"Let's go--m" No sooner said than done when you owIl a Ford. It may be a drive into the country, or it may be a trip, b town. It maybe to hear a ser- mon or 4(-o see a famous "movie'. It may be to visit the old folks, or to see your young folks. But no matter where it is or wliat the objeet the Ford Will get yTou there and bring you back. We are in a position to make immediate de- livery of any model-easy terms if you wish. Ford'Touring, Fully Equipped $660 f. o. b. Bowrnanville THE UNI VERSA L CAR CHADBURN MOTORCO. King & Prince st ALBERT F. COX1 Oshawa Sales Manager Hately Garage Bowmanville I 19.75, for $9.75 I THIS WEEK ONLY SIMMONS ALL FELT MATTRESS For one week price of $M15. ago for .$19.75. ses we are able noW. only we are making tliis special Tliis same mattress sold a year By buying fifty of these mattres- to give this bargain. Order one WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmanville Furniture Dealer Ontario Yonce Up it is there to stay. You save the expense'and trouble of erecting a new fence, every two or three se-,sons. Peerless Poultry Fence is the most economical you can use. The strong wire a.nd heavy, even gahranizing give years of service. Styes suit everyone, heiglits 3 to 8 feet. Sold by good dealers everywhere. Value's -immense in a Peerless Fence TheIewat&Idpne t THURSDAY, APRIL 2Otli, 1922 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE Capt. Spaff ord, Toronto, is a guest Mrs, Walter Deline is indisposed. at the Rectory. Mrs. R. P. Butler is under the Mr. W. J. Eiibeck, Toronto, spent doctor's care., Sunday at home.1 Miss Dafoe spent Easter witbh ler Miss Lillie Chapple is visiting sister in Trenton., frends in Whitby. Banker Chas. McMullen spent the Miss Saloma Howard spent tlhe holiday in the city. schoo] holiday at home. Miss Sadie Bennett is the new as- W. H. Anderson had business in sWant at our Post Office. Toronto Thursday last. Miss Eva, Wilkinson, Toronto, is Miss Jean Matchett, Toronto, was vsiting at Mrs. Wm. Mlntosh's, home over the week-end. Miss Turnbull spent the Easter Miss Pboebe Lake is recovering holidays with hier people at Seaforth. nicely from scarlet fever. Miss Adie Milîson, Cowanvîlle, vis- Miss Edna Rickard, Torontlo, was ited nt Mr. Thos. Coucb's on Monday home over the week-end. îast. Miss Frances Gîbson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton, Osh- spent the holiday at home. awa, spent the holiday with friends'in Banker Lune spent the holiday with town. his people at Newtonvîlle. Harry Coucb has disposed of one Mr. W. G. Hay, Toronto, spent of his'splendid horses to a Darling- Sunday at Mr. F. Bennett's. ton farmer. Miss Hazel Barrie, Peterboro, was Mrs. Frank Hawkins, Hastings, is home over the Easter holiday. visiting hier parents; Mr. and Mrs. B. Miss S. A. Moise, Hastings, spent Moise, Beaver-st. Easter under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton, Toronto, Mrs. Frank Hennings, Toronto, vis- were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. ited hier father, Mr. Thos. Finley. John Douglas, King-st. Miss Hazel Brown, Enterprise, Mrs. R. W. Gibson was called to spent hier school vacation at home. Orillia owing to the illness of hier Miss McLean, Port Hope, is a mother who went there on a visit. guest of Mrs. Couiter, "The Towers". Mr. Wreford F. Souch, Registered Herman Perrin, Bowmanvile, spent O ptametrist, will be at Anderson's Enstar with his father, Mr. W. J. Per- Drug Store every Thursday with a rin. complete line of optical goods and Mr. and Mrs. E. Aldread, Toronto, modern office equipment ready ta spent Enster with friends in the vil-, conduct a most sciantific eye, exani- laga. 1 inaLion. 15-tf. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gibson, Wind- sor, visited at T. M. Gibson's "Willow Hill". Lorne Thomas of Trinity School Toronto, spent the holiday with bis parents. Miss Tena Ferguson spent the holi- day with her sister, Mrs. W. N. Buckley. We ware pleased to see our old friend "Jack" Hall, Toronto. in town on Friday. Principal Might of our Higli Scbool1 Staff spent the holiday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Ida Stinson and Miss Frances Stinson spant tha week-end wth Mr. and Mrs. Eilbeck. Allan McLean Howard, Toronto, spent the week-end at bis father's, Rev. J . S. Howard. 1Master Jack and Miss Isobel Far- rel were guests of Miss Gladys Mat- chett ovar the holiday. 1Mr. and Mrs. Tozer and family, ýoronto, spent Easter with Mr. and and Mrs. Ed. Matchett. Artbur Rowland, Toronto, motored down and spent the holiday with bis mothar, Mrs. James Rowland. Mr. Benell bas moved bis family froni Oshawa and are ocupying the, Jno. Robîson bouse on North-st. Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb left on Tues- day last for a visit witb Mrs. (Rev.) A. N. McEvoy at Hillsdale, Mich. Misses Loraine Bahl and Doris Wil- lows, Toronto, spent the holiday with Mrs. J. Cunningham, Spion Kopje. Mise Gladys Bradley of tha Teach- ing Staff of the Deaf Instituta, Balle- ville, spent Enstar witb b er people here. The Misses Helen, Hilda and Mary Tuif and Miss Jamieson, Toronto, were Enster guests of Mrs. Frank Branton. The Oriental Hotel is undergoing a complata renovatan both interior and exterior, which ndds much ta its appearanca. Messrs. Harry and Bruce Cowan have returned to Saskatchewan after spanding the winter with their father, Mr, W. H. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Harman Anderson and Ittie son Dick, Toronto, are spending a f ew days guasts of ber mothar, Mrs. R. P. Butler. Mr .Arthur Alun , Grey, Sask., is spending a holiday with bis parents hera. We are sorry to report that Arthur is not enjoying the best of baalth. Misses Kathleen and Margaret Lake, Toronto, spent Eastertide under tha paretal roof and Miss Jean Singer accompanied thema on their retura f or a short visit. Mr. Matthew Brown bas purchased the north haîf of the Montague Or- cbard. Mr. Brown is to be congrat- ulatad on securing this valuable and well situated pieca of property. Sucker fishing is very popular just now and some fine catches are re- ported. Large numbers of men and boys are to be seen almost any hour of the day or niglit alang the banks. of aur streanis. Mr. C. M. Eddy, one of the pro- gressive farmars of the third line has purchasad fifty acres of tha lata James Gibson praparty, paying spot cash. More power to your albow Charlie, and may you and yaur good viif e live long to enjoy the fruits of this your latest venture. The Pageant "Tha Strikîng of Can- ada's Hour" on Monday nigbt under auspices, of tbe Methodist, W. M. S. was a splendid success in every way, la attendancé, in production and in affcect. It was the mast ambitious entertaiament of its kind, a mission- ary pageant, ever attempted in New- castla and rafiacted much credit upon nîl wiho -spent sa much tume and effort in preparing and taking part in it. Somie very enjoyable musical select- ions wer ,e given: piano solos by Mrs. C. Cowan, Miss Doratby Allia and' Miss Ethel Colwill; a guitar selection by Miss Sadie Bennett and a sweetly, rendered solo "Corne Unto Me" by Miss Eoina Rickard. Rev. Mr. Lim- bert was chairman. Procaeds about $55. 00. Special Easter services were ob- served in al aur churches on Sunday. At the morning service in the Meth- odist church Rev. Wm. Lmbart de- livered a helpful Enstar message, "The Risen Christ" frai Luke 24: 16, 47, tbe choir rendering spacial mlusic. The evening service, by time- honored custani wns in the interests of the W. M. S.' A mule choir of 20 voices under leadership of Mr. Walt- er Rickard, led the singing and deliv- ered' three fine anthems. Rev. Wmn. Limbert addressed (the large congre- gation present and spoke aloquently of the work of tha W. M. S. in takîng the gospel ta the heathen and of the great work yet to be done. Four lit- 'le girls in white, Misses Darothy, Evelyn, Winnifrad and Marion Rick- ard collected the off ering. Vases of Easter hules and daffodils nicely ar-, ranged and placed also lent their cbarm to the services. Offering over $66. Special Easter services in St. George's' Cburcb ware largely attend- ad, the number of communicants at the 8 a'clock and il o'clack celebra- ions totalling over seventy. The church was benutifully decorated with flowei~s and plants and the spec- i Easter music exceptionally well rendered by the choir. An inspiring Easter message was delivered by, the Rector at the îorning service. 'A handsoîe oak Litany desk presanted ta the churcb by Mrs. Charlas Gamme la mamory of her busband and son was- dedicated at this service, by the Rector, wbo spoke in simple but feel- ing termis of the two wbo are thus commemorated. The inscription up- an the brass tablet on the desk reads: In loving and gateful maîory of Lanca-Corporal, Perey C. Gamme, 72nd Highland Batt., wha gava bis if e in sacrifice in France during the Greant War on Oct. 3lst, 1917, while performing a duty for a sick comn- rade, and of Charles Gomme, his father, who pnssed into Paradise Nov. l3t, 121."The souls of the right- cous are ln the hands of God, and there shaîl no tarmant touch theni". Wisdom 3:1. HORSE FOR EXCHANGE-A smnal driver in exchange for working horse, W, H. 1enett, Lake Shore, Shaw's School Section, nowmanville P. 0. 16-3w. BOND HEAD NEWS Wntch Bond Head g........ Mr. Sandy Grahami and family, vîneland, hava movad inýto Mr. Chaplin's bouse. Mr. Graham is eniplayed with Mr. Chaplin ... . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Firth have îoved inta Mr. Chas. Wilson's house ... . Contractors Wm. Hennings and Son have completad Miss Helen Farncanib's cosy naw cottage "Apple Blassam" ... . Contractor Buckley as- sistad by carpentars Win. Baines and Jack Firth ara making alterations and additions ta Dr. Carveth's semi-de- tached summer residence ... . Our veteran fisherman. Montoery, Bros. HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY ENTERTAINS. Newcastle High School Literary Socie',y held, a social evening in Alex- andra Hall on Wednesday evening, April 12. This has'now become an annual event which is looked forward to with the keen relish of anticipated pleasure by ail who have the good fortune to participate. For the most part. the realization exceeded the an- ticipation. The charming young lad- ies and the courýeous young gentle- men of the N. H. S. were the enter- tainers and the guests included many ex-students as well as the members. of he board of education and their wives. The hall presented a very at- tractive and cosy appearance with its decorations of flags and colored streamers of crepe paper hanging in festoons from the walls and the cross ro.ds and caught up to the electric chandeliers, the lamps of which were heavily draped in red paper also, which bnd the effect of diffusing a soft mellow light tbroughout the hall, tending to promote in ail those pres- ent an increased feeling of friendli- ness and sociability. Prograni was rendered by members of the* H. S. L. S. assîsted by sanie othars was the first order of enter- taiament, with Miss Marion Gray of- ficiating as cbairlady. The prograni comprised a chorus by the society "The Maple Leaf", Miss Gray and Miss Mabel Lake aach singing one stanza as a solo; humorous raadings hy Fred Anderson and Kenneth Pearca; instrumentais on the guitar by Miss Sadia Bennatt; vocal solos by Miss Ella Turnbull; a rollicking chorus "When the Tide Comas Ia", by H. S. boys; a violin solo by Mr. Jim Smith, Jr.; a girls' chorus "Swanee River Blue" which won equally as haarty applauseans the boys and a pano solo by Mrs. Chas. Cowan. The contest-the guessing 'of, the correct answers té sanie two dozen riddles-was expeditiously managad by two experts in this uine, Fred An- derson and Frank Bennett. As a preliminary to lunch the gentlemen were all sent out, of the ,hall ta corne in again one by one ta meat some fair partnar awaîting at the door, with whom he afterwards ýpartaok of sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffea served in generous quant- ities by the young hosts and hostesses. And afterwards in the reflected light of an artificial moon ninny of the ýyoung folk made merry for a whila. "FIN E CHINA DISPLAY iIIf you have flot already seen our very attractive display of China do so at thieearliest opportunity. MINTON CHINA CROWN DERBY> WEDGEWOOD The sudden popula'rity and demand for this China lias made it neces- sary to already send for more of these goods. Customers tell us our prices are lower than else- wliere. Alex. Elliot ,Jeweler Bowmanville ' AUTO INSURANCE IS AN Mrs. George A. Martin, Oshawa, is with a party of 800 Toronto and Provincial educationists on a ten day trip to Washington, Philadeiphia and New York. Dr. James L. Hughes, who is in charge of the party, has ar- ranged for theni to be received by President Harding at the White House, and Inter to be dinner guests of Sir Auckland and Lady Geddes.- Oshawa Reformer. SEXTON WANTED, Applications will be received up to April 24, 1922, for position of sexton of Newcastle Methodist Church. State salary expected. For particu- lars apply to Geo. P. Rickard. 14-3 H. R. Pearce, Secretary. CO AL Owing to the -strike it is impossible to get immediate delivery, but I have a suffi- cient quantity on' order to take care of ail my custoim_ ers. Make Sure of your next wintèr's -coal by booking your order early. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle Why does the barber s trop his Razor ? When the barber's razor loses its extreme keeness-what does He do? Does lie throw lis razor away? Not lie-lie strops it. Tlie Valet Auto Strop Razor strops it- givesa clean, smooth. satisfactory shave. Tlie Valet Auto Strop Razor is an economical razor. There are 500 per-fect sliaves guaranteed from every dollar packet of Valet Auto Strop blades, AUTO STROPS FROM $L.OO TO $5.00 H.3C.0BNATlH ANL' Hardware Newcastle Scure your Wl Paper Now While the choice is good. GREAT VALUES Great specials in Wringers, while they last HOUSECLEANING NEEDS Everytliing you need for Spring Housecleaning will be found liere. WM. JÂMIESOiN Hardware Store Newcastle BRITTON'S BETER BREwADr BUILDS VITALITY Eat more of it. Jt's the great food for grow- ing chidren and adults. Britton's Better Bread is full of ricli paste and nourisliment. , Britton's bread maintains your liealtli and energy. H.VS.VBRITTO Baker & Grocer Newcastle L MEDICAL' ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, also of Royal College. Physiciaris, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases3 of womn- en and children. Office-Parker'- Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University, Fellow of ýTrinity Medical Colleg, Licentiateof the State UniN, "Slty of New York, Matriculate of the Pog¶t. Graduate Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and Fell7ow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughtonÉs Residence, Newcastle. H-ours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 D. nm., and by appointment. Ano ther Car 1 of Coal ln We nowhave ready for immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We have for sale Portland or Super Cernent in any quantity desired. Fred Graham PHONE 3323 NEWCASTLE