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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 3

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SPORTING NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY il th. 1922 FIRST FOOTBALL GAME Iihe bpening game of the season in the Oshawa and District Football Association takes place at the Higli Scliool Grounds, Bowmanville on Sat- urday, May l3th, at 3.30 p. m., when Plowmanville entertains'the General M1otors. The visiting team lias an except- ionally good line-up this season as they have secured six players fromn thë Veterans' team whicli club witli- drew £rom the league this year. Captain Harding will- trot out al of last year's local team with the ex- ception of McCoy wloio l away on a business trip for "Cream of Barley", but will lie on'the firing line later. Several very promising new players are aiea available wlien needed. Admission fee of 25e will lie cliarg- ed for ail football games. L. Nor- f olk, Whitby, will refenee Saturday's game. CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE CUP -In scanning over the list of events for May 24th don't overlook the Bow- manville Industrial Reiay Race, in whicli employees of local industries may-compete. Jule Roenigk lias hie D. O. & P. Ca. team doing tnack work on moonless rlghts so that the rail birds will lie uînable to get a lune on the record time hie musiclans are màking. The Cliamber of Commerce je of-~ f ering'a handeome Silver Cup for this event besides silver mounted buekle and leather belte ta members of winning team. MERCHANTS OFFER PRIZES Since the suggestion in this paper iast week that mercliants off er prizes ta bail players for higli averages dur- ing the season Secretary Paterson has neceived the following generous con- tributions: G.' N. Thunston, (The Sliop That Leade), $35.00 suit ta local player witli beet batting average for season, muet compete in haif or more- of scheduied games. W. Claude Ives, (Cash Shoe Store) best pair of men's boots or slioes in store ta local player making highest fielding average for season, came con- ditions as above. Alex. Elliot, (Jeweler and Diamond Prince), l4kt goid signet ring to local player making- most home runs dur- ing season on horne grounds. R. Copeland, <Capeland Slioe Store), fine pair of boots or slioes ta local player credited with greateet number of stoien bases during season. Mr. Paterson enys wlien you want anything it pays ta advertise in The James Papers. -Did you notice, aiea, that the above mercliants are ail lili- erai advertisens la 'the great family journal'?j BASEBALL AT ORONO A basebail game lias been arranged ta lie played lu Orano on Wednesdayl evening, May i 7th, when players of the Bowmanviiie C. O. B. L. will journey ta Orono and play Gamsby'e Invincibles. This will lie a grand op- portunity ta size up aur local team in action preparatory ta their open- ing league in Part Hope on the 2th. After the game a. dance wil libe leld la Orono Town Hall under the aus- pices of Orono AthIetic Association. JUNIOR ATHLETIC ASSOýCIATION A Junior Brandi oftlie B. A. A. A. lias been f ormed wittlie following officers:- President-Dr., G. C. Bonnycastle Secretary-W. J. Morrîson, B. A. Committee-Maýor R. J. Gill, Jas. D. Carruthers, Chas. H. Mason, Principal J. H1. Jolinston. Througlitlie efforts of thîs organ- ization the Bowmanville Junior Base- bail League cames into existence, its officers being: President-Stuart 'James Vice-Pres.--Leigliton Souci Secretary-Edsall Oliver Teams have been entered from eacli ward with, two teame from the Northi Ward. Games will lie played on the Public School grounds at 5 p. m. followîng out this schedule: May 13 -North 2 vs. West May 17-Northi 1 vs. Soutli May 20-South vs. West May 23-North 1 vs. Nortli 2 May .27-Nortli 2 vs. South May 31--North 1 vs. Westý June 3-West vs. Northi 2 June 7-Soutli vs. Northi i June 1O-West vs. South June I 4-North 2 vs. North 1 June 17-South vs. North 2 June 21-West vs. North 1 The first team in encli case is the home team. BASEBALL PLAYERS' CERTIFICATES Bowmanville lias secured certifi- cates in the Central Ontario Basebail League for the foilowing players: O. W. Roipli, Albert Nelson Piper, Wm. E. Kelly, L. P. Mingeaud, W. P. McMurtry, L. J. Henry, Percival A. Muirliead, Roy Hicks, Benj. E. Moise, J. Stark, Frank Piper, Raîpli Blaber, Carnet Corden, E. R. Rate, Reg. J. Mille, A. A. Somerville, John McMur- try, Archie Moore., Nature bas dçal t Most bountifully with Canada in prçviding her with beauti. ful, immense and varied playgreunds Large areas, covered withfirù-gin forest, interlaced with lakes, rivers and streams, nave beehnset aside by the Govern- ment, where the tourist, traveller a nd. sportzman may find recreation, and where game fleh are abundant and wild life roaams unmolested. Such is Nipigon Park, one of Ontario's great forest reserves. it bas an area of 7,300 square miles. No national playground in Canada offers sucli. sport ta nimrod and novice alike, for these cold green 'waters of the nortli are alîve with the gamiest of trout. Trout have been taken from these waters up ta a record weight of 14J pounds. Orient Ba.y, three and a half hours run eastaf Part Arthur, an the T6ronto- Winnipeg 1'une of the Canadian National Railways, is the gateway ta this fisher- man's paradise. At Orient Bay, Nipigon Lodge a rustic hunting and fishing ladge de luxe-is set amang the pines and cedars. From here, ail the Nipigon trips may be made ithLr by motor-boat or cance. Prince Arthur of Con- naught, while tauring Canada-and, later, the Prince of Wales-fished in these vvaters and caught their limit of Nipigon trout. A trophy is awarded annuallv by the Canedian ýNational Railways ta the fichderman catching the largest Nipigon speckled trout. Last season twenty- fi ve contenders secured fish wighing five pounds and over. The specimerk that won the prize tipped the scale at beven pounds. OBITUARY _______ Mlrs. Elizabeth P. Biekie, Canton. Another old and highly respectted resid;ent of Hope Township in the person of Mrs. Thomas Bickle was called home on Sunday, ,April 30. Mrs. Biekie suff ered a stroke of par-ï- alysis some years ago and lias been in failing health ever since. Her kind1 disposition won her the esteem ofa wide circle of friends and lier passing "ý t 'àF LTI- =) c away le deeply regretted. The late COkE O ~ Mrs. Biekie was a member of the Methodist ,hurch at ýCanton and when V 7 « health permitted, was a most regular % band, two sons, Willian and Montford, at Canton; and two daugliters, Mrs. (Dr.) M. S. Hawkins, Port Hope, and Mrs. M. Gay, of Winnnipèg and sister Mrs. Rd. Bragg, sr., Bowmanville, are*- . wl lie or pen d nw left to moura lier loss. The funeral Y u wl îe o r sln i e took piace on Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended, impreseive ser- ciothes shop with its convenience vices at the residence and cemetry be- adc mot ing condusted by Rev. White, assiet- ed by Rev. Marven and Rev Mears. You will like the wonderful selec- STARKILLEtion of Spring Suits, Topcoats, Golf STARVILL r J~ ~and Spert Suits, the finest in every respect that An eeptionally splendid- servicel has probably ever been offered for your choice. was held at Shiloh on Sunday. Rec- ~- And, above ail, yau will like aur prices. You will eption service was held and 26 werelfn htte fodyuadsic aig received as members of the churcli. 1;ï' Coni nd lthyaforou disicaig Communion service was held at the Con fadlo rud close . Wonderful, thinge are hoped for at Shiloli in the future.;' A number of Starkvilie people at- Brown at Morrieli. Arbor Day was duly observed at, our school'on Fridýay. After improv- Golf ai-d Sport Suits ing the appearance of the school andi surroundinge, the pupils and teacher' took a trip ta the woods. r $ Pleased ta report the continued Seordsly fSot n ofSie-ipre improvement of Bessie Hailawell who e u !pàsoSoranGlfui motd expects to be home in a few weeks. ~r tweeds and gabardines, correctly tailored. Pniced very Mrs. E. Bullied le in poor health. maderately, $25 to $45. Glad ta welcome, ta aur sectioný an Ms Sear wohaepurch as- We extend a special invitation ta ed the Robinson farm. They have ne- eiet:fBwavleaddsrc Sounthy me rom Brts'Ùi~ata corne upand see aur new shop Souh Aeria.when in Toronto. Ai orders wiil be Miss Beulali Halloweli of Morrish r given special prompt attention. spent the week-end with lier parents MVr. and Mrs. S. G. Hailoweil. Mr. Walter Farrow lias purchased a new car. Br.N T C LMT A meeting was held in the churcli Wednesday to re-organize the Sun- BOïe.T E T1 E 1 day School. Attendance was emaîlli,- ý Fz S P E but the meeting was good. On Wed -________ nesday of this week a mid-week ser- f-11rStf(oo-0- vice is to be held. We hope for bet- ter attendance and more enthusiasm in thîngs of the church.- Style J Store Phone Head Quarters .JOhifSto'Jfls ;eNo9 271 Good. News for IT ~the, Kiddies CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS Just arrived a splendid selection of child- i ren's wash suits, in sizes from 2 to 7 years, comprising ail the new styles, and nieely trimmecd with the wantedecolors. The mat- ýý kwerials are the best that can be procured. 1', VýVî'Ask to see them. Prices from$1.95 to $4.0 Society Brand Clothes Look for style first in your clothes, its the 'q' mark of quality. Good style always means careful tailoring-and good fabrics, too, be- cause it doesn't pay to put good style into ilf cheap materials, î, We would like to make you a suit for May 24th-A Society Brand Suit. That means it would have everything else-value in- cl'uded. Made to your measure from i Il.j$32.00 to $45-0 Men's Ready-to-Wear' Suits We would like to show you our large as- sortment of Men's' Ready-to-Wear Suits, selected with great care. We feel that you WouId appreciate the values we are show- Ouýr stock is new and consists of the e st highi-grade makes. The workmanship is cleverly executed by expert workmen, and the materials are the very best. Style and comfort are out-standing features of our suits, which are here shown in ail the want- ed patterns. Priced frorn $18 to $22 up to $40. m'ORSaSiII14Q T ' If on the other side of the 30F "S EAT 0 , 0 , AI~> Street it wil pay you to STANDARD'BANK BowmnanviIIe Oshawa Whitby' corne across 1 1 mmmm

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