Experts nc" Womnen's Food Sense- Experts say women choose foods for "filling quality," for "appear- ance," that " they will flot listen when told refined cereals and white flour are devitalized, and should be coin- pensated by whole grain cereals to rnake up for deficiencies "-and that "then they wonder why their child- ren are undersized, over fat, pale, have poor teeth, adenoids, tonsilitis, constant colds, colonie catarrh and appendicitis," Roman Meal, designed by a physi- cian to compensate deficiencies in modern diet, contains three whole grains. It is very rich in proteils, i7ninerais and vitamines, the essen- tial growth principles. Roman Meal mnakes delîcious porridge, muffins, pancakes, puddings, etc. Used some way, every day, it prevents indiges- tion and positively relieves consti- pation. Just try it. At grocers. s7 Macle Strong and Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound St. Paul, Minn.-"I took Lydia E. Prnkhamn's Vegetable Compound for a tired, worni-out feel- ing and painful peri- ods. 1 used to get up with a pain in my head and pains in my ýlowerparts andback. -iOften 1 was net able te do my work, I read in your 1lit t 1e book about Lydia E. Atable Compýound and Ihave taken it. 1 ee sowell and strong and can do every bit of my work and flot a pair in my back now. 1 rec- ommend your medieine and yen can use this letter as a testimonial. " - Mrs. PHIL. MASER, 801 Winslow St., St. Paul, Mimm. Just another case where a woman foimd relief by taking Lydia E. Pîink- 1I am's Vegctable Compound. M any Uirnes these tired, worn-out feelings and pains --bout the body are fromn troubles ûnly wemen have. The Vegetable Cern- pound is especially adapted for just this condition. The good results are noted by thae dsagreeable symptoma pas sin ýz away-one after another. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Ceom- pound is a Woman's Medicine for Wo- znen's Ailmentï, .Aiways reliable, ARE YOU A MOTHER? Health hs Your Most Valuable Asset. Here hs How to Take Proper Care of It Hamilton, Ont-I was advised by a practical nurse to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- ,a 4 inasatncdr BOWMANVILLE, MAY 4th., 1922. BEST THINGS ABOUT LOVE You neyer believe that anyone ever loved just as yen do. You want te tell him everything you have ever thought, said or dene. You are sure that every other wem- an is anxious to take hlmi from you. You cannot imagine if e without him. You resent any criticism of him frem other people. Yen are jealous of his mother be- cause she knew .him first. You count a day blank la which yen de net see him. Yen are sure that if yeu marry him earth will be better than any poet's paradîse. You would rather live la one room with him than in a palace with any- one else. If yeu fail te feel like eight of these nine things, încluding the last -don't marry hlm. Men, your Sprîng suit now awaits you at the new lower prices. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. LUMBAGO NEURITIS vs. SCIT.R.C.'s flheumatism and similar troubles invariably yield to, this T.R.C.1r. (Templeton's Rheumatic Cap- suies) treatment. Many doctors i and m.any hundreds of druggista from Coast to coast will coairm this truth. The huwndreds ci tes- tirnoadal letters in Our files show that T.R.C.le have successiily treated Rh&umnatiaim, Lumbago, NeuritlsSciatica and cute lieu. ra .Î&ofall kinds. But the best evâea«inyeur own experience. il Y« uAffer we want you to tri' hi uaranteed non-injurioue remedy at our expense. Drag- e iste seil T.R.C.'s $1.00 per box.. For Frea Triai write T.ILC. Go., 56 Coiborne St., Toronto. Soid by Jury & Lovel Sprecious health-building ele- Iments are essential factors of growth to every child. Isj the food-tonic of pca value to children. I Iis rich in vitamines- Ibuilds health and pro- gmotes rowth!! Ilere's Proof That Ends Headache àfft. 9. F. Tomkins, Ex-Mayor of Coatî- ORONO N"EWS Mr. David Moffatt has a'new car. "Eliza Cornes te S.ay"', Town Hall, Orono, May 5th. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tourjee, Tor- ente, were recent visitors. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Allen, Les- kard, have gene te Toronto. Mrs. A. A. Powers, Toronto, visit- ed hem son, Mr. G. N. Powers. Omono Publicity Association met la Fime Hall on Wednesday, May 3rd. Mrs. Ed. Osborne has returned from Toronto where she spent a week. Mrs. Neil MacKenzie and daughter Enid, Toronto, are visiting hem father, Mr. T. Smith. No one need endure thse agony o coras with Holeoway's Cern Rernover at hand te remove them. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Clernence, Osh- awa, visited at his sister's recently, Mrs. Cecil Powers, Kirby. Mr. A. J. Bowen bas, completed the cernent foundation for the residence he is building on Church Street. Millions of people are now keeping theniselves in good physical trirn by ths euse of Tanlac. Jury & Loveil. Orono District Veterans Club meets la S. O. E. Hall on Thursday, May. 4, at 8.30 p. m. Returned men attend. Cet your ticket early fer "Eliza Cornes te Stay" by the Port Hope Dramatie Ce., on Friday, May 5tb. Mr. Wrn. Cornisis, proprietor of' Orono bakery, bas purchased a hand- some motor truck for bis bread de- livery. Reported that Mrs. Bellarny bas sold ber residence la the north ward, Mm. Lawrence Beal being the pur- chaser. It is astonishing how quick the wonderful medicine, Tanlac, will geti a persea te feeling right again.-Juryj & Loveil.1 Mr. Geo. H. Joîl was la town Mon- day. Mm. and Mrs. Joli have return- cd frem the West and will live la Newcastle.1 1Mrs. Richard Lang, from Northemn Ontario, xvho visited thse past two rntbs at Mr. W. H. Walters', bas left for home. Mm. J. A. Honeywell bas moved from the old Manse te the H. E. Mill- son residen ce, recently thseborne of Mm. E. J. Hammi. Mr'. James Dyer, Toronto, visited bis sister, Mrs. A. Callender. Jirnj was an old Omeno boy and was edLu- cated at "College Hill". Orone Ledge, 1. O. O. F., No. 436 attended anniversary services witb Florence Nightingale Lodge, Bow- mnanville, on Sunday, April 3th. Taniac bas made 1f e wortb living fer millions of other people. It will do the same for you. Jury & I ovell. Mrs. I. T. Cbapman bas returned berne te Kimby frmr a visit with hem father, Mr. H. R. Themator, Scotlaad, Ont., and aise ber sister, Mrs. George Rutherford. Orono Lodge 1. O. O. F. will 'Parade te the Methodist Churcis, Sunday, May '7tb, eveaiag service. Maie Choir frmr Bowmanville will occupy the orchestra. John 'McCbesney, cemritted te lieuse of Refuge from Clarke insist- cd on running away. He was arrest- I measure. Wbeme ail was suf ering THE NEWSPAPER GUIDE there cornes comfomt and rest. Breath- 1 ing becornes normal and the broachiali The newspaper that carnies a geod tubes completely cleared. This un-'line of advertisements is te thse shop- equalled rernedy is worth many tîrnes per what tise is te the tra- is price te ail wbo use it. velier and thse publîshed guide te the A vcmy pretty cerernony was wit- tourist. Busy people wili study ad- nessd i th Prsbyerin curc'onvertisernts la the home or in thse Sunday mrening when Mm. and Mrs. Ofc ste oatmtbe n e William Mofatt presented terflore they start eut shopping they bave ~ ~ ~determined where tbey are going. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Rae, perferrn- cd tise ceremony.i Mrs. Robb has been invited te take hem ciass te Bowrnanville and give a reproduction there of tise pmograrn pesented in tise Opera lieuse, te ap- pear under tise auspices of the Or-,I chestra of tisat tewn, and is assured of a good bouse. Menday, May 8th, Mr. Allia of To-ý rente, wiii speak on "Ceatinuity of' Bloom ia Perenal Borders", with iilustratcd lantera siides, for the Uer- ticuitural Society, in S'unday Scisool room of Presbyterian churcis. Omeno Band have sevemal important engagements in view fer tise summer,. and are making arrangement for' monthly street concerts at Newcastle, Pontypool, Hampton and perhaps Keadai. They have aise been invit-' cd te Bowmanvilie. The indications of worms are rcst-' lessness, grinding of thse teetis, pick- ing of the nose, extrerne pecvishness, often convulsions. Under these con- ditions one of the best remedies that can be got is Milier's Worm Powdcrs. Tiscy will attack the werrns as $001 as adrninistcred and tbey pass away in the evacuations. Tise iittle sufferer will be îrnrediatcly eased and a me- tura of the attack wiil net be iikely. Mr. Hfenry Gibson, Sault Ste Marie, is with bis sister, Mrs. John Dickson. Henry and bis brother Alfred left Clamke Townshsip wbcn they wcmc youag amenanad settled near Sauit Ste Marie, Ris iast visit iscre was 35 years ago. With several others £rorn bis district be carne te ibis section te buy up a car ioad or twe of stock. Mm. J. Frank Osborne, 3rd con- cession, Clamke, bas bougbt one of the best farrns la Darliagton, tise Richard Soucis farrn, 150 acres, locatcd about tîvo miles cast of Bowrnanville on the Provincial road, bas fine buildings, is well fen'ed and tise land ia in a fine state of cultivation. Tise purchase price. is said te have heem $16,000. Thieves are net ail roundcd up yet. Tuesday night Mr. Frank Osbomne, third concession, isad a quantity of, eats stoien from his barn on east f arm. He isad takea tiscrn ever tise preývieus day for feediag purpioses,, but at chore time aext mrnming tbey had disappeared ,the otiser fellow wasi doing tise feedia g.1 Tise 011 of Power.-It is net claim-, ed for Dr. Tisornas' Eclectric Oil that it will rernedy every ili, but its uses are se varions that it rnay be looked upea as a general pain killer. It bas achieved that greatness for itself and its excellence is known te ail who have tested its virtues and iearned by expericaIce. Mrs., Sidney Smnith passed suddenly away April 12 ai hem berne in Oton- abee. Hem busbanct, at ber request, The newcomer or the visiter te the city finds the advertising columas Aof a newspaper a reliable guide te follow, just as he finds the printed guide for tourists te points of inter- est a matter of interest and time sav- ing. In fact, the stores, the milîs and the theatres are points of, inter- tiser puts himself outsiýde the pale of interest se f ar as strangers are con- cerned.-St. Louis Daily Journal. PRICE 0F TEA HIGHEST IN YEARS During 1920 se much more tea was produced than was required through- eut the Werld that the market drop- ped te a comparatively low peint. Se serious was the position ef the grew- crs ia India, Ceylonanad Java that they agreed te preduce 20 % less ;tea during 1921. The result was that less tea was produced than was required, and new ail surplus stocks have prctty well been exhausted te fill the deficiency. Prices in the last four rnenths have steadily ad- vanced, until the mrnaket te-day is at a level as high as was ever before reached evea duriag war years. The Kidneys The office man and1 the outdoor worker suifer alike frorn derange- ments of the kidneys. B ackaches and headaches arc among the sympterni. In some cases Briglit's disease seen de- velops, ethers suifer frem high bleod pressure until hardening of the arteries sets lni. In order te forestaîl painful and fatal diseases prompt action shoulel be taken at thse first sign of trouble. Mr. A. D. MacKinnon, Kirk- Tnprpg - nn N 5 y A Life for A Dollar NEVEIR was human life so, eheap as it can ho bouglit to- .Jday in the famine districts of Russia. $1 will save a child's life by pmeviding food for a month, $10 will save ten children from starvation. $500 will esaiblish a kitchen and feed 100 children until the next harvest. Will you save a life with a dollar? Could any other dollar you have-or ever hope to have.- bring sich soul-satisfying returns? Wouldn't yeu sleep better-feel better-be better-if you knew that a dollar of yours saved a child's life? Only-anything you do to save the children of iRussia in their desperate fight against death from starvation, must te donc at once. Won't you send the dollar NOW? A child's life depends on it. Cheques and money erders may be forwarded thre ugh your bank or local commiltee or sent direct teo8Sir George Burn, Treasurer, Save the C'hildren Fund, Elgin Bldg., Ottawa. Save the Children Fund Hon. President': HON. W. L. MACKENZIE KING, C.M.G, H-on. Vice-Presidents: RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHIEN H-ON. T. A. CRERAR HON. RODOLPHE LEMIEIJX THE NEW ROUTE WINNPEG SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERT