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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 6

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AUCTION SALE Baturday, May 20-Mrs. C2. (oulter wlll offer for sale at lier residence, Miil St., Newcastle, a quantity of - - - t cIass househoid effeets. Sale at 1 p. m. J. Couison, Auctioneer Zaturday, May 20-The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. W. H. Martin and Capt. J. B. Neale, to seli by auction at the latter's residence, Concession St., Bowmanville, a quantity of house- hold furniture and effects includ- ing Square piano, walnut an.d oak dining-room suites, walnut bed- roomn suite, wainut China cabinet, oak chest (400 years old) set of origiai De Lemotte Etchings fram- ed, kitchen and bedroom furniture, stovres, lamps, chairs, ice-creami freezer, and numerous other art-( icles. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms cashi Jas. Biehop, auctioneer.E iusy Time in the Gardens Fverybody wants to be working 9utdoors these fine days. You will , want good garden tools and here's where the best are for sale. RAKES HOES SHOVELS FORKS FENCE WIRE LAWN MOWERS Don't buy until you have seen our goods- great variety from which to choose. Masoù & DaIe's Hardware- Phone 145 Bowmanville F-armers' Attenti o READ then BUY We have just received several varieties of TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEEDS which we are selling at greatly reduced prices MANGEL AND RAPE SEEDS WTe have a sfflendid assortment of small seeds, also Dutch sets and Multiplier Onions. NOW IS THE TIME For you to give these your special attention as we are giving them ours. C.M. CAW K ER & SOùeN BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE Dominion Stores Ltd CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Our SYSTEM GIVES'YOU THE BENEFIT 0F EX-1 PERIENCED BUYING IN LARGE QUANTITIES We strive to please our customers with courtesy, service and the best and freshest groceries at the lowest piossible prices. TRY OURTE 45 SPECIAL BLEND T A dq clb NONE BETTER IN TOWN SHREDDED OR CORN SHREDDED COCOANUT ?Oc lb 3 for 29c 2 for 25e Magic Bakin,- Powder. 1 Laundry Soaps, 14 bars $1 lb. tin 34c Seedless Raisins, lb 23c Lyle's Golden Syrup 29c Bath Brick 8c tin Frankford Corn, 2 for 25c Bon Ami 14c Fleischmann's Yeast, cake Brooms 39c 3c Carnation Milk, large 15c FINEST Fresh Ground CHOICE CREAMERY BLACK CALIFORNIA BUTTER PEPPER PRUNES 42 b 20 b -2 M. 29c BRUNSWICK 1'BAKERS FAIRY SARDINES IDIAMOND SA ICHOCOLATE SA 4 for 25C Sc Bar712 ENFIELD Mr. Brown' Shirley, visited at Mr. W. Prescott's. No service in churcli here next Sun- day, Enniskillen anniversary. Mr. James Gray, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mr. A. Ormiston's. Mrs. H. James, Columbus, and Mrs. C. Nichols, Indian Head, vis- itLed at Mr. J. Hepburn's. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe was in Toronto. Anniversary services liere on Sun- day, June 9th. Particulars later. Mr. Wallace Scott had bis car stolen from churcli shed in Colum- bus on Sunday, May 7th. It was found in Toronto. Our road commissioner for the county road wants to do some im- provements this summer or there miglit be' a delegation attend coun- cil next nomination and demand a new man be appointed. We pay our share of the taxes and we want something done. 1 BURKETON Our boys are busy practising f oot- ball, Sunday School 10.15 a. m., church at 11.00 Sunday as usual. Glad to see Mrs, Cowaa and Miss Hyland back in our mîdst, The mother's service last Sunday was mucli enjoyed by a good-sized congregation. Our two storekeepers have decided to close at 6 p. m. every Wednesday niglit during the summer months. League next Thursday niglit at 8 p. m. Miss Rhoda Avery in the chair. It is social niglit and a liglit lunch will be serubd by the ladies. Mr. Milton Sanderson gave- the girls of the C. G. I. T. a very in- structive address on some of the great poets Monday evening. Weath- er permnitting the class expects to take a hike next Saturday afternoon. ENNISKILLEN Mr. McKinley, Whitby, visited at Mr, John Pye's. Don't forget anniversary services Sunday and May 24th. Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe, Osh- awa, visited at bis sister's, Mrs. C. Stewart. There will be a fotball game here Saturday evening, May 2Otli between Solina and Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradley, Mr. Ad- dison Bradley and Master Gordon, Whitby, at Mr. Wmn. Oke's. Mrs. W. J. Stainton and Mr. Milton Staint on, Mrs, H. J. Werry and Miss Aima Werry spent Sunday in Orono. Mr. Oscar Silversides, Mr. and Miss Ferguson, Mr. and Miss Brent, Uxbridge, spent the week-end at Dr. F'erguson's. Annîversary services of lour Co-op.. erative Sunday Scliool will be held as follows: Sunday, May 21, sermons will be preached at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by Rev. R. P. Bowles, Chancellor of Victoria College, Tor- onto. Special singing by the school. Collection in aid of school funds. On Wednesday, May 24-Victoria Day- tea will be served at'* p. m. At 8 p. m., The Fax Fun Co. of Toronto, will give two hours of real enjoy- ment; character songs, duets, read- ings and musical sketches. Company consists of Jimmy Fax, humorist, the original and only Jimmy; Mayme G. Mason, pianist and entertainer; Charles Stanley, baritone and Lina Crane, soprano. Ail services to be lield in large tent. In the after- noon a League game of football will be played Whitby and Enniskillne len. Admssion-Adults tea and concert 60c; tea -or concert 40c; Chldren tea and concert 40c; tea or concert 25c. 20-1 Men's good Tweed Suits from $13.50 up at Coucli, Johaston and Crydrmans. MAPLE, GROVE Practice for our anniversary start- ed last Sunday. Miss Gertie Lymer, Bowmanville Hospital, visited with friends. Miss Mabel Haskîll, Newtonville, recently visited Miss Reta Power. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Osh- awa, visited at J. D. Stevens' on Sun- day, Mr, Fred Stevens lias been trans- ferred from Standard Bank at Nest- leton 'to Brechin. Mr. Willard Stevens, Toronto, eall- ed at F. Swallow's last Sunday on bis way to Bowmanville. Mr.Ton Lend daLrh,,er Gertflie+ spent the weked tMs Thos. ii Snowden's and Mrs. H. R. Foley's. Mr. J. R. Kivel l as pizi'hased a Mrs. F. Swallow and Mrs. J. D. new car. Stevens attended the W. M. S. Con- Mrs. Isaac Hardy bas had a severe vention at Orono on Wednesday. attack of la grippe. Messrs. Fred Stevens and Clîfford Pleased, to see Mrs. R. C. Scott Beacock, Nestkton, spent the week- able to be out agaîn. end with Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Stevens.. S. S. sdliolars are in training for Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, datùgh- coming anniversary under the leader- ter Dorothy motored to Peterboro on ship of Mrs. J. Baker. Sunday and visited Mrs. .G. L. Stev- Football game on Saturday niglit ens. lere Whitby vs Solina resulted in Sunday Sehool next Sunday at 10 favor of the visitors 1-0. a. m. instead of 1.30 P. m. No ser- The remains of the late Jno. Ho- vice in the afternoon-Base Line an- garth who was killed by a motor niversary. truck in Cleveland whera le las been Officers of the Sunday School f oot- rasiding were interred in the Solina bail team are: President-Ray Snow- Cemetery on Tuesday last. Ha was den; Secretary-Treasurer-Chas. born and raised in tliis neighborhood Greenham; Captain-Ross Stevens; and wa-8 the only son of the late Managers-R. R. Stevens, H1. G.' Stephen Hogarth. Ha was 77 years Freeman; Field Committe-Ivison of age. Munday, Chas. Greenham, Win. Ly- Visitors: Miss Vera Baker at Mr. mer, Jr.- J. Jebson's, Hampton; Mas. Brooks, League meeting last week in charge Miss Gladys, Master Harvey, Mrs. of 2nd Vice President, Lloyd Snow- Marion Moore and Mr. W. Quick, den., Program consisted of Bible Bowmanville, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; reading, Connie Seward; duet, Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Irwin, Bow- jorie and Mabel Stevens; topie, "The manville, Mms. Dobson, Oakwood, at letters of early Christian", Mrs. Mr. Isac Hardy's; Mr. aind Mrs. Boyce; solo, Mrs. Roy VanCamp; In- Ernest Larmer, Blackstock, at Mr. W. strumental, Stella Jeffery; reading, L. T. Taylor's; Miss Annie Wrght and C. Snowden; solo, Edna Swallow. Miss Hazel Wright, Biaekstock, at Leage metin lt reortd f r M. N. ,E. Wriglit's; Mr. and Mrs. the paper last week, meeting in .C.WryMisAdeis0- chage f Cas.Grenha, lt Vce-ive Hoag and Miss G. Duncan, Osl- chage f Cas.Grenha, It Vce-awa, with friends; Mr. and Mms. W. President. Program-Bible readîng Trick, Oshawa, at Mr A. J. Balson's; by Irma Power; song, Nora Tueker; Mr. and Mrs. R. Armstrong, Maple reading, Connie Seward; quartet, Mr. Grove, at Mr. S. Williams'; Mr. and and Mrs. F. Swallow and family; top- Mrs. Sulas Williams and Miss Annie ic, "The Chuadli witlout the New at Scugog Island; Mr. and Mrs. W. Testament," Rev. Mr. Boyce; duet, T. Taylor at Blaekstock. Ma. Lloyd Snowden, Miss E. Macklin;* reading, Ross Stevens; Holl Caîl. Eldad Sunday Sebool will hold an- o s niveasary services on Sunday, May Foliowing are officersofBs 28. Addresses will be given at 2.30 Workers Class: President-Stella and 7.30 p. m., hy Rev. R. G. Car- Jeffery; Secretary-Connie, Sewaud; ruthers,, Blackstock. Singing by Assistant do-Irma Power; Treasurer sehoo1 at both services under leader- -Hilda Foley; Assistant do-Edna slpof a.JhOae.Corwl Swaliow; Fiower Committee-Edna assist at evening service. Special Swallow, Vera Power, Susie Laird; Thank-offering wlll be taken. On Lookout Committee--Viola Stevens, Monday, May 29, at 6 p. m. a Leagua Myrtie Brock, Edith Samis; Teacher game of Football will be played- -Mrs. W. J. Snowden; Assistant- Bowmanville vs Solina. At 8 p. m. Mrs. Wm. L3rmeu. a play willibe given by the young Special this week-20 Ladies' Suits people of the neighborhood entitled are -being put on sale, to clear at half- l"Home Ties". Musie will be rendar- price and less at Couh, Johnston and ed by Mms. (Cajt.YýJ. B. Neale, Bow- Crydermian'. manville. Admisson: Adults 35c; childuen 20c. Biggest Day in Bowmanville,, W.cI. Biggest Day in Bewmanville, Wd. .dey, -May 24th. j esday, May 24tlh. Weekly'EvenC! SOUTH DARLINGTON Base Line S. S. Auniversary. The above anniversary will be held on Sunday, May 2lst at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Capt. Ernest Hars- ton, Camborne, will preacli at both services. Special music by Miss Hilda Langmaid of Zion, Mrs. Geo. F. Annis and Mr. Frank Walter of Eben- ezer. Also. music by the school. Everybody welcome. Don't fail to hear Capt. Harston or you will Miss a great treat. 18-3 ZION Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron vis- ited at Oshawa. Honk! Honk! here comes Mr. John Balson with his car. Mr. Newton Edgar, Oshiawa, is de- corating the interior of the churcli, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar and Joyce, Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. T. Stainton's. Mr. and'Mrs. Camplin, Mr. Fred Camplin and sister, Toronto, Sun- dayed at Mr. AIf. Ayre's. Well! well! the girls are practising, too, but not football, but basebaîl. Got to keep Up with the Jones'. One thing we alI think that ought to be stopped is people fishing on Sunday and bringing their lunch bas- kets and havîng a real picnic. Also lighting fires in the bush, Mother's Day was observed in the Sunday 'morning service. Rev. W. W. Jones took for his text Exodus 2: 9. The music was certainly fit- tîng, also solos being sung by Miss Ford, Toronto, Mrs. Thos. Martin and Miss Hilda Langmaid. 1Biggest Day in BowmnanviIIe, Wed- nesday, May 24th. TYRONE Mrs. Staples feIl and broke ber hp a short time ago and is suffering, mucli from the effects. We wish ber a speedy recovery. A beautîful buncli of sweet peas was sent to Mrs.. Wm. Brent for Mother's Day by lier daugliter Mrs. W. A, Wilson, Hailybury, on Satur- day. Mother's Day was observed at churcli on Sunday evening wlien Pas- tor Wickett gave an interesting dis- course on "Homes". Beautiful flowers added mucli to the service and lie choir gave suitable music with Miss Myrtle Moore at the organ, Annîversary services of our Sab- bath School will be held on Sunday, May 21, wlien Capt. Ernest Harston, Camborne, will preacli at 10.80 a. m. Rev. W. T. Wickett, the pastor, will take the service at 7 p. m. Special music by the school and special c*l- lection at botli services in aid of sclool funds. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. A. An- derson, Toronto, at Mr.--S.T. Hoar's; Mr. Garnet MVcCoy at bis father's, Mr. S. McCoy; Mrs. M. J. Werry with lier mother, Mrs. Wm. Me- Lauglin, Oshawa; Miss Marie Werry, Oshawa, liolidaying at Mr. M. J. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. L. Skinner, Miss Olive and Mr. H. Skinner and Mrs. N. Woodley at Mrs. Geo. Scott's, Oshawa; Little Miss Florence Scott,' Osliawa, at lier grandfatler's, Mr. L. Skinner; Mr. and Miss Brent, Mr.. and Miss Ferguson, Uxbridge,' Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson, Enniskillen, at Mr. A. H. Brent's; Miss Margaret Moore, Osliawa, at Mr. W. H. Moore's Biggest Day in Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, May 24th. This Grocery List WiIl Interest You 8 l'b. Granulated Sugar, Redpath's for 55C 50 bushel Green Mountain Potatoes, fine cookers at 95c per bus Comfort, Gold, Taylor, Borax, Sur-, prise, and Pearl White Soap, 17 bars for 48c Lilac Rose Toilet So ap, large cake, .3 for 25c No, 1 Machine Sliced Bacon 38c. per lb Large tins Pork & Beans 2 for 25c Large Bottle "Muskoka" Syrup 49c ea. Lipton's Instant Cocoa, 3 pkg for 25c Rice and Tapioca, 3 lb. for 25c Ammonia Gold Dust Sapolio and Gem Lye, 3 pkgs. for 23c Seed Corn, all the best varieties, rang- ing from' $1.50 to $2.10 per bushet Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes, 30c peck 400 boxes ass't flower and tomato plants, extra choice variety at 20c box Men Dress Well for Less Here Men's Baîbrigan Combinations, special at 1 $1.39 a suit Men's Cotton Socks, black and cordov- - an, 4 pair for $1.00 Men's Fine Shirts, all new patterns, $1.75 to $5.00 Hatchway fine Athletic No-Button Un-. derwear, $1.50 per garment Men's Running Boots in black and tan, without heels, $1,60 per pair Men's Running Boots in white and tan, with heels at $2.45 per Pr Boys' Running Boots, black or tan, size 1 to 5, $1.60 per pair Youth's Running Boots, black or tan, sizes il tol13, $1.35 per pair BE SURE AND SEE OUR WINDOW -DISPLAY 0F STRAW HATS Good, Sound Reiable Merchandise Misses' and Women',s Gingham Frocks organdy trimmed, ranging from $2.19 to $3.75 each Fancy Ginghams in plaids pin checks and overchecks, all shades, 25e per yd Children's Tub Dresses, Gingham trim- med with chambray and chambray gingham trimmed at 1 98c each Misses' regulation Middys, Copen and Navy collars at $1.69 each Children's Middies, all colors and all sizes at $1.69 each See our lVonarch Wools in aIl the lead- ing shades, Alepaka Floss, Dove and Down at our Special Prices. Ladies' Purses and Vanity Cases, prices ranging from $2.25 to $3.50 Ladies' Summer Vests in aIl sizes at 25c each Children's Balbriggan Jerseys, long and short sleeves at 50c each We have a few pieces of Floor Oilcloth left that we are clearing at 50c per square yard McMurtry &C'o., Ltd. PHONE 83BOWMANVILLE I is the P ESTMlPIA P FST0OLITE Batteries"tilat[ 6IVELonelr Life HE life of a battery depends upon the plates. That is why Prest-O-Lite, when it set out to make the Automobile Battery better, began with the plates. - Always a maker of a better plate, it turned its scientifie sk1Il and re- search to improving it and produced 1 Prest-O-Lite Plates-the long-lasting Plate. Here is a battery plate as different from ordinary plates as gold is from gilt. Unusual hardness combined with a peculiar porosity gives it unrivaled durability. why it is the best all-weather battery. This explains its ready reserve Drive around to the local Prest-O- power in biting zero weather and its Lite Service Station and ask about a great non-buckling strength that re- Prest-O-Lite for your car. sists overheating in summer. That is why the Prest-O-Lite Bat- Prest-O-Lite Batteries are tery outljves an ordinary battery and C--anadian thru and thru. F. W. KIRKENDALL, Bowmanville, Ontario. THE, OLDEST SERVICE TO MOTORISTS 107 MEANS MANY DOLLARS IN SAVINGS TO THRIFTY BUYERS These extra values are building a greater, heaithier and a more active business for the McMurtry Departmental Store. B8e fair to, your own judgment as well as to, your finances and Jet us demonstrate to you that eve ry purchase made here means a génuine saving. Think what this saving amounts to, when you shop here regularly. The West End' House Speciali SOLINA Mrs. A. J. Balson lias been 'el ý quite

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