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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 10

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1MILK AS A FACTOR IN NATION 1 a perfectly normal caif. The cow OBITUARY BUILDING was only able to feed the one calf, _______ and at the end of a month she sudden- Mrs. 'John Foley, Manitou, Man. By Dr. Margaret Patterson, Toronto. ly collapsed and died.____ _______Examination of the body showed A highly respected reident of Numer3 hat her teeth and bones were liter- Manitou, Manitoba, and a lady well- whaeally honeycombed. Nature's ýchief known to many of the older residents We are a practical people; ehv concern is with the carrying on of of South Darlington passed away on been making a great many claimns fors the race, and she had taken the lime Wednesday, May 4, in the person of milk. If the man from Missouri walked in and said "show me", cul saîts necessary to make the bones of Mrs. Margaret Power, widow of the vie o i? Ys, e culdand'e illthe calf from the bones of the mother late John Foley. Deceased was the Ine oir st et us sed e wtth because this need was not supplied eldest daughter of the late Edward G. Intefrtplace,leusewath in the food. No wonder it is said and Lucy Bronson Power. She was human body requires: Water, pro- "For every child a tooth". born on Feb. 13, 1840, on the home- teftcabrdae, n iea Not only does the body require the stead now occupied by Mr. Thos. > materthings of which we have spoken bi3t -Power, near Maple Grove, where she Now let us see the comiposition of another substance that bas been ré- was married to John Foley also of milk:- Water, proteins, fats, carbohy-eadbytelgtosctf r- Darlington. About forty years ago drates and mineraI salts,-just the searcli. These substances are spoken they moved to Manitou, Man. and saine constituents and in just about ofaiaies h vtl settled on a farm. Shortly after the ain prporion Se e cn Teseareof treekins hepart.- heir removal to the West, hier hus- the ameproorton. So e cn Tese re f treekins: he at-band passed away and she was left readily understand that milk is cap- soluble, the water-soluble, and the tocr1orbrfmiy n1snWl able of supplying every need as a fasoluble and containssome of the liam amesfo died shrtly ateron is body-builder. anti-scorbutic. Milk is rich in the father. Ms. oey asagd The process of living is a chemical water-soluble as well, but is lacking mothe.r, kind and loving to ail, a good une. Every action menas that a in the anti-scorbutic. The additionnegbradfintoaledngir certain amount of energy is expend- of some fruit (suchas orange juice) asistoan. Shendwasa lifelong mem- d. Energy means the expenditure tu the diet makes up for this lack. ber of the Metlvodist Churcli and a of lient. In order that life may be The importance of vitamines to most faithful attendant and support- maintained, hut up and, sustained, the human economy is shown by the er. Last fall she suffered a stroke the human body must have fuel or serious resuit of a lack of them,, e. but recovered and was in her usual heat-producing food. It requires enl g., a lnck of the fat-soluble causes liealtli until -a short time ago when SALVATION ARMY WORK AMONG ergy producing food; it require~ eye trouble. Green leaves are rich she sufi'ered a second stroke and pas- TELPR building material and minerai saîts,lin these vitamines; milk is the es- sed away on Wednesday last. SheTH E RS and in the proper propoirtion'for hum- sence of green leaves. The fatsI leaves to mourn lher loss two daugli-_____ an assimulation., contained in milk, and butter fat are ters:, Mrs. E. J. Moore, Winnipeg,' There are two grades of protein:j necessary to the proper growth and 1 and Mrs. John Balfour, Manitou,1 The Salvation Army does a great A. and B. Grade. A proteins are development of children. Man., and four sons: Edward of Win-i growth-promoting, and the proteins of If children are denied these neces- nipeg, ]Rupert in, Manitou, and Frank 1 work amnong the Lepers for which the inilk are the hpat growth-promoters sary things nothing can ever make and Lewis on the homestead with SeIf-Denial funds help a great deal. l<nown; no others can take their up for them, they are cheated out of with whom she resided. Two bro- Help, by buying a tag on Saturday, place in the food of the young. their birtliright. They are chldren thers and -tlree, sisters also survive: The humanbody requires. minetal only once and it is the only time John L. Power, Cadmus; Thos. Power salts, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and they will ever bave to build up ai of Darlington; and Mrs. L. M. Court- iron. Milk contains aIl of these and strong, useful body. A real edu- ice, Courtice; Mrs. D. Pollard- and in sufficient quantity for the child- cational campaign is needed su tliat Mrs. J. D. Storie, Oshawa. Mrs. Fol- u~ not quite enougli iron for the adult. this knowledge may be cnrried into oley a o tis tow-n '- of Mr. Wm Phosphorus and calcium are absolute- every hýome and reach every mother.jFlyo hstw.D o ,Wn ly necessary for the proper develop- A few years ago in a certain or-r ment and growth of bone. -Chlldren phanage- the Board Làdies, (ail good A inust have these saîts or they cannot kindly people) determined to econ- Brigadier Edwy White, Milwaukee,AP develop properly. Mîlk is one of the omize by giving the children oleo- Wswohs~s eundfo few oodsthatconainscalcum, margarine instead of butter. Soon trip to Florida and Cuba, spent last Anu brfShronE That we are not as a people using they were having a very unusual Friday night here with bis brother, A une'fSot r B enough milk is shown by the figures amount of iUness and the 'children R. White, on bis wny to Toronto, 0t., given out by those making a survey were'not gaining in weight as they tawa and Montreal on a business trip.a of the henlth and teeth of our school had been doing; the teachers'began -Milton Reformer. children. Not only should the child- to complain that they were not get-__________IBih W vryS ren have plenty of milk but, with the, ting on in school. et'%Wa rl Sz highly commercialized foods of to- The doctor iearned of the butterMA li day, it is neeessary that the mother substitute and suspected it was the M Ylt should lÏake milk during the time she cause. H1e obtained permission t o is pregnant. ~~give butter to the children in on e IThs anm iwllb A f ew years ago our foods were' of the cottages and'soon they begani hs nml ilb mure natural and contained many to gain in weight and to progress All have been tested for valuabie products that are -now ne- in school and had much less ilînessf fined out of them, Ia order to seeithan the children who were not get-j Attendant at stable betxx if a lack of calcium was not the cause 1ting the butter. Do not be fooled; for the decay of teeth su 0common there is no substitute for milk pro- dy with the young mother of to-day, an ducts. It is n cheap food no matter Breeders in thc- CountyY experiment was carried out at the what the price. o osenBisa University of Wisconsin. inrtHelstae for s a A perfectly bealthy young heiferi h tbefrsl -was chosen for the expeiment an( Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Dyment, Creigli- during the time that she was carrylag Iton Road, Dundas, announce the en- -Wieo alF .P lier caîf she was given a food as lime- ggeentofthir auhte, more PortF. H.Pa free as the f ood eaten hy the average1 Adeline (Lena), to Mr. M. Chesteru ,PotH p mother of to-day. Teewslti Allia, B. Sc., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 Ther'waý litieAlli, Witby On., tem change in the cow's appearance and in hty n. h arriage to at ke normal time the caîf was b orn, take place on May 2 5th. TRANSFERS 0F MINISTERS Transfers of ministers for 1922 for Bay of Quinte conference are: 0f those in active work, Rev. C. S. -Applegath from Bay of Quinte to ,Hamilton;- Rev. J. W. Baird from Hamilton to Bay of Quinte, to 'suc- ceed Mr. Applegatli at Port Hope; Rev. H. Frost from Bay of Quinte to Montreal; Rev F. L. Farewell froin Toro~nto to Bay of Quinte; Rev. A. J. Langford from London to Bay of Quinte; Rev. R. C. Tait from Bay of Quinte to Saskatchewan; Rev. W. R. Tanton from Saskatchewan to Bay of Quinte. Supera-nnuated ministens-Rev. S. Cleaver from Bay of Quinte to Tor- onto; Rev. J. R. Real from Bay of Quinte to Toronto. Rev. A. J. Thomas, formenly of George Street, Peterboro, is exchang- ing from Montreal to London. King-St. in Cobourg is to lie paved this year. Our county town is not going to lie behind the neighboring towns along the Lake Shore front. Fou4een silven trowels were ne- cently presented to Victoria College, Toronto, by Percy Punshon, Oshawa. The collection of trowels which are of solid silver-are indeed valuable and have great historical connection with Methodism both in England and in Canada, hnving been used in laying the foundation stones of many well- kown churches-in the Methodist con- nection. It to Bjuy, ire Bjred Bull?',f Bulls are to be held for sale Mr. F. 1-1. Bounsaîl was in Toronto Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rundîs ol 627A Bloor St. W. Toronto, have moved to 166 Lake Front, Kew Beach whene they will spend the summer, The District Convention of the W. M. S., will be held in Orono on Wed- nesday, May 7. Sessions at 10.30 a. m. and 2 p. m. Miss Campbell, a returned misionary from Japan, will address the meetings. Let every Auxiliary, Circle and BandinB - manville District be representd Miss Agnes K. Hnddy, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Miss Spilsbury, Coîborne, has ne- turned home after an extended visit to lier sisten, Mns. R. W. Hindes, here and ini other places. An illustrnted lecture across Can- ada under the auspices of The Caa- adian Home Circles. Mr. J. M. Fos- ter, B. A., Supreme Secretary, and Mr. A. Eastwood, Supreme Organizer, will be present in the S. O. E.' Hall, Wednesday, May l7th, at 8 . m Everybody welcome. Dominion Stores Ltd CANADA'S. LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS TRY ÔUR45 SPECIAL BLEND TL'A 4 elb EVERY POUND GUARANTEED Brunswick Sardines SOAP FLAKES 4 for.25c 2 lbs,25c 'WHITE SATIN' PASTRY FLOUR 24 LB SACK-99c 98 LB BAG-$3*85 Pure Lard 18c lb Carnation Milk large 15C Icing Sugar 2 lb5 l&c St. Charles Milk large 15c Molasses Snaps 14c lb Fairy Soap 2 for 15c Strawberry Jam 4s 75c Frankford Corn 2 for 25c Raspberry Jam 4s 75c Prunes 2 lb 29C Machine Sliced Breakfast BACON ,33c lb Liberty Brand Tiger BUTTER 43c lb SALMON i lb tin 30e WATCH FOR SPECIAL PRICE ON SPANISH VALENCIA ORANGES x $1000INESTE TO- AY ShoulId Mean. $1000 or More to You on Completon of Our Plans-'Readl We are running this advertisement as an invitation to you to join our $10.00 Get Acquainted Club, so read, what we have to say: We have two wells in, andl have our third well started. Our stock to-day is worth $3.00 per share, brokers are listing it at $1.50 to $2.35. We are offering for new stockholders to join us and then investigate. Ten Shares NOW for $iO.00, not more than twenty shares Ito any one person or more than one hundred shares to any one family at this $1.00 per share price. Join us-in this small way, then investigate oux standing ,our plans, etc., then,,if you are satisfied, you can buy M~ore stock at the prevailing price at that time. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED, we will return your ten dollars on demand, if you make demand within thirty days from the time you send us the $10.00. Is Tht ,Noâtt'FIrEnough? 'nCould Yoju ArkforMore?- Our plans are to drill Ten Wells juat as quick as money, labor.and material can be assembled, and we honestly expect our stock to selI from $100.00 to $1000.00 a share as soon as these plans are carried out. We are not a one well syndicate, but a thoroughly organized and going company, and expect to not only drill hundreds of wells as has been done by the Standard Oil Company, Sinclair Oil Company and others, but we expect to build our oîvn pipe lines, and our own refineries and establish our own Gasoline filling stations all over the country. We have just secured an option on an additional thirty acres in the new wonder-gusher field east of town where wells are being brought in with a roar that are running wild and can be heard- for miles with an estimated production of five to twelve thousand barrels. One weIl of this size and we, can start paying our stock- holders dividends of 200% or more monthly. It is forthe purpose of rushinig to completion six wells on this new lease that we are offering you stock at less than one third its present value. With these pI&ns carrîed out your $1 0.00 invested to-day should be worth a THOUSAND DOLLARS, or more to you. Start right in a small way, then satisfy yourself,.that you are in the right company, then increase your holdings, or get out if you are not satisfied. $10.00 starta you on the road'to success and wealth with us if you act now, to-day, at once>. Inquiries invited. 10 SHARES $l0.O0-50 SHARES $50.00-100 SHARES $100.00. MOTEX -COMPANY. El Dorado, Ark. Box 653a. OU-' aeBo'wmanville th to 24th sold privately at cost, T. B. veen hours of 8 and 5 each who have good Shorthorn Lre also invited to place aterson, Dept. of Agricult- e, for particulars. 19-2 tables,

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