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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 4

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Attention! Pea Growers We are open to contract a f ew acres of late Peas to cdean up the seed on hand. Cail at office or phone 82w. British Canadian Canners BATTERIES Like ail other important parts of your car, need expert workmanship. When in -need of repairing or charging cali on F. W. Kirkend?.Il where your work is done the best and cheapest--,all WOrk guaranteed. ALL MÂKES 0F BATTERIES REPAIRED FW. KIRK'-ENDuALL Phones. Shop 44; House 101 Bowinanville Footwear, for the Anniversary Just a f ew weeks to anniVersary time and the whoie family will have to have new shoes. My stock is complete with lovely footwear for these, occasions. Here is a chance to get in on some good values in Children's Shoes,: MISSES i1 T0 2 Patent 1 or 2 Strap Siippers ...$2.75 to $3.50 pr Brown 1 or 2 Strap Slippers .. . .$2.50 to $3.25 pr Black Kidi Oxford ........................$2.85 Special Brown V Patent Oxfords .. ................ $3.50 pr GIRLS 8 T0 101/2 Patent 1 or 2 Strap Siippers ....$2.25 to $3.00 pr Brown 1 Strap Slippers ..................$2.25 pr Brown and Patent Oxfords ...............$3.00 pr CHILDS 5 TO 71/2 Patent and Brown Strap Slippers $1,75 to $2.50 pr INFANTS 3 TO 5 Patent and Brown Strap Slippers $1.75 to $2.25 pr W. C'0LA U DE,"IVESOb PHONE 241 THE MAPLE LEAF In days of yore, fîom Britaia's abore, Wolfe the dauntiess hero came, And planted firm Britannia'g ffag, On Canada's fair domain. Here may it, wave, oui boagt, ouri pride, Anid Jolned hi love togethe, The Thistie, Shamrock, Hose entwine, The. Maple Leaf forever i CASH SHOE STORE ENFIELD Mr. Frank Page and son, Toronto, <iqit >. f. bJR. EaS . DARLINGTON Base Line S. S. Anniversary will be held May 2lst. Mis. J. H. Power visited beir mother and other relatives in Toronto recent- ly. Mis. E. J. Burk îecently had a pleasant visit with Mis. Geo. Fitz- gerald, Toronto. Mrs. Annie Walmsley who has been vishing at Mi. Albert Goode's has re- turned to her home in Toronto. Mi. and Mis. J. W. Hamilton, Millbrook, have been visitîng ber sis- ter, Mis. Albert Crago and other rela- tives, Sonry to lose Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert from this community. They have moved to a house east of the town îecently purchased by Mi. Ai- bert Allin and vacated by Mi. Ken-l neth Cox. Young people of the Base Line S. S. and a f ew others from Ebenezer, met at Mi. Geo. VanDyke's and gave Miss Elva a "shower" of very useful presents, a f ew days pievious to ber marriage to Mr. Cecil Jeffery. HAMPTON Mis. Alger, son and daughter, Osh- awa, visited at T. Sykea. Mr. and Mis. H. Smyth and family visited with friends in Orono. Rer. W. T. Wickett, Tyrone, will address oui League on Friday evea- ing. Misses Mildred and Marjorie Cole, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Miss Laura Virtue, Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mis. H. Allin in the death of their little daughteî. Quite a number fîom here attend- ed the Oddfellows Parade in Bow- manvil le on Sunday. Quaîterly Sacramental Service will be held here on Sunday morning next at 10.30. Usual service in the even- ing. Miss Roadhouse, Kingston, who bas been visiting ber sister, Mis. (Rev.) W. W. Jones, at the Paîsonage has îeturned home. Mi. and Mis. Will Wilbur, Mi. and Mis. Lewis flryderman and childien spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Wil- bur Bunnett, Mankham. Mr. and Mis. G. W. Taylor, Tor- onto, had a pleasant visit witb his sîster, Mis. W. J. Clemens, but re- turned home unexpectedly on account of their brothei's illness-he has died since their retuin. SOLINA Influenza bas stîuck somne homes here. Seeding is well on, some having finished. Mi, Norman VanNest, Oshawa, was home over Sunday. Mis. Thos. Baker visited fîîends at Oshawa and Toronto. Mi. O. L. Irwia, Bowmanville, vis- ited at Isaac Haidy's. Mi. and Mis. McMasteî, Toronto, visited at Mr. T. Baker's. Mr. Chas. Smith and Miss Frances Cryderman visited at Bethesda. No pîeaching service at Eldad on Sunday--Quarteîly meeting at Hamp- ton. Mis. Sommerville and Mis. Wad- delI, Cheriywood, visited at Mr. J. Reynolds'. Mi. Edwin Annis continues poor- ly; bis sons James and Harry have been home. Mi. and Mis. J. Baker visited her sister, Mis. Howard Couch, at Beth- esda who is ill. Election of S. S. Officeis and bus- iness of anniveîsaîy at this Thuîsday night's meeting. Young ladies' basebaîl team has begun practice. Lumber will ad- vance from broken bats. Mis. J. Reynolds visited her broth- er at Maple Grove. Mis. Aldsworth continues in veîy poor health. Mi. Everett and Mis. Walter Cry- derman, Mis. W. T. Taylor and Miss Lyda visited at Mr. Ernest Laimer's, Blackstock. Mis. L. C. Snowden and Miss Betty, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. T. Bak- er's. Mi. L. C. Snowden 'and other childien were there, too. Mi. and Mrs. M. A. James, Mia. E. Thompson and Mr. and Mis. N. S. B. James ,Bowmanville, motored out and called on their country cousina here. Mr. Arthur Hubbard and Mr. Nor- Reults of the Eastei examina- man Scott have purchaaed new autos. tions were as f ollows: Sr. IV- Mi. Geo. Ormiston, Mr. Fred T. Florence Avery, Bert Wateîhouse, Ashton and Mise M. Ashton recently Wiilie Hudson, Bertha Curian. Jr. visited in Toronto. -1V-Bail Adama. Si. III-Dorothy Mr. Gustareous and daughter who Shoitridge, Dina McKnight, Blanche have been in %China are visitiag at Mr.j Paikins. Sr., II-Marjory Martia, John Mccuulocklsa. Lena Glsany. - HAMPTON THE BEAUTIFUL Hampton has the reputation of be-' ing the prettiest village ini these parts-and it's right too. Bert Jen- nings has the means for making every house and building in the vil- lage and 'township more beautiful and attractive. Paint will do it- and Bert bas just received a big ship- ment of brand new paints and oils direct from the manufacturers. Yes, you can 110w afford to paint for Jert's prices are lower. What about a littie walI paper to'make the interior of your home more inviting? Ask tç, see samples when you buy that can of paint. 14-t Bei it known, also, that A. E. Jen- nings pays the highest market price for eggs. MAPLE GROVE Congratulations to Mr. Cecil Jeif- eîy on his recent inarriage to Misa Elva E. VanDyke .... Miss Ruth Armstrong spent Sunday with Miss Irma Power .... Miss Gladys Allun, Oshawa, spent' Sunday with Miss1 Ethel Axford. .Newly elected League officers are: Hon, Pres.-Rev. W. S. P. Boyce; President-Lloyd Snow- den; lst Vice do-Charles Green-~ ham; 2nd Vice-lima Power; 3rd Vice-Connie Seward; 4th Vice- Ivison Munday; Secretary-Ross Stevens; Cor. Secretary-Stella Jeif- ery; Treasurer-Ernie Laird; Pian- ist-Margaret Aberiiethy; Assistant Pianist-Edna Swallow; Treasurer F. M.-Mrs. F. Swallow; Agent Christ- ian Guardian-M ïrs. W. J. Snowden. . ..Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family spent Sunday with her parents at Solina ... . Mrs. H. S. Freeman, Miss Chrissie, Miss May Noon, town, visited at Mr. H. G. Freeman's on Sunday. TYRONE Glad to see Miss Clara Woodl ey out again. Rev. and Mrs. W. T, Wîckett with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Edwin James, Gor- rie, with relatives. Mr. J. H. Galloway, Toronto, at Mr. Peter Werry's. Miss Margaret Moore, Oshawa, at Mr. W. H. Moore 'a. Miss Elma Gardiner has resumed' teaching at Smithfield. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Souch, Bow- manville, visited at Mr. T. Richards'. School are practising for comaing anniversary May 2lst.,,Mi7. A. H. Brent, leader, Mr. anid Mis. D. Wotton, Toronto, with his sisters, Mrs. T. Henry and Mis. N. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle, Grace and Jean, Bowmauvile, at Mrs. E. A. Wight's., Mr. and Mis. J. H. MeRoberts, Haîry and Arthur, Toronto, with bis mother, Mis. H. McRoberts. Miss E. Irene Werry, Mr. and Mis. Frank McLaughlîn, Enîl and Jean, Mr. Coîbett, Oshawa, at Mr. M. J. Werry's. Mr.and Mis. Cooper, Mi. and Mis. McClellan and Mrs. Tamblyn, Toron- to, motored t othe latteî's sister, Mis. C. Bigelow who returned with them f or a visit. League was under 4th Vice-Pies. Mr. C. Stinton. Topic by Miss L. Wight, reading Mr. A. A. Hilîs, piano solo, Mr .R. Roy much appreciated, Bible and musical contest f ollowing. Congratulations to Rev. W. L. Cullis and Rev. H. S. Cobb ia corn- pleting thei Theologîcal course win- ning for themselves degrees of B. A., B. D. Also to Rer. and Mis. H. S. Cobb in the gift M a baby boy, Nelson Alexander. CARD 0F THANKS Mis. Emily Curtis desires to ex- press ber thanks to the officers and members of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends for the prompt settle- ment of her insurance dlaim., TALCUM Yea, indeed there are a great many 'ITalcum. Powclers", and Kersiake' s Drug Store 1Phone 49 BowmaneiII ENNISKILLEN Dr. and Mis. H. Ferguson receatly~ visi ,ed their homes at Uxbîidge. Miss Laverne Griffin, town, visited at home ... . Mi. Wm. Oke, Mi. and Mis. Jabez Moore attended the fun- eral of the latter's brother, Mi. John Avery, Wellington, Ont., last week .. Oui sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mis. Riggs who passed away after a lingeîing ilînes on April 22nd .... Mrs. (Dr.) Fer- guson and ber C., G. I. T. Class vis- ited Mia. F. Waterhouse and ber class at Buiketon Monday evening and report a very enjoyable time. . ..Sunday School Anniversaîy, Sun-1 day, May 21st and May 24th. Come and hear the original and only Jim- my Fox and bis company entertain you. They aim to make the whole woi1li laugh ... . Oui Pastor. delivered an excellent sermona Suaday evea-j ing. Mr. John Slemon sang a solo1 which was -much enjoyeç.... At the April meeting of the W. M. S. the f ol- lowing officera were elected: Presi- dent-Mis. W. J. Stainton; lat Vice do--Mis. Thos. McGill; 2nd Vice do -Mis. J. A. Avery; Supt of System.. atic Giving-Mîs. H. J. Werr; Rec. Secretaiy-Mrs. Theo, Slemon; Cor. Secretary-Mrs. Geo. Preaton .. League on- Wedneaday evening was in charge of Mi. Francis Weriy. New- ly elected officers are: President- Mi. Francis Werr; lst Vice do-- Miss Alma Werry; 2nd Vice do-. Miss May Werry; Brd Vice do-Mr. Lloyd Ashton; 4th Vice do-Mr. Har- vey McGill; 5th Vice do-Miss Gladys Stainton; Secîetary-Miss Reta Ash- ton; Treasurer-Mi. Roy McGill; Organist-Miss Wiaaie Oke. Meet- ing closed with League Berediction. SONS 0F THE, SEA Sons of the sea, aIl British bora, Sailing every ocean, laughing foes to scoîn, They may build their ships, my lads, And think they know the game,1 But they can't build boys of the bull- dog bîeed, Who made ol.d Englaad's name. men's heavy cotton work pants, a spe-' cial $1.95 per pair Men's Work Shirts, an extra fine quaI- ity in Blue Chambrays, Black Khaki, Stripes and Guaranteed Indigoes, prices ranging from 75c to $1.48 Boys' Norfolk Suits in Grey, Brown and Green Mixtures, sizes 4 to 9 years, a bargain at $3.95 Men's Cotton Socks in black only, 4 pair for $1.00 Ladies' Cotton Vests, Reg. 35c for 25c Ladies' Cotton Stockings in black and white, Special 25c per pair Ladies' Gingham Dresses in ail shades, Special at $1.19 Baronet Satin ,in plain and brocade, in ail the leading shades, ranging from $2.50 to $2,98 yd Ladies' Corset Covers in ail sizes, Special 59e Ladies' Envelope Chemise with lace an-d ribbon trimming, special, $1.59 Pý HONE ,83 "JUST A REAL GOOD CAR"9 >Ca r Here's the car they're all taiking about. It's a real car right through. Ask for demonstration. Immediate deliveries, Inquiries iVtd LOCAL AGENT H. . BET)JEWELL!I Phones 261 or 189 Bowmanville THE TALK 0F, BOWMANVILLE It will amaze you, the wonderful bargains wve are giving these bright Spring days i every department of our large store. *DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY of reading our advertisement and being a cusïomer at our store every week. Every purchase made at the West End House means a saving to its many satisfied customers. Grocery Prices Reduced Granudated Sugar, Redpath's, 15 lb $1.00 Maple Leaf Baking Powder, 1 lb tin, 23c Pure Cocoa in 1 lb. pkgs. 19C X-Ray StoVe Polish at Sc per tin Gold Dust and Charm Washîng Pow- der, 3 packages for 23e Toilet Paper, large rolîs, 6 for 25c Laundry and Toilet Soaps, a snap, 10 bars for 50c Scratch Feed for Chicken, 10 lb. for 35c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. for 28c Tip Top Salmon, large tin, 2 for 35c McLaren's Jelly Powders, ail flaVors, 3 pkgs. for 25c Choice Creamery Butter, Hampton or Orono 45c per lb Boys' Negligee Shirts, just a few left at 59ecor 2 for $1.00 Boys' Khaki Shirts for schoolwear, Special at $1 .00 eath Boys' Long Khaki Pants, sizes from 24 to 32, to clear at $1.50 per pair Ohildren's Hats in cloth and straw, al shades, prices ranging from 60c to 2.25 Men's Factory Boots, medium weight, Special $3.50 per pr Men's Fine Box Caif Oxfords, black only at $5.95 per pair Come and inspect our Sweater Wools, in floss,, down and doVe, in ail the ieaffing shades at very lowest prices. 36 inch Chambray in pink and blue, Very special at 35c per yard Pure Linen Glass Towels, while they last 25e eacli White Bed Spreads, your choice $1.79 We have just receiVed a large ship- ment of f ancy and embroîdered voiles and organdies in white and rolored ranging from 59e to $1 .75 yd BOWMANVILLE You Dress for Less Extra Values This Week Mc,-ýMurtry & CO., Ltd.

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