BOWMANVILLE, MAY 4th., 1922.1 SODUTHEY-STRANGE WEDDING _______________~ IAt the Home of the Bride's Mother, THE EDITOR TALKS Kingston, Saturday Morning Last. We continue to publisb those ini- Saturday morning, April 29, at teresting letters from Dr. Norman 11.30 o'clock, at the home of the iPisrad to his brother Mr. William bride's mother Syd.enham Street, Found of this town and other mem- Kingston, was solemnized the mar- bers of Dr. Found's family in South niage of Mary Campbell, eider daugli- Darliagton because of the informa- ter of, the late Lieut.-Col. Frank tion they contain about Japan and its Strange and Mrs. Strange, and Ed- people, their manners, habits, eus- mund Charles Clay Southey, son of toms and doings in general. Few Major E. C. Southey and Mrs. Canadians know much of that far Southey, Bowmaaville, Rev. J. W. away country and its inhabitants and Stephen, St-. Andrew's Church, offici- iDr. Found's letters convey to us in atiag. an înteresting -readable form s0 many The ire place in the long drawing- -phases of life especially in Koren oo was bankedwt en ad ~where he is located that our readers room eas ad hwithe ras ando are gaining a knowiedge that they awaited bis bride wîth Herbert Chap- are not likely to obtain in any other cli, Toronto, as bis groomsman. way. The letter this week is very Loveiyide alh edn interesting- don't fail to rend it. yide a h edn gown wora by the stately bride who entered the room on the arm of ber We feel very sure that our readers graadfather, Richard Davis. Kitten's are appreciating the service we are car satin f el in soft folds,' the wide g,ýivîng them for several weeks. The girdle being caught at one side with £pecial articles are flot oaly full of aluster of pearîs. Exquisite chan- iatercst but are informative, contain- tilly lace formed the panels faliing ing valuable information that is welî bclow the satin skirt, ýenriched the te know. We want to direct at- bodice and made the short sleeves; tention this week to Lawyer Bice's the court train was of the satin, lined splendid article on "The Genoa Con- with palest pink crepe embcllished ference". Thoughtful people will witb two truc loyers knots of quilled dlo well to rend it carefuliy.' Capt. rîbbion, centred with pearis, and held -J. B. Neale's instructive article in to the shoulders with sprays of orange «~plnato f Mr.,S. Snowden's cnit- blossoms. A wreath of the bride's icisms. and observations on Englisb own fiowers crowned the darkbair eustoms and conditions wiil be rend' and secured the tuile veil falling softl- -with keen'interest both in Canada ly over the sweet face. The bridal .aad la England. We ask all yýung bouquet was of sweetheart roses and folk to rend the article on page two lily-of-thc-valley. "The Person Who Thirks" and bold n The bridesmaids, who were Miss little interview with yourself about i Helen Strange, the bride's sister, and -Sour owa thinking. Miss Peggy Forbes, Montreni, a cous- _____il of, the groom, wore dotted Swiss musîja of pale green, made with MUSIC AND THE CHILD dainty ruffles; bandeaux of fiowers in pastel shades were worn on their hair Upon the school teacher'rests Most and they carried bouquets of sweet of the responsibiiity of the cbild's peas. education. It is the teacher' duty- The table in the diniag-room wns te teacb the child how te live and decked witb piak roses and centred how to live weli. Music is every- witb the wedding cake, surrounded1 wbere, but not always the best mus- with smnilax and crowaed witb iily-of- ice. Ualess bis attention is dran to the valley. Here the speeches were the appreciation of real music, the Made, and good wisbes cxpressed for cbiïld soon becomes saturated with the -the bride and groom. ~monotonous appeal of too much of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey ieft1 the anme sort of music and he con- on the mid-day train for Chicago, sequently soon loses bis interest in and will make their home in Bowmaa- ,Music or mny neyer develop any ia- ville on their retura from their wed- terest at nîl. Careful listening and ding trip. The bride travelled in a appreciation of a few selections fre- smart suit of beige velour, embroider-1 qucntly will do more to keep the right cd in shades cf brown, browa shoesi sort cf music before the child than an and stockings, a chic bat cf brown1 occasionai long program, even by the strnw with wings, and a fox fur best artista. choker. We need preparation and proper. Among the handsome dresses worn 1iï&cdrstanding and use cf the wealth were that cf Mrs. Frank Strange, the 9if material wbich ise alwnys available. bride's mother, wbo was, ia black, Introduce te the Icbild the real mas- charmeuse and chantilly lace and1 tePrpieces,, and help bim to understaad wore a corsage bouquet cf orchids. thcm 50 that tbey mny become bis Mrs. Richard Davis, grnndmotber oc lIife-long friends and not mere sebool- the bride, wore black brocaded satin.1 room acquaintances soon te be for- Mrs. E. ýC. Southey, Bowmanville, gGtten. Every cbild sbould be mother cf the groom, black canton taught the rudiments of siaging in crepe, chantilly lace, mauve 'flowered1 hepublic achool'by a qunlificd teach- bat and corsage bouquet cf orchida.é ~e.Mrs. Ramsey Duif, black charmeuseg speech, breathing, and allied treat- ment to help the men whose nerves are wrecked. lan this way it is ex- pected that thousands of men wlll re- cover and be saved from a if e of in- vaiidisin. A noted British nerve speciaiist says: Voice training and choral sing- ing of good music has proved an, ex- cellent heaith restorative to the ner- vous system of soldiers convaiescing from war neurosis. Singing is an upiiftîng mental di- version whicb, tends to banish from the mind ail the terrifying things of life and the fears of the future. Short speeches were made by thre aewly elected officers of tbe clnss, by Rcv. Wmn. Limbert, Mr. Orm. Parker and Mr. W. J. S. Riekard, choir leader. Miss Beatrice Bragg fnv- orcd the company with selections on the piano and Mr. Aif. Sims sang witb mucb feeling. "Home Swcct Home" with everyoae joiniag in the refrain. Votes cf tbaaks were tendcred te Mrs. N. Allia, Mrs. Wm, Moore and other young ladies who se kindly ns- sisted the young mca witb the pre- paration cf the banquet, aise to the W. 0. C. by the Suashine & Busy Bec Classes for n plensant evening's1 and black bat. Mrs. James MacLen- sociable and te Mr. and Mrs. Wix nan, Toronto, black embroidered silk Parnell, the sexton and bis good wil aad black mohair bat. Mrs. Camp- for their kindncss, belp and sympath bell Strange, black taffeta witb touch- on many past occasions of tbis kir es of green, black tulle bat. mrs,. as well as this present one. Somr Walter Fleming, white chiffon lacel choral siaging windîng up witb th over black satin, white bat with black j National Aathcm brought this happ osprey. Mrs. William Forbes,, Mon- I evening te n close. treai, frey radium lace, blue featherl bat. Mrs. Duncan Bcitb, Bowmaa- ville, 'black radium lace and 'canton crepe, bat with bird cf paradise plume "I PRAY FOR SUNSHINE" Miss Marjorie Chapell, Cbatham,_____ gown of two tone nasturtium crepe One asks for sua an' one for nain, with bluýe, dark blue and nasturtium IAnd sometimes bofe together; bat. Gordon Beitb and Rex Wad- 1 pray fer suashîne la my heart, delI were nmong the out-of-town And dca forgits de weather. guests. de 'y Ld .e 'y SPR1NG WEDDING W. O. C. ANNUAL MEETING f Jeffery-VanDyke The Welcome ciass of Newcastle Methodist Sunday Scbooi. which was A very pretty wedding was solemn- organized eight years ago under the ized at the parsonage, Courtice, by energetic supervision of Mr. Orm. Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, B. A., B. D., on Parker, Superîntendent of the Sec- April 26, whea Elva E.,, youngest ondary Division, heid its annual daughter of Mr. and Mrs.: George H. eiection of officers and pancake soc- VanDyke, became the bride of Ceeciliai on Friday night, April 2lst. This M. Jeffery, second son of Mrs, Wm. class has an International S. S. As- Jeffery of Maple Grove. The bride sociation charter and bas for its was becomingly attire~d in a navy blue motto "The Other Fellow"~ a motto embroidered tricotîne suit and taupe which in its eight years of eexistence hat of visca braid and black wolfe it has kept well in mind and endeav- stole, the gift of the groom. The ored to honor. bridesmaid, Miss Lyla Osborne of The devotional.and business meet- Toronto, cousin of the bride, wore a ing was heid in the Primary Room. black taffeta dress and bat of pink Officers' ciected were: President- crepe de cbene.1 Geo. Jones; Vice do-Lawrence Cry- The groom was ably supported bY derman; Secretary-Clarcnce Allun; his brother, Mr. Steven Jeffery. The Treasurer-Archie Glenny; Teacher groom's gift to the bridesmnid was a -H. R. Pearce. 'Also auditors, sick, gold bar pin, with peridot setting and social and sports committees wcre to the groomsman initialed cuf links.1 eiected After the ceremony the wedding After the meeting the ciass repair- party returned to the borne'of the ed to the banquet hall where tables bride's parents where a dainty lunch- were laid an. verything arranged for eon was served. The happy couple th, feast ýof pancakes, maple syrup, left amid showers of confetti on the huas,ý eggs and coffee. The price of evenng train for Toronto, Sarnia admission, by the way, for memibers and other western points, where tb.ey of the class being thrce or more new will spend their hoeymoon. On laid e'ggs. their retura tbey will reside at Maple The choir of the church and the Grove. young ladies of the Suashine and Busy Bee Classes were also present SINGiNG IS UPLIFTING as guests.1 Young ladies and gentlemen wcre We lcarn that The London Vocal about equai in number and were hap- Therapy Society bas ýdone a wonder- pily paired off for supper the chatter fui work in helping to restore men of many voices mingling gaiiy with nearly annîbilated by the war to a 'he clatter of table uteasils as the normal condition. It' dcpends first 110w Of talk and mapie syrup pro- upon soag, then upon exercise. ceeded with eciat. Old People's Home, Vancouver, B. C., gees la beavily f or poultry keep- ing, as is proven by the fact that Re- port No. 2 cf the Record of Perform- ance la, egg-lnying, conducted by the Pouitry Divisioa cf the Dominion Live Stock Brncb, Ottawa, shows a list cf 124 Legborns at that in- stitution te whîch certificates were ac- corded for laying 150 eggs and up- wards in 52 conscutive weeks and 151 of which advanced certificates were graated for layiag upwards cf 225 eggs in the ame period, the higbest being 297 and the second 274, botb ceastituting records in the Province for Leghorns. 'A pnivate breeder at Victoria, B. C., ean daim the re- cord cf production for White Wyan- dottes, two producing 274 eggs encb and one 284 in the specificd time. Taking the, records by provinces Brit- ish Columbia comes first witb 96 ad- vanced Legborins averaging 238.32 I eggs per bird, 42 Wyandottes aver- aging 242.17 per bird and 25 Ply- mouth Rocks averaging 241.17 per~ bird; Ontario second with 44 ad- vanced Leghorns averagiag 245 eggsý per, bird, 27, Plymoutb Rocks aver-i aging 234.16 and 19 Wyandottes av-' eraging 233.13 per bird, and Quebec third witb 10 advanced Plymouth Rocks averaging 235.2 eggs per bird, and 6 Rhode Island Reds averagiag 235.3 per bird. The Pouitry Divis- ion started keeping the records in 1919, when 67 breeders entered 4, 436 birds, which numbers incrcased lan 1920 te 81 breeders and 7,511 birds. The report shows that there was considerable imprevement in the second year compared with the first,! nt only in thre number of entries but IWe Are specialists NESTLETON Prof. and Mrs.. L. D. Fallis and family, Kiagston, are with ber mother' Mrs. R. H. Suggitt. Mrs. R. C., and Miss Vera Jackson recently vîsited in Toronto, Detroit! and Mount Clemens. Miss Ruby Veale is home from Toronto caring for ber mother, Mrs A. H. Veale wbo is il Miss Nina Allia, Toronto, visited at Mrs. Malcolm Emerson's last week; she is baviag n cottage built on Mr. Emersoa's shore. Mr. L. W. Veale cf the Toronto Carpet Ce., who with bis family bas speat the winter in Delray, Florida, vîsited bis father Mr. John Veale, bis brother and sisters bere last week. Chancellor Bewles, D. D., preached very acccptably at North Nestîcton on Sunday on "Let this mmnd be in yen which was la Christ"'. Wc are always pleased to bear the Chancellor. He bas rcturncd f or thre summer te bis cottage on Lake Scugog shore. EGG LAYING RECORDS Gratifyiag Results from the Poultry Record cf Performance Establish- ed in 1919. we are PLUMBING tINSMITHING STEAM FITTING Y 'ou receive unexcelled service when you leaVe your order with us. We have the largest, staff of plumbers in town who are ale' to do efficient work promptly and satisfactory. Greenaway&Elot Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmlanville 1; DOMINION PIANOS USED PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE In these days there is a piano in almost every home. Many people postpone, or decide against, the purchase of a new piano becau se they do not realize that, their. old one will be taken in partial exchange. If you have a piano, we will gladly examine it and fix a price upon it, to apply as partial payment on a new Dominion. F J. MITCH'%rrlELL Sales Agent Telephone 105 Bowmanville. 1' J, OQIL $10,00 INVESTED T~A ShouldMean $1000 or More to You on Completion of Our Plans-Read! We are running this advertisement as an invitationto you to join--our $10.00 Cet Acquainted Club, so read what we have to say: We have two wells in, and have our thitd well started.- Our stock to-day is worth $3.00 per share, brokers are listing it at $1.50 to $2.35. We are off ering for new stockholders to join us and, then investigate. Ten Shares> NOW for,$10-00, flot more than twenty shares to any one person or more thaa one hundred shares to any nefamly at this $1.00 per share price. Join us in this small way, then investigate our standing ,our plans, etc., then, if, you are satisfied, you can buy more stock at the prevailing price at that time. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED, we will return your ten dollars on demand, if yu make demand within thirtydy rmtetm o edu h 1.0 IsTht, Not rFairEnough? oud You Ask"forMore? Our plans are to drill Ten Wells just as quick as money, labor and material can be assembled, and we honestly expect our stock to seil from $100.00 to $1000.00 a share as soon as these plans are carried out. We are flot a, one well syndicate, but a thoroughly organized and going comiýpany, and expect to flot only drill hundreds of wells as has been done by the Standard Qil Company, Sinclair Oil Company and others, but we expect to build our own pipe lines, and our ownrefiner ies and etbihor ownGslne filling stations allover the country. We have just secured an option on an additional thirty acres in the new wonder-gusher field east of town where wells are beîng brought in with a roar that are running wild, and can be heard for miles with an estimated production'of five to twelve thousand barrels., One well of this size and, we can, start paying our stock- holders divîdends of 200% or more monthly. It îâ forthe purpose of rushing to completion sixowells on this new lease that we are offeringyou stock at less than one third its present value, With these plans carried out your $10.00 invested to-day should be worth a'THOUAD OL RSormetoyu Start right in-.a ,small, way, then satisfy yourself that -you are in thé right ýcomnpan y, then increase your holdings, or get out if you are hlot satisfied. $10.00 starts you on the road to success and wealth with us if you act now, to-day, at once. Inquiries invited. 10 SHARES $10.00-50 SHARES $50.00-100 SHARES $100.00. MOTEX CWOMPA'NYe' El Dorado, Ark. Box 653. This is an age of specialiste and specialists in