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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1922, p. 4

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W&Wâ ii ý 11 ' ii , ý ý __ 1 __., - ý , - - --Il - l- 11, arm chair with soma kind cf a prcp- 1/eINErYouCani,.uNJY1 stuck up la tbe back to reat one's New 17" e head againat, and a f ellow weuid need dm% 3 D ORS EAy < a.UatCond7i*ca they weuid go at you with that nwful 1 I..4 J0 Y" seuie v Rmd razor. Say on my honer Iwud ,t A K Y ~ Niht ati Iiornng." not shave a dead beg with such a poor leep yourEyesClean, clear and acathy. tool. I must say, the bnrber's eutfit Write for Fiee Eye Care Book. ladcdel er .k ubr *~rBEeRcecic..9asouistee.Cbcao 1 think I told enougl inlasoma ofBo avie BOWMANVILLE,, APRIL 27, 1922 BOWMANVILLE'S MILK SUPPLY' ENFIELD SMR. SNOWDEN'S OBSERVATIONS Milk Dealers te Give Botter Service Mr., Lorne Simpson has purchased and Reduce Price to 12c Quart a tractor. Funnyosities of English Ways and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith visited at I Customs that Tickled Himn. For sôniètime past, Bowmanville Toronto recently.fl l ehaaerof ommerce has been en- Mrs. Branton, Oshawa, bas been A. ~e f oo inare ndOn a first visit to England one sees deavoring to work with the milk guest at Mr. S. Pagels. t hobby or pastimne. with surprise and a spirit Of humer dealers so that Bowmanville's milk Mrs. E. J. Alexander is visiting Lie these fetu rles o many customs' methods and peculiar- supply would be just as favorable as friends at North Oshawa. ir hs faue eoi ies that are'novel and interesting. our sister towns. Mr. Walton Pascoe, Toronto, visit- C N D 0f course, it does not show proper re- Executive of the Chamber of Com- ed Mr. Wallace Scott and Mr. L. C. spect and ceurtesy to openly declare merce were of the opinion- that past- Pascoe.FO P I ene's astonishment in the presence of eutized milk along with improve- Automobile agents are scouring the FO SRI .ys perfectly flat when friends and relatives who are the very ments on delivery out-fits, and earlier country these days. The early bird olied. It is asy tocream of kîndness. But they will delivery, also reduction in price, gets the worm, eh?-- ~le. Iti as opardon me if I refer to some things would be to the best interest cf Bow- IO TYM t1 noticed that I think might be altered ýmanville. This was taken up thor- BO W MAL no top ails orto advantage cf those concerned. oughly wîth the milk dealers, and inEFIL quirs n lumbels r Some of, them have been mentioned many respects they agreed with what ReotfS..N.15 alno, -0 s, saves lme n in my previcus letters, but I will re- the C. cf C. outlined.foEatrer. Nm rsndce ýs long service. It ia fer te some cf them again for the n ernctehepteizgcfoprcEe te r. 1V-mars on ica riornical. sake cf giving a littie more emphasis mInk t sfernetobthe aurzof y cf snt6,Llod rgus-ron 0, Helenw% te them. Space will permit refer- ik twsfl ytemortofon7,LydFgun70 Hln strong and closely ence te only a very few-a smail part the dealers that this would be an im- Pascoe '70, Merle Ashton 55. Sr.U ,en. Itkeeps hîckscf what night be considered in con- proved condition, providing the town II-Herb. Ashton 61. Jr, III-Har- B R i nctin ithth hait, estms ndwaa large enough to warrant a Past- old Co6chrane 64. Sr. Il-Norman and intruders out. manners cf the Old Country people. eurizing Plant. Stinsen 76, Elva Ferguson 73, Verna eiht fcm3 e fetFirst then I shall direct attention Price of milk bas already dropped Ormiston 57, Amy Ashton 56. Jr. sigt er euron3t8 eet.te some cf the funnycaîties which I te 12c a qt. The majority cf the JI-Bessie Pascoe 83, Evelyn Stin- GletsLe ysut eaer. sw urig y tavls a nglnd milk dealers believe that if our sister son 75, Grace Niddery 64, David Gat- iltsLe2 or I might say, the ways they do some tewns are able to reduce the price cheli 48. Sr. I-Carl Bradley 87, cf their work over there compared stili further at grass time when there Leslie Cochrane 73. Sr. Pr.-Ivan Lux 1witb the way we do the saine work is a more abundant supply cf milk, Cochrane 87, Norman Niddery 77, CE COMPANY, Limited here in our country, net se much for that Bowmanville should have the John Ashton 66. Jr. Pr.-Clarence Choice Breakf WINNIPEG, the readers cf the paper on this ide saine benefit as our sister towns in Bradley 70.Mahn 'Sie cA. f the Atlantic as for the f ew that this regard. Lyda I. Taylor, teatlher.Mahn Sie are reading my articles over in dear The milkmen were aise quite agree- ted Booklet on Old England, the Metherland. able te better their delivery outfits me that seemed very cdd was when I and sanitary in appearance.NoieT rdt S G l.Sups, saw every rig, trap or tram 'car or Summnrizing what the milkmen_____ metor bus and people themnselves aIl had te say, they practically agreed IN THIE MATTER 0F the estate of 'M turning eut wben meeting one an- with whnt the C. cf C. outlined, with E mily Eliza Mann, late of the to~wnflf - other on the left side. Canadian the exception of pasteurizing the ronarie imnthece, CLy f uramJ jmanufacturers have to make motor niiik which they did net feel at the NOTrICed is heeyien pusuatot -cars that they ship te England with present time that the quantity cf Sec. 56 of Chap. 121 R. S. 0., that ail right-hand drive, se that an English- ikue nBwauil ol a-prsons having dlaims or demands agalnst ma a ntt hag.i md fthe etato of the said Emily Eliza Mann, manha ne t cang bs mdecfrant. On the other hand, the milk deceased, who died on or about the fiast driving wben meeting bis neighbor deniers feel that the citizens cf Bow- day of April, 1922, are required te sefld by or other persen on the rond. manville couîd hî aeilîîy osot, prepaid or deliver to the undersign 4 lb. tin pure Then a little f arther on I met a rbringing about better milk supply Company, Limited, Toronto, or to the Plum Jarn lrecnrt with herses a tandem-coîtns undersigned D. B. Simpson, K. C.. Its largetins Solicitor, on or beoetetefth day of one herse befere the ether. Should In the first place-if consumera cf May 1922, their christian and surnames the lead be very heavy there might be iik would buy at least $1.00 worth and addreasea with full particulitrs in three herses one straight abead cf of tickets at a time, and always have ~rtn 1terdisadttret0 Pastry Flour thei acolats nd te ntur ofthe another, making a long string. To milk botties eut witb tickets. This securities (if any) held by them duly us Canadians thia way dees look se weuld cause ne delay for the milk- verifIed by statutory declaration. Special Bulk CI awkward, especîally one used te men, which delay meanas of AND TAKE NOTICE that after the aid tweifth day of May 1922 the said driin inths cunrywhee e rive money, and aisl ss dlier o be Exedutor will proceed to distribute the Breakfast Cocc twe herses ide by ide, wbich 1i8s ad atr nthoay o cf assetIs of the said deceased ameng the much ensier to manage and se much the milkmen bave already started the only to the claim othi t shal reard Picic Hams, eee rwing for the herses. Wben early meorning delivery, se be sure have notice, and the said Executor fl i;i!Iwas watcig some cf tbe tandem and have your betties eut the night lot be hiable for saîd assets, or any part I ~veerdr1~ tere, notced eforewithtickts. te any person or persons of "r v herses drawing over hrIntedbfewi icts whose dlaim notice shallflot have been MM!often one horse with a slack trace and , hyas ai"httee acn 'cIved bic it or Its said Solicitor at the Thyalocli ha heeiscn time of such distribution. :M, the other one pulling bard. siderable boss in botties. Sbould any Dated April 21st, 1922. Would you think aftersmecmbkcnueafdthyavepy The Trusts and Guar1atee Comnpany StL a v their intelligent farmers had visited botties which bave net been returned D . imson K C , B Twmnte. eur country as they have tbat they te the~ milk denier, kindly dc so be- Ont., Solicitor, for the said executor, would change te the better way? fore May 1Sth. It bas been sug- 17-3w ... ...... ...........Then on a hittie fartber, eapecially gested that an Inspecter be secured __ .........on market days, I noticed farmers te investigate the bs cf mibk bot- .... .. ..nnd hucksters from outaide cf towii, ties wbich the dealers are new sufer- fl~~ coming in to market witb their twc- ing. J£u wheei tmap and very high at that, nod- The C. cf C. bas also taken the r e a iu a r r ding ferth and back, the meat unccm- matter up with the Board cf Health,'f h e-du rt s N " ~f orable wny te ride that ycu could te have Goverament Inspection made %-~ hn f at ail milk producers se ns te ascer- Juat think for instance cf Fred W. tain the sanitary conditions from '..~w-.Brooks, Esq., brougbt up here in whicb the source cf supply la ebtain- Canada nnd used te our four-wheei ed hy thedeniers.__ À t is EngIish style, I suppose. Se ycu te supply milk on juat as favorable ca esiyse ha te matfllwconditions, taking into consîderation whtever is English style, no matter qaiy eieytm n rca I J e ~osaearvn if it la put on inside eut. When 1 eur sister towns. ti.smosarealsy, keep i was tniking te Mr. Brooks and told oriTer censr. hudc-ert tc. W nevrt him wbat I thought cf the trap lie Th osmr hudc-ort sok. W en av ok pi touch W inughed, but you wilI see wben he with the dealers regarding purchas- comes te Canada this nutuma if lie Ing cf tickets and returning cf bot- wanted colorings, styles and f abrics. " don't take back one cf our, 4-wheeled ties, etc. tirnes f eel sure of satisfying our custorne carniages and neyer mind what they i think about it la England.. I think TYRONE enabled to offer a higher grade of merch a thatif f e suh inluetialmencordially invite you to join with' those W lwouid start intrcducing some up-to- Aduit Bible Class met at the Par- T date articles and wnya, people over sonage on April 12 for election cf the splendid values we are offering in ei there would follow suit,. a h officers, meeting opened with inging Another noticeable fad a th and prayer. Reports of President, ____________ iworking men with their leggings on, Secretary nnd Treasurer were rend .No matter how bot it may be they and ndopted, and the f ollowing offi- B Y 'S H O UT have te wear tbem because it la the cers elected:- President-Mra. L. T. B Y 'S H O UT IdEnglisb fashion. I do not say s0 Goodman; Vice-President--, G. very much againat tbem, as they get Mackin; Secretary-Russell Wright; Thy av los fsnp sw gad se very much wet weatber over there, Treasurer-Mr. S. T, bar; Mission- hy av los fsnp sw gad and it saves the trousers' ieg. But nry Treasurer-Mrs. T. Smith. After stle-they're the very best makes- and you can seethat it is a fad just the the business Mrs.. Wickett aerved tailored just as carefully as our men's mn.dninty refresbments. Ail present- cohs hyr ra aus oa New in regards their train gr enjoyed a pleasant and profitable eohs hyr ra aus oa vice whîch I tested quite a gocd desl evening. A hearty vote cf thanka us92pie n edlk oso while I was over there. Well 1 was extended te bey. and Mrs. Wick- te oyu k muat sny they are very prompt on thse et fr her nifrmkidnssan r start and stop-nyr ady being hospitaiity. i two minutes bebind stnrting from or Meyirprn sutOwaatPresFo $75 to$60 * .t~~~~~ ~~ arriving at stations. But thoae "'~tenwbwrpie.Cul,_____________________ j . mali littIe coaches are a b)ack num- uathenwlerpis.C c, i ber truiy. Inside them la a migbty ontn& rdem . poor pince te get sick for one la these -___ _____ E ' E D -O W A UT coaeh es can enly get out wben the M N E D -OW A UT ~PiI -'~j~ train is stopped. There are deors My ennier letters in regarda to their on ;;it;e. ide, btwhnshtthere sagtrhouses and hiw they kil Wehavea wonderful selection, all you are with no accommodation or ever there. 'WTe bave tbem trimmed rd butherwiting on cuatomers. He show seme of their butchers tbrough eusofthe ment la any shape, puts some of our kiiling bouses la Toronto. tail, lNVILLE ONT% d-% a Àw 5 String UlMS Extra 39 2 tins 29e Castile Soap, 3 bars 10c 12c Snowflake Ammonia, ,f ast Bacon, 2 for 15e -d, lb. 33c Special Blend Tea, lb 45c Sunlight, Comfort, P & G Pearl White 15bars $1,00j Quart Jar Green Olives 57c 59c Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 99C 3 for 29c Coffee 39c lb 'Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c ma, 2 lbs 25c Fresh Ground Black lb. 25c Pepper, lb. 25c rence Sugar $6.50 c' wt Phone No. 271 5tore News :,brighten up our already well selected with Fashion's latest creations in all the "It Costs No More", and we can at aîl Brs. Buying in larger quantities we are .ndise, at a very moderate price. We who have already visited our shop and see Cvery departrnent. SOCIETY BRAND SUITS WHY NOT SUIT YOURSELF? If vou have looked a long time for styl'e and careful tailoring in a ready- to-wear or tailored-to-measure garment -look no further. Drop in and try on a Society Brand Suit you will make this mental memor- anduni: My next suit will be a So- ciety' Brand whether I buy to-day, next, week, or six months £rom now. If you are hard to fit we can take your meas- ure. Prices Frorn $32.00 to $45.00 SPRING SHIRTS' New Styles, New Colors, New 1922 Pr ices---that's why our Shirt Depart-,, ment is so busy these days. We would like everybody to see the values we are off ering From $1.50 to $6.50 And should you desire a real nice Necktie to go with one of thiese shirts, we have them, too. It would not be hard for you to pick yours from our choice selection which was neyer more complete, Frorn 75c to $2.00 each BOYS' WOOL CASHMERE JERSEYS Ail the wanted shades and nicelv trirnmed, in the popular buttoned up to neck as well as the V-Neck, $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 on the other side of the FON'S'Street it wilI pay you to rO N 9S'f corne across , i Oshawa Whitby, çook's cotto Root CompounG A efe, reliable reincating medicine. Sold in thîcee de- grees of strength-No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent yrepaid on re'aapt of prie, Fiee pamnpht. Address: MIE COOK m 'y!Co., nion Stores. Ltd VS LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS, NG CLEANING LOOK THESE OVER",

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