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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1922, p. 5

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ENGLISH GUESTS AT els, Ltd., and is iden.tified with many JOHN L. MASON, DAVENPORT, lA -SPRING- TREE PLANTING BOWMANVILLE, APIRIL 20, 1922. PARK WOOD other national organization.s, being _____one of the miost prorninent business Johnr L. Mason, Daven-port's oldieat B, The 'Canadian Forestry Associa- GOOD CHEER S;i 1 Harry McGGowauD, Lady McGowala men of Great Britain.erofDvnotOtg.Clbadin Iisagdthgt eeggdI, ~ud Daugliter Entwsrtained by Sir Har and Mrs. McGowan are Unitarian church, and for 56 years Q I arn much interested in plant- what bas been -called the "cheering Mr. ad M shaa.Mcagln returning to London via New York one 'of Daveniport's substantial and jing trees this Spring and would ap- up business". Some callings and pro- Ohw.after an extensive business trip leading business men, is dead, i preciate some information as to pro- fessions are full but flot this one. AI- Sir Harry McGowan, Lady Me- rug Cent-a r n ofi-neia r Msn e n o e Gowan and Miss Isabel McGowan of He expired at 4:10 o'clocký Sunday1 A D.Fernow, lately Dean of the gather'the honey out 'f' the flowers Lonon Egladwee ecet uets Sir Harry was very mucli interest- morning at home of his daugbter, Faculty of Forestry, said "Trans- of if e and leave .the poison to the fLndn Mr. and , Mrs. R. en S.MLulin ed in the Oshiawa plants of General Mrs. Charles Grilk, 945, Mississippi planting a tree from one site to an- wasps. Tattee re udns "Parkwood", Oshawa. Motors of Canada Ltd., particularly avnewth wbom hie bad made bis other is a surgical operation during trials and, disappaintments in if e we the export departmnent, and expressed home since bis wif e died two years whicli the patient needs special at- are ready to admit, but w. cannot Sir Harry MeGowan is a director himself as being well pleased witb a1g. tention". prepare for or overcome these exper- of General Motors, Ltd. of Europe Oshawa. 1He was enthusiastic about Mr. Mason was in bis usual health Spring planting should begin as iences by forebodings, and frettingý and also of General Motors Corpora- the quality of motor cars which. he Saturday and up to almost the bour soon as possible after the 'ground is away our littie bour. There is much tion of New York. He is at the hea saw being 'manufactured. and boxed of bis death bis pride was that lie bad thawed out and dried sufficiently to for tbankfulness and good cheer even ofBrtihExloivs Ld. adNo- heefo epot neyer been sick a day in bis if e. He work the sou. It should flot be at- in -material things. The world is of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 78iis Exeasies old.adN hr frexo tempted after'the buds begin to open. very beautîful and for nearly six Saturday Mr. Mason called at First It may be said in general that April tliousand years it bas shone upon, National bank, of wbich be was a dir- and early May represent tbe proper clotbed and Ced its millions of in- ector, and conversed 'with President time for planting. hbtns n twl ieycniu A. F. Dawson. Inteatronle Look first f or a tree that bas a to do so for some tiue to corne. * ~went to, the polis and cast bis vote, compact root system. The more __________________ ( pand drove bis machine after a atamber small roots a tree bas, the greater its __ N~of bis friends and took them to the chances of surviving the shock of CHANGE 0F TIME -,polîs. This exertion was largeiy re- transplanting, and the more rapid will Foth nvnecofheral' sponsible for bis death. be its gro-wth. A tree witb a large For thble c1nvenincof then tael- Mr. Mason retired as usual Satur- top and few roots will be slow to es- .igpbi r nwmkn al day niglit, but at 2 o'clock lie called tablish itself and is apt to die. trips to Oshiawa. Leave West End, bis daugliter, and asked lier to caîl a Some 'roots are bound to be des- Garage, Bowmanville, at 6 a. m., doctor. Two hours later lie was dead. troyed in the transplanting process leave corner King and Mary-sts.,, -o At the tiine Mr. Mason remarked so that it is always necessary to Oshawa, at 6 p. m. Saturday leav-1 wome tha li guesedlie ad oertxed run abot on-fith o th braches in athw 5 tp. .mm himself in bis work on election day. Prune equally on ail sides to retain 2 tt Art Colle, Proprietor. lleart failure was the immediate the symmetry of the tree. Ahl cuts cause. sliould be made sharp and dlean, .' ' Bora la Canada Trim off with a smootli eut ail broken IMr. Mason was bora la Bowman- and badly injured rdots. Make sure, NotIce T o Creditors ville, Ontario, Canada, July 14, 1844. liowever, not to cut off the leader_____ Hîs father was a native of England, of main stem when pruning. IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of and, in 1833 emigrated to Canada. When trees are bouglit from a nur- James Ginn late of the town of flowman. Here lie engaged in the barness and sery tliey sliould be, immediately Un- ville in the County of Durham, a retired saddlery business. packed, "puddled" and "heeled la" farmer, deceased. Joh b Maonfirt tated work until ready to be taken up for plant- NOTICE ls hereby given that aUl per- JohnL. Msonfirs sta eysons having dlaims or demands against at his fatber's business, but later ing. "Puddling" means dipping tbe the late James Ginn who died on or about a c/cf learned carrnage trimmîng and devot- roots in a mixture of dlay and water the 20th day of March, 1922, at the town about th - tarowa ll rqie the Prence of prn- diet1izction ed himself to that undsertakirig. De- abu h cosistency of paint. "Heel- of Ewale qin th en brvic pof One- siring to perfect himself in bis chosen 1 ing in" consists in digging a trench paid or deliver to the undersigned agent wor intrhe86,lewntt e sufficieatly deep to coiitain tbe roots for Alfred J. Huggins and Alexander costu me2 York ind -Mrh,d 1864 hoe' we t ew and t-hen, envering t-hem in withi M a-Iichael, the executors under the will of best firms in that' city and Philadel- erof meist earth until you are ready dresses and full particulars in wrltlng phia. to plant them in their final position. of etheir claims and statements of their plia.accounts and the nature of the security, -November, 1865, bie went to Iowa, At no stage should the roots of if any, held by thema. first to Marsballtown, and la January, the tree be allowed to become dry. .AND TAKE NOTICE that after the HERýE iS a feeling of genuine satisfac- 1866, to Davenport, wbere lie bas This is highly in-4portant. Many flfteenth day of April, 1922, tesi x l-hn- -~~ ~ ,,,,~ ~trees are dead before tbey bave been e utors wil proceed to distribute the The Only Wayý To Test Tea is to Taste it.- Na'etural Leaf Green Tea is proving a revelation to those Who have ibeen, Users of Japans. .R0 TRY IT YOU WILL UINE IT BI 1G R1USH 0rirU F 1B'U'SI1N ES S THIS SPRING Present indications point to the busiest 3xseason we have ex- perienced since start- ing in business. Fortunateily we are in a position to handie this work promptly, efficiently and at the '~tanasd"lowest cost possible. i1est of mTatera1s\ý,a1ways lused-it pays to get the best. LARGEST STAFF 0-F PLUMBERS No trouble to quote prices Greenaway & Elliott

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