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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 11

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ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLELLAN Manager. How to Invest. WHEN yu have saved enough money with which to buy a Canadian Government or Municipal Boy#d consuit this bank and obtain free information as to the particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial investment inteli- gence gladly on request. a - sTANDAR13ANIÇ TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmnanville Branch, - - - H, W. Lapp,. Blackstock Branch, - -- -E A. Preston, anager anager BUY IT AT CHRISTIE'S BAKERY BREAD BUNS PASTRY FANCY COOKING CHOCOLATES CANDY ICE CREAM CHRISTIE'S BAKERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 l3owmanville HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED FARMERS' ATTENTION We have a fresh supplyof choice Seed Grain of the following varieties just received-Two- Rowed Bar] ey, Six-Rowed Barley, Marquis Wheat Abundance Oats, and Banner Oats. Complete limes of Clover and Timothy always in stock. FEED Bran, Shorts, Ground Eeed, OH Cake, Cotton Seed, Meal and etc., at lowest markèt prices. Complete lime of Garden Seeds imluding New Brunswick Growm Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Govern- ment InsDected. Hlogg & Lytie, Limited. Phone 203 Osàewa SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING Complets Commercial and General In- provement Courses. Students accepted at any tIme. Good positions for ahl graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Oshawe and Toronto, SOpen ail year Enter flOW. Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto -the high grade business school of Ontario. Our graduates'are in strong demand. Prepane now and be ready to accept a good position in the Faîl. Write for our Catalogue which gives com- ntp,informaLLt/À inn ~L. ..LTe SunilL of this achool get selid value for tbeir axonsy. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinripal. Over 25,000 Students bave been trained in business metbode. shorthand and type-riting by S h a w' Sebools. They corne frona ail over the Province. Every parent testifies both ro Our teaching and supervision. Sart at any ire. Eleven schools. Send oow for prospectus. P. Mdnitoslz, - Chief Principal BUSDSSSCISI Like Any Other Store There, isn't any kind of store that cari succeed if it faîls in courtesy, truthful- ness or serviceste the ei-o- mer. In that we're like the butcher, the baker and al the rest, who hiave to apply common sense prînciples of business over and over again every day. We're glad te be able te tell you that youar battery is in good condition even if it doesn't happen te be a Willard. B ut here at Bat- tery Hleadquarters we are well equîpped te handie re- charging and repairs, when needed, on ail makes of batteries. Ontario Battery SERVICE Moffatt Bldg Motor Sales Bowmanville Representing Willard Storage Batteries that oesteacher flad net nesa ger,- ting any aalany but was living on ries gixeen hlm by parents of bis sebolars. The two teachera and th6 preachen were soins of the bsst looking and cleaneat Kereans I have seen incesI arivsd. Aftsr this meeting they had an- other te decide wbethsr they would close up the girls achool or pay the teacher sometbing and tbey finally decidsd te pay the teacher and net let the Governinent sebool rua them eut of business. By 4 o'clock busi- nesss was ail dons and somsbody sug- gested it would be a geod idea te go eut te ses a Buddbiat temple aad menaatery up in the mountains eall- ed Kar yung san neanby. Se we started off witb the preache'mý for guide. Two or tbnes places we bad te stop and measurs the bridges te make sure they were wide enougb for the car and then buatîs over be- fore tbey caved in. Two on thres times we wanted te turn arouad but could net because the rend was so narrew. Finaliy about thrse miles eut we bad te stop at the foot of a stesp noutain and climb up a littîs ways te the temple. In the ahelt- sned spot faeing the west the banley was se thick that yen could hardly ses the rows. A pist met us and was very gracieus and showed us al around the place. We wers showa the nunasry but net allowed la, of course. Four of tbe moat important build- ings were epeaed for us. Tht firat bad a if e sized (brasa) shiny statue of Buddha and the outfit for worship- ping and praying te hum, ineluding the druin they beat at unearthly heurs of the nigbt. Another build- ing built by the laat Kerean emperer had imagea represeating the spirit of the meuntains an.d shows the more recent and elaborats type of weod canvîng. Ia this temple the emperor ussd te coes vsry ysar te sacrifice te Buddba about twice man-size with twe attendants about baîf the size both geld colored and with an elab- erately carved canopy preteetiag al thres. The meat interestiag building of ail, howeven, was a roin cotaiaiag idols of tea kinga and a number of other figures there te wait on the kings. Two doorkespers bonibly canved te scare people away wsre as- istsd by two ushers te let in those who desenved te pasa. Four amaller images nepreseated the varions parts of the lotus plat-the symbol of long lhf s, Anothen figure carried a book con,- taiaing the naines of the dead who were te be judged hy the ten kiags and another was aupplisd with wit- ing matenials te record, the judg- ments meted eut. A srutiaser was aise repneseated who determined the ,King under wbem oes ad lived and assigned each te bis preper King for judgmeat. In the grounds was a atone pagoda, 1 THE OLD HOMELAND "It's rnany years since 1 crossed the Atlantic, but I have always kept in touch with the homeland by reading the (News of the World) ", says a prominent, man of the West. The (News of the Worldj is the great, national journal of the British Isies, and no matter in what part of the globe Britishers may settie, the (News of the World) complete with ail the week's news, can be obtained. Its thrilling serial stonies, up-to-date song, with mnusic, the latest gossip and pictures, make it the most wel- corne of the week's visitors. It can be obtained, direct from the publish- ers, 30 Bouverie Street, London, Eng- land, but for the convenience of local1 pur chasers, ample stocks are carried by P. C. Trebilcock, Bowmanville, On- tario. Make sure of a negular week- ly supply by placing an order with the agen s. 16-4 Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of Emnily Eliza Mann, late of the town of ldowmanvilie in the County of Durham, a married ~oadeceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chap. 121 R. S. 0., that al persons having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Emily Eliza Manu, deceased, who died on or about the frst day of April, 1922, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersign- ed Executor The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Toronto, or to the undersigned D. B. Simpson, K. C., its Solicitor, on or before the twelfth day of May 1922, their christian and surnames and addresses with full particulars in writing of their dlaims, and statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by themn duly vend ied by statulory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said twelftli day of May 1922 the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard onlv to the dlaims of which it shali then have notice, and the said Executor will not be lhable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose dlaim notice shahl not have been received hy it or its said Solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dated Apnil 2lst, 1922. The Trusts and Guarantee Company Limited, Toronto. D. B. Simpson, K. C., Bowmanville, Ont., Solicitor, for the said executor. 17-3w 3 The Arrant Rover Berta Ruck 4 The Tryat Grace L. Hil 5 Tht Brimmiag Cup Dorothy Canfield 6 Galusha the Magnîficeat Joseph C. Liaeln '7 Tbe Eyes of the Village Anice Terbuas 8 The Brown Study Grace Richmond, 9 Little Redfoot Robent Chambers 10 Tht Girls. Edna Ferber il Red Meekias W. A. Fraser 12 Peter Binnsy Ancbibald Marshal 13 The Beloved Weman Kathleen Ferber 14 Indiscretions of Anebie P. G. Wodehouse 15 Paiated Windows A Gentleman with a Duster 16 Modern Msn and Mummera I-. Pearson 17 Buf, a Collie A. P. Terbune 18 Kick Formation Henry Barbour 19 Prince Jaa-St. Bernard F. C. Hooker 20 Peggy la Hsr Blue Frock Eliza O. White RÂZ-MAN 90 Sukin g-me Surylut --sMS$ma Just Swullew a Capsule, RAZ-MAH la Guaranta.4 te restore normal breathlng, tomucus1 Ctherings in the bronclial t=be, give Ioagnighta c9f 1quiet Sleep; Contai»u a« giat'a. Trial Let at our agencies or wrlt 'ropetous, 142 King W.- Tormt. Sold by Jury & Loveli BEAUTY 0F THE SKIN le the natural doutre of every woman, and le obtainabie by the useo of Dr. Chases Oliment. Pimples, bhackbeads, rOughness an.d redness of the skin, irritation and eczema disappear, and the skmi eft soft, smooth and veivcty. Ahi dealers, orEdmanson, Batos & Co., iitted, Torontoý Samplo frnon if yon mention Ibis paiper. i. T~E D Y~T~OF YOUR CHILOREN BOWMANVILLE, MAY 4tb., 1922. CANADIANS IN KOREA Extracts Froin.Letters Written frein Kongju hy Dr. Norman Found te hbi, Relatives in South Darling- ton and Bowma.nville, Ontarie. Sa7turday Evening, Marcb 25tb. Have just rsturned frein a 15 mile trip by auto 'te a place called H-yung Cbung whene Mr. Taylor took us witb bin to attend another achool closing affii. We quit studying sarly, bad dinner and startsd at 1 o'clock, arriving about 2 over vsry good roada witb only one f ord througb a crsek. Every tewn of any sîze bas te bave a gate and Hyung Chung considers itsîf big snougb te bave a gats. Tbs fun of the bing is that it bas ne wall te bave a gats in, se the gate stands quite alone on a littîs narrow strset and many houssa are built outaide the gate-that ia, tbey are outaide the town. Well we got tbrougb tbe gats and after several vsry sharp turna ws steppsd short againat the hindquartsrs of a steer lsisurely standing acrosa the main street which was tee narnow for hlm and us at the sains tins. By the turne the steer was taken away the whole town knew we, wsre thsns aend came eut te ses. The preacher camneeut and conduct- ed us te bis guest roin along with our pillows and looe stuf wbicb would hardly be saf s in the car witb kida swarming even it. We sat on Lbse floor and tbey cbattsred away in Korsan and 1 gazed at a wood euti ofa tîger and dragon on the oppos-j ite wall and at the rnany kida who1 were loeking threugb the cracks of the door. Aften a while it was an- nounced that things wers rsady te start, se we wsre taken over tei the cburcb building, made of mud of course, witb a straw roof and papsred inside, It le always well te wean ons's evercoat this turne of tbe ysar as thsy leave the deers open niest of1 the tinte. I was put up in the front by the pulpit as a special f avor and soon f ound eut that if 1 stoed up tee quickly I would bit a beam wbicb was rathen bard. In the centre wsrs about 35 girls and the sains number of boys, on the fleer, of course, and at opposite end wene rangsd the men, woen and babies. Thers were two separats doors te com n - sinaloesfer the wemen and a biggen oe for the men. After the Japan- sas National Anthein, the pnizes written in Chiasse wene givea eut and cetificates of atteadance te the rsst. The prize boy bas twe dub feet wbicb wene neyer corrected and now, of course, neyer will be. After prizes there wers speeches frein Mn. Taylor and then the visitera wene asked. 1 declined but thnee fellows get up and speke, theIat oe being a nies old Chinese peet wbo read sometbing wbich aobedy underÈstood, prebably soins ef bis exyn peetry. By this turne it was gstting pretty bot with over a bundred people in a roin a littie- bigger than our kitchen at home, but 1 had te it it eut wbile the cildrsn sang again and the girl graduates rsad the valedictory ad- dresa in Japanese and Korsan, and about the height of a man, supposed to be several hundned years el.d. The brasa bella used to areiiae Biiddha when wanted was adonned with drag- ons and looked hoary with age. After ail thia the prieat eenducted us te the gate and smilingly sent us on our way. The piests ars a vsry. ignorant bunch they say, not even: knowing Chinese often. Until ne-: cently they were supposed te be celi- bate, but the rule waa so openly viol- ated that the Japanese Governinent recently made it lawful to marry. On the way home we made good! 'ime and arrivsd to find Mrs. Amendt; already busy at lier ovin hous andi full of news. Se to get nid of it as soon as possible as invited us all over after supper for gaines. She was telling what a terrible snow storm tbey had in Seoul along wîtb the blizzard. Tbey considsr a foot of snow quite remarkable bers. The, wind, hewever, sesins to have been ý about the worst ever known bers and Mr. Taylor tells of sesing Koreans by 0he bundred sittîng on the ries stnaw roofs to keep thein from blowing awny. As it was lots of corners wse blown ont and a bsen housbers not now in use was turned up ide down and smasbed to pisces. Thene bas' been nsarly an incb of ice in the water pails for two nights past and I arn thanking my lueky stars that 1 did not sexy my seeda last week. 1 forgot to tell about the ehuncb bell. Every church bas to have a bell even in a village se amaîl you cold caîl eacb man frein the cburch stepa. So they get a big bell and put it up in a trse and put a roof, over it about 2 feet square with no aide pro- tection, so that it looks vsry funny. While at tbe village we saw a ca£f. witb bis east ide covered with a mat" and bis west aide bans, so that thxe sun would keep hum warm. It looked as if hie hadn't moved for a week. Mn. Amendt bougbt some firat clasa apples at 2c apisce and soins poorer onss for us to can at le apiqce at Cho chi in ysstenday; aise soins pomoloes and seeda ws nseded, so for thetrouble we presentsd thein with a loaf of bnead for over Sunday. Tbsy also got soins motb balla. v "P Long Distance pies the "No, I won't load up with a big stock" - said thet enterprising but cautious dealer - "if they sell as ,cl as we hope, I can easily get in touch with your house by Long Distance and order more of them." Re-ordering by Long Distance makes it entirely prac- ticable for dealers to carry sinail stocks, thus keeping down their capital invt.stment, and yet îiot lose sales by being ouît of stock. The wholesaler's and manu- facturer's warehouses are virtually at the dealer's elbow. The goods are often shipped the samne day. It also eriables dealers to try out the novelties and new styles people have been reading about and are asking for, on which the qriargin of profit is usually, grreater than on staple lines. "Use the Bell to Seil" - and to Buy. Eveiry Bell Telephone is, a Long Distance Station ~ SCNWIUNT 17Em ro ~~ ~ t4DeU£" CITY' OF RIE" -cafT)Y .J~:. BUF ~~O -DniLy, May loituteNov. l5ih - CLEEV211_L 'Sl Insi C~>e 9:00 P 1. M. ASsTERS 1 J LeaeCzvu.AND - 9Co r. tM. A r r7 c LI;AO Nn - 7. A . k&L S W mN A RD T r iez I ïIloe s SuFF Â LO - ?7 30 A .U I3a,'ie Itieelandlfor ,edar point, Put-mn-Bay, Toedo, Detoit andcttLer po!rtS. Raiinord fikkLte r aing between Boa s sc nd Cleveland are goodfor transportation gor our Steamrea. A4sk ,or uret aget or tourist sgcno'y for t7 'cotS via & B Line. New Tourist Automsobile Rata-- i . R d 7Tnp, with 2 days return lirait, for cars not exceediog 127 inch wheelbase fec ents. At-ak forons U -pge pitorial nd dfe reiptive bookiet Irr.e. 1= Miss Hatch aeanly get samothsrsd and robbed the saine night this ek. She and Mrs. Swearer wsre in a Kr san bouse duning the blizzard and had a ebarcoal fine wbieh is a treachereus' thing ine s lapreduces eanben amon- oxide. While Mns. Swearen was else- wýhere aseget unceascieus and was only awakened wben a burglar was alneady in the roin. Whsn aseatmr- rsd he leared eut into the anow in his steeking feet and juat missed get- ting ail their moaey, soe 50 geld dollars (100 yen). Se she considers berself lucky. Manch 27tb. We juat lsarnsd to-day that a gev- erraent sehool in oppesition te the cburch bigb achool is beiag epened en Apnil lat, tbis bsing the second bigh sebool la a district centaining a mil- lion peopls! THE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 kg Fim- Have yoa L'ie moiiey with which to do it? - while they arc yorn- let tl-n c i I e nowin.g you are at the back oft21 Sa usAccounts are a specialty with THE YAI OF CANAA R. F. AITCHISON, Manager. Buy Niamond Ware or Pearl Ware kitehen uten- sils and save work. They are so, dean, with a flint- hard, smooth surface that wipes dlean like china. No scouring, no scraping or polishing. Just use sap land water. Every conceivable pot and pan is miade ieéther Pearl or Diamoeid Ware, the two splendid quality SliP Ena- meled Wares. Diamond Ware is a three-coated enameled atee4 sk;y bke and white outaîde, snowy white inside. Perl Ware is enameled steel with two coati et grey and white enamel inside and ont. Exther ware wiIl give long service. " kfor SMP PeariL Ware or Diaiuoud Ware ?U-SHEET MErAL PRODIJCTS Ce.'uwm MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY l zmý

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