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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 2

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BOWMANVJLLE, MAY 4th., 192ý TrheCanadiiaji Statesmai AND The Bowmanville Njw1 With which is incorporated THE NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENI COMBINED CIRCULATION 2800 ADVERTISING RATES Legal, Official, Municipal and Goi ,arnment Notices-l2e per nonpare Uine (12 lines to inch) for first ir igertion, and 8c per line for each sul ýsequeflt insertion. READING MATTER Readers or locals-lOc per li each insertion, minimum charge 50c on First Page 15c per line each ir zertion. ADVANCE NOTICES Every advance notice of any kin -where the object is the benefito convenience of any person or numbe of persols-is advertising, and wi be treated by the publishers as sucl If no instructions accompany th notice, advising us who to chargei to, it will be charged to the perso: pVhoning or sending it in. COMMERCIAL DISPLAY Transient rates-front page, 50 ,per inch; run of paper, 40c per nel ýeach insertion. ,For a yearly contract apply at th office. Special positions 25% extra CLASSIFIED ADVTS For Sale, Wanted, To Rent, Los and smail advt of similar character- 2c per word, first insertion, minimun 50c; le per word each subsequent in .sertions, minimum 25c. Adverlisements sent without in -âtructions will be inserted until writ ten orders are reeeived for their dis continuance. Above rates include both Th( James Papers. M. AJAMES & SONS Publishers Bowmanvîlle, Ont. , M1embers-"Canadian Weekly Newe papers' Associations" and "Select ed Town Weeklies of Ontario". LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money ta boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY MÈoney to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) eOrganist and ChoirLeader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cut- uire. For terms phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL M. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. (Goid Medaiist of Trinity University 'Toronto. Four years Attenlding Phy- ýjjinand Surgeon at Mt. Carme] Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- unanville. Phone 108. C. -W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. "Graduate'of Trinity Medicai College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, flormer residence on Church-st., ,Bow- tuanville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR.,J. C. DEVITT 'Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE I-tf EnnskllenP. O. Phone 197-il. VETERINARY DR. F, T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Wight Calis Promptl 'Atttended To, Office, King-et., W., Statesman Block, Bownxanville. Phone 248. 2. THE EDITOR TALKS THE GENOA CONFERENCE We are sorry to notice in the Belle- By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B. SVille Daily Ontario that Mr, J. 0.DevrCora. "H errity, the editor of that daily jour-DnerCora. nal for several years has retired from The tacties of the treacherous H~ the firm of Morton & Herrity and who was invited to participate in for the present from journalism. Mr. conference is ever the samne. H 's Hriybs don xeln evce mn esty and Justice were neyer consl bis editorial capacity to the varied uous in bis make up. Consternat interests of that city and we feel was injected into the Genoa Conf IT sure that general regret will be f elt ence members, whcn it was discov over bis retirement from the editorial cd tbat the Hun bad entered i chai r. The publishing business will tr'eaty relations with Boîsheviki R be carricd on by Mr. W. H., Morton. sia. It is called the "treaty of R, The Daily Ontario bas long been one allo", and is in direct violation of 31of our most valued exchanges. provisions of the Versailles trea eil_________ and the league of nations, wbichG in- many signed. By this new tre ib- THE PERSON WHO THINKS witb Russia, the two countries est lisb diplomatie and commercial rE Ail Young Folk Should Develop, tions between them. This tre Power to Tbink. bas been awaited by the inner cir THIN in international doplomacy with r c; HN on these tings-Pbii. 4.8. giving and speculation and no end in- As a man THINKETH in bis beart itrs. France bas been figbtinr s0 is be-Prov. 23 :7. off-fencing against it-Engand1 Whatsoever things are truc, been anicipating it. Wbatsoever tbings are honest, Germany and Russia-a power nd Whatsoever tbings are just, combination, Soviet and communiE or Wbatsoever thing-s are pure, Russia, Socialist Gqrmany-whoc ýer Wbatsoever tbings are îovely,> divine the mischief in store for E ill Whatsocvcr things'are of good report:, ope nnd er suecba menaciag combi ,h. if there be any virtue, and if there 1,tioni! Germany bas wbat Russia ,he bie any praise, THINK on these things. quires; and Russia is la very mi it (1 wsnced of Germaii thorongbnE ()Agreat Banker a asked:1 Neither bas much credit nor mu on Wbat one tbing more than anotherl!gold. Russia bas unlimited uni sbould a young man do to succeed? i veloped resources necessary to1 H1e rcplied in anc emphatic word:- rest oftbe worid. Germany bas1 OcTHINK! macbinery buman and mechanicala b,(2) Human beings are distinguish- the "will to work". The two coi ed from other animais by their powýer tries are in the samne boat in that th to THINK. have littie to lose and mucb to gý .a. (3) Henry Ford: My advice to bus- epiaon faldbt. T iness men: Read a lot. political doctrines are not far apa THINK a lot. socialism in Germany carried to ýst Wrk a ot. ogicai conclusion is Communisma ()THINKING is the high road to Karl Marx, the higb priest of tbe LE mProgress. Everytbing is originated ine-Trotzky dictatorsbip was Gerni n-n THOUGHT. Great men are Lenine-Trotzky took Russia ont those wbo THOUGIIT deeper or more the war against Germany. TI seriously than their fellows. their revolution was financed fri a- (5) "Take tîme to THINK" said Germny threais no no doubt a R. R. wizard. I owe my success Gr~ytraest o f Sto T1INKING wben a yaung man Socialism to Commnnism if the V( and then 1 started to -do it said a very sailles trcaty is not revised to fav e riclb man. I kept on THINKIN G Germany. The go-between for GE and I am stili THINKING. many in the war in its dealings wi (6) The habit of THINKING, an- tbe Russian revolutionists was Hu %. alysing, getting underthe surface of Stinnes. 11e is the power behi things and at the vital essentials, the Rapallo treaty. H1e may be mo S- gives a man a tremendous advantage dangerous than tbe former KaisE t- over bis competitors who do not these For France tbe twin alliance is arn things. ,ons for there is danger of an isolat (7) A great educatianist remarked France. If England can seenreh to a class of students: Boys I believe share of Russia's raw material ai you study too mucb for the THINK.. German manufactures sbe will r ING you do. Cultivate ability to seriously object. Business is bw tbink and to tbink straigbt. Some ness, and a country witb several in cram witb knowledgc they can't use: lions unemployed cannot bie over pa Y (8) The basis of achievement is ticular. ,n THOUGUT and action. Get the Europe is astonished and perplexi ~idea of THINKING then act and keep over the Rapallo treaty for it is pr on acting. Intelligent action spelîs snmed to be an alliance of the tv success nations against the rest of Europ (9) Yýou have ail heard about Thos. Japan and the 'United States. j Edison. Wbat made Edison a great, any rate tbey have upset calcnlati(i man? THINKING and ACTING and engineered a great coup. ymade hlm the greatest invemtor France, Britain, Italy and Japi . known to.history. We arc told lie are taiking vebemently against i g experimented 10,000 times witb a twin pact, and are sceking to comp single invention.- the two countries to abandon it. (10)The Venus of Milo is tbe The alignmcnt suggests many po greatest piece of sculpture în the sibilities for cvii and none for goo world. It was at first a THOUGHT In one sense the extremists in Eu wbicb was hewn into a boulder of ope forced the alliance by tbeir a rougb marble and sprang into im- verse attitude. mottai existence. Witbout the United States tl (11) America's $3,oooo(Oo,oo(o League of Nations is very mue -Steel Corporation with its 300,000 weakened, and wbetber tbey will1 0empioyees and $2,000,000,000 of as- able to coerce the twin nations1 ;_ sets was once merely a THOUGHIT abrogate the Rapallo treaty is ain the brain of a young man-Chas. question. In a manner German *M. Scbwab who conceived the idea and Russia, despîte tbeir preser and acted on it. Great positions ia states of bankruptcy, and a dea this world are filled by tbose wbo weigbt, of -paper currency, aIl bi THINK and then put their wortblcss, arc dangerous to the re THOUGHTS into action. of Europe. Go back a century an (12) Kitchener CONJURED up a recaîl wbat happencd to Europe fro vision of an army of 3,000,000 at a the French Revolution and its arr. time when Britain had neyer known of defense that became anc of offen an army of haif a million, His Undoubtedly tbe twin trcaty betwee THINKING saved Britain and France the two bankrupt nations throug and perhaps Canada. their own crime and f olly basa (13) To risc above the level of a ominous aspect for France, One er machine a man must devclop the pow- sec a cordon bcing drawn around be et of THINKING-continue teo Poor France! ýGermany is likclyt THINK and learn to produce useful bccome moredefiant in rcfusingt valuable thoughts and ideas and if acknowledge ber full indebtednesst be does sa no machine will displace France, and Russia will stand bE him. bind Germany. It was Francc's ir (14) The victors in the battles of tention the, moment Germany re to-morrow 'will be thosc who can fuscd to meet ber indcmnity obliga bcst harncss -THOUGHTS to action. tions to enter Gcrmany and take peà From tbe farm boy ta the Premier, session and hold the greater part o the prizes will be for those wha Most industrial Gcrmany as guarantee. effcctively exert tbeir braîns, wbo Had the U. S. not participated i take deep, carnest, studions counsel the Paris peace table, tbis is wbr of their mînds-wbo stamp tbemsel- France would have donc in the fits ves as THINKERS. place, and Lloyd George, singl (15) We are the sum of al aur handcd, conid nat bave prevented it THOUGHTS. Mental riches are But to-day the situation is diff e gaincd only by brain sweat. Two cnt. Russia's ted army must now Iý main keys to Success-T11INK and taken into accaunit, and botb are hit Work. But the first of these is- ter agaînst France. It was one o THINK. Lloyd George's main rcasons for in Taice your question ta the anc yau dividcnds. It makes yonr progress think is the best judge. Get bis casier. It makes your work lighter vicw point. If necessary 'go toaaand more expeditiaus. Your second friead. If you get two or THINKING masures a higher class af three who agree with yau, then you'production. arc probably right in your conclusion, r THINKING pays in very many Our advice, gained from long cx- ways. Then THINK, THINI< perienice, is avoid assîgning a THINK- THINK, THINK. If you bave net ING job ta two or three persans at begun ta THINK start right now to the same time, One does the be a THINKER, E WELCOME TO BOWMANVILLE B., Rev. W. S. Pascoe and Daughter Mrs. (Dr.) R. B. M. Potts Take Up Residence Here. Hun, the It aff ords us great pleasure to an- [o0n- nounce the arrivai in town of Rev. W. spic- S. Pascoe, D. D., and daughter Mrs. tion Potts who have taken residence at fer- "Beaconfieîd", Liberty-st., now :ver- owned and occupied by Mr. John intO Darch, but was the former home of Rus- Senator Robert Beith. Rev. Dr. Pas- Rap- coe was a former pastor of Bowman- Ethe ville Bible Christian Church, then the eaty, largest congregation in town. H1e Ger- and daugbWer have lived in Hamilton .aty since his retirement, but lately form- tab- ed a desire to come to Bowmanville rela- to end bis days,. Het will be 90 7ty years young on May 12 instant, Since îrcle arriving in town they have been aiS- ,gues., of their oid friends 11ev, and id of Mrs, W. H. Spargo, Liberty-st. North. ng it Referring to their leaving Hamil- bas ton, The Daily Spectator of Aprîl 17 says: "The announcement of tbe de- crful parture, from the city, of Mrs. R. B. istic M. Potts, and herfather, Rev. Dr. can W. S. Pascoe, 16 Bruce Street, wili Eur- be received with regret by a very 3ina- large circle of friends, of whom this ire- lady bas endeared herseif during ber uch residence in Hamilton, Mrs. Potts ness, is going to Bowmanville, where, she uch and Dr. Pascoe wiil in future reside. nde- Bowmanville is an old home, Dr. Pas- the coe,ý years ago, baving had a church the there. Varions organizations wiil and lose, in Mrs. Potts, an energetic and 'un- most capable worker, ber record in community activities being an en-' viable one. Before home duties be-I came too pressing to allow of ber par-' ticipating in other work, she was prominent in 1. O. D. E. activities; in 1 the work for boy scouts; in the Hor- ticultural Society; in the Canadian Club, and in numerous other organi- zations. As a war worker, Mrs. Potts rendered notable service for the food production campaign, leet-I uring in many places for the depart- ment of agriculture, and disseminat-I ing valuable practical knowledge for tbe benefit of backyard gardeners." We may add that one of ber first acts on arriving in Bowmanville was, to go to Mrs. Edith V. Scobell's office and become a member of Bowman- ville Horticuitural Society. LAND 0F HOPE AND GLORY Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free, How shaîl we extol thee, who are born of thee? Wider still and wider, shahl thy bounds be set, God, who made thee migh ty, make thee mightier yet, God, wbo made thee znighty, makei thee mîghtier yet. JAMES BISHOP, QfHAWA Lîcensed Auctioneer. AIl orders left with Thomas Percy, Bowman- ville, wiil receive my prompt atten- tion. 15-4w* Auto Accidents Every Day sefIt may be your turn anytime. Proteet your- trifle compared with the risk, Oir companies, with complete organization and capital, assume evervthing for you. No worry No loss. It is more important even than fire insurance. Many have been financially ruined over one ac- cid ent. The courts allow big damages. Don't run the risk yourself., way and talk it over with us. REAL ESTATE Several good houses for sale. storey brick dwelling for $1000.00. Corne in any- A bargain, 2 'IJ. J. MASON& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanville WE SELIL AT HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Best Mqnitoba Flour, Ontario Flour, Western Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereals, etc. Always best quality and right price. DON'T BUY SEED CORN until you havce eius. 'We are expecting some very choice seed corn almost any day. CHOPPING AND CRUSHING We are prepared to do ail kinds of chopping and crushing- on- short notice. CHAS. nHORN Phone 129r6 Hampton b-I The Whole FamiIy Will be pleased wih the work we do in SHOE REPAIRING We can mend Ladies' Fine Shoes, and Men's Workiing Boots. Why not look over the shoes of your family and bring us those that need mending this week? WE SELL CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES G.W. ilmpge The Re paie Man King..St. E. Bowimanvill, SPECIALS THIS WEEK IN WALL PAPER Suitable for any room in the house for i0Oc per Roli, Floral designs in pinks and blue, also small patterns for kitchens and kitchenettes. Inspect these bargains early as we will be un- able to duplicate them at this low price. W. T.. ALLEN BÎg 20 Bookstore Why Buy an "If"? -If you don't touch the open coil in an -exposed element of your Electric Range with a fork or spoon, 1-If yon don't spili grease or let syrnp boîl over on the open coil of an e3tposed elemient, -If yon don't dlean the open coul of an exposcd clement witb a wet cloth or don't let dirt into it-it may work al rîgbt and it may not burn out or short-circuit. But if yon bave a MeCiary's Electric Range with Pro- tected Elements there wiii be no "ifs"-- Notbing n r toucb the coils in a McCiary's Protected Ele- mient-neither dirt nor grease <an get into themu. McClary's Protected Elemeirt takes the "If" ont of the Electrie Range. Makers of i eC aryls London, Toronte, Montreai, Winnipeg, Vanicouver, St. Jlohn, N.B., liamilton, Calf.ary, Saskatoon aal dEdniontmm While You Perform'Other Duties You can read, kriit or do other household "Takes Out the Drudgery duties,. while Miss Simplicity does your With te ir washing. Miss Simplicity saves your time ý and saves your strength. Without any effort on your part, every gar- 111 ment, every piece is washed clean, Does flot injure the finest lace or the sheerest fabric. What you save in laundry bis, heaith, andI/f wear and tear on clothes, in less than a yar, will pay for Miss Simplicity. Let u% Ifh demonstrate and expiain. :NIIlII~ Th e H9yirdro-S hop Cash PriCe $98.00 or sold on Easy Terms Phone 192 'Y' --î-

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