BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY In order to comply with the Act governing Horticult- ural Societies it now be- comes necessary that ail sub- -,.criptions for the year 1922 be in the hands of the Sec- retary not later than June 1, after which date the Secre- tary cannot accept subscrip- 'ions for 1922. All former subscribers are cordially in- vited to renew for 1922, and are also to endeavor to bring in another new subscriber, but be sure to be in with your dollar by June lst. BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 27, 1922 THE OLD HOMELAND A tlantic, but 1 have aiways, kept in touch with the homeiand by reading the (News of the Worid) ", says a prommnent man of the West. The (News of the World) is the great national journal of the British Isles, and no matter in what part of the globe Britishiers may settiýe, the (News of the Worid) compiete with ail the week's news, can be obtained. Its thrilling serial stories, up-to-date song, with music, the latest gossip and pictures, make it the most wei- corne of the week's visitors. '4 It can bc obtained direct from the pubiish- ers, 30 Bouverie Street, London, Eng- land, but for the convenience of local purchasers, ample stocks are carried by P. C. Trebilcock, Bowmanville, On- tario. Make sure of a regular week- iy supply by placing an order with the agents. 16-4~ MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELLJ He Wasn't Able Secretary, Bowmanville Society Chiropractic <Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- ,ýpractors have remarkabie suc- -et in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness,, Asthma, fheumatiam, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Disease,, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousnens in rnaruy forma respond readily to Chiro- practie. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. ÏG Sixm,-oo St ,N. Oshawa Pisone 224 CO01A L QIL and GA SOC)LINE H.E. Smith Successor ta Jas. Elliott When starting to use your coal oil stove Don't Forget to ring 318 (temporary number.) Phone orders promptiy attended to Superior Service and Reliable Goods Cannot Lie Sooner or later their true character will develop, in satisfaction to the patient. It is grati- fying to Mr. Mit- chell to note that much 'of his in- creased patronage is coming from par- ties to whom hie has been recommiend- ed by pleased pat- ients. Our years of pract- ical experience plus only flrst quaI- ity frames and lenses-not fact- ory left-overs-is the guarantee be- hind every pair of Mitchell Glasses. RM. Mitchell,& Co. Druggists & Optometrists Bowmanville Ont. To do the Chores Now He Praises Dodd's Kid- ney Pis Mariitoba Man Run Down and Out of Sorts Fiads the Remedy He Needed in Dodd's Kidney Pis. Morden, Man., April 24th. (Spe- ca. "Ifeel like advising everyone te use Dodd's Kidney Pille".j Such is the tatement cf Mm. 1. D. Dyck, who lives ou R. R. 2 near liere. Mr. Dyck lias ueed Dodd's Kidney Pis and found tiem good. "I lad been drgging nlong for the last f ew years" lie says, "till I was't abls te do the cliores. I tried two dectors and they seemed te do me ne gocd at ail. "Then an advertieement led me te try Dodd's Kidney Pille. 1 amn se mauch improved that 1 feel liks tell- ing everycue te use tleie". 1Dodd's Kidney Pille make healthy kid neye. Henlthy kidueys mena pure bîced. Pure bieod gives new ener- gy ail over the body. If yen lave that tîred feeling tint spring bringe ask yeur neiglibors about Dcdd's Kîdney Pille. BOATS AND LAUNCHES .FREE TRIAL, Johnson light, speedy, outboarci motors. Hyde propeliers, ac- cessories, cut prices, free deliveries. La rge variety engines-new, rebuilt. Ceiioes, Bicycle Motors. Free Catal- ogues. CanadienBocat and Engine Ex change, Toronto. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES, PROCTOR & REDFERN LTD. E. M. Proctor, S. A.Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges,' Pavemnents, Waterworks, Sewer- age Sysý,emns, Incinerators, Schools, Pub- lie Hlls,Ilonsings, i actories, Arbitra- tiens, Litigatien. Our Fees:-Usually Paid out of the meney we save our lients ONE MAN FORD TeP Price includes 3ýales Tax-Top is complete with side curtains-no -wlnd- sirield. Ford Bfl-k 'urtain (2 ights) $ 3.50 tord Deck and quarters, ne curtains 5.25 Chvroict TourIng Top (490) 38.50 tl'ievroýet Back Ouitain 4.25 De ck and quarters (neo uitain) 6.25 I cpswith Gypsy Ouitains extra 4.75 Prices P. 0. B. Orilia-Cash with oruer-Give serial number and yeaî- cf model. CARRIAGE FACTORIES LIMITED Dept. 8 Orilila, Ontario 'Tire R epairing by Modern Methods Youir worn or injured tire wil receive skilied attention lu Our Vulcanizing Shop and its life will be lengthenecq. We wili repair it according to modemn methode-the best methode known to the tire in- dustry. Ail materjal that we put into your tires will be the best mater- jais procurable. Bring in your worn casing- there mnay be mileage in them. if there ie, we will see that you get it. If your tires are net worth repairing, we'il tell you. WE SELL TIRES Jamieson Brolns, EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS BowmavilleOshawa The members cf Florence Nighitin- gale Lodge, No. 66, 1. 0. 0. F., are equested te meet at Lodge Room on Sundny, April 30 ýh., at 10.30 n. m., te attend service at Disciples Churci. ,. O. O. F. choir under direction of Bro. R. M. Mitchell will have charge of musical service. 1"PAPA JOFFIRE" By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., Denver, Colo. Denver has just honored, and he 1been, in turn, correspondingly honoi >ed by a 3 days visit of the man wh 1saved Chrjstendom in 1914. Hie w2 pleased to wituess the unhampere whoie souled enthusiasm which oui Western people know how to give t greatness as evidence of the high al 3preciation f eit by ail Americans fo > is strategic genius, and inflexible dE 5votion to the cause of civilization, an 'specificaily to the defense of Franc )and the Allies. Prom the moment he assume command of the' uumericaiiy juf e! ior, but valiant forces, which faceî the ail but overwheiming Germai army in August 1914, until, th present, hie has occlipied a place of ini tense affection and great honor ii the hearts of the people of the Unitei States and Canada. Hectored and harried by smal politiciaus at home, literaiiy relegate< into military obscurity in 1915 whei his political opjionents decreed hi retirement, he hue always retaine( the confidence and faith of both thi French poilu and the people of thi continent, There were elements of strengti and resolution about Generai Joffrý that appealed pcculiarly te Westeri people, who were able to estimiat< with accuracy the courage and wîi power of a man who marked hie ac* cession to the post of chief of stafl prior to the war, by the dismissal ol five generals whom lie deemed in- competent, and afterwards by retir- ing fourteen more during the firet f eâ months of the conflict. Joffre, superbiy equipped with both physical and moral courage, mas- terful, taciturn, adamantine, proved a man after our own he art, capable of fighting 'the enemy wjthout and the critice within his own country. What happened to hum was of little consequence, so long as hie meecued hjs beloved France from the perils confronting lher. H1e achieved a victory littie short of a military miracle in balting the German ýadvance on Paris in the early days of the wam. Impartial writers no longer criticize hum for throwiag large bodies of men, as he did, into Alsace and Lorraine at the outbreak cf the war, when it was soon after evidenit that every avail- able man was needed on the Belgian front. The circumetances at that time f ally xvarranted sucli action, for who then would imagine the abysmal treacliery of the ilun in violating the sworn neutrality of Belgium? Hie had a right to believe that the German people were human and civilized., France, humiliated by the defeaýte of 1870, regarded witli supreme con- ,tempt by Germauy, suspected of miii- tary incompetence and decay by the other nations of Europe, skeptical, no doulit, of hier own soldiemiy ability, needed the stimulus of ad! intrepid fearlees leader at the point of attack. But it was in the long agoay of re- treat that fate cnet Joffre for his greatest role. TIhe Prussian inun- dation, lu great masses roliing acress the Belgian frontier like a fiery tidal etave, tried the nerve cf the Joffre in a crisis neyer to be surpassed la the history of the worid. For 4 daye and nights the people cf Paris vicariously experieacing the horrors of the new type of warfame ushered in by German frîghtfulness, retreated with Joffre, step by etep as the news fiashed 'the details of the progrees of Prussian mnight. Pa-ris vas evacuated by officiaidom, sup- posedly impregnabie fortresses crçamb Led beneath the onslaught cf the great, new Germani pieces cf ord- riance, and the, cause cf France seemed lest, when Joffre, summening his exhausted troope te a supreme effort, turned at the Marne and stop- ped 2,500,000 Germans within 30 miles of Parie. Said Sir John French, firet ceom- mander cf the British army cencera- ng this achievement "Hie strategic conception was ta draw the enemyl on at ail points, unitil a favorable sit- uation was crented te assume the offensive". Iu this intricate task he French general was daîly ca]led upon te mcdify hie plans. Iu hie owa subordinates he declared: "I mean te deliver the big battie under the meet favorable conditions at my own time and, on the greund I have liosen. If aecessary I shah coa- tiue te retreat. I shahI bide my time. No consideratien wliatever will make me alter my plans". The lst phrase reveais the man. Fer- CARD 0F THANKS Mme. Jessie Grigg and da'ughtere desire te tiank their maay friends and neiglibors for the very great kind- nese and sympntliy extended te tliem duriug the ilînese andI deati cf the husband andI father and fer the beautiful floral off eringe. HAIG S EEKS CONSOLIDATION The need for consolidation cf vet- eran organizations timouglieut the Britishi Empire is stressed by Field MarehlniEnri Haig, President cf the Britisli Empire Service League, lnaa letter te R. B. Maxwell, G. W. V. A., rec ently. "As we are now united threuglieut the Empire, I urge the advantage of all emaller organizations merging with the main body in encli Dominion, thereby increasing their power and their cnpacity fer doing good wox-k", the Field Marehal observed. "The members cf the British Empire Ser- vice League will readily recegnize the wîsdom cf Empire Headquarters in decidîng net te accept as members any Societies formed from now on- wards in a Dominion wheme there ia a recognized organization. I wisli te emphasize the necessity cf members of the Bï E. S. L. makfng every effort te obtain Unity in the urgency cf nîakîng provision for the formation cf brandies where neces- sary, whicli wiil meet the require- mente cf sectional grcups cf ex-ser- vice men". WELL KNOWN CITIZEN PASSES David Grigg, Bowmanville. There pnssed te reet on Sundny, sApril 16, one of car meet mespected citizens in the person cf Mr. David Grigg in hie 66tli year, Deceased wae bora in Cornwall,, Engiand, beiug a son of Thomas and, Jane Laslibrook Grigg. lie was one of a family cf nine chlden-five beys and four girls. Hie came te Canada with the family when about 14 years cf age, settliug in Bewman-1 ville where lielias lived ever siace.1 >In 1901 he was uuited in, marriage witli Miss Jessie Plummer nn t te were hemn two dauglitersMisJn Grigg cf the teachîng staff cf Grace tStreet School, Toronto, and Miss LRuthi Grigg at home. For the past sixteen years Mr. Grigg lias been employed la the Dur- ham Rublier Co's Works and later ln the Goodyear Factory. About ýw o years ago lie underweat an opera- tion for appeudicitis from whicli lie recevered and was working te a couple cf weeks previeus te hie denti, when lie suffered a f ail etriklng hie, licad which it us tliought wns meepon- cible for, hie ilînes and denth, lie xvas a very quiet, industrous man, up- rîglinla is dealinge, a good neiglibor and friend. lie wns a member and faithful attendant cf the Methodist Churcli and Suuday School. Hie leld the position cf Secretary cf the Adaît Bible Clase for mnny yenms and wae very f nitbful te duty. The funeral teck place on Wednes- day aftemnoon from his late resi- dence, Ontarie-et, service lieiag con- ducted by bis paster, 11ev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., assisted by 11ev. E. A. Tonkin. 'The paîl-bear- ers were six members cf Lodge Wel-. lington, No. 19, Sons cf Englnd Ben- ovelent Society: Mesers. Wm. H. and Thos. E. Osborne, James GuI, Geo. Richards, Thomas Heigliton and W. J. S. Rundle. Mm. Grigg had held various offices in the Order iacluding that cf District, Deputy. Hie bmetliren attended'the fanerai in a body as well as the members cf the Adult Bible Cines liended by Mr. P. C. Trebilcock, the teacher. Besides hie wif e and two daugiters who moumu the lose cf a kind liusbaad and loving father, lie leaves four brothers -Mr. Josepli Gigg of Winnipeg, Man., who lad just returned home after a pleasant visit with hie broti- ers liere; Harry Grigg cf Clame, Michigan; Thomas Grigg cf Canning- ton; and John Grigg, Bowmnnville; and one sister. Mrs. Paul Curtis cf Tenasket, Washington, U. S. A. The floral offeminge were lovely andI included: Wreatis-Sone cf Eng- land B. S., "Durham Old Guarde", Goodyear Relief Association, Mr. Wm Ccx and the Family; Cross-Mr, and Mre. G. Su-herland and Mme. Wither- idge; Pillow-Staff cf Gmace Street Sdlicol, Toronto; Sprays-Mm. and Mme. J. J. Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer, Mme. Westlnke and Mme. Hughes, Mr. and Mme. John Grigg, Mi-. andI Mrs. H. Westaway, Employees cf Beit Dept. Goodyear Ce., "Aduit Bible Ciase", Metiediet Churci, "Sunehine Clase" of Meti- odiet S. S., "Girls Morning Heur"l of Methodiet Churci, Mrs. W. Chartran, ýMme. N. Taylor, Miss Mildred Law- rie, Misses Marion and H1elen Word- en andI Mm. Wm. Poiatea. Amoing relatives present were- Mr. Frank Grigg, Mme. Chas. Rich- ards, Mm. John Richards, Mrs. John FJdwards, Mm. Wm. Cox and dauglit- ers, Mrs. Clifford Knowles, Oshawa; Mr. and Mme. Geo. Sutherlnd, Mm. Howard Plummer, Toron-te; Mr. aud Mrs. Wmî. Pluminer, Woodstock; Mr. Tics. Richards, Tymone; Mm. and Mme. Thos. Moffat, Newcastle; Mm. sud Mme. Dnvid Moffat, Omono; Mr. and Mme. Gec. Walkey, Newton- ville. STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS About the beet thing a father eau, do for hie beys je te encourage thema te travel and see something cf the 1world, before them become tee keen- iy eugrossed in commercial life. Travel je a great Educatr-it en- riches the mmnd and lits the youth te better fil his place in life, A nor- mal boy is observant-lie assimilates and retains knowiedge. Travel gives hlm hie epportunity-it fits him for every phase in life. A tour of Europe le at present be- ing erganized under the personal supervision cf Mr. T. H. Mattliews, M. A. (Oxon) Assistant Professer of Mathematice, McGill University, and late Instructor-Lieutenant, Royal Navy. In addition local guides wiU1 be secured toecoaduct excursions and give lectures on the artietic, historic, iiterary and ecenomic sîgaificance cf the sights seen and the Dlaces visit- ed. A meet carefully planaed and in-, terestiag itinerary lias been arranged including visite te Moatreai, Liver- pool, Chester, Stratford-on-Avon, Oxford, London, Paris, Versailles, Fontainebleau, Rhbeims, Lyons, Mar- seilles, Cannes, Nice, Maneca, Men- toue, Genca, Pisa Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Capri, Icmpeii, Vesuvius, Florence, Venice, Trent, Innsbruck, Munichi, the Passion Play at Oberam- mergau, Nuremberg, Mayence, the Rhiue, Cologne, Brussels, Louvain, and Otend, returning through Lon- don and Liverpool. This exceptional tour starte from Montreal on Saturday, June 24tli, calling at Quebec, by the- splendid White Star Line steamship "Cane- pic" (12,100 tons). A period cf appfoxemately two mentis will ha occupied by the tour as by the itin- eramy the retura trip le made from Liverpool by the fine steamship "Regina" (16,500 tons) arriving at Montreal on Auguet 26th. The arrangements fer this tour are Auto Accidents Evry Day It may be your turn anytime. Proteet your- self against damage suits. The cost is a mere trifle compared with the risk. Our companies, iwith complete organization and capital, assume everything for you. No worry. No loss. It is more,,important even than fire insurance. Many have been flnancially ruined over one ae- jcicient. The courts allow 'big damages. Don't run the risk yourself. way and talk it over with us. REAL ESTATE Several good houses for sale. storey brick dwelling for $1000.00. Corne in any- A bargain, 2 J. J. MASON & SON I Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50Bomvl. I. Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd, Give iService Owners of Oldsmobîle and used cars purchased from us are exceedingly geneî'ous in their praise of the 1VOFFATT SER- VICE given them from our two garages at Bowmanville and Osh awa, Next to the merits of the car itself the success of our business and the unprecedentcd increase in the volume of our sales' is due to the unstinting MOFFATT SERVICE which goes with every car, A car owner appreciates what garage service really means. That explains why many motorists in buying new cars in this district buy from us because they have learned that MOFFATT SERVICE is a worth-while service. A COMPLETE GARAGE-MOFFATT SERVICE There is no reason why we shouldn't give best service as we have a most complete garage-service station, accessories, repair shop, Willard Battery Station, Paint Shop. Bear these facts in mmnd when purchasing an auto.' Motffatt Motor S >Jales quLtde AGENTS FOR "OLDSMOBILE" AND "OAKLAND" CARS Oshawa 1Bowmanville j, i DUNLOP TRACTION CORD q Dunlop Cords, with Dunlop Extra Heavy Service Tubes, make the ideal tire equipmnent for every car, any place and in ail weathers. « "Some two years ago 1 purchased two Dunlop Traction Cord Tires, 32x4. Since placing them on my Columbia Car 1 have covered 18,500 miles. In view of the almost uninterrupted service they have given, and stili are giving, I feel it je My duty ta inform you of the great satis- faction I have received from their use. Als"o, I must congratulate your Company on the high standard of quality that is put into the manufacture of tires, to enable themn to give such service." Ç In Dunlop Cord Tires you have " Traction" and "Rihbed " to choose from. Ç In Dunlop Fabric Tires you have "Traction," 'fRibbed," Special," "Clipper," "Plain." Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office and Factories: Toronto Branches la the Leadlng Cities T 163k meest complete and the charge whicli le a minimum eue cevers everythiag in the way cf transportation, hetel accommodation witli tlree meals a day, tansfers, sight-seeing fees, la brief al aecessary travelling expea- ses for the entîre tour. Apply te any agent of the Canadian National RaiIways f or f anther partic- ulars. 17-4. STOCK NOTE-S Mr. E. à. Trimia, Manviers Road l3ownianville, wisee to announce thsi he has purchased the Imported Clys- dale Staliion "Permont Regent"l fromï Mr. Percy Cowan and will offer same f or service the comin goseson. Watch f or route and pedigree later.