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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 12

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LET BRITTON DO YOUR BAKING Fresh baking every day-plenty of variety- goods delivereýd- H.Su'%BrITO Baker & kGrocer Loucal Representa.tives -A. N. McMULLAN & CO. N ewcastle N EXT to growing the grain, flour milling is the mnost natural of ail Canadian industries. Yet strangely enough this industry has not had the growth in Canada that its merits deserve, or that the amazing profits in it should have stimulated. For example: The following is a table of the Dividends paid by the various Canadian Milling Companies in the past f ew years. These Dividends în most cases were only paid after setting asde substantial reserves out of earnings. RECORDS 0F DIVIDENDS (Taken frou- the AnualI lnancial Review, 1921 Edttion) The Ogilvie Floutr Mils Company, Limited Preferrec- Shares 717o Per annum regulat ly paid. Commnon Stock Dividend 191.7 Cash Divdends............... 1012 and 15% 1918 Cash DivIdencis....... ........ .12% and 15% 1919 Cash Dividends................. 12% and 15% 1D20 Cash Dlvidends........ ........ 12V% and 10% Lake of the Woods Milling Company, Limited Preferred Shaàre8 7 % per armuin regularly paid. Commor, Stock Dividend 1917 Cash Dividend ...8% 1918 Cash Dividend ...10% % and 2 Bonuses of 21/ % each 1919 Cash Divdend ...12% 192 Cash Dvidend ...12% and 25% Bonus Maple Leaf Milling Comnpany, Limited Preferred shares 7 % per annum regularly'pald. Common Stock Dividend 1917 Cash Dividends.............. 10% and 111/2% 1918 Cash Dvdends............. 10% and 14% 1919 Cash Pivideiids.............. 12% 1920 Cash Dividends.............. 12% 1.S21 Cash Dividends.............. 12% The Maple Leaf Couimon Share4 abov" referred to ee glysu as a bonus witb the Preferred Shares wheu they Were ip1ced on the mnarket. TIhe preseut market value of the Common Stock la $115 per share. Western Canada Flour Mils Co., Limited Comnmon Stock Dividend ISIS Cash Divid'ends .. .. 8%/ and 2% and 10% In Vctory Bonds 1919 Cash Dividenis .... .8% and 2% and 10% iru Victory Bonds 1920 Cash Dividends... 8% and 2% and 15% jr Stock International Milling Company, Limited Preferred Shares 7 % per annum re.gularly pald. Commton Stock Dividend 1t14 Cash Dîvidend.... .28% Stock Divdend 40% 1915 Cash Dividend. ... 30% Stock Dividend 20% 1916 Cash Dividend .... .31% of which $40.000 was Invested in Commnon Stock 19 17 Cash Dlvidend .. . .47% of which $250,000 was Invested ip Cormmun Stock 1918 Cash Dividend.... .40% of which $275,000 was invested in Common Stock 1919 Cash Divldend .... .16% 19ý20 Cash Divd,ýnd.-. .6% and 30% Commôn Stock. We are offering for imimediate suhscrIption the 8 % BnkIng F'ind Cd'mulative 1'reference Shares of the Copeland Flour 1,111s, Lirnited, at 100, carrying a bonus of 30%7,In Commuon Stock. We belleve that thesp Comnmon Shares shouid, In course of time, earn dividends equal to the Commron Shares of the Maple Leaf or any other Canadian MillIng Company-a portion of the Mapie Leaf Shares were origInally given as a bonus. One-hahi of this issue bas already been sold. Indications are that it wIll be quickiy over-mib- acribed. .We recommnd, therefore, that yeu make framedjate application for shares or for a comnplete prospectue. TAKE1 iNi xr~ ~~ + J n t- Ail accounts ow Thie N1 >à e 1Iýt!-t1 ý - Îl pge'ft t the late E. C. Fish ail unsettled acetl THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1922 lctindso NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE MAY 15TH 15 THE DATE (r. _____NEWCASTLE 15 THE PLACE Newcastle, May 1s Miss Laura Walton is on the sick Mrs. W. G. Hlay while on a business list. trip to Toronto last week was taken A grand concert, will be given in A. Bevis spent Sunday with his suddenly iii witli appendicitis. Lat- the Methodist Sunday School under family ia Toronto. es' reports are that she is making sat- the auspices of the Newcastle Ep- Mrs Ra CarBelevile isvist-isfactory progresa to, recovery. worth League, Watch f or full par- " Mn ris. ayCar Bllvil, s ist At the meeting of the Trust Board ticulars next week. 81W Mrs. A. C. Gray, Toronto, i us nesday evening, April 19, the resig- of Ms. eLaghun. 5 gestnation of Mrs. E. C. Fisher as organ- SALE AND AFTERNOON TEA ofMrs. MeA. J. B net.oot,~~~ ist was receîved with regret and this Mrs A.3. enett Toono, s vs-resolution was unanimously adopted; The Women's Association of the Y UI iting friends in town. That thisBoard places on record its Preshyterian Church, Newcastle, in- Miss «ladys Jones made a trip to very hearty appreciation of the failli- tend holding a sale of aprons and Pienie H a Toronto on Tuesday last. fui and painstaking manner la which other useful articles, also home-made Breakf ast T. W. Jackson had business in Mrs. Fisher has served the interests of cooking on Tuesday, afternoon, May~ -Bowmanville on Tuesday. the churcli during her term of office 9, in the Alexandra Hall. Tea will Canned C( Mura Elbckwa hmefromn as organist. It was also moved by be served for 15e from 2 until 6. wuryEl eek- end.Mn. Fred Graham, seconded by Mr. Everyone welcome to help along this Large Boti Oshawa over the weknd ,W. J. S. Rickard and adopted that snmaîl but progressive orgaflization. Jfn Mr .B. Neal, Port Hope, spent this Board tender to Mrs. Fisherits 18-1w natsD Sudyat Mr. John Uglow's.- sympathy and condolence in the ber -________________ Henry Ragan, Toronto, spent Sun- cavement she lias sustained by the day with Mr. John Douglas. sudden removal by death of lier be- MEDICAL Mn. C. V. Wilson was home fromn loved liusband. ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Oshawa over the week-end. . Officers elected for Women's Mis- Graduate of Trinity University, also Grocer Miss Violet Deyman, Bowmanville, sionary Society are: President-Mrs. if Royal College Pliysicians, Edin. is visiting Miss Gladys Matchett. N. Rickand; lst Vice do-Mrs. N. AI- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- MeComacklin; 2nd Vice do-Mns. J. Uglow; on and chiîdren. Office-Parker's Rev. S. G. and Mrs. McConmk Reconding Secetary-Mrs. Floyd Block, Newcastle. had business ln Toronto thi ek Butler; Coresponding do-Mrs. W. _______ Miss Turnbull and Miss Daf oe spent Moore; Treasurer-Mrs. W. Buckley; the week-end with friends in Trenton. Assistant do-Mrs. L. Dudley; Supt. The Corner Stone of the new Systematic Giving-Mrs. J. E. Mat- c O A 'Lf Comunîy Hll illbe aidon ulychtt; Supt. Mission Band-Mrs. Be- Conuit al ilbeli.o uyman; Supt .Mission Circle-Mrs. Miss Helen Tuif, Tononto, spent the Hancock; Organist-Mrs. Rincli; Sec. Owing to the strike it is week-end with lier aunt, Mrs. Frank Mite Boxes Mts. W. Rickand; Branton.1 Strangers Comrittee-Mrs. J. . impossible to get immediate Here are Miss Lillian Wright lias returned Fishen, Mrs. Mazon; Flowen Commit; ei ry buIhaeas: t. to Toronto after a visit with Miss too-Mrs. Matchett, Mrs, Moore; eiey u Jhv uf- now So Ethel Wade. Audtors-Mrs. Mason and tqu ttyo or r to Miss Gladys Matchett entertained Hancock. cetqatt n odr t anday ev f enîng. gfriends on~ Annual meeting of the Sunshîne take care of all my custom-Ras y May um e f ier oug Class of the Methodist Sunday School Riey Charles Britton, Oshawa, visited was held in the Bible Class room. ers. healthy bir lis brother, Alderman H. S. BrittonDoain were given to the Mission- - ovn te wek-nd.ary, Suaday Sehool and Forward Make sure of your next, Miss Lillie Chapple has returned elected as f ollows: Pres.-Marie Sel- itrs ca by bookingBu so Moemntfnd. ficrswnewitr'-ca home from a pleasant ii with b Vice-Pres.-Minnio -Selby, Secre- your order early. friends in Whitby. tary-Gladys Heard, Treas.-Lillian Mrs. J. H. Thom lias returned to Clemnence, Pianist--Mrs. Chas. Cow- f Toronto after visiting lier sisten, Mns. an. Committees: Social and Pro- G %j. J m e onH rwr J. W. McLaughlin. gnam-Minnie Selby, Lillian Colwill, Dr. Stewart Wright and Mr. Bruce Fera Brown, Minnie Bates. Mission- Newcastle Wright, Toronto, visited at Mn. iH. a-Louise Cryderman, Katherine Wethenall's, recently. Cummings, Iva Ciibank, Edna Os- M.R. W. Gibson lias recovenedborye. Membeship-Alba Colwill,, r.hsacdn n eundt i Laura Harris, Mrs. N. Rickard, Hazel amA% mm Ob banking duties in Toronto. Brw,-oe omiteMs I Mns Frd Clly ad ltte duglt-Warren, Eva Colwill, Mrs. C. Cowan. Mr, rs. FrleankdBnntt ie i922,arburginfierSt, whomi VR S T er Betty Marie, Toronto, are vDied in Wa92, rbu,WAnienSta, o lier mother, Mr.Fak ent. had been in poon health for some Miss Mary Wetlierall, accompanied, time past, but was able to be around by Miss Young of Oshawa, spent the her home untîl a week before lier ___ week-end wtli Mn. and Mrs. H. Wetli- death. The late Mrs. Scott was formn- eraîl. erly Miss Emma Charlotte Belger of Mns. A. D. Wlieeler and littie Newcastle, Ont., where lier father, daugliter Diana, Toronto, are visit- mother aad tlinee sisters stili neside. ing at her fatlier's, Mr. D. J. Gai- She was a registened nurse, and liad braitli "Cliestaylle". filled numerous positions in that ca- Mns. P. O'Neil accompanied lier pacity in several liospitals of the Ian- lite gnandson home to Wellington,Î gen citios of the United States, In and enjoyed a visit witli ler dauglit- Novemben 1919, she was married to en, Mns. Ray Keedli. Mn. A. W. Scott at Brandon, Man., The stork paid a visit to tlie homeTorman eeitndinS- of n .nd ns.ParabyManin n Inybrook -Cemeteny on Febnuary 17, Thunsday and lef t a biglit little baby and were followed to their last rest- girl to gladden their home. ing place by a lange number of son- A nuberof ewcstl pepleat-rowing friends and acquaintances who tene hruea of watle pl e Mrs ha d left nothîng undone to show their tendd te fuera of he ate rs.respect for the dead and sympathy to Luther Argaîl of Oshawa which too ithe beeaved.-"The Representative", place to Bowmanville Cemetery on LeduAbra Tuesday lasis.duAbta iOn Satunday, Apnil 29th the Mis r Lorne WL. Thomas, Trnity College,I sion Band held their annual concert Toronto, vsited his parents and as and tea. The program conisisted of sisted the young mon of St. George's piano duets from Dorothy and Evelyn «lunch witli thoir entetainment on'Rickand, and Roe Deline and Minnie COATS Fridny evening. 1 Pearce; piano solos fromn Gorland Mrs. (Dr.) Butler neceived word on1 Kilpatrick, Hilda Rowland, Winni 25 Velour and Polo Cloth Coats, Reg. Monday last that lier sister was cit fred and Marlon Rickard; necitation ically ill in Detroit, and Dr. and Mns. by Edwin and Adain Hancock; read $17.ÔO, SALE PRICE $848 Butler and Gordon Kitdhen left, for ing, Ruth Hancock; clioruses by Mis 25 Velour Coats, Regular $25.00, that place on Tuesday. sion Band girls; a dialogue by five of Mrs. Wm. Atkinson lias ne turned the'Band; Vocal solos, Eleanor Han SALE PRICE $1 2.48 home from a visit with fniends in Or cock. A life membenship card was 2 eor otfi ikhnd eu ilua. We are pleased to report that pnesented to Irene Rincli by 'Mrs. 25Vlu Cotfl ikindRe - she la making satisfactory recoveny Norman Rickard. A quilt mnade by Jar $35.00, SALE PRICE $17.48 fnom lier recent illness. the Mission Band was sold to Mrs C. G. Armstrong, Orono's mondhant Henry Ragea for $4.50, Mns. Frani 10 only American Suedine Coats, full prince, was in town on Tuesday. C. Rickand acting as auctioneen. Aften silkr lined. An excelitional value, G. appears to be ia btter healtli than the programn tea was served in the 'D 5,0 AL RC 24 f or some time past. May it long Aduit Bible Clasa room. The Fiahl Z [egIlar$5 0, SA EP I 24 8 continue Clianlie, la the wisli of your Pond and Bargain table were la Newcastle fnienda. change of Grace Bragg and Ruth At ho as metin o th HotiHancock and the candy table in cultural Society a vote of thanks was oc hngeo sTuceC ouch, MnneDR SE acconded the Lyceum Committee for Perc an h eMe nbit hdihl nWe R SE its donation of $35 to the Society to Aar 20 Taffeta, Dresses, Regu~lr $5.0 be used in beautifying the village also 5a f or gift of the "Formasign" to the BUILDING LOTS FOR SALëý SALE PRICE $10.48 citizens. 1 Iarn offering, two of the choicest on 15 Taffeta Dresses, Regular $35.00, Mn. Wreford F. Souci, Registered tcre buidiîng lots lu thu towu of Bow- Optmet s, w. lbe t ndesons anvll atvey rasoahe--ics- n ALE PRICE 16.48 SKIRTS 10 American Pirneila Cloth Skirts, IRegular $8.00, SALE PRICE $4.48 50American Pirnella Cloth Skirts, Regular $12.00, SALE PRICE $7.48 25 Italian Satin Underskirts, Regular $4.0O, SALE PRICE $2.48 extremely low prices. FAIR VATED .e a few things you will be wanting right c.k Tonie, Suiphur, Saits, Saltpetre, etc. FOR THE CH1CKENS 7our chicks the Pan-a-cea way for fine irds. ne Baby Chick Feed, too. WvpM. JAMIESON DStore Newcastle easy style by a big mangin but tihe We have for sale money refunded during sale owing toE homestens turned the tables in thel second contest wînning by a comfort-1 Portland.or Super Cernent able lead. The Bowmanville boys i n any qantity desired. were accompanied by a arge fob]ow- q ing of fans and judging by the noise the games wvere enjoyed by ail. Bow- tale reboysapona ad go a nleman- F1ed Grahanm T H E mharlebosae good bprsad a nlman- PHONE 332.i NEWCASTLE ly lot of boys. Come again boys, we will always be glad to see such ________________ good dean sports. 7 Simcoe St. South Oshe NOTICE wing to the estate of ;er must be, paid býe- After which date >unts will be placed ny solicitor for col- Laura M. Fisher, E:xecutrix. st, 1922. 18-t E K-EN D vant to share in .ms,' lb ......... B,,lcon, lb .... orn, 2 tins for tle Catsup ... elight Soap, 3 fc R. WA ICK J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Ilonor graduate of Trinity University, 9'ollow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State University of New Yor~k, Matnicubate of tihe Post- Graduate Medical School and Hoa- pital of New York and Pellow of t' Toronto Academy of Medic,ý e. Offie -Mns. MeNaughton's L..àidence9 Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 0 t 3 D. M., and by appointment. ri these specials: ....................25c .... ................33c ...................25c ....................25c .r .................25c à,LT ON' Newcastle j SALE: We find we are largely overstocked and are holding our biggest Sale yet * on Thursday, Friday and Saturday MAY 74th, 5 *th, 6t"î, The prices below speak of them- selves. We believe, we hold your confidence and therefore will not waste time describing the values but are giving you below the prices which will prevaiL. The stock is all new and the values are such as it will pay you to at least corne and see us. SUITS 9 only Tricotine Suits, Regular $32.00, SALE PRICE $14.48 15 Tricotine Suits, Regular $35.00, SALE PRICE $17.48 1 5Tricotine 12 Tricotine: ular $55.00, Suits, Regular $45.00, SALE PRICE $22.48 Suits, our best value, Reg, SALE PRICE $27.48 Phone 1173 kawa Bownianville

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