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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 2

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BOWMANVILLE, MAY l8th., 1922. 'TheCanadian Statesman, AND The Bowmanvillk Ntws With which is incorporated -rHE NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT ~COMBINED CIRCULATION 2800 ADVERTISING RATES Legal, Officiai, Municipal and Gov- ornment Notices-i 2e per nonpareil Une (12 lines to inch) for first in- sertion, arnd Se per line f or each sub- sequent insertion. READING MATTER Readers or locals-1Oc per line ,each insertion, minimum charge 50c; ,on First Page 15c per line each in- sertion. - ADVANCE NOTICES Every advance notice of any kind 'where the objeet is~ the benefit or convenience of any person or number ,of persons-is advertising, and will 'le treated by the publishers as such. If no instructions accompany the notice, advising us who to charge it ta, it will be charged to the person phoning or sendîng it in. COMMERCIAL DISPLAY Transient rates-front page, 50e 1er inch; run of paper, 40c per inch, For a yearly contract apply at the office. Special positions 2%eta CLASSIFIED ADVTS 'For Sale, Wanted, To Rent, Lostt eýnd small advt of similar character-8 2ë per word, first insertion, minimume 50c; le per word eaeh subsequent in-p sertions, minimum 25e.9 Advertîsements sent without in- structions will be inserted until writ-a ten orders are received for their dis- c continuance. S Above rates include both The James Papers.d M. A .JAMES & SONS Publisher.. Bowmanville, Ont. r iMembers-"Canadian Weekly News- s papers' Associations" and "Select- t ed Town Weeklies of Ontario". LEGAL M.G. V. GOULD, B.A.,,LL-D... MARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY m.ianey ta boan on Faim and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, flowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, ýKing Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Vrganist and Choir Leader, Bawman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared ta take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For ternis phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL 'B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. GoId Medalist of Trinîty University 'Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- taician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Zospital, Pittsbuurg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington' Street, Bow- imanville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M., 0., C. M. 'Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, THE GENOA CONFERENCE By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., Denver, Colorado. -Number 2- THE COST 0F PUBLISHING A NEWSPAPER W. R. Davies, ex-President of the Canadian Weekîy Newspapers' Association in the Renfrew Mercury The Washington Conference was called because of conditions in A f ew days ago The Detroit News China-an empire of such potential gave up the publication of its morn- wealth and so varied as ta make the ing paper. Although Detroit is a mouths of ather nations ta water. large city with a splendid district The Genoa Conference was con- around it, yet this well edited mara- vened because of conditions in Rus- ing paper could not survive. In sia-an empire of immense resaurces, Canada in the last month twa or three undeveloped and waiting. 'weekly newspapers have gane out of Chia, t i fered ma beon hebusiness, and during the past two descending curve. She has lived yasnmru ale n ekis long and has given a great deal ta Newspapers' costs are not apparent Oriental and Occidental Culture. On the surface, nor does the publie China entered pagan Japan and re-haenyrlcoepin fte created it, and the latter is naw wait- money and effort required in these ing for the disintegration of the na- .days ta publish even a fairly good tion oidest in civilization. local weekly. Occasionally some- Russia is young as nations go. But o. nhnigyak hni h Russa hs ben n reoluionforprice of the paper coming down, and Russa hs ben n reoluionforoccasia nally someone inquires about nearly a score of years, actively five eutosiadéiinrts. A years, under the surface much langer a meeting of rpeenai weekly Russia is a pyramid upside down for publishers from alI over Canada held the present. One of these days she, in Toronto two or three weeks ago a may right herseif, and then. Icareful comparison of costs and me- To hold Russia together as long as venues was made, and it was clearly possible, the Russian dictatarship Is shown that in regard ta publishing a bargaining with Europe and America weekîy newspaper the casts weme at and sections of Asia, ready ta grant the present time as high and in some commercial ýÉpheres of influence in; cases even higher than they were etura for recognition by the gavera- during the wam, ments of the ather countries, and There have been slight reduetions boans. Oil is the great pize. lin one or two things. The cost of The United States is not officially newsprint bas been slightly reduced, repesented at the Genoa Canference, the total reduction being equal ta 2e but American ail magnates and spec- per year on a year's subseription. ulative coneessionaires are there in'Newsprint is still three 'times the plenty. 11 price of pre-war days. Ink is from Russia's cammunistie agents at - five ta six times the prîce that it was Genoa are "playing bath ends against ten years aga. Type is between two the middle". Tbey have, or pre-> and three times pre-war prices. Lino- sume ta hold, what ahl the warld is type metal, wbich during the war eager f or-old ail fields, and pros- soared to almost prohibited prices is pective new anes believedl ta be ofi still thmee times the pre-wam price. great extent. "Cuts" that in 1913 and 1914 cauld A split at Genoa is threatened be purchased for 75e are ta-day fram agi. TheGnaCn rn e a $2. 75 up. These are just afew of cagain. he fthea Coaferc ws tihe items entering in ta the cost of ciallexpltatadoffte. pitaenRs publishing, but they are not the mast sias xpoiaton serious ones. Wages were neyer France and Englaad have been higher in the history of the pinting difting apant since the Versailles business in Canada than they are ta- Confereace /following the Armistice.f day and this is, as everyone knows, a Ecanomie determination la said ta be very serîous item. The high cast of responsible. France is mieasurably labor in the printing business is due self -supportiag; England must have ta two things, the high cast of living trade with ahl the world. France and the shortage of printers. An- has a diffeent policy with respect ta &'her seriaus item entering into the Russia and Genmany ta that propos- cost ofý publishiag is coal which in ed by England. France would use 1917 could Le bought for $9.00 a force ta campel Germany and Russia tan, and this is one thing that cannot o meet their obligations. England Le, curtailed because pinting cannot wants peace and trade channels ne- Le done when the workshop is below opened at once, a certain temperature, Then again The London Times, unfniendly we have postage which in the short politically, ta Lloyd George, declares space of two years bas been increas- that the parting of the ways is at ing six f aid. As a matter of fact rand, and that the Anglo-French the situation in same sections calîs :entente"~ is breaking or broken on for increases if weekly newspapers accaunt of the attitude of the two are ta business and ta keep powers repnesented by George and up ta the standard desired by the pub- Poincare. France aad Belgium are lie., Small newspapers la the Wesst- together with interests in comman. ern Provinces with circulations of from 500 ta 1,000 are charging a England has with hier the rest of subseription rate of $2.50, a year the nations, with the possible ex- and have a minimum advemtising rate ception of Poland. Germany and of 45e an inch. Russia, by signing a treaty of offense The weekly- newspaper is nat a and def ense an the eve of the Genoa money-making business, in the gen- Conference, played a trump card and oral acceptance of the termi, but ow- placed France at a great disadvan- ing ta the large investment which aogp. This sallianeomade Lloyd George all the more anxious ta get dawn ta business, and put a trade band around Europe. Beigium and France held a number af concessions, including ail, from the former Russian goverament; and France loaned billions of francs ta Russia under the Czaristic Alliance. The Lenine dictatonshîp bas been us- ing the Belgian-French concessions granted from a former goverament as a pnîze ta secune belp from Eng- land, sa it is charged at Paris., The Lenine dictatorslsip asknow- ledges willingness ta recompense th e coacessionaires of the Czar, like Bel- gium and France, but they refuse ta obligate themselves ta nestone the actuat concessions. This is the sticking p, 4t between Belgium and France uniLed, and England at Genoa. Mere trade advantages. former resioence on Cuucn-st., Biow- If an actual break. cames and the manville. Phone 259. 44-t Genoa Conference adjouras withau t accomplishing the chief end for which it waý called, cisis la London and DENTAL Paris 'will likely follow immediately. Llayd George will Le forced, lnaa DR. J. C. DEVITT manner, to appeal fan a vote of con- 'Oraduate of Royal Dental College, fidence ta the country., Oppased ta Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow: hlm will Le the Nontheliffe party on manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 c oalition, pledged ta a union with P. m. daily except Sunday. Phono F rance as against Germany and Rus- 90a. bouse phone 90b. - sa. Sentimentally England wanits ta continue the war entente; indust- DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Igially, commemcially, it is to the ad- Honar graduate in Dentistry Toronto vantage of Eagland ta have imme- University. Graduate of the Royal diate trading relations with both Rus- eCollege of Dental Surgeons of On- ý sia and Genmany. This industrial- tanlo. Office King-st., Bowmanville, ism commands world polities. Office pLone 40. ,bouse phone 22. It la ta Le hoped that the confer- DR. R.c E. DINNIWELL, ence will not break up before secur- ing the commercial peace it was cal- bonon Graduate of Toronto Uni- led ta obtain. vensity and member of Royal College __________________ of Dental 3urgeons. Licensed ta practie ln Ontario and the Domin- M Ion. Dentistry in al its branches,. Office--Kinig-st., 'Bowmanyille Opposite Bank of Montreal C i ang Phone 301g FU NERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. ,&ost complete equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanville. phones 10 and 34. Braneh at Orono. TI4E0. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Opectaity. Terme moderate. 1-tf Ennisklllen P. 0. Phone 197-rS. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Caîls Promptly Attended To. ýOffice, ing-st., W., Stateaman Blocki Eowmanville. 'Phone 248'.* T-HE postman and expressman wil bring Parker service right ta your home. We pay carnîage one ýway. Whatever you send - whether it bc hausehold draperies or the most delicate fabries - will be speedîly returned to their original freshness, When you think of cleasi- ing or dyeîng think of PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works .Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yong, St. Toronto s $98 sPuts Miss Simplicity In Your Home ISN'T it worth that ta be forever free-from wash- day drudgemy? Mis S Simplicity actually does it. Saves yaur health and stnength. Gives you more leisure ta enjoy. Sa easy ta operate, tao. Works while you attend ta light duties about, the house. Washes every gar- ment and piece perfectly. A big week's washfing in an hour. Do flot miss this affer. Let us give yau a demon- stration. Sold in Bowmanville at the HYDRO SHOP *ITakaa Ont the Drudgertv With the Dirt- has to be made at the present time in plant and equipment, (a single lino- type costing as high as $ 6,000), it has to yield an adequate return on the investment. This means adventis- ing and subseription rates based on costs and not guese.dat as in the aid day. This has been largely brought about by modern conditions due ta somne of the points we have emphas- ized above. While ten, flfteen years aga it was easy ta set up in the printing and publishing business, ta- day few men who have been trained to the pinting and publishing busi- ness have sufficient capital to instal and equip a modemn weekly news- paper and printing plant., Capital bas to be secured and a proper netun on the investment has ta be guaran- -teed, jus., the same as in any manu- facturing eampany or large retail concern. Don't buy your Spring Suit or Coat until you have first inspected our display. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. SEED CORN Direct from the growers at Essex, free from disease and of good germinating quality. Al the leading varieties. Order now. WE ARE NOW SELLING Best Manitoba Flour, Ontario FPour, Western Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereals, etc. Always best quality and right price. DON'T BUY SEED CORN until you have oe1us. We are exppecting some very choice seed corn almost any day. CHOPPING AND CRUSHING We are prepared to do ail kinds of chopping and crushing on short notice. Prompt motor delivery to Bowmanville and Oshawa., CHAS. HORN Phone 129r Hampton WE KNOW FROM WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY We Sel WALL PAPERS Cheaper than any other. dealers. A glance at our win- dows or a look through our stock will convince From 10e per roll upwards. Window Shades, cream or white, 37 x 72, $1 .25. Curtadn Poles, wood or brass trimmings, 25c W.T.ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore DOMINION PIANOS USED PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE In these days there is a piano in almost every home.' Many people postpone, or decide'against, the purchase of a new piano because they do not realize that their'old one will be taken in partial exehange. If you have- a piano, we will gladly examine it and fix a price upon it, to apply as partial payment on a new Dominion. FJ. MITCHEÈLL Sales Agent Telephone 105 Bowmanville Local Representatives A. N. McMILLAN & CO. Bowmanville Double action -Goes farther-Try it and you'lIl be delighted with the resuits. -ode ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER' We Are S*peciali*sts 1This is an age specialists in of specialists and we are PLUMBING TINSMITHING STEAM FITTING You receive unexcelled service when you leave your ord er with us. We have the largest staff of plumbers in town who are able to do efficient work promptly and satisfactory. Greenaway &aLIott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville Auto Accidents Every Day It may be your turn anytime. Prot eet your- self against damage suits. The cost is a mere trifle compared with the ri&k Our companies, with complete organization and capital, assume everything for you. No worry. No loss. It is more important even than fire insurance. Many have been financially ruined over one ac- cident, The courts allow big damages. Don't run theý risk yourself. way and talk it over with us. REAL ESTATE Several good houses for sale. storey brick dwellin.g for $1000,00. Come in any- A bargain, 2 J. J.* MASON& SON I Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanvill, Why Are Flour Milling Stocks So Popular With Investors? Becouse the Milling Industry in Canada is boih basic and sicpe. Ils earnings are consistent and Meell mainiained even during periods of depression. Thse iniesimeni, îherefore, is saf e and profitable. What Makes a Fleur Mill Profita le? A fleur rnill should be profitable -if il is modern in construction. -if il is located sa as le enJoy la». freigisi raies on in- caming grain. --if il is locectrd to handie ec port business economicall» -if ;I has an r'id supplv of grain. -if i i is con-oeniert Io a large consuming population. -if il lias chcap povser and good managemnent. -if il' has a strong selling organiza ion. W1hy, Are Ca-re fulIinvestors Buying Coplan F ur Mî1ls, Ltd.- 8 % Sin king Fund Cumulative Preferen-e Shares at 100, with Bonus of 30% in Common Stock? Because criiics iiho are qualified ta judge are fran/t ta admit tisai the Copeland Fleur Milîs, Limiied, bas ail of the above qualifications and is alreadg, strongly enirenched' amongst thse fcsremost Milling Companies in Canada. The Mill is nos» running 24 heours per day ahd has orders in hand issiich is.nih ne». business being boa/ted dail3», should /teep il busg throughouî the season. Ils future record w.ill equal ti e besi. The Preferred Stock being tise Senior Securit» of the Com pan» ithe invsiment is safe; and tise Common Shares g s'en as a bonus slsould become very val uable. Wrile for Prospectus and, full information. fl3ANKCRJLS' DOND %iCOAP% LiMITE D 60 King Street West, Toronto. 1 - - C5 - - --- -

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