows, On the way lame we picked ont a spot for a corn cnap. If you are seadiug a parcel you migît laclude a col ai cama sud in f set any Canadian thiug that wlll grow! We found one ittie sîmul ta-day with new leaves au inch Hnd a novel experience at churcl to-day. They always seem ta lave la church fuli sud the preacler is ai very gaod speaker. As for wlat le, says that may le different. Dur- ing service a littie girl witl long skirt and a sort ai kite an hem hain close ta play arouud in front of the preacher which nobody seemed ta mmnd at ail. Soon she got unden a table sud stood up suddenly with the resnht that she lad ta le nescned. Not long after that diversion the mail camrer came anound with the foreiga (English) letters and popped lia head in at the door behind the preach- or ta ask him ta sort the letters. This ris appareiitiy a regitian occurrence as nobody grinned at aii-except me. To celelmate the retumu of aur he- iaved Kim-subong we are having Misa Hatcl (W. F. M. S.) aven ta dinner ta-day. Hem boss and co-worker las been away three weeks i the cotrntry so she las been living and sleeping ahane in the big bouse there. Ye8terday being a leautiful warm day we did a great deal of prepara-' tion fon the big event next weelc. 1 built a fine and letween ns finished the second coat ai alabastine snd set.' in Sun Lee ta work cleaning up the; waod wonk, ater he .lad scmubbed tnîsmie Itis ricli in calcium and all minerais required for growth sud health, oltained from three whohe grains (wheat, rye and Flaxose) and comminuted bran. It is the most healthful aud the best food produced ta assist child growth, and makes porridge, muffins, pancakes, ahi very deicions. At grocens. s THE 64LIFTUP"I (Patented) ALL BIAS YILLED CORSETS are designed ln conformity with the science cf .Anatomy. The*'LIF1TUP" apatented invention witb non-siip eiastic inside beit, gentiy supports the abdomen and is very benefscli for use cIter an oper- ation involiîng an abdominal inciIon. Most effective in reiievmng those physica ailiments from which many women sufer. WRITE for usefui hinsc it and aelf-meauremezt. FRRL The ifeau le patae d *"LIFIUP" Is a DIAS CORSET made oniy by IDEPTFP PHONIE MAIN 3700 4- LE BUILDING LOTS FOR SAL.ë 1 arn offering two of thie chaicest oriE acre building lots inlaite own of Bow- muvilie at very reasanable prices. lu goad.iocaity an Liberty-st., just one block sauth of Nursery corner. EUxcellent gar- den with about 5e gaod apple-trees on each lot just comlug Lto bearlug. Nor- man S. B. James, Statesmnan Offioe, Bow. menvIlle. ll~~:. Y ~N. the halls. Meanwhileý the tinsmnith cam)e and put up the rest of the stove- pipes and we had an- outside mian at work pumping ont the cistern which we are going to dlean out snea woman drowned herself there since it was last used. Mr. Amendt finished fixing his car yesterday and went ont for a trial mun which was satisfactory so we will have lots of fun-mayb-el February 20, 1922. To-day has been anather beautiful Spri"ng day and after a couple hours at language we had some dinner and tackled the house again. The alabastîne being now dry ilelen anid a Korean womnan went ta work to dlean up' the wood- work and Windows and at 6 p. m. were still gaing strong. My Korean man was about through with pumping out the cistera but wanted. some help for the cleaning out so he brought a friend and were soon ail through. Sa aur next need is some ram ta flîl it again. Between jobs I gat them ta carry over and upstairs the 300 lb. bathtub I spoke about. Then I cut dawn a half dead locust tree infront af the house ta hehp build up the dirt araund a corner of the verandah wbieh is giving way. The hill there is sa steep that 1 tumbled down my- self so 1 amn sure now that it should be fixed. February 21-Mrs. Swearer landed ia about noon from a three weeks jaunt in the country and seeing the smokQ from aur chimney was good enaugh ta send over greetings in the f orm of a letter. Mr. Amendt has warked at his car again and is, now teaching English class for an hour. No home letters for 22 days. February 23-It is fine again ta- day after a nain lasting 24 hours which put a foot and a haîf of water ia the cistera just when it was bad- ly needed. My luck as usual, eh? Yesterday 1 saw a bible woman for Mrs. Sweaner and not knowing her exact condition I arn givingher a tanic and sending her on her way re- j oicing. Yesterday I received a packet of magazines and fnnny papers. The latter- were nearly de- voured by the Anmoxa (preacher) even by the staid prim and, fussy Ilazel llatch when she was aven for an evcming eall wit'h Mrs. Swearer. (To be continued.) TEA GOING UP The unr est in India bas cansed more or less serions labor troubles on the tea plantations, and bas resulted in the price of tes nising consistently for the pnst year. Between October 1920 and to-day casts have advanced between 12 and 15e a pound. As the crop'is much less than estimated cansumption this year, it la probable that the price will go still higher. "There Goes the hast ta Long Distance to the Rescue, «"What shail we do, George'? There goes the last train, and the children wili be alone ail night. We simply can't have that; Betty is such a nervous child, and Bobby's always hunting for maL;ches to make Indian bonfires with. It's dreadful." "Well, Mary, you can't get home to-night. That's ail there is to, it," "But we must do soinething. They may set the house on fire."p "Listen! Here's the drug-store. We'hI eall Up Annie by Long Distance and ask her to, go over and stay with the children." "Oh, what a relief!" Simple isn't it? Long Distance is the friend iuneen always at hand, always ready to put you in touch with family, friends and business. Evéry Bell Telephonre là a Long Distance Station CHOICE 0F ROUTES Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. daily. Standard Sleeping car Toronto to Winniipeg via North Bay and Cochrane. Through Tourist Sleeping car Torontota, Winnipeg on Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays and Sundays. Leave Toronto 10.35 p.m. "The National" Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays via Sudbury and Port Arthur. Sol id through train with Standard and Tourist Sleeping cars. Coaches, Colonist car and Dining Car Service. Cannection et Winnipeg for all points West- Get full particulars, reservations, etc. froni Local Agent or n eanest Agent of the Canadian National Grand, Trunk Railways. To Women Who Do Their Own Work: Suppose you could save six minutes every day i washing pots and pans-two minutes after every meal. In a month, this would amoun.t to a saving of three hours of this disagreeable but necessary work. This saving cau be made by using S MP enameled kitchen utensils, as their smooth sanitary surface will net absorb dirt or grosse. No scrapig, 8couring or polishing is needed when yen use Diamond or Pearl Wame Soap, water and a dish toweî is ail yon need. Ask for Diamond Ware is a three-coated enamaeled steel, sky bIne and white outside with a snowy white liaing. Pearl Ware, 15 enamneled steel with two coats of pearl grey enamnel, in"id and Ont. MSEET METAL PRO DUCTS-Co~,o MOrýTR EALJNTORONPýTO- Vl NNiii.CM«5 HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED FAlÀRMERS' ATTENTION We hiive a fresh supply of choice Seed Grain of the following varieties just received-Two- Rowed Barley, Six-Rowed Barley, Marquis Wheat Abundance Oats, and Banner Oats. Complete lines of Clover and Timothy always in stock, FEED Bran, Shorts, Grouud Feed, Ou Cake, Cotton Seed, Meal and etc., at lowest market prices. Complete uine of Garden Seeds icludiug New Br-unswickGrown Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Govern- ment Inspoected. Hogg & Lytie, Limited. Phone 203 Oshawa If Women Would OnIy Learia A high autlonity, Pnof, Shermnan, ai Columîla University, says "the ordinany mixed diet ai Amenicans sud Enrapeans is more aiten defi- cient in calcium ta auy othen chemical," sud that "maay cases of arrested devehopment may le due ta insufficient calcium.', Bane is made froni calcium, yet modemn foads con- tain littie of this vital food element. Meat la poon la it sud white flour sud prepared cere7ais have it aimoat ail refined away. Cama las ittie, even befonerefiâne u -huina -r .Jý -1-3 1-1- -1 -IILL-

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