BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY In order to comply' with the Act governing Horticuit- ural Societies it now be- cornes necessary that all sub- scriptions for the year 1922 be in the hands of the Sec- retary flot later than June 1, after which date the Secre- tary cannot accept subscrip- tions for 1922. AHl former subseribers are cordially in- vited 'to renew for 1922, and are also to endeavor to bring in another new subseriber,' but be sure to be in with your dollar by June lst. MRS. ED1TH V. SCOBELL, Secretary, Bowmanville Society Chiropractie (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the- Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knif e. Chir- opractors have remarkable nue- ce" n.n removing the cause ai Appendicitis, Deafness, Arthmaý, Rheumatiam, Lumbago, Lamer,, Back, Constipation, Piles, Fema5le Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousnens in many fýorms respond readily to Chiro, rractic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcu, st. N. Oshawa Phoca 224. COAQIL and Successor to Jaz. Elliott When starting to use your ca oil stove ca Dion't orgle to ring 318 (temporary number.) Phone orders promptly attended toI Superior Service and Reliable' Goods Cannot Lie Sooner or later their true character will develop, il! satisf action to the patient. It is grati- fying to Mr. Mit- chell to note .that mucli of bis in- creased, patronage is coming from par- ties to whomhe has been recommend- ed by pleased pat- ients. Our years of pract- ical experience plus only first quai- ity frames and lenses-not fact- C. .MBicycles,, STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS About the bost thing a father car do for his boys is to encourage their to travel and sea- something of ti( world, beforo, them become too keex. ly engrossed in commercial life Travel is a great Educator-it en. riches the mind and fits the youth tc better fil his place in life. A. nor mal boy is observant-he assimilatE and retains knowledge. Travel gîveE him bis opportuity-it fits hima foi evory phase in hf e. A tour of Europe is, at present be- ing organizod under the persona] supervision of Mr. T. H. Matthews, M. A. (Oxon) Assistant Professor of Mathematics, McGill University, and late Instructor-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, In addition local guides wil: be secured to conduct excursions and give lectures on the.artistic, historie literary and oconomic significance of the sights seen and tbe olaces visi ed. A imost carefully planod and in- teresting itinerary bas been arrange. including visits to Montreal, Liver- pool, Cbester, Stratford-on-Avon, Oxford, London, Paris, Versailloes Fontainebleau, Rbeims, Lyons, Mar- seilles, Cannes, Nice, Manoca, Men- tone, Genoa, Pisa Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Capri,' - ompeii, Vesuvius, Florence, Venice, Trent, Innsbruck, Munich, tho Passion Play at Oberam- mergau, Nuremberg, Mayence, the Rhine, Cologne, Brussels, Louvain, and Ostend, returning tbrough Lon- don and Liverpool. This exceptional tour starts fron Montreal on Satur'day, June 24tb, calling at Queboc, 'by the splendid White Star Line stoamsbip "Cano- pic" (12,100 tons). A period of approxomately two months will be occupied by the tour as by tbe itin- erary the roturn trip is made froi Liverpool, by the fine steainship "Regina" (16,500 tons) arriving ai Montreal on August 26tb. Tbe arrangements for this tour are miost complete and the cbarge whici is a minimum one covers everything in tbe way of transportation, botel accommodation with three meals a day, transfors, sigbt-seeing fees, ir brief ail necessary travelling expen. ses for the entire tour. Apply to any agent of the Canadian National Railways for further partie- ulars. 17-4 Tire Repairing by Modern Methods 'Youn woîn or injuied tire will neceive skilled attention in our Vulcanizing Shop and its ife will ho lengtbened.11 We will ropair it acconding to modern methode--tho beet methode known to the tire in- dustry, Ahi matenial that we put into your tires wil e the beet mater- is piocurablo, Bringin your wonn casing- thene may ho mileago la tbem. If thone is, wo will cee that you get it. If your tires are not wontb repaining, welh toit ,you., WE SELL TIRES Jamieson Bros. EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmavili-Oshawa More anil Better Shines ta the Box I BOWMANVILLE, MAY 4th., 1922. n MILK AS A FACTOR IN NATION n BUILDINI( ho______ ýn- By Dr. Margaret Patterson, Torontc h- Number Oneâ, .0t_____ C_ Editor's Note: Tbroe years ag, ýe last Fehruary we beard an addîess b: es the editor of Faim and Daiîy, Peter or horo, on "The Value of Milk a Food", deliveîed bof oie the niember 6' f the Hoîstein-Friesian Breeder. al Association et its annual meeting an( rs, banquet in Hotel Bowman in thi of town. Since that time, as oui' reac id ors very well kaow,-,The James Pap lI ors have contained many article iLI from «various authors on Milk and il id great value in the diet of childier ýc, We may say also that nîltho somi f years -past "thîoe score and ton", wi ihave adopted milk as our regula: daiy diet-usng it chiefly with stali nbread-hrown bread pîefeîred-an( ýdcan testify to its value in the diot oý r- aged poisons as well as for childier n, For this reason wo are publisbiný s, Dr. Patterson 's recent addîess doe r- ered at Ottawa. ',True patriotieni is a desire tor se( 'one 's country prosper and hold hig kand honorable rank among the nat - ions of the world. That no lace oi ie people is doing more to place theii n, country in this position tbaa thosE who are engaged in producing an ad. equate and safe milk supply is -now ai in ackowledged fact. h, Many years ago Disraeli said "Pub. Id lic bc-aith is the foundation on wbicl )- the happiaess and welfare of a poopbE )f must îest. Health isthe necessary -e foundatin on which to build truegand -enduring natioahood. The first duty bof a statosman is to look nfter the Phealth of the people; mensures foi tt the preservation of healtb mus, take precedence over ail others. The stiength of a nation depeads on the ýewealth and endurance of its individ- hual members. It matters not how 9wealLhy a nation may become, hou ýlarge its cities, how vast its armies a and navies if the bealth of its people lei on the decline it wili rapidly porisi 1and decay". Ex-Premier Asquith said "The part nthat any nation is to, play in the .- woîld's work will ho limited only hI 4the physical endurance of its people". The firet essentiel of health, to if e -itelf, is proper food. No form of ife e aa ho maiatained without food and the more suited to the neede of the particular form -of if e the food le, bhat if e develope to its highest f ora' and efllcency, capable of piotecting itself against the onemies thatsur- round it. Scientiflo research bas demoastret- ed that the nations which f aIl ready victims to opidomios are the nations having hoe smallest per capita con- sumption of milk and daiîy products; the same may ho said of individuals, for nothing so keeps the leucocytes (the home guards of the body) in such good condition as an ahuadani supply of milk, aotbing keeps one in fitter condition, wxth their nesistance right up to par like plenty of good milk. Milk for Children. When we consider that fully one fifth of ail the money earned la the wuîld is expended for food, whethex this vast amount is. oxpended fox food that provides wbat nature ne. quires, in short, if it is a -food that feeds, on menely fille, is a matter of 'national importan -ce. It is lament- ahly true tkat at the prosent time a very large percentage*of the money expended for food is wasted, and al for the lack of a proper kaowledge of food values, or the constituents of a proper food. We aie paying the puice of this ignorance îegerding food not only in dollars and cents but in the lives of oui people. Eveîy year wo are los- ing thousande of oui children thnough improper feediag, wbile thousande Imore are draggiag on nover to ho anytbing, but second-best beca'use of Iunder-nourisbmoent. IThere is uadoubtodly a blight on one out of every eight babies bora in Canada dies duîing the firet year. Is it not time that we looked for the cause, and remedy? The cause we know, and we are thankful to say that We also know the remedy, MILK, and dairy products, Milk is a perfect food and the only peifec' food; as Dr. McCallum says: "Milk is the great safety margin that makes up for the deficiencies la aIl oui other foods. If milk is fîeely used in the cookîng it doos a great deal to make up a propeîly halanced die t and mono than to supply the ro- than thle ducational work ofÎ the daiîy-men. It je a work of saving childien, and of giving tbem a square deal in if e; it is a work of giving to every one a chance not only to ho a botter citizen. An authority on food toile un that "The people who have achieved, who have becom, large, 'strong, vigorous REV. DR. J.* J. HARE DIES AFTER CRITICAL OPERATION Mrs. Hare Predecensed Him Only Three Week». His bosts of Canadian friends wero greatly shocked to hear on Wed- nesday of hast week that Rev. Dr. J. J. Haro, M. A., Principal Emeritius of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- by, had unexpectedly passed away the previous day Tuesday, April 25 after a very critical operation at the Mayo Brothers' Hospital, in Roches- ter, Minnesota, U. S., less than two weeks after Mrs. Hare's burial from Ontario Ladie*s' College, Whitby., Bora a short distance froni Ottawa ~74 years ago, Rev. Dr. Haro spent the major portion of bis if e as pria- cipal of Ontario Ladies' College, re- tiring from active direction of its edu- cational aiffairs in 1915, aftor 41 yoars of continuous service, Under his able guidance the college grew from a comparativoly smaîl seminary to one of the largest of its kînd in Canada, no less than four additions being bult to the original building to accommodate the increased number of pupils. Af ter from bis prominence as governor and principal of the col-. loge, Dr. Haro was considered to be one of the foremost psychologists of bis day, aad ho received a number of lucrative offers to bocome connoctod with the faculties of tho large United States universities, but ho doclhned, preferriag to romain with the college as its diroctor of oducation. He was 'also coasidered to ho an authority up- on spongology and coral formation. Graduating from Victoria College, thon- situated in Cobourg, Dr. Haro was first stationed at the First Meth- odist Churcb, London, Ont. Ho ro- mainedthere for one year, when ho wnq called to become principal of the Ontario Ladies' Collogo. Ho mar- ried in the same year Miss Cathorine Isabella McDowell, a daughteî of the Rev. David Crichton McDowell, a not- ed Methodist divine of bis day, a President ofthe former Guelph Con- ference, and one of tho fouaders of 'the Colleg' and for several years a resident of Bowmanvillo after ho re- tired from the active ministry. Dur- ing his probationary poriod in the ministry Dr. Haro had assisted Rev. Mi. McDowell in bis circuit duties at Srnith's Falls. Subsequently Dr. Haro Look bis degree in Philosopby. A man of keen intellect and kindly nature, Dr. Haro beaves a host of friends to mourn. Ris interestin educational affairs was deep and last- ing- and duîingbis long career as an educator ho made several lecttiring trips to the United States by re- quost and addîessed many conferen- pes there and spoke before the laîger universities in the East. Ho was a keen studentof the European school of thought and at various times spoke before educationaL conferences in England', France and Germany, Hie busy life was practically unbrokea to -the end and but a month before ho lunderwent bis operation ho had plan- ned to make another lecture tour in the United States, whicb among other engagements was to embrace the Chautauqua circuit, Dr. Haro retirod from active duties in the Ontario Ladies' College at theg Commencement Exercises in 1915,1 and after residîng privatoly in Whit- 1 by for some months, was forced toi move to Miami, Florida, owing to thei ill-healtb. of Mrs. Haro. Subsequent- Iy be went on an exteaded trip in thei West Iadies, and last year moved to Rockford, 111e., where bis son Mr.1 Frank C. Haro, resîdos. Besides his son, Dr. Haro is survived by three1 bro'hers and a sister-Messîs. Samuel1 and'Albert Haro of Ottawa, and, Wil- liam of Western Canada, and Mrs, F. VtcAmmond of Los Angeles, Mr. Franklin M. McDowell of the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Toron-ç to, is a brother-ia-law, and Rev. R. 3. McAmmoad of ýWest China, at )resont in Toronto on furlough, is a nepbew. The funeral, on Tbursday was largely atteaded, Rev. F. L. Farewell, B. A., Principal, offlciated. Other ministers taking part wero: Rev, Dr. J.W. Graham, E. A. Chown, Dr. 1. t Tovoell, Hl. M. Mianning, S. C. Moore,' B. A., B. D., W. D. Harrison, and'7 Mi. R. C. Hamilton. The College Choir with Miss Wright at the organ ld the singing. Mrs. A. W. Jack- son and W. J. H. Richardson sang a duet. The staff and students liaed .p as the cortoge passod out of the College, Floral tributes wero beauti- I ful. - Among mourners were Mr.1 nd Mrs.' Frank C. Haro, Mr_. and people, who have reduced their infant mortality, who have the finest trades in the world, who bave an apprecia- tion of art, literature, and music, wbo are progressive in science and in every activity of the human mind, are the people who have used milk and its produets liberally." (Tg b. continuod) ANNUAL SE-LF-DENIAL APPEAL Bowmanvihlo Salvation Army Corps announces the annual self-de- nial campaign 'agaia in progrees and are soliciting contributions to carry, on its woîk. 'It is' worthy of note that the Sal- vation Aîmy is opeîating in eenty-ý three different couatries and colonies, speaking foîty-six langueges and bas* tw~o thousaad -five hundred missionar- ies in non-chîhetin lande, the ter- ritory known as Cana-da East bas sent 157 missionarios and are ready and anxious to send more had they the necessary funde. It is, perbape, needless to romind oui fnionde and supporters of louri many well-equipped bospitals and homes of undenominational character mnintained at homo, open to ail in need. A minor proportion of the Soîf-Denial funde îaised will be ne- invested in the wonk in Bowmanville. 1 The local corps gratefully acknow-1 ledge past gifte and contributions and bave confidence in the citizens that thoy wili again nospond to their ap- peal. A collector will ho calling in the course of a week or two at every home and place of business, and do- nation foîwarded direct to Capt. Key Salvation Army, Bowmanville, wili ho acknowledged tbroughi thie paper. Youre very sîncerely, George and Alice Key, 17-E. O. W. Officoîs in charge., A real man eftor climhin.g to the top doeen't forgot those who hold tho iadder foi bim. SIXTY YASMARRIED Mr. and -Mrs. Alf redi Gifford Celebrate Diamond Wedding. -Mr. an d Mis. Alfred Giffoôrd, Trow- bridge-st., Meaford, Ont., celebratod! their Diamond Wedding anniversaiy on Saturday, April S, and received congratulations from their family, and frionds on comploting sixty, years of we.dded happinese. The worthy couple 'have rosidod in that community duiing their entire mat- rimonial voyage. Upon their mar- niage on Apil S , 1862, In Clarke township near Newcastle, when Mi.1 Giff ord led to the alter Miss Mary, Fligg, -daughtor of the late Benjamin Fligg. The young couple thon set- tled in St. Vincont taking up resi-- dence on lots 24 ad 25, side road. They f our years later moved to River- side where they established a home that bas long been a credit to thel family. -Mi. Gifl'ord developod al fruit faim of apples, poars and I plums that found a ready market in' Ca-nadian and British markets and hie name to-day stands for the beet in fruit culture by recognized authori- Li1es. -Bora of-good puritan ancostry, 'Mi. Gifford was ably backed up1 by primitive Methodist ideale in bis life's paîtuer and mucb of bis success can be traced to the guiding influencesl of bis co-worker and belpîate. T hoe union wns blessed hy a family of eight childien, ahl of whom are doing for themselves, as-follows: Dr. Retta, Kilborn, Chunkiag, China; Mis. Montague, Syracuse, N. Y; Mis, W. J. Taskoe, Lockport, N. Y; and Mis. J. O. Scythes, Barrie, Ont., and Messis, Aaron and Ernest, Meaford; William, Moosejnw; and Walker, Cal- .gary, Alta. The aged bride and bîidegroom are still enjoying faiîly good health. Saturday eveniag the fanxiily and frieads met at their home to, extead congratulations to their parents and ,an enjoyable evoaing was spent aîouad the banquet table. Guests outside the family circle were Mis. Gifford's brothers and sisters and their children. Oaly four members of the family wore present, the ro- mainder wore too far away to got homo for the occasion. Those woîo:- Messie. Aaron and Ernest and Mis. Montague and Ms.'Scythes. Mr. A. Gifford le a cousin of the late Mie. Henry Middleton and Mis,1 R. H. R-arnis of Clarke. - Watch Our Advt Each Week WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowinville Furniture Dealer- Ontarîo COMiE BACK- FOR So fine a quality and fiavor is our New Maple Syrup that rnany of our customers have sent in repeat orders. We are stili .selling this syrup at: 1 gallon tin for................................... $2.40 1 quart, încluding gem ... ....................... 75c Navel Oranges, sweet and juicy, dozen .......38e FRESH GARDEN SEEDS Buy your garden.seeds here and you are assured of getting the best. Big variety from which to make your selection. C.M.CAK &SO BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prigs for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to'Call on you we would appreciate a phone caîl or write us. Oirono Cireaniery Co., ORONO Compared to, a few years ago tire usera are getting easily double- and even more than double-the mileage in the tires of to-day. Ten, twelve and fifteen thouaand miles are just average mileages to-day. And the records on, the road show that Dunlop Cord Tires and Dunlop Fabric *Tires axe even exceeding these mileages. With Dunlop big mileage you have rock-bottoma pricés and paramounit tire quality ---tirce quality that is accepted as standard to-day, and which other makera are vainly atriving to duplicate. When you can get a tire with prestige back of it like DUNLOP, and with practicaily c~ r~ nie gaanewhy chance your life on a second-rate tire at any price? In Dunlop Cord Tires you have " Traction" and " Ribbed" to choose rora. In Dunlop Fabnic Tires you have "Traction," Ribbed," Special,""Clpp.r," "Plain." Dunlop Tire & Rubber Gooda Co., Limited Branchesla eaug «cltis. Head Office and Factoris: TORONTO. 1 A. i4 are sold by harry Ailun Just west Royal Theatre REB&ILT BICYCLES FOR SALE Pretty Soft, Eh? P ILLOWS, ALL FEATHERS See themi and you'll certainly want a pair for $1.50 ~ WIRE SPRINGS Woven Wire Springs to fit 'any bed, this week only J $4.25