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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 7

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BASEBALL NOTES Plan to corne to Bowmanville foi May 24th--Some time! Bowman ville pinys its fist game la Port Hope, Sataîday, May 20th. Secretaiy Paterson hae about al the pînycis ha requires and has dis- coatinued meeting the trains. Lloyd Chambers who played w7ith Lindsay lnst season has located la town and will no doubt ba on the local line up. 1 The Central League is an amateur organization. Oh yes, about as amateur as some Toroato O. H. A. teams! Merchants la other towns have been off eriag prizes to players for home ruas, stolea bases, etc. Who will be the first local merchantto put up such stakes for competition?' The boys are practising aearly every night at the High School Grounds from 5.30.' They are la good hands with the veterans 'Dusky' Mîngeaud and 'Spud' Wilcox coach- ing the youngsteis. Bowrnanville has gone basebaîl mad -girls and boys alike. We aven saw Postmaster Kent the other even- iag out on his lawn warmiag ap with the kids la the block. Carl was some slab artist in the i9th C entury. Whnt are we golag to cail the Bow- mý)anville team? Some names men- tioaed ara St. Pats , Cuba, Bears, Tigars, Bull Dogs. 0f course, wc all. know what 'Barber' Pethick will call thcm should they lose the open- ing game. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOWN BASEBALL LEAGUE Owing to the unfavorable weather the Town Basebali League dîd not get started as early as orîginally planaed. 'The schcduie has been rcvisedas fol- lows, games being plnyed Wedaeadays e5 p. m. and Saturday 2 p. m. 1Wedneday, May 3rd Front Street-Thomson Knitting. Saturday, May 6th Goodyear-Ross Can. Wednesday, May 1Otk Front Street-ýGoodyeai Saturday, May 13th Ross, flan-Thomson Knitting. Wednesd Y, NMaYI7-tk -Front Streat,-Roas--Can.-- - BOWMANVILLE POULTRY SHOW PRIZE- WINNERS We are a littie late in publish- ing the prize list of the Bowmanville Poultryý Show held in January, but this is the first opportunity w'e have had of securing the complete list. From the large number of winners Lshown herewith it will ble seen that Lthe show was a gzreat success. It is more than twenty years since a winter show has been held here and the 1922 exhibition clearly demon- strated that local bird fanciers are just as numerous and enthusiastie as in the good old days. Speaking of those days gone by they were vividly recalled in a con- versation with J. Mark Hern who came down £rom Toronto for the show. Some of the names of the old rbreeders and fanciers of the f eather- ed beauties he mcntioned irneluded Jos. Jeffrey, J. J. Mason, Sam Allia, J. W. Dutton, Wm. Wolfe, John Fogg, W. H. Dustan, Alfred (Corporal) Hobbs, J. S. Moorcraft, W. J. Knight, J. O. LaBelle, John Archibald, Thos. LBottreli, E. Doncaster, C. F. Rice and .others. A glance over the f ollowiag tlist shows that some of these 'young 1fellows' are stili in the game. Brahmas, Light-Cock, 1, 2 Curtis, 3 E. Butson; hen, 1 Curtis, 2, 3 E. Butson; cockerel, 1 2 Curtis; pullet, 1 2 Curtis. Dark-Cock 1, hea 1,l cockereli, palet 1, Curtis. Cochin, Buff-Cock 1, puilet 1, Curtis, A.'1O. V.-Cock 1, puilet 1, Curtis. Lang- shans, Black-Cockerei, 1, 2 Curtis, 3 A. Dilling; puilet, 1, 3 A. Diiling, 2 Curtis. Plymouth Rocks, Barred -Cocki H. C. Osborne, 12 W. J. Colwilil 3 E., Weatheîelt, 4 L. B. Nicholîs; hen, 1 A. K. Edmison, 2 H. C. Osborne, 3, 4 W. J. Coiwill; cockerel, 1, 2 A. K. Edmison, 3, 5 H. C. Osborne, 4, W. J. Colwill; puliet, 1, 2 W. J. Colwill, 3, 4 AX K. Edmi- son. White-Cock, 1 1. Foster, 2 D. Robb; hen 1,, 2, 3, cockerel 1, 2, 3,' pullet 1, 2, 3, 1. Foster. A. O. V. -Cock 1, han 1, Curtis. Wyýandottes, Golden-Ail, S J Cox, -Silv r-Coec 1.2. he 1. . n'lerel. 1, 2, pullet 1, 2, F. W. T. Tamblyn. S ler s: h en Yi- Hu -C .- RundiTe. 2-.-3-- . ,SPORTING NEWS t-is,; youi. m aie, 1 D. Ro b R u n ray; cockeral, 1 E. McMurray; pullet,_ 1, ý2 E. McMuîray, 3 A. Dîllîng. Gamne Bawnts, Black Red-Cock,, 1i W. J. Colw~ill; hen, 1 W. J. Colwill; cockerel, 1 T. Bottreli & Sons, 2 W.i J. Colwll; pullet, 1 T. Bottreli & Sons, 2 W. J. Colwiii, Brown Red- COck, 1, 2 T. Bottreli & Sons; hen,1 1, 2, 3 T. Bottreil & Sons; cockerel, 2 Bottrell & Sons, 1, 3 W. Roe; pal- let, 1, 2 W. Roe, 3 T. Bottreil & Sons., Bircheni--Cock, 1 T. Bottreil &Soas, 2 E. R. Fostur, 3 Lord & Wilson;hea le 2 Lord & Wilson, 3 T. Bottreli &1 Sons; cockerei i T. Bottreli & Sons; pullet, 1 Lord & Wilson, 2, 3 T. Bot- trell & Sons. Duckwing-Cock, 1 T. Bottreli & Sons. Game A. O. V. -Cock, 1 W. Roe, W. J. Colwill, 3 Lord & Wilson; hen, 1 W Roe, 2 W. J. Colwill, 3 Lord & Wilson; cockerel, 1 W. Roe, 2 W. J. Colwill, 3 Lord & Wilson; pullet, 1 W. Roe, 2 W. J. Colwill, 3 Lord & Wilson. Buif Cochin-Cock, 1 W. Nicholîs, 2 High- land Bant Yards, 3 T. Bottreil & Sons; hen, 1, 2 T. Bottreil & Sons, 3 N. C. Randie; cockerel, 1 Highland Bant Yards, 2 T. Bottreli & Sons, 3 W. Nicholîs ;pallet, 1 Highland Bant Yards, 2, 3 T. Bottreil & Sons. Black -Cock, 1 W. Roe, 2 Highland Bant Yards, 3 W. Nicholis;' hen, 1 High- land Bant Yards, 2, 3 W. Nicholis; cockerel, 1 Highland Bant Yards, 2 W. Roe, 3 W. Nichols;, pullet, 1, 2 W. Roe, 3 M. M. Jenkins. A. O. V. Cochin-Cock, 1, 3 W Roc, 2 High- land Bant Yards; hen,,1 Highland Bant Yards, 2, 3 W. Roe; cockerel 1, 3 W. Roe, 2 Highland Bant Yards; pallet, 1, 3 W. Roe, 2 Highland Bant Yards. Light Brahma-Cock, 1 W. J. Colwill, 2 Highland Bant Yards, 31 E. Butson; hen i' W. J. Colwill, 21 Highland Bant Yards, 3 E. Butson; cockerel, 1 W. J. Colwîli, 2 Highland Bant Yards; puilet, 1 W. J. ColwiIl, 2 Highland Bant Yards. R .C. Black -Cock, 1 Highland Bant Yards, 2 W. Roe, 3 W. J. Colwill ;hen, 1 High- land Bant Yards, 2 W. Nichols, 3 T. Bottrell & ýSons; cockerel, 1 Highland Bant Yards, 2 T. Bottreil & Sons, 3 W. Nichois; pallat,, 1 W. Nichols, 21 Highland Bant Yards, 3 Lord & Wil- son. Golden Sebright-Cock 1, 2, 3, hen 1, 2, 3, cockerel 1, 3, puliet 1, 2, 3, T. Bottîcll & Sons; cockerel 2, Highland Bant Yards. Japanese- Cock 1, hen 1, cockerel 1, pullet 1, Highland Bant Yards; hen 2, Lord & Wilson,. Ducks, Pekin-Old maie, 1 T.- Tam- blyn, 2 Curtis; old female, l T. Tam- blyn, 2 Curtis; young maie, 1 T. Tamblyn; young f emale, 1, 2 T. Tam.. I l _ Ol l-t 1 ~ J ~ ' I . a . '. fl4 1 a BargainHunters Ia this community are hundrads of individuals and fam- ilies on the watch, for an adveitsamcnt which will off er them what they want at an advantageous price. Cali them baigain-huaters if you will, but thera la nothing wroag ia waitiag for a bargain, especlaliy whea the seller is anxiouis to seli at a reducad prce. One family wants a new carpet-tha need is not urgent. Another family is looking f orwaid te buying dining- îoom furniture-it may not be for a twelve month. Oaa -man la thinklng of buying. hiniseif a watch. One a ohnninhl an ôther an iimwb ialIà program. f Simpsoa, Claresholm, Alta., Dr. Mort- Sacramental service was held here on Riggs, Calgary, Alta., Mis, W. C. Sunday afternoon with Pastor Wick- Bowen, Edmonton, Alta., Mi. Geo. ett in charge. Riggs, Toronto, Miss Elliott, Mis. Our community extend their sin Edith Ormiston and Mr. William cere sympathy to the bcreavcd sonsRiggs at home. and daughters of Mis. Alex. Riggs, S. S. anaiveîsaîy Jane 25 and July who passed peacafully to hier home jst. beyond on April 22nd, in her 88th ________ year. The funeral was held at lher late residen ce on T u esday last and N w g o s a e h r - c r e onducted, by Rev. W. T. Wickett. sNes, goods are hnoera-,carpet ýThe remains weîe interred ia Bow-squars, aknds, linem, coao- manville cemetery. Four daughters Couchrugs an &curain mateia. and three sons survive,-Mrs. W. uh ntn&Cyemn . . Yaur Atti cUsef UlWith Gyprth ocAfew d ! oll ars spen ton pr oc and a few -h our s'work moy~ w ] t u l eebzY m ransforatt a .w r ottc-s-i --at 'r eeD ns i& a - eet;4]adactive liva ble -oom s-uh ave th 'e --- i E.' Wetherelt; young female, 1 Jones & Cawkeî, 2 E. Wethereit, 3 J. L. Cryderman. A. O. V.-old maie, 1 Curtis; old f emale, 1 Curtis; young maie, 1 Curtis, 2 Jones & Cawker; young female, 1 Curtis, 2 Jones & Cawker. Guinea FowI, A. V.-1, 2 N. C. Ruadie, 3 A. Dillîng. Pens, Plymouth Rocks-1, W. J. Colwill, 2 1. Foster., R. I. Reds-i J. Nokes. Wyandottes-il S. J. Cox, 2 H. C. Rundie. A. O. V.-1. W. J. Bagneil, 2 Mis. W. Cunning-. ham. Utility Pens--Heavy, 1 1. Foster, 2 S. J. Cox; light, 1 M. A. Neal. SOUTH DARLINGTON Base Line S. S. Annîversary. The above anniversary wîll be held] on Sunday, May 219t at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Capt. Ernest Hais- ton, Cambornie, will preach at both services. Special music by Miss Hilda Langmaid of Zion, Mrs. Geo. F. Annis and Mr. Franýk Walter of Eben- ezer. Also music by the school. Everybody welcome., Don't £ail to hear Capt. Harston or you will miss a great treat. 18-3 BOWMANVILLE, MAY 4th., 1922.p HAYDON New officcîs of the Epworth League aelected Tuesday night are: Prasideat -Mis. Theron Moantjoy; First Vicea -Mi. Clarence Avery; Second Vice -Miss Vera Mountjoy; Tibird Vice-b Mis. Russell Crossman; Four-th ViceY ý-Mi. Cecil Slemon; Fifth Vice-L Miss Vera Slemon; ,Sccretary-Mr.c Bail Coalter; Treasurer-Mr. Theron1 Moantjoy; Organist-Mrs. Earl Coul-n ter., League service on Saaday cvening was quite a dccidcd success. The President opened the service with song and prayer, and afterwnrds, cali- ed the Junior Vice President-Miss Vera S16mon, to preside over the f ol- lowing progîam: Bible reading by Master Fred Ashton. The topic "Litde Children may come to Christ" was nicely given by Miss Helen Wor- den. The boys' choir îeadered two choruses and was greatly enjoyed by the goodty number present. A recit- ation by Harry Milîs and a readiag by Arthur Tools were creditably giv- en. Meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. Langue next Sunday evcniag is la charge of Mi. Clarence Avery. Good _jien 1, zj -AV 1 ýt 11 1

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