WHY is Yeast valuable for the relief of edsturbances, malnutri- tion, skin eruptions, etc? Be- cause Yeast contains VITA- MINES, which modern scientifie investigation bas proven are es- sential to good health and body development. VITAMINES occur in many food substances, but flot in suffi- cient quantities to be effective in relieving disease, hence NYAL VITAMINE TABLETS which contain VITAMINE~Sini concentrated form together with other valuable tonie' substances are a veritable boon to those suf- fering from Nutritional Disorders, Lack of Appetite, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Boils, Skin Eruptions, etc. NYAL VITAMINE TABLETS are a genemal sy stematie tonie of unusual ment. Price.$1.0 at' Kterslake's, Drug Store Phone 49 Bowmanville COME BACK FOR MORE SYRUP Su fine a quality and flavor is our New Maple Syrup that rnany of our customers have sent in repeat orders. We are stili selling this syrup at: 1- gallon tin f or ................................... $2.40 1 quart, including gem....... .......... 75e Navel Oranges, sweet and juicy, dozen .......38e FRESHGARDEN SEEDS Buy your garden seeds here and you are assured of getting t.he best. Big variety from which to make your selection. C. M. CA W' K ER & SON LBUTCHERS anid GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE BmUY IT AT CRKISTIE'S BjAKERY BREAD BUNS PASTRY FANCY COOKING CHOCOLATES CANDY ICE CREAM CHRISTIE'S BAKEt"%RY, The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 iBowmanville To You Women Who.ilandie [Iubby's Pay Envelope!1 Have you ever stopped to figure out how much you could, save in a year if you saved 2c to 5c on every Pound of Meat you buy? Ask yourself these questions: "Arn I a shrewrd housewif e? Do I get value for every dollar I spend? Arn I letting hubby's hard-earned money slip away because I do flot try to buy at lower prices?"l BACON AND EGGS FOR EASTER Give, us a trial. Let us prove to your entire satisfaction that we can sel! you choice Meat at moneY-saving prIces. For Enster trade we have a very choice and select stock of bacon, also fresh eggs right from the farm. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanville JAMES BI SHOP, OSHAWA Licensed Auctioneer. Ail orders left with Thomas Percy,Bomn ville, -will eceive my prompt-te- tion. 1-w Make Attractive Surroundings Plant a flower garden- You will enjoy the recrea- tion besides making your surroundings more beauti- fui. We have plants and shrubs of every descrip-. tion for such purposes. Visit our conservatories at an earily opportunity where your wants can be filled at reasonable prices. S. J. Jackman & Sons Fjorists and Growêrs Phone 80 Bowmanville Kinsmain, Hlazel Walter, Walter Sbomtt, Robert Courtice, Ray Tenry, Edna Sadier.'Primera--Noms Adams, Helen Wilkins, Elsie Courtice, Curtis Gearing, Guelda Trimble, Roes Oke, MayKonopachi, Edith AuEv Kisan, Marion Travail. C. E. Williamson, M. A. C ol., teechersJ MAPLE GROVE League meeting last week was in charge of 2nd Vice- Pres. Mr. Lloyd Snowden. Program: Bible eading, Frances Knockles; Instrumental, Margaret Abernetby; reading, Les- lie Snowden; solo, Lloyd Snowden; Topic: "Resuits in Personal Work" by pastor; reading, Clama Tuckem. Visitors: Mr. and Mms. Anson Tucker,, Trenton, with bis brothers, Messrs. Fred and Claude Tuckem; Mm. and Mrs. Gil'bert Crosby, Virginia, at Mm. R. R. Stevens and other fiends; Mr. and Mms. W. C. Stevens and fam- ily, Toronto, at Mm. F. Swallow's; Mm. Fred Stevens, Nestieton, at home; Mr And Mrs. D. H. Coates, Dr. Llyn Coates, Brantford, spent the week- end with hem brother, Mm. T. J. Cole; Mm. Fred Wood, Simcoe, with Mm. Laurence Wood and other relatives; Mme. H. G. Freeman and children with Mme, H. S. Freeman, town. EBENEZER Resuits of Eastem examinations and promotions of S. S. 4, Dalington. Primer and First Classes judged on term's wok-names in order of mer- it: To pass 60%, honora 75%. Figures denote per cent. Jr. Pr. to Sm. Pr.-Evelyn Wade, Harold Os- borne. Sm. Pr., to Jr. I-Kathleen Dudley, Sella Sabuliak, Annie Sabul- iak, Kenneth Flint. Sm. 1-Gordon Vinson, Louise Courtice, Nomma Wade' Jr. 11-Byron Womden 75, John Sab- uliak 60, Whelsby Flint 56. Sm. I- Kenneth Osborne 94, Nelson Osborne 84, Myrtie Montgomemy 76. Sm. III -Gordon Osborne 93, Willie Wade 77, Orval Grills 70, Cecil Welsh 66, Irene Grills 57, Alle Osborne 50. Jr. IV-Keitb Womden 76. Absent dur- ing all or part of examinations- Femn Oke,, Charles Wade and Fred Osborne. Lilian' A. Hilier, teacher. ENFIELD Mms. S. Bray baving been under the doctom's came is able to be out again. Mm. Russel Smith is placing a part of bis apiary on the farm of Mr., C. Simpson. No doubt it will help to increase the yield of fruit and clover seed in this locality. Vsitors: Mr, M. Densem and Miss Imene Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. F. T. Ashton's; Miss Mymtle Hobbs, Tor- onto, at Mr. J. Hobbs'; Mm. Amthur Ormîston accompanied by Misses vemna aad Myrtle are attending the coaventon of the Ontario Trustees Association in Toronto; Mm. J. Hep- burn bas been at Mr. H. James near Columbus; Mm. and Mms, Russel Or- miston at Enniskillen. The Mermy Maids' Class were ne- cently entertained at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Frank L. Gilbemt, when the following new officers were elected: Pmesident-Dorothy Pascoe; 'Vice-Preident-Amy Ashton; Sec- retamy-Memle Ashton; Treasurer- Vemna Ormiston; Look-out Convenor -Helen Pascoe; Flowem Committee for Aprîl-Domothy Pascoe, Merle Ashton. Motto-To help others we must learn to be happy. Aim-To be joyous and scatter suashine. Col- ors-Blue and Gold. ZION Guess we are getting April show- ers now, eh? Mm. Waltem vivian visited witb Oshawa fiends. Mm. Joseph Chant, North Bay, is home for the summer. Mm. George Sonley, Toronto, spent the week-end at bis home. Mm. and Mms. ,A, T. Stainton and family visited at Bowmanville. .. Zion League are to visit Ebenezer Thnmsday night-if it dosen't ain. Mm. Russel Stainton and Miss Flor- ence Cameron visited at Oshawa. Mr. S. G. Chant is busy making improvemeats to bis barn and stables. Glad to report Miss Cruse able to leave Bowmanville Hospital on Mon- day. A good congregation was out to Church'and Sunday Scbool on Enster Sunday. Mm. and Mme. Joseph Awde and son, Toronto, at bis sister's, Mrs. H. G. Pascoe. Mm. and Mrs. Willems Gladwell and son John, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Newton Edgar and Joyce, Oshawa, visited at Mms. A. T. Stainton's and Mrs. AIf. Ayre's. and was greatly enjoyed. Readings weme given by Misses Vena Sieman and Helen Wonden. The accom- paniets were Mme. H. Stevens, Mme%. H.ý J. Werry and Mmn. Theran Mount- joy. Great credit le due te the pro- gram committee-Mms. T. Mountjoy, Mrs. R. Cossnmi, Miss V. Mount- jay and Mn. C.ý Avery. PROVIDENCE Report of S. S. No. 5, Danlington, f or the Eastem ternm: Sm. IV-Bes- sie Prout 72, Eva Darcb 58. Sm. 11-Alan Osborne 68, Alvin Dow- son 56. Sm. II-Rose Kemp 70, Femne Crago 70. Jr, II-Ruth Lux- ton 81, Hammy Farrow 72. Sm. 1- Leland Crago. Sm.' Pr.-Stuart Crago, Maud Ruiter, Figures de- note per cent. Mileta Hoar, teacher HAMPTON The concert under the auspices of the "Gleaners" S. S. Class on Friday evening was a splendid success and consisted of two splendid chomuses; piano solo, Miss Mary Soucb; reading. Mme. L. Allia, (teacher of the class); piano solo, Miss Mary Souch; vocal solo, Miss Emma Salter; monologue, Miss Rutb Johns; Pantomime- "Wanted, a Wif e" wbich created mnch amusement; "Easter Lillie dm111" by ten young ladies; and a drama "A Search for Happiness" which was in- deed fine and wothy of special men- tion. Each number was well render- ed and decorations were in keeping withi the "Eastem Season". Mme. Allia and hiem class of young ladies deserve praise for the fine progmam.' Proceede over $40.00. Messrs. Harry and Vernon Welsh, Toronto, spent Sunday at home; Mme. W. N. Brown and Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, at home; Miss Sadie Vir- tue, Toronto, Mm. and- Mme. Frank Virtue, and children, Bumlingtoa, Dr. and Mme. C. W. Siemon and cbild- ren, Bowmanville, at J. J. Virtu 'e's; Mr. and Ms. A. Parker, Toronto, at J. H. Burrows'; Mm. and Mms. M. Slemon, Haydon, at Mrs. C. Johns'; Miss Jessie Porter, Bowmanville, at C. Horn's; Mm., Howard Price, Tom- onto, at F. G. Kemslake's; Mm. and Mrs. Will Ranton and Miss Margaret, Trenton, Mm, and Mms. Lomne Rob- bîns, Leshard, wîth Mme. W. J. Vir- tue; Miss Lottie Challis, Oshawa, with bier sister, Mrs. H. Wilcox, jr; Capt. R. H. Bunt, Parmy Sound, at Wm. Smale's; Mm. and Mme. Ray Wilbum and children accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur's parents, Mm. and Mms. Bond, Tomonto, at J. G. Burns' and W. Wilbur's; Mm. Frank Cmdyemmian, rAlbert College Belleville, at home; Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Stephens and Mm. and Mms. Elmer Boyd, Toronto, at E. Stevens'; Mms. J. G. Burns vis- iting frieads la Toronto .Report of ilampton School for Easter term-names in order of mer- it: Class IV-Mary Niddery*, Irene Petley, Mary Jebson, Marjomie Gay, Gertrud¶ce Smý4th, 11pton Stephens, Mary Peters. Sm. 11-Tommy Sykes*, Frank Hlastings, llammy Cowl- ing, Winaie Cryderman, Fred Billett, Rut-h White, Kathleen Hockin. Jr, 11-Frances Jones*, Ivan Stephens*, Wallace Horn*, Rowena Stephens, Wilfrid Smale, Edith, Pascoe, Grace llockia. Sm. I-Gmace Hastings*, Raymond Burns*, Ethel Stevens, Ruth Ferguson. Jr. Il-B entrice Jones*, Lilian-Jebson, Dorothy Smyth Helen Virtue, Kenaeth PQtley, Lena Gay, Cordon Wakely, Roýý Hocken absent, Marjomie Gay absent. Class I-Jessie Knox, Reta Billett, Eleanor Sykes, Vema Shackleton, Sidney Mar- ia, Mary Fowler, Violet Stmutt, Tim Bate, Lorenzo Wakely, Eric Jones. Sm. Pr.-Florence Burns, Stanley Cowling, Elmer Strutt, Ernest Horn, Ethel Wakely. 1 Jr, P.-Elias Greeaaway, Helen Knox. * honore. F. J. Groat, IdIa L. Jones, teachers. HAYDON Missionary pmogram at Suaday School Sunday morniag was pepared and presided over by Mme. Elgin Mountjoy. Music was given by the school; vemy intenresting talk by Mme, H. Ashton on, "Our lives are a gar- dèn" wbich she clearly demonstrated on the blackboard; Miss Mabel Beech, vemy sweetly favored with a solo. Eas'er vîsitors: Miss Mulboliand holidayiag at home; Miss Doa Mountjoy, Oshawa, and Miss Lamb- kmn, Nestieton, at Mm. 'Irbos. Mount- j oy's; Mme. Milton Slemoa at bier mothem's, Mme.- C. John's, Hampton; Misses Stella Slemon, Toronto, andi Rilda Slemon, Bowmnanville, Mm. C. Biggs, Toronto, at Mm. Thos. Slem- on's; Miss Meta Ashton, Bowmaa- ville, at Mm. H. Asbton's. Epwortb League on' Sunday even- ing was well attended and most la- temesting. Program was given en- tireiy by the male members and was pnesided aver by Mm. C. Avery. Two choruses were splendidly rendemed; More Come and inspect our Silks and Sat- eens ranging from 50e to $3.00 per yd Canton Crepe in ail shades, Special at $2.15 per yd Children's Fine White Muil and Voile Dresses, Speejal from $2.00 to $3.75 Smart Rats for children in pique, linen, checks and straw, Your Choice 60e to, $1.25 Large range, of scrim,' Speejal 25e yd PHONE 83 The Sh-op -ThatLe-ads I Fromi Hat to Shoes BURKETON Girls of the C .G. I. T. report a good meeting Monday evenng. 1League to-nigbt-in charge of Miss- Rosella Dean. Social nigbt. Evemy body welcome. - .y Glad ta report goocl attendance at church Sunday morning ta hear- a splendid Eastem sermon by our pastor, Rev. G. T. McKenzie. A duet "Night is O'em" was nicely sung by Mms. Watemhouse and Mme. Mc Cut- cheon. Mm. and Mms. McKnigbt had their baby chistened during the ser- vice. New goode are here-campet squames, all kinds, linoleums, cango- leuma rugs and curtain materials. Couch, Jobnstoa & Crydemman. SALEM Report f or Easter term of S. S. 9, Darlington. Jr. IV-35Gladys Cann, Jimmie Hunter, Elvira Davis, Ronald Hetberington, Edith Cator, George Richards. Sm. lîl-Lala Welsb, John Cator, Bob Collacott, Josie Mclndoo, Nelson Wilkins, Wre- ford Cornisb, Lauma Wilkins, Law- rence Little. Sm. II-*Elma Davis, *Magaret Hunter, Sidney Elcombe, Eaml Fowier.. Sm. I-* Leslie Weish and *William Cowling and *Stanley Cowling equal, *Nelson Davis and *Helen McDonald equal, Ruth Hun- ter, Edgar Cator, Meredith Little. Jr, I-*Hubemt Poster. Sm. Pr.- *Dri Collacott and *Olive Mordea equal, Ross Richards, Gordon Davis. Jr. Pr.-*Lorne Poster. *-Honore. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Men, youm Sping suit now awaits you at the new lowem prices. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman. HAMP TON THE BEAUTIFUL Hampton bas the reputation of be- ing the pettiest village la these parts-and it's right too. Bert Jen- niags bas the means for making evemy bouse and building in the vil- lage and township more beantiful and attractive, Paint will do it- and Bert bas just eceived a big sbip- ment of brand new paints and ails1 direct from the manufacturers. Yes, you can now afford to paint f or Bet's picds are lower. Whgft about a little wall paper to make the interior of your home more inviting? Ask to see samples when yon buy that can of paint. Je4- Be it kaown, also, that A. E. Jn nings pays the highestmarket price, for eggs. Value for Embroidered Voiles and Organdies, .Speelal at $1.75 Large range of Voile and Lace Collars, from 50C up to $1.50 Fancy Collar Lace, Speejal 90c and $1,00 per yd Colored Madras, rose, green, brown and blue at $1.50 and $1.75 per yd Madras Curtain material in cream, ranging from 39c to 85c per yd BOWMANVILLE Y h Your Money' In our list this week you will find bargains for every member of -the family- real money saving opportunities which you cannot afford to miss. 'Don't be gatis- fied with merely reading this advt. Come to the store, inspect the goods and you will then appreciate that we give our customers "more value for your money". THESE PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Extra Savings in Groceries Granulated Sugar, Redpath or St. Law- rence 10 lbs for 69c Eggo--O Baking Powder, 1 lb tin 33c English Lavender Toilet Soap 5 cakes for 25c Rolled Oats 6 lbs for 28c Tip Top Salmon, large tin1 2 for 35c Choice Prunes 2 lbs for 35c Bowes Mince Meat 27C per in Pearl White Washin1g Soap 16 bars $1. Pork & Beans, large size 2 tins for 25c Excelsior Dates 3 pkgs for 25c Ammonia,, Gold Dust, Charm and Eze Powder 3 pkgs for 23c Potatoes. 25c per pk Carrots 25c per pk Turnipýs 3 for 10c -Apples 30c per pk men Dress for Less Here Boys' Negli'gee Shirts, sizes 12 to 13½/, Price 59c or, 2 for $1.00 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, fine quality, 75c per garment Men's Dress Shirts to clear, sizes 14 to 17½/ at 1 $1.29 each Men's Union Suits, fine balbriggan, $2 value at 1. $1.65 eaeh Men's High Grade Black Cashmere Hose at, 49c per pr or 3 pair for $1.25 Men's Work Shirts in black, kha'ki and, blue chambray, Speejal 75c eaeh Children's Reef erg, 2 only, 1 size 28 and 1 size 30,, guaranteed ail wool Irish Serge, Regular $8.00 for .$4.9$ men's Spring Coats ranging fromn $19.75 to $22-00 Men's Factory Boots, medium weight, Special $3.50 per pr Men's Fine Box Caif Oxfords, black only at $5.95 pr 1 At this season ,a mani needs a complete out- ifit. Have you seasonable weight underwear and ihosiery?, Have you, cho sen from the smart riew effects, becoming neckwear, or shirts, i n the attractive patt ernings, popular now? We are headquarters for reliable. makes, durable qualities and snappy styles i NEW HABERDASHERY and Fur Shop. This List Will Appeal to Women McMurtry & Co., Ltd.