-w, Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAIMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, APRIL 20, 1922., $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.1 EXCLUSIVE, ARTISTIC BUT NOT EXPENSIVE Otir exceptionally attractive showing will be a revelation to those who seek charming Spring ap pareil in f ashion's newest modes, while our moderate pric es will further enhancethe popu- iarity of this store. A tru]y beautiful assortment of Suits- Coats-Skirts---Dresses-Blouses-Silks-Taff- etas-and the finest range of Voiles ever shown in tOWfl. Shop in the i-pornings, if possible-we can gi.ve much better service. DETENBECK'S a,- l r Introductory Sale Stili in Fuli, Swing More -Bargains for Friday and Saturday W. Detenbeck Phone 130 Oshawa 'I ENTRANCING'SPRING WEARING APPAREL SIGNAL SUCCESS CROWNS EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Ahundant and Abfding Resulte Grat- if y Pastor, Officiais and-Worker- Grateful and Generous Trilinte Paid to Dr. Mahood and Party. It is not too much to say that not within the memory of theoldest citi- zens of Bowmanville has the Method.. ist community and surrounding country ever been so deeply stirred in matters moral and religious as within the three weeks' Evangelistic Campaiga that ceased la the Meth- odist Church on Sunday evening last -Easter day. ITnder the blessing of God, and the faithful, fearless preaching of the Word, a real ethical and 'spiritual revival has been exper- ienced in this old historic community; far-reaching resuits have been reap- ed; and spiritual forces set la opera- tion that promise to work still greater good. The spiritual if e of the whole church has been deepened and en- riched. In addition to the large numberwho renewed their Covenant, literally, hundreds have openly ac- cepted Christ as Saviour and Lord- over 300-many of them heads of homes, while whole families have been brought into the Kingdom. In this special effort the pastor, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A. ,B. D., and his faithful workers, has been earnestly -ani efficiently assisted by Rev. J. A. Mahood, D. D., the noted Evangélist of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States, his two talented daughters, and Mr. J. S. Waugh, the gifter soloist and leader of song. To a remàrkable degree these earnest workers have won the1 confidence and affectionate regard of their hearers, and have left lasting impressions on the lives of multitudes who listened to thein messages in song and sermon from night to night. The sermons of Dr. Mahood throughout were singularly strong, searching, and scriptural, and neyer once failed to grip and convince his heaners, and carry conviction to thein hearts. His methods of leading men and women to response and decisioni for Christ were sane and effective, and void of undue emotion or ex- c itement.' Mr. Waugh's -solos, and the chorus- choir accompanied by Miss Ruth Mahood and Mr. T. W. Stanley car- ried the gospel message with telling effect to many a-~ heart. The Boost- ter Chorus of boys aind girls was an important and inspiring feature of heservices. Mi ss Mahood'sHaretrs were full of the most helpful instruction and were fôllowed with increasing in- terest and profit by a large number of women and girls. The crowning services of the cam'ý, paign came on the closing day, Eaït- er Sunday, when eager and'respon- sive congregations crow ded the ca- pacity of the large auditorium, morn-ý ing and evening, and when, at the morning service, fully 50 yonng people definitely, offered their lîves for fuli-time service in some form of Christian work. Seldom has a con- gregation been so deeply and devout- ly moved with noble and Chnist-likq impulses. The possible and far- reaching fruitage of such conse- cration is, of course, beyond -human conception. A very fine tribute was paîd both to the faithful and efficient services of Dr. Mahood and his co-workers,1 and to the grateful and generous ap- preciation of the people by the splen- did voluntary Thank-offering of near- ly $750-00 so.J.tgely and cheerfully laid on the plates last Sunday. It is the definite and earnest pur- pose of pastor and people to continue in this work of Evangelism until many more have been enlisted in the Service of Christ. MR. AND MRS. G. N. THURSTON PLEASANTLY SURPRISED. Celebrate Silver Wedding on'Good Friday. Good Friday, 1922 was a holiday which wîll long be remembered by Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Thurston, Beech Ave., the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary. Their sons, Elwood and Hlarold, planned a sur- prise for their parents by inviting the relatives of both sides of the house, and a few friends to join with them in celebrating this event. The bride and groom ofa quarter of a century were completely taken by surprise when Grandpa Richard Guthrie (92 years young) and his party of merry- makers from Toronto invaded the town Friday monning and took p)osses- and son-n-Iaw, Principal and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Elgin-st. Mn. and Mns. Geo. W. James and son William spentEaster holiday with her parents, Mn. and 'Mrs. Geo. Woods, Owen Sound. Mns. James will remain for a longer visit, Miss Scott, Mr. Paul Tnebilcock and daughten Florence and Mn. Non- pnan Hamley, Peterboro, Mrs. H. Hutcheson, son Paul and daugliter Marion, and Mn. A. J. Tnebilcock, Toronto, and Mn. Russel Vanstone, Brantford, at Mn. P. C., Trebilcock's. - 1 - 1 EASTER VISITORS MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Mr. Hlarold Jeffery,Toota St. John's Church-Rev. C. P. home.1 Muirhead, Rector; Mrs. J. A. Guna, Mr. John Palmer, Toronto, at Organist. home. First Sunday afteï' Easter 8 a. m.-Holy Communion. Miss Helen Bottrell, Toronto, at il a. m.-Morning Prayer and Ser- home, mon. Miss Anaie Coulter,, Toronto, at 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. home. 7 p. m.-Evensong and Sermon. Miss Vida Wonden, Essex, with rel- St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, atives. minister. il a. m.-"An Undivided Miss Agnes Maynard with relativesj Life". 7 p. 'm.-Young People's in Toronto. Choral Service. The Sunday School Mr. Herbert Fowler, Toronto, with Choir will repeat -the music of the his mother. beautiful Easter service sung by them hast Sunday afternoon. 2.30 Miss Dickie, Oshawa, guest of Mrs. p. m.-Sunday School and Bible A. E. McCready. 1î Classes.' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell, Ton- Next Saturday and Sunday meet- onto, with relatives. - ings will be conducted at the Salvat- Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyne with ion Anmy by Ensign Mae Ellery, Ter-, relatives la Toronto. nitonial Lif e Saving Guard Leader for Mn. and Mrs. R. S. Virtue, Oshawa, Canada East., At 3 p. m. a number at Mn. C. A. Johnston's. of young girls will be enrolled as Miss Florence Clarkson, Toronto, Guards and the Ensiga will giv&\an at M. A.E. Mnnin',s.address on the Guard Movement in at M. A.E. Mnnin's.Canada. A very interesting time 18 Miss Lila Cole, Toronto, with hier expected. Everybody welcome. mother, Mns. W. R. Cole.- League meeting in the Methodist Mn. Sam Hoar, Toronto, with his Church on Monday evening was a sister, Mrs. Sam Candien. consecration service in charge of Miss Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Grant,, Ton- Spargo, President. Scniptune Les-i onto, at Mn. T. C. Jewell's son was read by Mn. Wallace Bragg;i Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, Ton- vocal duet was nicely sung by Mns.t onto, at Mn. W. McReynolds '. J. E. L. and Miss Mildned Cole. The1 Mn. and Mrs. Adolph Tucker, Ton- topic "Soul-Winning" was splendidlyi onto, at Mn. Arthur Mingeaud's. presented by Mn. W. Pointon. 18 new membens were neceived. Meetingç Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E Meath, closed with League benediction. Toronto, at Mn W. B. Couch's.Mehds ChrhRv S, . Miss Ora Bottreli, Toronto, with Moore, pastor. Sunday, Apnil 28rd, hier cousin, Miss Bertha Maynard. the pastor in change. Special .Easter Miss E. S. T ighe, B. A., is spending music at both services, also W.' M. S. the holidays at hier home in Weston. Thank-offering. 10.00 a. m.-Fel- Mn. and Mrs. ýR. G. Dickinson, iowship Service. 1 0.15E a. m.-Morn- Toronto, at Mn. W. W. Dickinson's. îng Hours. 11.00 a. m.-Baptismal Miss Evelyn Joness, London with and Reception Service, followed by hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 9. Jon- the Sacrament of the Lond's Supper. ess. d 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School, Bible Classes, and Men's Brotherhood. 7.00 Mr n. Mns. H. H. Todgham, p m.-"Passing Season's of Soul Walkerville, with friends and nela- hiarvest". Mn. T. W. Stanley, ongan- tives. ist and choir-master. A 'heanty wel- Mnr. and Mns. Melville Westaway come to ail. and son, Toronto, at Mr. Jerry Westa- On Saturday and Sunday, Apnil S way's. and 9th the local Salvation Anmy, Misses Greta and Louise Morris was favoured with a visit of Adjutant and Mr. Gordon Morris, Toronto, at Graves and the'Oshawa S. A. Band home. which supplied abundance of good Mn. Jack Gilbert and Miss Mande mu sic both in the hall and la the open Clemence, Toronto, at Mn. T. C.' air services.. Saturday night the Bragg's. band gave a fine concert in the Hall Mn. and Mrs. Chas. H H addy and and on Sunday afternoon a musical at Mn J. JFestival.- Mn. J. A. Holgate was Mson'Jc, oono chairmnan. Rev. L. E. Zavitz gave a, Mason's.splendid address speaking of the wonk Miss Doris Kelly, Toronto, with of the S. A. and especially of its wonk her grandmother, Mrs. W. Johns, among the boys overseas. Great Queen-st. credit is due the band for the excel- Miss Frances Payne, teacher at lent music provided which alI apprec- Shaws, is holidaying with her parents iated and will welcome again. Capt- in Toronto. an and Mrs. Key wish to thank Mn. and Mrs. W. S. Percy and1 everyone for their kindness and as- daughten Rubilv, Toronto, with the sistance to the band members while Misses Percy. here "X Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Rowe, Toron- Easter Day Services at St. John's to, spent the Easter holidays with[Church reached the high water mark. fniends here. 1 The attendances were excellent and Mr. Will Flint and Mr. E,. J. Keat,1 the music was well rendered and Toronto, at the latter's uncle's, Mn.; greatly appreciated. The anthems H. W. Hami., were particularly well sung. Miss I. Pawson in lher solo part sang with Mr. Archie James, Columbus, with much sweetness and dlean enuncia- his uncle and aunt and other relatives tion. The duet at mornng service at Lonne Villa. by Mrs. W. J. Morrison and Mrs. J. Mrs. J. T. Bragg spentÈ Good Fni- B. Neale "I waited for the Lord" was day with hier daughter, Mrs. E. W. beautifully nendered. At the half1 Rundie, Oshawa. hour of special music, at the close of Mn and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and evensong, every item was excellent. Isobel, St. Cathenines, with Mr. and Mn. A. Hlircock's fine voice was heard Mrs. S. J. Henry. to great effect in his solo "Flee as a Mrs. Albert Gardiner and Master Bird". Mrs. J. A. Gunn's organ solo DougasTonotowithhersistn, as particularly sweet. The duet by DougasTornto wih ler iàtr, Mn. J. W. Hynds and Mn. W. H. Den- Mrs. Wmn. Maynard. ad semn "Ia the Cross of Christ 1 Glory" Mrs. E. 1. Osborne, ýToronto,an was a fine numben, and Mrs. J. B. Miss Carie 1. Painton, Whitby, atj Neale gave pleasure to everyone by Mn. Wmn. Painton's. I her rendering of "Enster Dawn" .Mrs. B. E. Reid, Oshawa, and (Woodman). Beautiful hules were ýMiss Florence Pearson, Toronto, at provided by the Women's Guild, and Mrs. Harold Wakelin's. Brookdale Nursery Co. most kindly S Mns. Chas. Wright, Toronto, with sent a generous supply of tulips, car- hier brother, Mn. Donald McDonald, nations, etc. and othen relatives here. Misses Rhea and Evelyn Sheridan, Napanee, with their grandparents, RUSSIAN FAMINE FUND, Mn. and Mrs. R. Trenouth. Mrs. Thos. Greenaway and son Gor- Subscriptions handed in to Mn. F. don, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. W. R. Kensînke, Treasuren, to date. T. Quinn, Carlisle Avenue. Previously gcknowledged .... $78.15 Mrs. A. M. Elford.......... 1.00 Miss Marion ýWorden, Dundalk, Mis an........10 and Miss Helen Worden, South Bay, 15s.Ma..........l........ 1.00 with their aunt, Miss, Spry. H. T. Smale.........10.00 Mn. and Mrs. Geo. J. Rowe, Ton-l'Mn. and Mrs. J. La'ne......5.00 onto, with his mothen, Mrs. J. C.- Miss Evelyn Joness.......... 5.00 Rowe, and other relatives here. Robt, Lindsay............... 5.00 Mn. and Mrs. B. Y Haddy and H. A. Farrow.............. 2.00 daughter Betty, Miss Agnes K Haddy, Miss CarnieI. Painton........ 1.00 Toronto, at Mr. F. A. Haddy's. Mrs. Jas. Courtice...........2.0 Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Baîl, Mn. Ai- Mrs. T. G. Mason........... 8. 0 len and Miss Kathleen Bail, Toronto' R. A. Bragg................ 5.00 with the Misses Allen, Beech Avenue' A. Farmen................... 1.00 Miss E. Painton............ 2.00 Couch, Johnston & Cryderniant Limitecl Phoneo 14 Bowmanvllle C ,4 Phone 61 Bowmanville 1'il_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE SHOW At Moffatt Motor Sales Show Rooým, Bowmanville This Satui-day. When Win. J. Challis, the popular aggressive and energetic sales mana- ger of the Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd at- tempts anything hie neyer goes'about it haif hearted. He puts ail the zeal- he possesses back of his eff orts and his enthusiasm seems to permeate his co-workers. Citizens may therefore look for- ward with assurance to the Speciai Automobile Show on Saturday, April 22 (afternoon and evening) to be held at the spacious and well appoint- ed garage of Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd., Bowmanville, that it will eclipse any individual motor show yet at- tempted outside the city. First and foremost there will be on exhibition for the general'inspection of citizens the varions enw Oldsmob- ile models which have set the pace for 23 years. The xiew Oakland 644 will also take a prominent part la the show, Willard Batteries (the heart of a car) are sparing no trouble and expense to show motorsts the many desirable f eatures of this popular bat- tery. Theartists of the paint shop' will show youfirst hand how they make your car look like new. Then there will be tire and accessories men brought down from Toronto espec- ially for this occasion. Besides the educational part of the show entertainment will be provided by the Oshawa Silver Band. Look for the big parade at 8 p. m. Read further particulars of this show on page, ten and be sure and drop, in and have a look thîs Saturi- day. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Price of milk n Bowmanville lias been dropped to 12e quart. Mrs. S. C. Moore, MissMarjory and Master John are visiting hier mother, Mrs. Gailey in Belleville who is very ill. Local mîlk dealers are now giving early morning delivery. Citizens should see that bottles and tickets are put outsde at night. Mrs. Julia VanNest, Toronto,, is down on a visit to lier sister, Mrs. M. A. James, and her daughter, Mrs. Normân E. Wright, Solina. 1District Convention of the W. M.-S. will be held la Orono on Wednesday, May l7th., Miss Campbell on fur- lough from Japan, wîll address the meetings. Principal W. J. Morrison, B. A., Bowmanville, Ex-iReeve Geo. A. Ste- hiens and R. E. Osborne ,James A. Werry, Darlington, attended Ontario Educational Convention in- Toronto, Ris many friends wil l e glad ta~ learti that Mr. Thos. Annison ba" fufficiently improved in health to ceave the ilospitaL and again take up his residence at the Goodyear Club Hotel.' MVr. T. B. Gilchrist, manager of the Johnston Clothing Store, express- es himself as being greatly pleased' with the generous patronage the buy- ing public of Bowmanville has given his store. See advt. on page 4. Mr. T. C. Doidge,'formerly Math-. ematical Master of Orillia Collegiate Institute, died la Toronto ADril 11. He was born at Columbus, OntaÉo County, 62 years, ago and ,as ectu- cated in Whitby High, School and the University of Toronto. Threle brothers and one sister survive. Col. L. T. McLaughlin, C. M. G., D. S. 0., 2 bars; Major R. J. GiIl, M. C.; Major G. C. Bonnycastle; Mai. C H. Anderson, 0. B. E.; Major E. E. Snider; Capt. J. O'Neill,, M C.; Capt. W. J. Hoar and Capt E. C. Snlder represented the Durham Regiment at the dinner in the King Edwvard Hotel, Toronto, ,on April 8th in commemora- tion of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder returned last week fromn spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida. They have had a most -delightful trip and rest among the balmy breezes of the South and speak very highly of the clinate and the enj oyable time spent in that city. They also had a pleas- ant visit with friends at New York' City while on the journey home. Both are looking and feeling well. The Y oung People's Society of Burns' Church, Ashburi3, held a ban- quet on April 11, when the Presi- dent, Miss Girven, who was also or- ganîst of the church, and teacher in the public sehool, was presented with a beautifully worded address and a club bag. Rev. J. R. Fraser, M. A., Columbus, was chairman, and Mr. Walter Kerr read the address. Mus- Miss Inez Hickling, Albert College, Belleville, with her sister, Miss May Hickling, at Mn. J. E. Elliott's, Con-, cession-st. Miss Catherine E. Warnica, Bright- ton, and Mn. D. Coleman Wannica, Peterbono Normal School, at Rev. W. C. Washington's. Mr. and Mns. A. Martin, Mn. and' Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. -Walken and daughter Evelyn, Mns. Thompson and babe, Toronto, at Mn. Geo. Callan's. Mn. G. A. Luaney cf.The Enter- prise Publishing Co., Collingwood,1 spent the week-end with his daugliteni 1 çli