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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 1

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r gît Vol. LXVIII. M. A. -JAM-ES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, MAY 18, 1922 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.2 EXCLUSIVE, -ARTISTIC. BUT NOT EXPENSIVE Our exceptionally attractive showing will be a revelation to those who seek clharming Spring apparel in fashion's newest modes,, while our moderate prices will further enhance the popu- Jarity of this store. 20 Lad ies' Suits are being off ered this week at haif price and less.-1 A truly beautiful assortment of Suits- Coats-Skirts---Dresses-Blouses-Silks--Taff- etas-and the finest range of Voiles ever shown in towfl. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Our stock of Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits is very complete and the best values it has been possible to give for several years. Men's Tweed Suits from $13.50 up. An early inspection is in your own interests. E NTRANCING SPRING- WEARING APPAREL - _ _- Biggest Day in Bowmanvill e 24th, 1922 Under auspices of Bowmanville Amateur Athietie Association and with the sanction of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canad a. Racing Events ROAD RACE Oshawa to Bowmanville' (about 10 miles), te start at Main 4 corners, Oshawa at 1 p. m., along Kingston Road te Bowmanville and finish at Agricultural Park. Prises: lot- Cup valued $50; 2nd-Cup $25; 3rd -Cup $15; 4tb-Gold Medal; 5th- Gold Medal. Speca1--Gold Medal te first local runner finishing the, race INTER-CLUB RELAY Open event, 2 miles; Sbield to win- ning Club andSilver Medals to mem- bers of winning team. INDUSTRIAL RELAY Open te local industries, Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Cup'to wîn- ning industry and Silver Mounted Buckle and Leather Beits to members of winning team. OTHER EVENTS 100 yard dasb, open 200 yard dasb, open 1 mile race, open Y4 mile, beys under 15 years, open" (Se. ist of Junior Events ini another column.) PARADE STARTS AT 1 P. M. Froot Bail Oshawa and District Foot- bail Association League game BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO REGT Oshawa Base Bal Central Ontario Basebali League opening home game, of season BOWMANVILLE vs BELLE VILLE General Admission 35e Children 25c; Autos 50c; Gzand Stand Ise. High-Class Concert IN OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th at 8 p. m. PROGRAM Pianoforte Solo Medley Malcolm Wood Duet Battle Eve David Brothers Tenor Solo For You Alone Albert David Soprano Solo Sorter Miss You Loula David Comedian Finnigan's BaIl Percy David Instrumental Hawaiin Guitar Malcolm Wood Duet Maiden in Grey Mr. and Mrs. David Comedian Poor Unhappy Maid Percy David Tenor Ktty O'Toole Albert David Sketch The Honeymoon Special Company Comedian There must be lots of Cupids in the briny Percy David Instrumental Medley Malcolm Wood Duet Huntingtower Mr. and Mrs. David Duet After the Fray David Brothers God Save the King. Reserved Seats 50c. Plan at Mit- chell's Drug Store. THE PUBLISHERS' TRIALS i Few readers will appreciate thei adverse conditions under which thisl great famîly journal was publishedi last week, unless they are told. Asi it was the paper was only one day late. The conditions were these: Wednesday the chief editor, wîthoutý any conscious warning, was attacked by the flu and took to bis bed with his physician in attendance. He is still off duty but convalescing nicely. Monday 'the two linotype operators were attacked an.typesetting ceased. The son of one member of the firm was called from high school and op- erated the linotype that day and in due time the paper was got to press, and by the help of the f oreman's f am- ily was maîled in time to catch the outgoing mails Thursday night and Friday morning. To add to the general resuit of the flu the associate editress and foreman became also victims of the epidemic and as their presence, under the circumstances was indespensable they persistently "stood to their guns", sneezing and coughing "to beat the band". Mon- day morning found the office staff on deck again, excepting the senior edi- tor, and the usual routine has àone on, but this week's paper is going to be somewhat late as it bas been diffi- cult to overtake the work that felu behind last week, But "all's well hat ends weIl". SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fletcher Complete Twenty-Five Years of Married Lif e.: Among recent pleasant, social events was the celebration on Satur- day, May 6, of the twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. A. Fletcher, Queen Street. About twenty-five relatives assembled at their comfortable home, "The Ros- ery"', and after a f ew words of greet- ing and expressions of good wishes, the company was called to order by Mr. Norman Greenfield. A nicely worded address was read by Miss Dorothy Plummer, and Miss Dorothy Greenfield presented Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, on behaîf of the company, with a beautiful Sîlver Basket filled with roses. A number of other ap- propriate gif ta were presented to the bride and groom of a quarter cen- tury. The Fletcher, Orchestra and others furnished a fine program of music, after which 'choice refresh- ments were served by the ladies and a merry social evening enjoyed. Among the guests from a distance were-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. G. Fletcher and Miss Olive Tutt, Tor- onto; Mr, Victor R. Greenfield, Strat- f ord and Mr. Theodore Fishleigh, Oshawa. We are sure our citizens will unite wîth Mr. and Mrs. Flet- chçr's relatives in the hope that they may live to celebrate their golden VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION Biggest Program of Sports Ever Held inBowmanville. The track events which the' Bow- manville Amateur Athletie Associa- tion are staging at the Agricultural Park next Wednesday afternoon is attracting some of the best known athietes of the province among them being Smoke, the Indian runner, who recently took part in the Boston Mar- athon.- Gladstone Club of Toronto, under whose colors Smoke appears also expeets to have at least 8 other entries in the Oshawa to Bowmanville Road Race. Representatives from several Y. M. C. A. Clubs will also participate in the shorter distances. League Basehall and Football Games Besides the track events other f eatures will include the opening home game of the season in Central Ontario Baseball League with Belle- ville as the visitors. Also League Football game, Ontario Regt. (Osh- awa) vs Bowmanville. The Junior races are also bound to create con- siderable local competition and in- terest. As Bowmanville has neyer put on a program of sports with the sanction of the A. A. U. of Canada few of our citizens reahize or appreciate the im- portance this means to such an event as this. It will be a day long to be remembered among loyers of good dlean amateur sport, an.d will no doubt becomeý an annual event. Calithumpian Parade At 1 p. m. a grand old-fashioned Calithumpian Parade will start from King Street West, headed by the new Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Band. Six valuable prizes will be given for bestdecorated auto, comic, gîg, nidividual, etc. Decorate Stores and Reàidence To make this a real gala day citi- zens are requested to decorate their shops and residees along King St. as many visitors wîll be in town. Officiais of the Day The carrying out of the prpgram will be no easy task and the follow- ing officiais have -been appointed: Referee-E. R. Wilson; Assistantsi -G. A. Edmondstone, J. A. Gunn, J. B. Mitchell, E. Gibbs. Time Keepers-Alex Elliot, O. A. Gamsby, E. R. Varcoe. Judges of Finish-F. C. Pethick, Alan Campbell, Rev. D. W. Best. Clerk of Coursem-Jack Near, Tor- onto; Assistant-W. A. Edger. Announer-Sam Brooks. Surveyor-P. F. Newhouse; As- sistant-Percival Muirhea-,d. Starter-Duke McGarry, Toronto. Field Physican-Dr. B. J. Hazle- wood. A high class concert in the Opera House in the evening by David Bros. Company will wind up the big show. See advt. for complete particulars. 101 oý c b: hl s L e: le 0 p r a 0 v Iý v THE CHURCHES euig St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, THE WHITE SHIELD CLUB minister. 11.00 a. m.-"The _____ Training of the Soul". 7.00 p. m.- Tuesday, May 9th., was English "A World at Strife". 2.30 P- m- night at the White Shield Club. Theb Sunday School and Bible Classes. Bungalow was brightwith the redv ribbon and the roses of old England, St. John's Church, Rev. C. P. every'wbere lu evidence. The pro- Muirhead Rector; Mrs. John A. Gunn, gram, arranged entirely by the mem-f Organist. 5th Sunday after Easter ber was certaly sot enobleh Rogation 'Sunday, May 2lst., 1922. Nters inyf mo atratin Fe 11Not themleastyofothenattractions was 11.0 a m-Hoy Cmmnio; 230Mr. Morrîson's Orchestra, whicb neot p.m-Sunday School; 7.00 p. m .- only contributed several numb ers,à Evenîng Song. Preacher the Rector. but also played for the dancing that1 brought the meeting te a close. Mm sF Port Perry Methodist Churcb, Rev. Walter Oke gave a humorous littie, W. D. Harrison, pastor, beld a re- reading; Mrs. Bassinger and Mr.. Hir-a cedptîon service on May 7, when 31 cock sang a duet, Mr. A. Hircock9 came into membership on profession favoring also with a solo, followed byc of fith A eryintresingfeauremostentertainîng encores; Mrs. Gnt- î of ait. Avey iterstng eatrechell contributed two of hier ever was a father and m other and their ouamnlgesad v ais two sons (young men) coming into inopularqitmonoged ivelsadisoes the church together. There were oi n gmiysuitsandredtes, asomeP also 8 received by letter. So many ol' nls ogs hr a tookpar in he ommnoinsericeduet, too, by Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. f olow ain th whîl unuiserice Brookham and a solo by Mrs. Territt.F vision-had been made yet we wereý Rev. C. P. Muirhead filled the office not able to serve alil. r of chairman in,1 his usual delightfula manner. Methodist Church, Rev. S. C.. We have had Scotch nigbt, Irisht Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor wiîî ireacii night and English night, each better0 on Sunday at 11.00 a. m. At 7.00ithan the iast. May 23 is Canadianu P. m. Rev. A. K. Edmison, B. A. night and closes our season. Miss B. D.-, Orono, wilI have charge. 2.30 Heaiey bopes to be with us, too.a P. m.-Sunday School and Bible Clas- Members of the W. S. C. everyoney ses. of you come! You may be English,1 Services la the Methodis' or Irish, or Scotch but you are al on ~ ~ s Sudywr o ey hurch Canadians, too. Make Canada's1 on Snda wee o a eryinteresting 'night the very best of all. The, characterj Mother's Day was honor-'Bungalow, Empire Day, May 23rd. B ed in sermon by the Pastor, in song, by the organist and choir dire ctor and his choir and by members of the NEWSPAPER MEN MEET 9 congregation who each wore a fiower V____ in honor of the best woman that- ever Anual Meeting el Midland County v iived on earth. Bouquets of tulips Press Assocition at Port Hope and roses brightened the platform and pulpit. The annual meeting of the Midland Morning address was based on the, Counties Press Association, held in words "As one whom his mother Port Hope, Friday, was largely at- Comforteth" sand he paid a high tended and one of the t meetings tribute to motherhood and the homes in the Association's hsXWy. Mem- of our land. bers were present from Oshawa, Pet- The choir under direction of Mr. erboro, Midland, Beaverton, Bright-ç T.- W. Stanley sang the anthem on, Hastings, Lindsay and many otherË "Seek ye the Lord" by Roberts, Mrs. places.n H. M. Foster taking the solo. A Two important subjects dealt solo "My Mother's Way", was sung with by speakers and discussed at by Mrs. W. J. Morrison, and a duet, length were newspaper, advertising "Memories of Mother" by Mr. W. and job printing. Mr. R. M. Glover, B Tapson and Mr. T. W. Stanley-all of the Peterboro Examiner, gave ae being very appropriate and much ap- fine address in the forenoon on news- preciated. paper advertîsing which wasf ollow- In the -evening a choir of male ed by a discussion. In the af ter-P voices furnished a splendid musical noon Mr. C. M. Mundy, of the Ontario program. The opening\ chorus1 Reformer, Oshawa, gave a lengthy "Fight to Win" by Towner was sung and instructive address on job print-b by the choir. A solo and chorus, ing and its various aspects. This ad- 9 "The Sinner and the Song, by Mr.1dres5 was the subject of an address R. M. Mitchell and the choir; a iasting ail afterno on. r quartet "He Lifted Me" was suang by Officers for the year were electedV Messrs. T. S.- Holgate, R. M. Mit- as follows:7 chell, Dr. C. W. Slemon and W. B. President-Geo. W. James, Bow-" Tapson. A chorus "The Promise manville Statesman. e made to Mother" by the choir were ahl much- enjoyed. Pastor Moore Vice-President-O. M. Alger, Osh- gave a brief address on "Chrîstianity awa Telegram.W in the Home" basing bis remarks on Secretary-Clarence T. Lapp, h "ýZacchaeus make haste and corne Brighton Ensign.A down for to-day I must abide at thy Treasurer-C. P. Doughty, Hast- Iý bouse". ings Star. el - tExecutive-D. C. Dawe, Peter- JUNOREVETSFO MA 2THboro; B. C. Colpus, Oshawa; Geo. A. e JUIO ______ORMA_ 2T Wilson, Lindsay; Leslie Wilson, CO-G 'narngn h bgpoga fbourg. h In arangng te bg prgra ofC( track events for Victoria D)ay the offi- e( cers in charge of the Junior A. A. A. CHAUTAUQUA COMWNG TO b have arranged a splendid card for BOWMANÎVILLE AGAIN the junior boys as follows: Trail Rangers, up to and includingi The local guarantors who backed ut 13 years-relay race, broad jump, the summer and winter series of w~ 100 yd dasb. Chautauqua courses are not at al F Tuxis Square, up to and including discouraged aithough the ventures -M 17 years-.relay race, 100 yd dah, have not proven a huge financial suc- pl hop, step and jump.' cess. They have, however, been of pl Junior. open eventsý-100 yds, pole a sufficient entertaining and educa- ex vault, bigb jump, haîf mile, 220 yds. tional value as to warrant these phil- ai These events wîl e run off shrp anthropic citizens to again bring at 1 p. m. this course to Bowmanville for one entire week, starting Wednesday, J( July Stb. CARD 0F THANKS The program for the summer tr course is to baud and judgingfrom0 Mrs. John Hamblyn -desires te the advance notices the patrons of M thank al ber friends and neigbbors Chautauqua have in store a feast of M feor their kindness and sympathy dur-. musical and literary talent of except- J( îng the ilîness and death of ber hua- l! onal menit witb international repu- band jtations. a Couch, Johnston & Crydermant LImiteai Phone 104 B owman ville E Wednesday, May ----i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE' Mrs. F. Woodger was in Toronto on Wednesday attending the funeral of hier sister-in-law, Mrs. E. A. Me- ZCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clarke and baby Mary, Toronto, were guests of lier aunt, Mrs. W. W. Dickinson over Sunday. Mr. Geo. Ward, Toronto, and Mrs. Loin Jimby, Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glanville. Mr. and Mrs. James Sandilands, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, Lib- erty Place. Mr. Walter Bonser spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ruse before [eaving for a pleasant trip to his home in England. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and Mr. D. Coleman Warnica, Peterboro, were guestis of Mrs. B. M. Warnica on Sunday. No action ha& been taken re the proposed signal for the dangerous railway crossing on Kingston road at Whitby. Mr. and Mr3. Wmn. Pearn were ini Toronto recently attending the fun- oral of Miss Ileen Conneil, a cousin of Mrs. Pearn. Mrs. W. R. Thickson who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. 0. Mason, has gone to Caistor Centre te visit relatives. Mrs. Ed. F. Weekes and sons Jack, George and Billy, Toronto, are visit- ing her mother, Mrs. W. L. Keys and other relatives herm Mrs. Caleb Brown, Kingston, who has been iii is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Rey. E. A. Tonkin, Washington Avenue. Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Stout motored from the city and spent Sunday witk hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ruse, Carlisle Avenue. Miss Ena Sarson, Mine Gertrude McQueen and Mr. Roy MeMann of Toronto, spent the week-end at Mrs. Fred Baker's, Scugog-st. Mr. and Mrs. M. Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Smithi Kelly, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tai- cott over the week-end. Pleased to learn that Miss Enid Souch, who was operated on in Bow- manville Hospital on Friday for ap- pendîcitis, is doing nicely. George Gimblott of the Hamilton Fire Department has been appointed Chief of the Peterboro Department, at a salary of $2,000 a year. Pleased to see Mr. John Lane up town o n Tueaday after his long siege of rheumatism. It was his first vîsit up town sînce last November., Pl eased to receive on Wednesday a eall from Rev, H. B. Neal, Toronto, who was formerly assista-nt pastor of Bowmanville Methodist Church. Mrs. S. H. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westwood and family, Tor- onto, were guests of the formier's sister, Mrs. Tod over the week-end. Mr. J. M. R. Fairbairn, Chief. En- gineer of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, and son Jack, Moatreal, Que., were recent guests of his cousin, Miss Fairbairn. You are cordially invited to Haddy & Co's. Summer Opening, Friday and Saturday, May l9th and 2Oth, when they will have on display their sum- mer millinery. You are cordially invited to Haddy & Co's. Summer Opening, Friday and Saturday, May l9th and 20th, when they will have on display their sum- mer millinery. Rev. J. E. Griffith. B. A., and Rev, R. H. Rickard, B. A., B. D., Tor- onto, who were in Newcastle at the District Meeting on Wednesday caîl- ed on Bowmanville friends. Through an oversight in our re- port of the Oddfellows service at CIhurch of Christ we neglected ment- ioning the duet splendidly rendered by Bros. W. B. Tapson and T. S. Hol- gate. Miss M. Squires of Oshawa, ar- rived at the Gracie Dodge Motel, Washington, on Friday, from Rich- mnd, Va. Miss Squires is spend- .ng a week in Washington.-Reform- er. Bowmanville Women's Institute vill hold the annual meeting at the home of Mrs. John Morris, Beech Avenue on Friday, May 26, at 3.00 p. M. Elecetion of officers and gen- oral business. Ail members attend. Af' er ten years faithfui service as chief shipping clerk at the local Gioodyear plant Mr. Robt. Greenfield îas .resigned from this position. is o-orkers in his dep-.artment present-

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