Chiropractic (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knif e. Chizr- opractors have remarkable suc- ce" li removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheumatim, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousnesin many forme respond readily to Chiro practie. Ezamination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 38, Simco, St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. 1C. C.M. Bicycles 7 CHAÀNGE F DATE Bowxnanville District meeting an- nounced onanother page for Thurs- day next has been changed to Wed- nesday, May 17. ENNISKILLEN League on Wednesday evening was in charge of our Junior Vice Presi- dent, Miss Gladys Stainton; Bible lesson was read by Miss Lillie Wal- lace; Topic was taken by Miss Alma Oke; duet was very nicely sung by Miss Mona Preston and Miss Maude Ashton. Reading by Miss Luella Stevens. League was losed with League Benediction. I~ COL uQ1LI and THURËSDAY,- MAY- il th.-1-922 "JACK'S WIFE" A Four-Act Musical Comedy Draina. "Jack's Wife" as played by some '70 Oshawaites under direction, of Mr. Theodore H. Bird, drew a splendid, audience in the Opera House here on Thursday night when they presented the play to a Bowmanville audience. The four acts were interspersed, with, songs, and other attractive spec- !al features that held the interest of the audience from start to finish. The leading parts were taken by 'Misses Dora McMurtry, Laura Blan- chett, Gladys Westaway, Mrs. O. J.ý Clatworthy; and Messrs. Fred Cars- well, Clifford Henry, Alex. Hall, Bert Smith, George Findlay and Tedr Bird, but for real right-up-to-dnte acting we give the palm to Clîfford Henry. H1e surely inherits the Henry propensity for cleverness on the stage that is not entirely unknown to a Bowmanville audience. The others did their parts exceedingly well and are deserving of much credit. The Lieutenant-Colonel Gillespie of Kingston inspected the Cadetýs Corps on Friday afternoon and compliment- ed the boys and their officers on their knowledge of drill and their fine ap- pearance on parade. At the conclus- ion of the inspection Rev. D. W. B est, B. A. addressed the cadets briefiy. The Corps is in charge of Cadet In- structor A. R. Scott, B. A., and Capt- ain Ross Tilley and Lieutenants Herb Goddard and John McMurtry are the officers for the year. "The Screech-Owl" is a much dis- cussed subject at present. This is the name selected for the school mag-~ azine which will be ready f dr distrib- ution in a few days. It is being pub- lished under the auspices of the Lit- erary Society, the executive f eeling that the events of this successful school year should be recored in some permanent f orm. The material'for this interesting number bas been pre- pared by an enthusiastic editorial staff of students with Ross Tilley as editor and Helen McGregor as as- sistant editor. Graduates and friendà of the school will he interested in "JUST A REAL GOOD CAR"9 JIe DU-RANýCar, Sbervice to us Means ICustomers missionary lines. Caste of Characters: Pianst-Mrs. J. E. Rinch Quartette-Mrs. Geo. lloney, Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, Mr. W. D. Bragg, iir.- Mark--Alu-n-. Buglers-Irwin Colwill, Ernest Pearce, Wilbur Graham, Ainley But- ler. Prologue-Mrs. Norman Rickard S pirit of Brotherhood-Mrs. L. Jamiesori nrose EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville Oshawa orage Batteries.. ,e I 60 VY a