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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1922, p. 7

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MAARRIAGES HO','AR-BRAGG-At the residence of he 1ride's parents, April 19, by Rev. V. r.Weet Tyrone, Edwin Charles 'evat. . ad Helena Mr daughter1 a vr <ivirs. S., S. Blag, :u- ton. GILL-HOBBS-At the home of the brds faither, Ontjario St. Bowman- -ilApril 19 by Rev. S, C. Moore, B. A. )_D. Miss Mabel May, danghter of Mlr, 3inrd Hobbs, -and Mr. Francis lu iii. ail of Bowmanville. JAIES-WOODLEY-At Eaton Mem- orial Chullrch, ,Toronto, April 15th, by Rev.- C. A. Williams, D. D., Mr. Robert Edwin Jame.s, Gorrie, and Miss Ethel Mabel Woodley, Bowmanvilie, ,daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Woodley, Tyrone. DEATHS SCOTT-In Darliington,, on Tuesday Ap- rul lstb, Elizabeth Orr, Widow of the late James Scott, aged 78 years. 9'uneral fromn ber late residence, Salem, on Friday, April 2lst at 2 P. m. Motora. SISSON-At Whitby on Aprii 1Otb, Jus. Wisson, in his 83rd year. AN DRUS At Weicome, April 18th, Thomas G. Andrus, aged 74 years. ROD DI CK-In Township of Hamilton, en April l5th, James Roddic<, aged 60 years. LANCASTER-In Clarke on Aprîl lltb, Aun Sarah Lanca£ter, aged 52 years, 9 ï.onths. HADDEN-At PorU Hope on ApriI l6th l5iizabeth, daughter of Esther and the iate Ja-imes Hadden. -WICKETT-At Port Hope, on Wednes- day, April 14th, William Wickett, beioved husoband of Maria Prust, in his 73rd year. SMITH-In Otonabee township, on Au- ru 1U, M~éaria Allen, wif e of Sydney Smith, aged 159 yeare. 'Formeriy cf Clarke town- ship. GALBRAITH-At Toronto General Hos- pital on .fi:ýril l4th, Harry L. Galbraith, belovedi hnusband of Beatrice Joilow, for- iy)erly V-f' Oshawa. KNAPP-In Chicago, Aipril 8th, Russel E. L. KnTapp, beloved husband cf-Macige Knapp, brother cf Mrs. Hl Temple, and Eber C2. Knapp of Toronto M ffOU NTJ 0V-I Enniskilien on April 12, Martha Ann Poole, belcved -wife cf James Mounttjoy, in ber 63rd year. Inter- ment la Hampton cemetery. HOWARD-In Brantford, on ber birth- day, April 13, Mary Hawkins, widow cf the late William Howard, aged 93 years. Mother of Mr. J. IL. Howard, Bowman-i ville.. WASHINGTON-On Wednesday, April l2th, at Ilamilton, KatexVictoria Hcwells, wife of S. F. Washington,' K. C., and third daughter of the ýate Thomas Best How- ells,M. D., and Victoria Howells. LOCAL ANI) OTHERWISE' Miss Irene Trew,ý Oshawa, is visit- ing Miss Marion Pickard. Mrq . N. Nble, Oshawa, is visit- ýi SUCCESSFUL MOTOR SHOW The firmn of Luke, Boys Limited is to be cougrutulateti on the splendid motor show of 1922, Chevrolet Moti- iý 1 - 1i5 l i-Wý! n 1-ui readin bey III- VràcimAyI.ACh y -l SOLINA Mr. J. J. Smith is attendinig the O. E& A. at Toronto. Mr. R. J. McKessock is attendine2, ri ENNISKILLEN Leaqgue on Wednesduy evening was in charge of our Mfissonary Vice- President, Miss May Weir.Bil -oiAcJâ Ilu -lII- Farm or Shop VIV y àlqhq»9r y  4% i 9 i ing Ms. Chas. Edgerton. Miss Maud Otton spent Goo.d Fn-. day with relatives in Oshawa. Mrs. Leonard Elliott and family are visiting relatives at Bolton. Mr. and Mîrs. Purvis and son, Tor- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rogers Mrs. G. A. Gillispie sj:nt Easter witb her mother, Mrs. Bowman, Cold Springs. Miss E. E. llaycraft spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dick- inson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker and son Charles spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Miss Purvis and Mr. Ivens visited Mr. and Mrs. Rogers on their way up from Belleville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Blackstock, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. W. Piekard. Mr. Wm. Ranton, Brantford, spent Good Friday with his sister, Mrs. Chester Power, Mapie Grove. Mrs. W. Willis, Toronto, is spend. ing a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howard were called to Brantford last week to at- tend the funeral of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lawry Cryderman spent Good Friday with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jqhn Dyer, Oshawa. Mrs. Clarence Mott, Toronto, vis- ited Mrs. F. F. Morris last week and Mrs. 1. Mott returned home with hen. PNLqf Gillispie, Mrs. Gillispie, Eliz- abeth '%nd Bob of Toronto, spent Good Frîday with bis brother, Mr. G. A. Gillispie. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice and son Dean, Ebenezer, were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. L. J. Brooks, Carlisle Avenue., Mr. B. S. Long, Soloist of West- minster Church, Toronto, will sing at "The'Singing Sehool", Opera House, Friday, Apnil 28th, A treat for music lovers-by re- quest Mr. B. S. Long's songs will in- clude "The Trumpeter", Opera Housp on Friday, April 28th. Garage on Saturday afternoon and evening. Citizens attended the ex- hibition in large numbers and were unstinting in their praise of the fine display of cars, equipment and acces- sories. The garage was very at- tractively decorated in a colon scheme of black and orange artistically an- ranged by a representatîve of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ce. of Tor- onto. Durîng the afternoon R. Mc- Kinnon, Canadian Sales Manager and Ewart Everson, General Service Manager of Chevrolet Head Office, Oshawa, visited the show and expres- sed surprise and pleasure at the large attendance and arrangement in wbich the show was being carried on. Mor- rison's 8-piece orchestra provided an entertaining program of music after-' noon and evening. TYRONE Woman's Inistitute on Thursday at1 Mrs. T. Richards'. Good Frîday service proveci most belpful to those present, Rev. W. T. Wickett giving a suitable talk. A number of boys and girls spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of Miss E. M. Werry on Good Friday evening when the following officers of the "Win One" class were elected: President-Edith M. Clemens; Vice- President-Hazel G. Hodgson; Secre- tary-Geraldine Clemens; Treasun- er-May Wright; Missionary Treas- urer-Beatnice Bigelow. The rest of the evening was spent in games and refresbments senved. League on Thursday night in charge of Miss Florence Gardiner, 2nd Vice-President. "The obliga- tion of church Membership" was deait wi'h by Mr. Clarence Woodley. Top- ic "Educational Work in Japan"' by Miss Verna Davey; a reading "Will's Star" by Miss Hazel Hodgson; and a piano solo by Miss May Gardiner, after which a splendid spelling match was held by Miss Hazel Hodgson ad Mr. Floyd Dudley as captains, resuit- ing in a tic. Election of officers this Thursday, good attendance request- the Ontario Educational Association at Toronto. Rev. T. Albert Moore, Toronto, will preacb here Sunday on social ser- vice and evangelism. Several from here attended the funeral of Miss Edith Leask on Mon- day. The f amily have the sympathy of the community in their bereave- ment. The Young Ladies' Bible Class had a debate on Good Friday and after- wards organized a basebaffl team. Sur- rounding villages and towns had bet ter get in practice as they have some great twirlers here and such catch- ers. The many fniends of the late T. C. Doidge will regret to hear of bis death et Toronto last week follow- ing a stroke. Deceased taught at Solina and Mitchelis' Corners Schools nearly forty years ago. H1e after- wards received bis B. A.ý and taught at West Toronto, Mankham High Schools and Orillia Collegiate for many years. He was born near Col- umbus. Easter service was well attended the cburchbeing filled, the program of the S. S. under the management of Mn. Fred Crome and Misses Frances Cryderman andi Hilda Wonnacott was very nice indeeti andi the Easter ser- mon was in keeping with the occ .asion. The maIe choir rendered'very 'accept- able selections of music and witb the reception service receiving new mem- bers into the churcb was an inspira- tion on a glati Easter day. Easter visitons: Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, at Mn. il G. Argue's; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson, Mn. Norman VanNest and Mr. Sam Brooks, Osh- awa, at Mn. W. VanNest's; Miss Nora Werry, St. Catharines Business Col- lege, at home; Miss Lyda Taylor vis- iting her sister, Miss Lena at Tor- onto; Miss Louie Annis, Toronto, at Mr. Ediwin Annis'; Miss Walkington at ber home in Tononto; Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris, Toronto, Mrs. A. McMul- len and Miss Gertie, Oshawa, at Reeve1 Baker's; Mr. andi Mrs. J. A. Werry and Miss Grace, Enniskillen, Mn. and1 Mrs. L. T. Pascoe anti Miss Edith,i Hamotntm, and Mr. R . J uke T(- uses by C. , T. girls; topic taken by Rev, Mr. McKenzie which was in- structive; duet very nicely sung by Mn. Gordon and Miss Alma Werry. Readings by Mrs. (Dr.) Fenguson and Mn. Francis Werry. 'Meeting closed with League benediction. Visitors: Mrs. C. J. Pascoe, Toron- to, Mrs. Kendry, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Enfieldl, at Mrs. H. J. Wery's; Mn. an-d. Mrs. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, with frientis; Miss Gertie Oke, town, and Miss Elsie, Oke, Toronto, at home; Miss Winnie Ashton and Miss Reta Amsbury, Toronto, at Mr. E. C. Ash- ton's; Miss Maud Curtis, Toronto, at Mr. T. McGill's; Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Mason, Toronto, at Mr. J. Mc- Gill's; Mr. Julien Goodwîn, Toronto, at Mn. W. H. Moore's; Miss Laverne Griffin, town, at home; Mr. Milton and Miss Eva Sanderson, Toronto, and Mrs. C. Sanderson, Burketon, at Mr. Wilfred Sanderson's; Mrs. Brown, Lindsay, is with her daughter, Mrs. Wiil Ashton; Mr. and Mis. J. Sienion visited their son Dr. C. W. Siemon, town, Master Harold retur-ning home with them; Rev. G. T. McKenzie is visiting his littie daughter Isabelle at Belleville. Don't forget the meeting of the congregation at the church Friday evening. Evenybody should attend. Ladies please bring baskets and help to make this a real social evening.... Mr. Jas. Mountjoy bas the sympathy of the community in the loss of bis wif e wbo passed away Thursday, Apnil 13th. About' a month ugo she was taken with anaemia and every- tbing possible was done for ber. Her sister. Mrs. Lambkin. was called here] when she first took sick and was with her to the last. Besides ber sorrow- ing husband she leaves one son Mer-1 win of Cartwright, and two sistens, Mrs. Harper, Utica, and Mrs. Lamb- kin. One duughter predeceased her some years ago. The funeral Sutur- day was largely attended...Those who atten-ded the concert Good Fni- day evening were well pleused with the evening's entertainiment. The Missionary play "The Conversion of the lion. Mrs. Ling" by Salem young people was certainly gooti and euch o-n ce tifnhlfleir nerts ell. The. mus- Williams Higli Grade well made shoes, high in value, low in price. Men's Brown Elk, heavy sole, sewn or pegged, with double toe cap or plain toe at $5.00 per pr Men's Oiled Grain Leather Black or Brown at $5.00 per pr la iâwlp Q - -, iL - la 1 a Li - 1 ' 1 1 0

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