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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 9

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BANK 0F MONTREAL ESTABLISHBD MORE THAN 100 YEA.RS BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLELLAN - Manager.. The Investor's Safeguard a SAET ste first consideration in every pa 9position ta render a' complete investment service, IrL.L/Our nearest Manager can give you information regarding anysecuritiesyou may contemplate purchasing Let STANDARD SERVICE be your Investment Sufegmird STA&NDARD BANK 0r CANADA. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmnanville Branch, - . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, - - .E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastie and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager BU IT A T CHggRJ1S TIE'S BiAKERY BREAD BUNS PASTRY FANCY COOKING CHOCOLATES CANDY ICE CREAM CHRISTFIE'S BAK"ERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 BowmanvilleI Cream Want.ed! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to eal on you we would appreciate a phone eail-or writeï"us. Orono Creamiery Go., ORONO BOWMANVILLE, MAY lSth., 1922. ORONO From The News. WE CAN USE MORE_ _ _ MEN AND BOYS Mrs. W. J. Walter was in Lindsay in or sopleanin drvin, .attending the f unerai of a relative. ing oer hlaing motors, repair- Miss Olive Lane, Newtonville, visit- ingovehauingmotrstîractors. ed with hier uncie, Mr. W. Cornish. Garages paying $5-$10 daily to our successful graduates. Learn auto, Miss Agnes Rae who has been vis- tractor rnechanics. Be expert igni- iting in Syracuse, N. Y., and Toronto tion, lighting, starting systems. Big has returned home. wages, steady work. You can earn Dyspepsia is man's greatest enemy. while iearning. Write free cata- You can overcome it by taking Tan- logue. llemphiii's Big Auto Gas lac. Jury & Loveli. Tractor School, 163 King St. West, Mrs. W. S. Cobbiedick was ýtaken Toronto.' 20-4 iii while waiting on bier mother, Mrs. M. N. iPowers, and had to undergo an opei'ation. AUCTIONEER Mr. James Hallett who spent the ________winter in Fiorida, is visiting his sis- WILL r.BAKR, Hmptn, nt.ters, Miss Cassie Haiiett and Mrs. Live Stock a Specialty. Live Stock RcadMitn and fams f or sale. Phone 167-14. Praises this Asthma Remedy. A Sgrateful user of Dr. J. D. Keilogg's ______________Asthma Remedy finds it the only rem- edy that wihi give relief, though f or CHANGE OF TIME thirteen years hie had sought other heip. Years of neediess suif ering For the convenience of the travel- may be prevented by using this won- ling public I am now making daily derful remedy at the first warninig of trips to Osbawa. Leave West End trouble. Its use is simple, its cost Garage, Bowmianville, at 6 a. m., is slight, and it can be purchased ai- leave corner King and Mary-sts., most anywbere. Oshawa, at 6 p. m. Saturday leav- Mr. John Higbee, son of Dr. Annie ing Oshawa at 5 p. m. Higbee, Toronto, formerly of Orono, 2 tt Art Cole, Proprietor. was successful in passing bis third year exams at School of Practical Science, Toronto. Mrs. Hughi Simpson, Owen Sound, e * a former resident of Orono when ber z - husband was proprietor of the North > American Hotel about 45 years ago, is visiting hier cousin, Miss Jane Car- scadden, and otber friends. An Oul that is Prîzed Everywbere. -Dr. Thomas' Eciectric 0i1 was put Be Pepard fo theupon the market without any four- B dSesnup to meet the wants of a mlset Bad Sasonion, but as soon as its merits becarne known it had a whole çontinent for a No one knows better field, and it is now known and prized than the Fai-mer througbout this continent. There is how uncertain nothing equal to it. Seasous are. Crops may be good for a series of years, but the ican year is sure to coule. Prepare for the bad season by depo..itinlg in a Savings Accounit a portion of the profits of each good season. The Royal Bank of Canada R. F. Aitchison Manager SHIORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B00K K EEP IN G Complet e Commercial and General Im- provemnent Courses. Students accepted at any time. Good Positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, OshawAt and Toronto. Open all year Enter. now. ELLIOTT SYonge & Charles Streets, Toronto -thehigh grade business'school of Ontario. Ou-r graduates are in strong demand. Prepare now and be iready to accept a good position in the Fall. Write for our Catalogue whîch gives com- Iplete information., The pupils of this school get solid value for Itheir money. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. SIX TIMES- The Champion in thse Canadian Typewriting contesta hia* been a student of thse Shaw Busimes Sciseols. lsn't that conv cerne proof of tihe thorougli teaching we give' Your boy or girl cen start a busineaa course et any timne. Scisools do not close in July and August. Send now for pro. spectus. 1 P., Molatosh, Chiet Principal 5H W SSNOL CATCH THE SUNSHINE (From "The Diapason") Catch the sunshine! tho' it fiickens Thro' a dark and dismal cloud, Tho' it f ails so faint and feeble On a heant with aorrow bowed; Catch it quickly! it is passing, Passing rapidly away; t bas only corne to tell you There is yet a brigbter day. Catch the sunshine tho' life's tempest May unfuil its chilling blast, Catch the little hopeful straggler! Storms will not foreven hast. Don't give up, and say, "Forsakon !" Don't begin to say "I'm sad !" Look, the-e. cornes a gleam of sun- shîne! Catch it! oh, it seems se glad! -Catch the sunshine! Don't be grieving O'er that darksome billow there! Lif e's a sea of stormy -billows, We must meet theni evenywbere. Pass right through theni, do nlot tariy, Overcorne the heaving tide, There's a sparkling gleam of sunshine Waiting on the other aide. Catch the sunabine! catch it gladly! Messengex. in Hope's employ, Sent through clouda, thi-ougli stornis, and billows, Bringîng you a cup of joy. Don't be sighing, don't be weeping, Lif e, you kno w, is but a span, There's no tîme to sigh no-r sorrow, Catch tho sunashine when you can. There was a happy gathering, of the Hall family on Sunday, May 7, the occasion being tbe 84tb birthday of their mother, Mrs. D. Hall. With the exception of Mr. George Hall in he Western Province, and Mrs. J. T. Morrison (Minnie) at San Dingo, Cal., all tbe memabers of tbe fajnily, sorne f orty in numbei', were present. t is nearly flfty years ago since the late Daniel Hall with his wif e and family, or those bora in the old land, left Devonshire and came direct to Orono. An Oul for Ahl Men.-The sailor, the soldier, tbe fisherman, the lumbeî'- man, the out-door labo-rer and al wbo are exposed to injury and the elements wili find in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil a true and faithful friend. To ease pain, xelieve colds, dress wounds, subdue lumbago and overcome rheumatism, it is excellent. Therefore, it should bave a place in all home medicines and be amongst those taken on a joulney. There was a great congregation at the Methodist Church Sunday even- ing week, extra seats having to be provided to accommodate ahl who sought admission. It was the I. O. O. F. special service and the mem- bers of the local lodge were there in full force and visiting members from Bowmnanville, Newcastle and Ponty- pool lodges supplemented the turn- out. The members pi'esented a fine appearance on the parade. The Odd- fellow's Cboir of Bowmanville had charge of tbe song service. They bave been heaird beîe on previous oc- casions but never with botter effeet Tom Holgate's deep bass apparently rocked the orchestra and tho, sweot tenor of Billy Tapson, Mn. Halîman, the Bi'aggs; and the fine baritone of Choir Leader Rod Mitchell and other members whose names we are not familiar with were a deligbt'ta boar. The able sermon by tbe pastor, Rev. A. K. Edmison, based on Friendship was appropriate to the occasion. The Presbyteriaâns had withdrawný their service and the pastor, Rev. J. W. Rao, made the opening prayer. Large congregations sucb as that of Sunday night are, not looked for at every service, but we can't help saying thei'e are enough professing Christ- ianity in this district wbo are seldom se6n in tbe pews, to fill our cburches, Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist if tbey would only turn out, Why don't they? 'Tbey certainly enjoyed the' service Sunday night. Cons cipple the feet and make walking a torture, yet sure reief in the shape of Holloway's Gorn Remov- er is within îreacb of ail. Now She Doesn't Need The Doctor Why John Hamili Praises Dodd's Kidney Pis. When He Found Theru His Wife Fouud Relief. Tbat's Why Ha Tells Sufferers t.o Use Dodd's Kid-i ney Pis. Marietown, Sask., May 15, (spe-j cial)-M. John HarnilI, a well known and highly respected resident hene, is a firm belioveî' in Dodd'a Kid- ney-Pilîs. "I speak on bebaîf, of rny wife", Mr. Hamill says, when askod the reason why. "She bas been ailing for years. I bad doctors atteading her but she didn't seem to get any better. "At at I found Dodd's Kidney Pills and my wife found relief. She kept taking thern frorn time to tume. Now she dosen't need the doctor. "Also since childhood Mrs. Hamill bas been a suiferer from consipation. She found relief from that in Diam- ond Dinner Pilla". Nino-tenths of the juls that dog the pathway of suifering women come from diseased kidnoys. Ask you-r neighbors if Dodd'a Kidney Pilla do not make strong, healthy kidneys. ENNISKILLEN League on Wednesday evening was in charge of our lst Vice-President, Miss Aima Werry. After prayer, Bible Lesson was read by Miss May Werry. A duet was very sweetiy sung by Dr. an.d Mrs. C. W. Siemon, of Bowmanvillie; Leaguers were sure glad to hear their voices once more; topic was taken by Dr. Siemon which was very instructive and interesting; a talk was then given by Mrs. Siemon which, was appreciated by all. A Bible taik by Revý: G. T. McKenzie. Attendance 40. League closed with League Benediction. Miller's Worm Powders can do no injury to the nmost delicate child. Any child, or infant in the state of adoles- cenlce, who is infested with worms can take this preparation without a qualm of the stomach, and will find in it a sure relief and a full protect- ion from these destructive pests, which are responsibie for much sick- ness and great suffering to legions of littie ones, RAZ-M4AI 90 Smoking -1N o Srayu-IIs âme lust SwaI!ow a Capsule , RAZ-MAH La Guaranteed te restore normal breathing, ftop muclu gatherings iu the bronchial tllb«s' give bagit= of quiet aleep; contains ne abtfrlg drug. $1.00 at -youz dz'ug- et'@.Trialfree at our agencese or write Sold by Jury & Loveli PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR CO ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual General Meeting of the Stockholders of the Port Darlington Harbor Company wilI be held at the office of the Company, Port Darlington, Town of Bowmanville,] on Monday the fifth day of June, 1922, at the hour of four o'clock in the after- noon for the election of Directors for the said Company for ensuing year and for transaction of such business as may corne before the meeting. J. A, MoCLELLAN, Secretary. Dated at Bowmanville, May 10, 1922 19-2 GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor in cement wo'k,, bouse foundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t M. AZ. JAMES- - STEAMSHIP, TICKETS ro EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- can. Ask for information. Phone i3, Bowmanville. Tire Repairing by Modern Methods' Your worn or injured tire will receive skilled attention ln Ou-r Vulcanizing Shop and ita life wil be lengthened. We will repair it accoiding to mode-rn niethod--the best methods known to the tire in- dustî'y. AUl material that we put into your tires will ho the best mater- ials pi'ocuz'able. Bring in your worni casing- there may be nilleage in theni. If there is, we will see that you get it. If your tires ar~e not worth repairing, we'lteli you. WE- SELL TIRES Jamieson Bros. EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville Oshawa C.C.M. nBicyclesl Q Q .coasNmt are sold by harry Aluin Just west Royal Theatre REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE NIgh: and moring. Have Cluan. Healthy Eysa. If they Tire, FOR . Itch, Smart or Burn, YouR Eflamed orGranulated, uaMrnoften. Seothe,RefrehmSafefor Wnantor Adult.'At aIl Druggists. Write lagFrejBooL MNdssleRemdvC.Cbgcffl Seveny-SixYears' ,.xperience FOR seventy-six long years McClarys bulit stoves of ail kinds to burn ail sorts of fuels for 'use ail over the world. A type of stove was de- sigr.ed to meet every new kind of fuel offered. When it became evident that electricity would some day be used for cooking purposes, McClary's engineers were put to work to design the rnost suit- able kind of stove to use electricity. The stove now off ered by McClarys, with its pro.- tected trouble-proof elernent and round cornered, porcelain enameled, washable oven', is the successful result. When you buy a McClary's Electric Range, you know that a long, successful reputation is behind it -you should certainly see this range before buying. Mi~kers cf f ~' ~C~ary's ~~424~fle~d "~so Clean Electric Range London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouveir, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonton ~~-u--IWmf~ns~ .. -, in Appointments If You tise Long Distance If you are a Saiesman or a Buyer, why gamble vain- able time and the cost of railroad fares that the party you wish to see will be in when you cali on him? The high cost of personai interviews is materiaily re- duced and many more calîs can be made per day if you raake a definite appointment by Long Distance. Avoiding disappointrnents by making appointments ox er Long Distance is one cf the most profitable us~es Salesmen can niake of iL. ALMY'S, a leading Montreal Department store, tell us their buyers always caîl up mnanufacturers before leaving W'Výln to cali on them, to make sure their trip wil not be in vain. Station-to-Station rates reduce the cost of teiephoning, nnlif you can telep't)one after 8.30 P.M.-to a man's b.oe e.'rhaps - the (-,vening rates are only about o1w-hai the cést of day-time messages. Ever-y Bell Teléphone is a Long Distance Station

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