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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 10

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SHAWS SPORTING NEWS Mr; W. E.- Beman is on the mend as I Our f ootball team plays a league T elso Geo.'Robinson. ýgame in Whitby Saturday afternoon. eTh ~ e V 1 C Miss Ethel Allin was Sunday Football resuits Saturday: Whithy guest at Bayside Farm., 1, Solina 0; Ontario Regt. Oshawa 3, George Robinson has maved to Enniskillen . t TTHUiI La keview cottage for the summer. A big contingent from here is go- *Seeding is well over and spraying ing to Port Hope Saturday ta see Is the general tapîc. It pays ta look opcning basebaîl game. NEWCASTLE after the orchard._____ Mrs. C. R. Lov ekin was called ta Bowmanville A. A. A. has entered 'Toronto Monday ta attend the funer- a team in the 2 mile relay race which Mr. Ray Cobbledick, Oshawa, spent al of ber aunt, Mrs. B. MeCarthy. is being captained by P. Muirhead. Sunday at Mr.. Chas. Wilson's. Bert Bounsaîl of town is chief en- 'Lloyd Chambers has been released Mr. Ellison Moise was home from gineer on Major Gill's Fordson. Bert! by the Lindsay Basebaîl Club and will Bowmanville over the week-end, is certainly a master ,hnnd plowing1 play with Bowmanville where he !S Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Morton, Orono, without horses. employed. visited at Mr. J. Anderson Smith's re- Frank Parker is home from Whîtby Don't forget that the opening game cently. Iooking after household duties whilei in C. 0. B. L. takes place at Port Mrs. Frank Parker has gone ta Mrs. Parker is enjoying a visit with Hope Saturday wîth Bowmanville asiNew York ta visit her American lier sister in New York. their guests. friends. Our distric 't is highly honoured by Cups, medals and other trophiesi Mrs. Jas. Parsons and little son the appointment of F. B. Lovekin, J. for May 24th track meet at Bowman-I Joe, Oshawa, are spending a f ew days P. Fred is the f ourth generation of ville have been an display in Hawley with friends in town. the family ta bear the title in -this Walker's window Yonge, St., Toronto Mr. W. il. Gibson bas built a neat county. The stockings worn by Bowman- liLtle cottage on his praperty at Messrs. W. J. S. Rickard and Sam-I ville basebaîl and football players Newcastle-on-the-Lake. diel Rickard lost their fine fiocks of were made and presented ta the as- Mrs. Coulter'bas had a number ofý hens one night last week. AIl the sociation by the Thomson Knitting maen at work making repairs and im- -thieves are not where they ought ta Co. of this town. provements ta her home. be. Reg Lovekin lost a quantity of The local lune--up for opening base- Mr.1 and Mrs. Austin Campbell and, harley. ball game will be chosen from these f amily, Toronto, have taken up their ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fulton were players: Pitcetrs-Chambers, Somn- summer quarters at the lake. .recent guests at "Kilcolman"~. Mr. erville, Blaber; catchers-Bates, Pip- Mr. Cecil Carveth has purchased a .Fulton is Superintendent of the On- er; infield Mingeaud, Corden, Mayse nwCerltcri re oke taria Government Cold Storage ajIN. Piper, Stark; outfield-Hicks, unew Ch hever cea gus ode t eep. .Erighton and us assisting in the ex-, Muirhead, McMurtry, Moore. Uiwt i vricesn uies -periments being carried on in ýMr,ý Bowmanville football team gat off Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn have re- Lovekin's orchard. The public are, ta a good start Saturday when they atrned ta iagahrFaresftr.andas generally invited ta inspect this work defeated General' Mators ofOsaw anMsit.witbGabrar Cesnts and get pointers on bow ta grow bet- 12-O. It was a splendid exhibition Mr.D .Glrih"hsan" ter fruit. of soccer for the first of season and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sberlock have moved - ----- the local team was master of the sit- 1 heir household effects from Niagara ________________________ uation at ail times. 1 Bown-anville1 and are getting settled in their new line-up: Goal-E. Snowden; backs1 home on South Beaver-st., formerly -Nicholîs, Belîman; half-Hames, the Thora e property. 1 Harding, R. Snowden; f orwards- The wander is that aur Municipal Burgess, Sewell, King, Moore, Avery. Council does flot wake up ta the fact Burgess and Avery each scored a'that they could do a lot by letting the Igoal., general public know that choîce build- ing sites may be seeured free on aur Biggest Day, in Bowmanville, Wed- lake front park. il _nesday, May 24th.i Evidently aur Presbyterîan friends - think that the "dry spell'" may not ___OBITUARIES, last much longer and they are pre- _______ arung ta meet the change by having Misa Annie E. Merrow, Courtice. a new roof put on their cburch. Thas. ________Haldsworth and Chas. Wilson are un Very suddenly an the old Morrow charge of the wark. C anbe apered-onsteac, lot 34, concession 3, Newcastle-on-the-Lake us surebe Can e P perd balintontownship, the death oc- coming popular, already twanew cot- curred Saturday morning of Annie E tages are completed and material on .As VeIll As Plaster ' Marrow, agtro the làte Robert the ru- for a third he with the (isOCl a _new idea la known farmer. Deceased, who had ho quite an addition ta aur lake front. %e wal-board. Itisflotit of Wood, but le composei gypsum rock, and is there 1uaaff ected by climate. Iti q et A hrink, warp, crack buckie, and so forms ai Iectly smooth surface for' pering. A Pcrms.t Wafl Without Pis, is macle la extra lengths ti the highest walls and so clown the number of j oints minimum. Gyproc edges macle true and extra str thùs ensuring a tiglit, perm ent joint. JOHN A. HOLGATE & Buîlder Supply Deal Bowmanville > nade been in bier- usual good bealth, wasi Mr. Wreford F. Soucb, Registered ed of seized witb a sudden illness Friday Optometrist, will be at Anderson'si -efore f orenoon and bad ta take "ta bed. Store every Thursday afternoon with Scan- Early Saturday marning. she rallied complote line of optical goods and k or but passed away a few bours inter. modemn office equipment ready ta per- fer suddon de-mise came as a shock ta conduct a most sciontific eye exam- rpa- bier many friends. Decoased bac lîlv- ination. 15-tf. e d ah bler if e in the home whore sbe pC died. 0f a quiet and rotiring dis- John Robinson bas movod witb bis position, but always pleasant and tak- family from Newtonville ta bis newly ing an interest in cburch and com- acquired home on Manvers St., wbich le munity work, she was beld in the hie lately purcbased frein Mr. Thos. un highest respect by ail wbo knew bier. Moffatt. We welcome John and bis La fit She was the eldest of a family of family as citizens ta "the prettiost ) ut eight, only four of wbam survive, village in.-Ontario". taa George, of Winnipeg; Mrs. Frank sare, Everson, of Courtice; and John and. Newcastle people ail join in extend- trng Victoria at home. Funeral took place ing congratulations ta Charlie Toms Man- Tuesday afternoon froin the resiclence ancl bride. Charlie is a prosperous of bier brother, service being canduct- Druggist in the Queen City, ancl one S , e d by Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, of the of aur boys who bas macle gaod in' SO, Methodist Cburcb, Ebenezer, of this old world of ours. Bring the lJers wbicb deceasod was a faithful me-m- 1 good lady clown ta the aid home town Ontarie. ber.-Reformer. Charlie s0 we may get acquainted. Let Your Hai*r--Vour Scalp Meet KOREEN TO-DAY IN BOWMANVILLE Nature's own sure and scientific hair and scalp treatment- If your troubleis DANDRUFF, FALLING or FADING HAIR, SCALP IRRITATION, You shouîd heed naturels warning. .....To disregard these syxnptoms may mean total, or at least, par- tial baldness--Scientific treatment alone will effect a permanent restoration. Every man, every woman mnay have healthy, beauti- fui hair after using KOREEN A GENUINE HAIR PREPARATION Not an ordinary hair tonic -but a wonderfully scien- tific scalp and hair treat- ment. It does flot con- tain grease, oi1, stain or any obnoxiqus odor. GUARANTEED We will give $100 to the first per- son in Bowmanville who does ndt get relief from Dandruif, Falling Hair or Itchy Scalp. If your hair is slightly grey or faded, a few ap- plications of Koreen will restore its natural color and luster. KOREEN is flot an experiment, but an accepted, proven rem- edy.- Thousands of people throughout Canada, owe a hair-health undreamed of, toKoreen treatments. What it bas done for others, we guarantee that it will do for you. Beconie acquainted to-day with this wonderfuî friend. PROCURABLE AT MOST GOOD DRUGGISTS. Distributed hy- CHRISTIE-RIMMER SALES CO., LTD. 81/2 Lombard St., Toronto. Telephone Adel. 292 If your druggist caninot supply you, write direct, $1.50, postpaid IISDAY, MAY 18th, 1922. THE FARMER'S FRIEND Relieves caked bag, gar- get, spider or infection of the teat, also thrush in horses' f eet, fistula, etc. Stops bleeding at once. Removes pro ud flesh,, soreness and swell- ing. At a!l Dealers and Dmrgisti. Manufactiired only by DlOUGLAS & CO,. NÂPANEE, 0"t Li NEWCASTLE b Mr. J. E. Matchett is indisposed. Mr. Frank Gibson spent the week- 1end in Toronto. Mrs. J. E. Matchett is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Davi.dson has gone to Buffalo, to visit her brother. Bob Crowthers visited friends in 1Toronto on Monday. Miss Frances Gibson, Oshawa, was home over tffe week-end. Mr. Allan Howard, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. Robert Gibson was down fromn Toronto for the week-end. Miss Margaret Lake was home from Toronto over the week-end. We are pleased to see Pheobe Lake out again after her recent illness, Miss Reta Thomas spent a few days last week with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook motor- ed to Manvers and spent Sunday wlth friends there. Mr. Jack Cowan, Toronto, is spend- ing a f ew days with his father, Mr. F. W. Cowan. Mrs. Toms went to Toronto on Wednesday last to attend the wedding of her son, Charles Toms. Mr. Thos. Montague and Dr. But- ler have plans under way for the re- creation of Community Green. Misses Muriel Andrews and Mabel McKague, Toronto, visited Mrs. Frank Gibson over the week-end. Miss Helen Farncomb has her new, cottage at Newcastle-on-the-Lake completed and ready for occupation. Miss Annie Shaw, recently of New York, is spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Stephen Jose at Port Newcastle. Mr. C. V. Wilson, Oshawa, and Miss Kathleen Wilson, Toronto, spent the we ek-end under the parental roof. Mr. Papineau, Oshawît, and Miss C. Papineau, Toronto, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Papineau, King-st. East. Mr. Chas. T. Moise left last week for West Port where he has secured a position as operator in the big Goverament Wireless Station. Rev, -S., G. McCormack is sporting a new Ford and Dr. J. A. Butler a new Overland Sedan. Those Pres- byterians are bound to, keep up wîth the Jones'. Rev. J. E. Fenning had the misformune to break his armn while cranking his car last week, and now the reverend gentleman has to shake with his left hand. Mr. Volney Moore has taken a posi- tion as junior with the Standard Bank Volney is one of our popular young men and is sure to make good as a banker, D. 0. Morris and Art Toms left last week to take charge of the Pro- vincial Highway oil distributor which9 we understand is to be operated in the vicinity of Brockville in canjunct- ion with construction work. Miss Dorothy Holland, Oshawa, spent a f ew days ia town and assist- ed the choir on Sun-day also tnking part ln the League concert on Mon- day even ing. Dorothy is a general favorite with Newcastle people and hey are always glad of an opportun-i ity of hearing her sing. A new business was opened in the village on Monday morning, a gentle- man from Oshawa having rented the frame building on King St, West, f ormerly occupied for a number of yrears by the late W. H. Brown. Hie intends carrying on a boot and shoe and harness repair shop. This is an accommodation that will be much ap- preciated by the residents of New. castle and district. Mr. John Penwarden and family had a very narrow escape from deaths on Sunday evening last, while motor- ing to Newcastle to attend the spec- i iai services in the Methodist church.t M4r. Penwarden was driving dowrn1 Fligg's Hi and, when opposite Mr.1 Duck's, where a new culvert is being built on the highway, he overtook a1 buggy. When he attempted to pass,t he got too close to the embankment which caved away and the car rolled completely over and landed right side1 up about twenty feet below. Theret werc five occupants in the car but( f ortunately no one was seriously hurt. The top and wind shield of the car( were completely demolished, butt when hauled out; Mr. Penwarden was1 able ta drive his car home. COAL QIL, and GASOLINE H. E. Smith Successor te Jas. Elliott When starting to use your coal ail stove (Please note change of phone.) Don't Forget to ring 231-12. -Phone orders promptly attended te. Mr. and Mrs. J. G.. Sills, Foxboro, were recent guets. of Rev. and, Mrs. Edward Tink, Newtonville. Mrs. Hugh Gîbson who spent the past year with her son in Alberta, has returned home and is again set- ting her house in order. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. MK Graduate of Trinity University, also of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univers ity,1 Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State Universit yo New York,, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and Hoas- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office' -Mrs. McNaughton's Rosidence, ,Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. M., 1 to, 3 D. m., and by appointment. CO..AL OwÎng to the strike it is impossible to get immediate delivery, but I have a suffi- cient quantity on order to' take care of ail my custom- ers. Make sure of your next winter's coal - by booking your order early. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle HORSE ROUTES VERMONT REGENT The Imported Sbire Stallion, pro- perty of E. S.* Trimm, Liberty-st. Nortb, Bowmanville, will make the season of 1922 as follows: Monday, May, 22-Will leave bis own stable and proceed ta Frank Bennett's, Newcastle, noon; thence ta Ed. Jones',,Lake Shore, for night. Tuesday-Proceed ta Frank Ben- nett's, Newcastle, naon; home for night. Thursday-To Albert Rundle's, Eb- enezer, noon; home for night, and remain until the f ollowing Monday morning. Termis-$13.00 to insure a foal. Ail accidents ýta mares at awner's risk. 20-2 E. S. Trimm, Manager. BLACK MODEL (16880) 'Black Model', the pure bred stal- lion will make the season of 1922 as flollows : Monday noon, May 22, will beave his own stable Enfield, and proceed ,ta Jas. Crossman's, finydon, nigbt. Tuesday noon ta Harvey Curtis', Tyrone; night at John Colwill's, Hamp'on. Wednesday noan ta Frank Hocka- day's, Solina; nîgbt at Bert Glas- pell's, Taunton. Thursday noan ta Gardon Scott's Perriman's School; night ta bis own stable at Enfield. Friday naon ta Alex. McKenzie 's, East Whitby; night to bis own stable at Enfield wbere he will remain till Monday Tern--.$16.O0; $1,00 ta be paid a ime of service and $15.00 on Feb. 1, 1923. 20-2 W. J. Ormston, Owner. KING'S LYNN King's Lynn will leave bis own stable each Monday for Mr. Sam Rickard's over night. Tuesday nigbt home. Wednesday noon at Mr. George An- ais', Ebenezer. Thursday- Friday night home. Saturday at the late Senator Beith's'barn. King's. Lyna was imported by Mr. Wm. Mossip, St. Mary, and sold for $2400. Mr. Mossip tald me he con- sidered hlm one of the best horses ho ever imported, bis stack is always at the front in the show ring. If parties wisb to see King's stock and will caîl at my home 1 shaîl be pleased ta take them around and tbey will see it pays ta breed ta the best Do not postpane breeding till the end of the season. Terms-$16.00-$1 dow-n at time of service, balance lst February 1923. Wm. J. Barrible, Chester Power, Manager. Proprietor. Phone 124 ring 2. KING COURTSHIP [14115] (14722) Enrolment No 1677 Farmers in Darlington and East Whitby Townsbips are ta be congrat- ulated on baving placedc at their ser- Svice this choice pure bred importedl Clydesdale Stallion, "King Court- ýhip", wbich bas been purcbased and brought into this district by floratia Elilîs, Enniskillen. 'Kin g Cotirtsbip' will make the season of 1922 as follows: Monday, May 22, will leave bis ýown stable, lot 17, con. 6~ Darling- ton, and proceed to Jas. C aossman's, lot 15, con 8, for noon;'thence ta Fred Smith's, lot 30, con S, for night. Tuesday proceed ta Jas. Reeson's, lot 4, con 7, East Wbitby f or naon; thence ta Chas. Groat's, lot 17, con 5, East Whitby, for night. Wednesday will proceed ta J, Lee's lot 7, con 4, East Whîtby, for noon; thence ta Peter Leask's, lot 33, con 6, Darlington, for night.' Thursday will proceed ta Bert Glaspell's, lot 32, con 5, for noon; thence ta Herb. Tink's, lot 22, con 5, f or nigbt. Friday will proceed ta T. Albert Findley's, Tyrone, lot 8, con 7, for naon; thence ta bis own stable until the folilowing Monday morning. Terms-$16.00 payable Feb. 1, 1923. 20-2 Horatio Hisl, Owner., a dish of( Grocer our delicious ie eream. R. WALTON,, Newcastle WAN>ýTED Here are a few things you will be wanting right now: Stock Tonie, Suiphur, SaIts, Saltpetre,,etc. FOR THE CHICKENS Raise your chicks the1 Pan-a-cea way for fine healthy birds. Buy some Baby Chick Feed, too. WM. JAMIETSOJ"N Hardware Store Newcastle LET BSRITTON DO' YOU -R BwjAKING Fresh baking. every day-plenty of variety- goods delivered, H.S. BRITI TON Baker & Grocer Newcastle SOLD IN NEWCASTLE BY H.' C. BONATHAN Nyal Vitamine TabI et s A great reconstructive tonic, specially valuable in the relief of Malnutrition, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Indigestion, Bouls, Pimples, etc. NYAL VITAMINE TABLETS contain yeast in concentrated form and other Vitamine bearing substances, as well as valuable tonics and digestants. They build up bodily strength, stimul- ate the nerves, and, increase weight. 0f great value in al ruii-down conditions, and where under-development exists. Try thein and be convinced. SoId for $1.00 at Kersiake's' t rug Store Phone 49Bomuil EF READY SATURDAY ANNOUNCING THE OPENING 0F OUR'ICE CREAM PARLOR ON SATURDAY Step in Saturday or any other day and, enjoy

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