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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 5

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.Are You Prepared FOR THE GREAT WHITE SEASON? If There is Anything in White Shoes You Require WE HAVE IT Here are a f ew of our leading lines: Sport Oxford-White with Black Trim. 2-Strap Sport Shoe-White with Brown Trim. 1.Strap Buckie--Flaqpper. 3-Strap Buckle-Cuban Heel. Sally Sandie-Louis Heel. 2-Strap Button-Cuban Heel. White Oxfords-Rubber Heel and Cushion Sole. Men's Oxford or Bal-Sport. Alsc .a full range of Children's Canvas Shoes. The (,Copeland, ShoeStr BOWMAN VILLE ONTARIO A Wi4se B uilder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hiardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring.1 Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make liandsome walls and. ceiiing. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- body. Cail aad see us. McClellan &'Co., Limited King St. Eat Office Phone 165 Bowmanville Honte Phones 228, 274, 218 IF. I. _____________________ i D-BCarbon Remover wiii clean the dirtiest of Car- bon in thirty minutes. Keep it cdean by applyîng D-B every 500 miles avoid ail Carbon trouble. It, does flotcut Compres- sion. Ask MASON & DALE Bowmanville about D-B BOWMANVILLE, MAY 18th., 1922. WEDDINGS AGED MINISTER PASSES Toms-Pickering. ________At eight p. m., Wednesday, May Rev. E. E. Howard, Brighton. ýOth the home of Dr. Minns, Toronto, ________was the scene of the marriage The death occurred in Brighton on of Mie' Florence Lilian Pickering, Saturday, May 6, of Rev. E. E. Ho-w- eldest daughter of Mr. an.dMrs. L. G. ard, after a short illness. Pickering, to Mr. Charles Toms, son The ateMr.Howad wo ws ~of Mrs. M. E. Toms, Newcastle. The h S t ear. war o hevean servie was taken by Rev. W. E. Bak- his 0thyea wa on ofthevetraner of Parkdale Methodist, church 'in ministers of the Metbodist Church. the presence of the immediate rein- He was the son of a Methodist min- tives. Miss Margaret Dawson played isterand was 49 years in active work. the wedding music. The bride, who As a young man lie entered 'the was escorted by ber father, wore a ministry of the Methodist Episcopal white Canton crepe dress, embroider- Church and at the union of the two ed with pearîs, a white hat withi branches of Methodism in 1885 hie feathers, and she carried roses and continued in the service of the Meth- hules. The gift from the groom was odist Church of Canada, labouring on a string of pearls. The bridesmaid, Hampton Circuit where he was high- Miss Margaret McConnell, was in ly respected and loved as well as on pink crepe de chine, a pink bat with various other fields until a few years feathers, and bouquet of pink roses. ago when old age forced his retire- Mr. Wilfred Taylor was best muan. ment from active work. Mr. and Mrs. Pickering held a recept- The late Mr. Howard was a man of ion after the ceremony,, the latter rare talents and splendid social quai- wearing grey Canton crepe. Mr. and ities. H1e was an able preacher, a Mrs. Toms left later to spend their man deeply spiritual and loved by ail honeymoon 'in Chicago. The bride who knew him. The itinerant sy- went away in a dark blue tricotine stem brought bim in vital touch with suit, a blue bat and mink fur. so many people on so many circuits_____ that bis deatb will be mourned by the Methodist people of almost the whole Whitfielcl-Linton Bay of Quinte Conference. His The Metbodist Tabernacle, Wbitby, kindly, sympathetie nature, togetber was tbe scene of a very pretty ed- with bis innate sense of humor, madet ding on Wednesday, May 3rd, when for bîm friends everywbere. H1e 5is Grace Maud, daubter of the late survived by two sons, 11ev. Fred H -Mr. and Mrs. John A. Linton, of Bow- Howard, S. T. L., Xtitby; Dr. Frank manville, became the bride of Mr. E. of Bay City, Micb.; and one daughi- Gordon Bennett Whitfield, only son ter, Mrs. C. W. Asbley, Jolliette, Ill of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Wbitfield, ,Mrs. Howard passed away nine years Whitby. Rev. C. B. Jefl'ery, Sun- ago. derland, uncle of the bride, officiated. Tbe funeral was held on Monday The bride, who was given away by1 afternoon, May- tb, lu the Metbodist bier uncle, Mr. Thos. E. Hardy, wore Church vhere he had for some years a very becoming traveling suit of been a valued member and worker, navy blue trimmed with henna, and and a faithful attendant. The at- hat to match. After tbe ceremony tendance was very large and the flor- Miss Vivian Alcock sang "The al offerings beautiful, testifying to Crown", by Kennetb Rae, being ac- the love everyone-7ore bim and the companied on the organ by Miss K. deep sense of their loss, in wbat is Wright, who also rendered "The Wed- bis gain, ding March", by Mendelssohn. The The service was in charge of the ushers were Messrs. S. L. Trees and President of the Conference, 11ev, W. D. E. Carruthers. The churcb was Eiîott, who 'vas a close friend of Mr. very tastily decorated witb feras, Howard's; and on the platform witb palms and cut flowers. him were seventeen other niinisters, After the ceremony the bappy besides others who were in the con couple left by knotor for Toronto and gregation. Addresses were given by afterwards to Buffalo and other Dr. J. P. Wilson, Toronto, 11ev. H. B. Points. On their return they will re- Kenny, Campbellford, 11ev. S. C. side at lleydenshore Park, Whitby, Moore, Bowmanville, and 11ev. W. for the summer montbs. R1. Archer, Stirling, and Rev. A. K. McLeod, of the Preshyterian Church, Commenting on the failure of 19,- Bighttn,il of thbom espknte 000 business enterprises in the Unit- higestt~rnsof hedecasd, and of ed States last year, O. C. Perkins, his exemplary if e. 11ev. Mr. Mc- Sales Manager of the Sellers Kitchen Leod very appropriately referred to Cabinet Company of Elwood, Indiana, him as brihtns ganlodma" said to members of tbe Ad. Club that belovd byail.these were largely attributable to the Mrs. Lapp presided at the organ fact that the men directing such con- and Miss Annie Lauterbacb sang. Ai- cerns did not appreciate the value of s0 a beautiful'soprano solo was ren- advertising. 1 dered by Miss Kathleen Nicholson, a Ne od ar hr cpt member of the Wbitby Metbodist Ne god ar hr-cpt Choir, squares, aIl kinds, linoleums, congo- In he ort wig o th chrchleum rugs and curtain materials. In he ort wig o th chrchCouch, Jobnston & Cryderman, sat the King's Daughters, bereft of We h tmcige rn their beloved teacher; and in the everything goes wrong. Get, right by south wing were the' Quarterly and taking Tanlac. Jury & Lovell. Trustee Boards and the officers and teachers of the Sunday School and a -_________________ s0 the Men's Bible Class. After the services a large number> of friends in motors joined the fun- eral procession to Belleville where in- terment was made. Among those who were at the fun- eral were bis daughter, Mrs. C. W. and w ifen s,1ev. F. . Howardn$ ashle;bians, r. F. . Howard N onC arge wif e and bis daugbter-in-law, Mrs. E. o Howard and ber daugbter from Tor- onto. Also bis two sisters, Mrs. There are a lot of Morden and Mrs. Halliday and bis brother fromOttawa. things we do here at no 1 charge, without regard MEN 0F FOUR VARIETIES 11e who knows not and knows not that he knows not, he's a fool Shun him. He who knows flot and knows that he knows not, be is simple Teach him. H1e who knows but knows flot that he knows, he's asleep Awake him. But he who knows and knows that he knows, he is wise Follow him. Mothers can easily know when their children are troubled with worms, and tbey lose no time in applying a reliable, remedy-Mother Graves' Worm Exterinator. Eveyth"ingL For The Garden' Plants and shrubs of al kinds. A visit to our green- houses wiil please you. It pays to buy direct from ýthe growers. S. J. Jackman & Sous Florists and Growêrs Phone 80 Bowmanville to whether your battery is a Willard or flot. There are other things, such as repairs, recharging and so on, that we have to charge for, but with them we include a good measure of service that we do not ask you to pay for. We're Battery Head- quarters-and we give the same careful attention to ail makes of batteries. Corne in and get ac- quainted., Ontario Battery SERVICE Moffatt Bldg Motor ,Sales Bowmanville Representing Willard Storage Batteries Men, your Spring suit now awaits you at the new lower prices, Oouch, Johnston & Oryderman. "Where there is smoke, there is always fire". If Tanlae wasn't a fineý medicine, you wouldn't hear so much about it. Jury & Lovel. Superior Service and Reliable Goods Cannot Lie Sooner or later their true character will develop, in "satisfaction to the patient. It is'grati- fying to Mr. Mit- chell to note that mucli of his in- creased patronage is coming from par- ties to whom lie has been recommend- ed by pleased pat- ients. Our years of pract- ical experience plus only first quai- ity frames and lenses-not fact- ory left-overs--is the guarantee be- hind'every pair of Mitchell Glasses. RM. Mitchell & Co. Druggists & Optometrists Bowmaanville Ont. Paeonies Large Roots,. Fine varieties. 40c each G'ladjoijiï Best varieties, 60c Dozen Shrubs, Fruit trees, Per- ennials, Gardens Planned and Planted. Delivereci in town Brookdale Nursery Co. Phone 7 Bowmanville Agvency. Ail lines of YIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS,1 AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Edith V. Scobeli, Agent 2nd door West of the 4"Big 20" Bowmanville Ontaiio. Chiropractic <Spinal Adjuatmente) Remove the Cause of Dimeane without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc- ce" in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafneuu, Anthrna, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Pile.,,Female Diseanes, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervouanens in many forme respond readily te Chiro, practic. Examination Free et Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. Ru,%eady For SpjringSôewing Have a Singer Sewing Machine to lielp you witli your work. EASY TERMS Soid on easy terms-$5 down and $3 a month. Repair work of allkinds done. SRussel Hobbs .At J. Tr. MoIIon's Store King-et. E. Bowmomviile Over 50 Years For over haif a century the House of Tod lias served the, citizens of Bowmanville and commun- ity with the best in bakery and confections. During these many years there is no' time when ýye have been in a better position to cater to your wants in our chosen lines than NOW. YOU ALWAYS GET THE BEST THOMAKS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville 1111l1Show 'You A Silo, that wzll boost your farm earnzngs My Toronto Silo will put dollars li your pocket. It will boost the vaiue of your farm. Its double -tonguedl-and- grooved f~ selected Spruce makes the Toronto Silo absolutely air tight, which keeps the ensilage in perfect condition. Its famous Hip Roof allows you to tramp the Ensilage to the top of the staves-and adds great- ly to its appearance. Drop in next time you're in town and let us talk it over. I have other lines of Toronto Farrn Equipment too. Let me show you th-eir deçendabiity andt economny., Chas. Hastings * PumplMaker.Hampton Phone ?350-13 How are ,"-terproofed and Armor-Plated 1TNhey wiil flot crack- They will not curi Brantford Asphaît Siates are distributed under Brantford Roofmig trade marks, throug'h Brantford Roofing dealers. Sto.k carrf cd, lut 0rmation furnished, service rendered by our dealer in yoir district. Write for our Boolilet, "Permanent Roofing Satisfaction." Mailed free to responsible parties. Brantford Roofing Co., Limited Head Office end Factory, Brantford, Canada Bran.hes et Toronto, Montre..!, Winnipeg, liaf.. 18 For Sale By MASON & DALE Crushed siate in its natural colors (dark red or green) is deeply embedded into and encrusted on the weather surface. This makes it wear- proof. A heavy waterproof coatlng of our own special blend of asphalta. Water cannot possibly penetrte it. It is flexible enough to, pre- vent cracking. The body is tougli, lonig-fibred rag f ct, thor- oughly saturated with an asphait refined to Brantford Roofing Stand- ards. REMOVER

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