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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 3

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IHERE is a feeling.of genuine satisfac- fttion in the possession of stylishly clad f eût. Whether at home or on the vacation, CLASSIC Shoes will give you the service you should have and the smartness that is admired. The Copelahid Shoe Store STILL Although, our butcher business is steadily grow- d ing we are stifl in, a position to add more new 0 custorners and give them satisfactory service, best 0 of meats and at the lowest prices. a Our aim is always to retain our customers by b giving all round satisfaction.-t Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville pi A Wise uidertd USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. i Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Sprue make thebest superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering., Beaver Brand Hard wood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is v the best flooring. t Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained t make handsome walls and ceiling. i Pine Doors, -Sash and inside trim make the best a finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best, place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- body. Cail and see us. MeClellan & o., Liniited King St. East Bowmanville f Office Phone 16 Honse Phone* 228, 274, 218 f delightfui to know that the wýelcome 1__________________ extended to your correspondent by _________________ bis Eaglish friends and acquaint. ances and the warmth and whole-ý CHANGE OF TIME beartedness of bis reception by them,1 finds more than more place in bis For the corvenienre of thýe re- memory. This is especially gratif y- iing public i an iiow making daily îng as ho visited them from a counr trips to Oshawa. Lenve West End' wbich has always la a marked degre Garage, Bowmanvilhe, at 6 a. m., extended the open hand of friendship leave corner King, and Mary-uts., ta strangers entening its bordons. Oshawa, at 6 p. m. Saturday leav- J. B. Neale. ing Oshawa at 5 p. m.-1 Bowmanville, Apnil 28, 1922. 2 t± Art Coe., Proprieter. BOWMANvILLE, MAY1 4th., 1922. ÇIOLDEN WEDDING 1872-1922' Mr. and Mr.,Nathan Byers, w IDELIGHTS ON MR. SNOWDEN'S Enniskiffn. Li OBSERVATIONS iai A very pleasant social event of un-' By Capt. J. B. Neale. usual importance occurred on Éat- urday, April 22, when Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Editor:. 1 have read from time Nathan Byers, Enniskillen, commem- t time, witb a great deal of interest, orated the 5Oth anniversary of their the instructive articles written by Wedding Day by entertaining a num- our correspondent, Mr. Sam Snow- ber of their frieds and neighbors.« en of Maple Grove, while on bis re- About fifty guests down to thé cent trip to England. Unliko most well-spread table, and partook of the travellers when on pleasure bent, he good things prepaned by the hostess. ppears to bavemade every minute Supper being over -short speeches te; both from an educational, and were made by Rev, G. T. McKenzie by the tone of bis letýers, an enjoy- and Mr. James Stainton, tbe latter able standpoint.1 telling how he and Mrs. Stainton had lHe shows us the disadvantage of been neigbbors to Mr. and Mrs. Byers sightseeing by scbedule and the ad- for over forty years. H1e spoke vantage to be gained by quietly oh- touchingly on the neigbborly feelings erving and comparing as vanlous and practises which had prevailed be- items oif interest present themselves. tween them throughout that long per- For the'benefit of others who have iod. been equally interested in bis articles Mr. Byers in a very f ew words made 1propose offering a few explanations fitting reply to the congratulations. of the use of vanlous customs as wbich were offered, thanking the nentioned by hlm in your issue of friends for the many beautiful pre-' April 27th. To a visitor in a strange sents. Their son, Mr. 0. L. Byers land, the usages and customs one of Toronto, presenlted the bride and neets invariably strike one as being groom of fifty years ago with a num- strange and generally inferior to ber of bright and shîning gold pieces those of one's native land. I speak and bank notes of/ large deno- mina- as one who has travelled extensively tiensl, the git <of himself and the in North Amenica, and la nearly every near relatives of Mn. and Mrs. Byers.; country in Europe. H1e also pnesented bis mother with a.ý The average Englishman in Eng- beautiful silk umbrella with the date land when asked why he does things of the Golden Wed-ding, and other lis way can only reply that he bas lettering engrnved upon the gold tip-ý always adopted that particular meth- ping of the handie. od and can sec no reason for a change Mr.NJatan Byers is the sngon ofnth A. visitor naturally feels diffident lt ae yr fDrigo n about making uncomplimentary com- has spent the greater part of bis if e iarisons and it is only by personal in ctbjs township. Mrs. Byers is contact witb the customs of' other daughten of the late William Hayes countries that advanageors changes of Columbus and Reach. Her can be introduced. In bis reference rnothçr's maiden name vwas Harriet' o the bigb dog-cart used s0 exten-ndMs TepantofbtM. sively in England, I quite agnee that, and Ms Byers came fnom the Old considering the perfect condition of inte aryptofheas he noads in England theeisn century, and were among the enlier - eason why he English sho no settlers of this country. Jn reasn wh theEnglsh souldnot Mn. Nathan Byers and Pheobe an adopt the ligbter founwbeeled,' rub- Hayes wene marnied in Hlampton by ber tired vehicle, and at the same time the Bible Christian Minister, Rev. Ed- equip their bonses with the light ward Roberts, long since deceased. Amenican hanness. After their manniage a haîf century But, for bis description of a large ago'the young couple took up resi- cart drawn by two borses bitched dence in. the northera part of Clarke tandem, there i5 an explanation that where they settled upon a fans, and erhns dd nt ocurto im. You after ten years of pioneering ln that must know that the roads and laces section moved to the homestead, na î of rural England' exist to-day pre- baîf mile west- of Enniskillea. Re- cise1y as tbey existed hundreds Of tiring a f ew years ago, Mn. and Mrs. years ago. Unlike Canada there is Byers moved into the village where no negulanity of their vanlous courses they now reside. and some of tbem are so narrow, A list of the guests includes. Mr., bordered with high and thick bedge-jO. L. Byers, Mr. and Mns. C. J. rw thaýt it would be impossible for MoutoM.adMr oetFl two vebicles drawn by teams hitched lis, Mn.and Mrs Norman Byers, Mrn. Canadian fashion to pass one another. and Mns. Penny, Mn. and Mrs. T.j Tbis, by no mens applies to aill Paul, Toronto; Mr.and Mrs. Jas. country roads, but wbere narrow Byers, Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Byers, anes exist, farmers are obliged to Bowmanville; Mn.and Mrs. Wes. dnive tandem. <,Wotton, Peterboro; Mr.and Mrs. A. With regard to the railway system Garbutt, Oshawa; Mr.and Mrs. Milton of Engiand, there can be no doubt Harris, Claremont; Mn. John Harris, of its being the finest in thewonld, Locust lli; Mn. and Mis. Jas. Ashton, with the exception penbaps of Ger-1 Miss Marj orie Ashton, Mn. and Mrs. many or Indin both for speed andj C. Hayes and son, Mr.aad Mrs. H-1 scheduie. Canadian coaches are!i Hayes and son, Columbus; Mr. and adapted to Canadian travel and prob- Mrs., Ed. Virtue, Mn. and Mrs. Fln- ably owing to the conditions of the ley, Mn.and Mrs. Otto Virtue, Ty- country could not be improved upon, rone; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stainton, Mr. but one must admit that the Pullmn! and Mrs, T. MeGilI, Miss Reva Me- system of sleepen fails fan bebind Gi, Mrs. H. J. Werry, Miss AIma the British and Continental systes, Werry, Mn. and Mrs. E. E. Staples, wvhere each travelien occupies an in- Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Mrs. John Pye, dividual sleeping compartment. Ail Mr. and Mrs Howard Stevens, Dr. the Englisb main linos are now furn- Ms11.,eguo, e.1.T ished witb corridor day coaches. ThelMeKenzie, Enniskillen., corridor runs along :the side of the&________ coach, opening into the various com-1 partments, each of which seats six! An Oil Without Alcobo.-Some passengers. Each compantment bas. Oils and mnny medicines have aicobol its own doors openîng to the corrid- as a promînent ingredient. A judic- on and to the platform, A cor- i ous mingling of six essential oils responding door also opens from the, compose Dr. Thomas' Eclectnic Oil, corridor to the platform, It, there- and there is no alcohol in it, s0 that fore, takes the same time to empty its effects are lasting. a corridor train as it does to empty a local as described in Mn. Snow- ----- - den's article. Referning to the lat-I ter coaches, it must be remembered that where tbey are used the dis- lr n û tances of travel are very short dom- r.I s U peared with Canadian mileage. These trains stop at every station and can disgorge their-occupants in about one! minute. A v n Paddington, the terminus of the Great Western Railwny despatches on AUl fines of FIRE, LIFE, an average one train per minute dur- ing the day or over one tbousand I.CCIDENT, SICKNESS, trains during the twenty-f our hours. One can imagine -the system involved U O BI ,G AR N in regulating this trafic and thelW O BIE U R N necessity for eveny train being on TEE time at ail points. T E To a visitor in England the small. ness of ýthe freigbt car wbich can be very noticeable, and it bas long been vsAgoel t the desire of Englisb raîlrond men toAgn adopt the Amenican system of using 2ndn door west- af thse "Big 20" Vh~twiIIitcost P AUTO INSURANCE EXTRA TIRE FOR OWNER'S BANK COUNT 15 THE Ac- Wc will furnisb you an auto insunance polic'y that is a com- plete coverage for ail contin- geacies. Fine aad theft, colli- sion, property damages and, lia- biiity arc ail covered at one ex- pense to you. TH1E postman ad expressman wl brîng Parker service rigltitto your home. We pay carniage one way. Whatever you send -1 wç,hether it be household draperies, or1 the most delicate fabnies 1 bll h speedily returned to t-heir original freshness. When you think of dlean- ing or dyeing think of P.ARKER'S.el Parker's Dye Works Lîmited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yange St. Toronto 98 BOUNSALL'S jý MONUMENTAL ART WORKS' ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE fi nd GRANITES adonly the beet grades of ~VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakers - as agents prof ernlng to oeil my own gootis tises saving tise purchaser tise agent's commission. A cail soliclted. t-1l. LOUNSALL~J P', prietor. Bowmanvllle. Phone 326W Box 94 AUCTIONEER TILL. T. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. ive Stock a Specialty. Live Stock rid farmas for sale. Phone 167-14. Make Attractive SýurrOundings Plant a fluwer garden- You will enjoy the recrea- tion besides making your surroundings more beauti- ful. We have plants and shrubs of every descrip- tion for such purposes. Visit our conservatories at an early opportunity where your wants can be filled at reasonable prices. SJ..J(ackmaýn & Sons Florists and G(rowêrs Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Potïltry Men Tel us:, that-they are getting excellent resuits from feeding H-O Steaxn Cooked Chick Feed. H-O Baby Chick Crit. H-O Chick Charcoal. If you are not using these splendid preparationsf try some to-day and you will notice sudden im- provement in chicks. Quaker Oats is cheap food for chicks, We have it in 90 lb. bags. NEW MAPLE SYRUP JUST ARRIVED Sole agents for Dixon's Birmingham England j~Celebrated Poultry and Pigeon Remedies. IIARY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE -111S MASTER'S VOICE" COPYRIGHT CANADA, 1900, GY EMILE IlERLINEI -Now on Sale 1-ii asterm's V'oiceg Vido RlÇecords 1for May DANCE RECORDS limmy (i1l.ove But X'ou)-Fox Trot P.Whitemnan ad Orchestra187 10 5 Af ter thse Ramn--Fox Trot Paul1 Whitenan and Hcis Orchestra187 10S£ Tee-Pee glues-Fox Trot Tise Senson Orchestra of Clilcago 1841 8 Black Eyed Blues--Fox Trot Thse Benson Orchestra of Chicago 1841 8 Whlie Miarni Dreams--Fox Trot J. C. Smith and His Orchestra 18878 Io .85 l'el] Her at Twilight-Fox Trot Hackel-Bergl Orchestra Old Pashioned Girl-Fox Trot Paul Wldtensan and Bis Orcis. 18879 10 M8 .ittle. CreySseetheart ofMise--MedlyFcxTrot ClubRoyal Or. Bygones--Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Mas Orchestra 5.888010 .8 Dy thse Sapphire Sea-Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Ris OrcIs..8 POPULAR SONGS Dosst Leave Me Mazazmy Vernon Daihatl 18875 Io .85 Tinte After Time Henriy Burrj Georgta Peenless Quartet 18876 10 .85 Oh! You Beautifiai Babs1' Aileen Stanley-Billy Murrayt Play Tisat _Song of Inaîa Agaln Charles Harrison L8877 10 M5 Those Days Are Over Albert Campbell-Henry Burrf VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS Waltz-ý(Piano Omet) Esparus Rapsodie Corne, Thon. Fouit of Every Blessing Sas-leur, a Shepherd Lead Us Longirig. Deax., For You liockhini, deai..Wn' T'Me Wagg.le o' The Kilt Béelia McCraw Guiy Maier-Lee Pattison435 Guy Maier-Lee Pattison Olive KIine-Elsie lBaker430 Olive Kline-Eisie Baker450 Olive IKline450 Olive Klitne Sur Harri' tander 55 Sir Harri' Lauder REL) SEAt RECORDîS Lassie oý Mine Edseard Johnson 64930, 10 1-50 Prelude In C Sharp Minor Sergei Rachrnaninoff 66016 10 1.50 The 1tond That Brought You to Me John MeCormack 66024 10 1.50 Carissixna Franees Aida 66036 10 1.50 Caprice No. 13 jaseha Heifetz 66037 10 1.50 Canzonetta Erika Mcoriri 660138 10 1.50 (,raoadinas (F.arewell, Mly Granada) Tito Scipa 66039 10 1.50 Sérénade Espagnole (Spanish Sereriade) Hug,, Kreisler 66040 10 1-50 Waltz (Op. 39, No. 15) Fritz Kreisler 66041 10 1.50 As You Like It-Seven Ages of Man (Act Il. Sceice 7) Sotberm 74701 12 2.25 Hiaslet Hia.nlet's SoJiloquy, E 1Hý Sirn 74702 12 2.25 Hs.nlet--Hamlet's Speech to the Players F- H. Sothern 74703 12 2.25 Julius Caesar- Brutus and Portia E. H. Sothens-Julia Marlowe 74706 12 2.25 Twelfth Nlght--The Dulte and Viola E, H. Sothern-J. Marlowe 74707 12 2-23 Merchant of Veeiee--Caasket Scene E. H. Sot her-J, Marlowe 74708 12 2.25 Walkureý Wotan 's Farewell and Magie Fire Music 2 .5 Th. Living God! =vI',eH.rrold 74737 U 2M22 Love's Nocturne (Notturno d'Amor) Beviamlo GIgi 74742 12 2.2 Secret of Suzanne-Oh giola, la nnbe leagera Lacrezia Bon 88647 12 2m2 Barbiere di SMvIgUa-La CalunnÎa -F5odor Chaliapla 88648 12 2.25 Carnien-- Là-bas dans la montagne Emnm Calve-C. Daixuores 8M09 12 2.25 Ask to hear these new selections played on the vi1Ctrolaz at any "l'is Madteî's Voice " dealers àmaufa~taed bg Derltnar O.mopoeCè.. LEiI**.g, MoiMyjj I Iii UIIE MI L~ Over 50 Years For over half a century the House of Tod bas served the citizens of Bowmanville and commun- ity with the best in bakery and confections. During these many years there iS 1n0 time when we have been- in a better position to cater fo your wants in our chosen lines than NOW. YOU ALWAYS GET THE BEST THOMASTO Phone 80 Bowxnanville uîîi7&ý-- 1

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