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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 7

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GARPENTERS -WANTED Carpentere wan,.ted at once. H. L., Quinn, Bowmanille.8- FOUND AUTO TRUCK NUMBER-C 23-542. Âppiy to Statesmnan Office. LOST WATCH IX'ST -On Good'Fiday, Find- er please leave information at StatesmaIn Office. 20-tf The Perfect Wedding Gift WIIAT A LARGE AMOUNT 0F MONEY IS SPENT ON EPHEM- ERAL THJNGS,-' THINGS THAT WITH THE PASSAGE 0F TIME LOSE THEIR BEAUTY AND ARE FORGOTTEN. SIL VER ALWAYS REMAINS BEAUTIFUL. TIME'S ONLY EF- FECT IS TO ADD TO ITS CHARM. BEAUTY, UTILITY AND, ABOVE ALL, DURABJLITY-THESE ARE THE THREE ESSENTIALS 0F TUE PERFECT WEDDING GJFT. ALEX. ELLIOT More Bargains At Edmnondstone 's PORK & BEANS 3 tins for 25e DRY SALT BACON Reg'ular 25e--lb, this week 22e- BREAKFAST BACON Regular 40e lb, this week 32e Largest variety of cooked meats in town- very appetizing. -G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanville eP OwUwLT"i-R Y N EW S Without a doubt we have the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash Ful-oý-pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed H-O Stean'3 Cooked Chick Feed Chick and Hen Charcoal Oyster Sheli, Grit, Baby Chick Grit Lowest prices at all times and special prices for large quantities. HARRY PHONE 186 1 A ,LLIN BOWMANVILLE Are youl Too Busy? To corne to my store and select your meat per- sonally? Then use the phone-225-and your orders xiii be attended to just the same as if you stood in fronit of our counter. It dosen't make any difference whether you live in the country or town. We see that you get the meat prornptly. Why Not Try The Dudley Meat Shop? Wilbert J. Du'dley" Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville JEWELER POULTRY DUC,,ýzGS FOR HATCHING-White Pekins and Buif Indian Runners, firstl Pize birds. $1,00 a setting of Il eggs, Ira Pearce, Concession-et. East, Bowm.- ville, phone 268. 18-1 EeGS FOR HATCHING-Ferris' Single Comb White Leghiorns, 300 egg strain $1.50 per setting of 12; $1000 per hund- red. 264 egg strain $1.25 per settlng. $8 per hundred. Utlity settinge $600 per 100. Wmn. Maarey, Hampton, R. R. 1, phone 190-r5. 15-tf Biggeet Day in Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, May 24th. HELP WANTED-A respectable girl to help wilh housework. Apply to Box 62, Newcastle, Ont. 20-t Messenger boy wanted, apply to In- formation Wickett, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ç., Bowmanville. 19-tf Capable woman wanted at once for ge.eralhouse work. Two ia famIly. Ap- ply la person to Mrs, M. A. James, Centre street, Bowmanville. 19-tf HOUSE WANTED ,Wa'nted to rent, bouse with al con- veniences, willing to pay good rent, will lease if desired, good tenante. Apply to Statesman Office. 19-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Brick residence, 7 rooms, and one acre of land, with fruit trees. at Nursery Corner, Apply to W. B. Plnch, Division-st., Bowmanvifle. 5-tf FOR SALE-Brick cottage containing 6 mrne, furnace and electric liglits. Hard and sof t water In house, good garden and fruit trees, Apply to J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf FARM FOR SALE-W. Rl. Clemens' farm, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres; 20 acres youngorchard; faîl work done; faîl wheat sown. Possession at once. A-nply Bruce Haneywell, 60 Duke-et., Tor- onto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmaavlile. 52-tf FOR SALE-Solîd brick >,buse, double house, 7-rooms each aide, ~th large gar- dens. A bargain at $1 00-$1000 cash, balance time; also one 'large lot corner King and Liberty-$400: one large lot corner Church and, Liberty-$200; one lot on Churcli St. î-ast of Lberty $190. J. E, Cole, Bowmatvllle. 17-tf TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby givea that the first sittinge of the Court of Revision for the Township of Darlington will be held at the Town Hall, la the Village of Hamp- ton, on Saturday, May 21, 1922, at the, hour of 2 o'clock p. m,., to hear and de- termine the several complainte and omis- sions in the Assessment Roil for the said Munlcîpllty for the year 1922. Al per- sons havlng business at the Court are ne- queted ta attend as aforesald. W. R. ALN Clerk of the TownshIP of Drlgo. Dated at Haxnmpton the lSth day fMyi 1922. 20-2w LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Miss Cora M. Scott, Toronto, is speadiag a week witli Mrs. F. A. Had- dy. Mn. and Mns. Ernest 'R Freeman, Whitby, spent Suaday witli relatives~ here. Mn. George Gibson has Èone to Co- balt'wliene lie has accepted a posi- tion. Miss Florence Pearson, Tononto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Hanold Wakelin. Miss Hester Brimacombe spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Rd. Saowdea, Osha-wa. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Lane, Oakwood, spent the week-end with thein niece, Miss Aima Pohiard. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mutton, Osh- awa, recently visited lis parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. G. Mutton. Mnr.F. H. Morris, Montreai, Que., lias been visiting his parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Morris, Beecli Ave. Mrs. Papineau and son, Oshawa, wene necent guests of lien sister, Miss Carnie Lathnope. Mn. Wilard Stevens and Miss Ah- ma Stevens, Toonto, visited his father,.Mn, F. N. Stevens on Sunday. Get id of Rheumatism. Use 0. R. Kidaey Tonic. It is o. k. 75e at A. IL.,Nichols', Bowmanville, or post paid from The 0. R. Medicine Co., Richimond Hui, Ont. 20-4* PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Little lias beea heard of a Com- munity Nurse for Bowmanvilie since the town council voted tlie proposi- tion dowrn. Other towas, liowever, are enjoying tlie benefits of this angel of mercy as sliown la a recent report presented by the Public Heaitli Nurse of St. Marys to the couacil, as fol- lows: Cîass room examinations, 915; dressings and treatment at scliools, 10; visits to school chiidren, 45; pre- natal visits, 7; organization visits, 3; infant visite, 22; dhld weifane visits, 4; aduit visits, 22; not found when visited 7; birth registration visits, 2; T. B. visits, 2; bedside cane gîven la 13 cases; cinics held, 3. Ian ef errng to this subject The Petrolia Adveriser-Topic says: The liealtli of tlie cîtizens of a commun- ity le witliout doubt thnt community's greatest asset. Til is being ne- cognized by rnany municipaities througliou the' Province tliat aiready have public nurses or are taking steps to appoint one. It is a progressive movement and one that is bQund to spread. 0f course these nurses muet live and therefore must have a saiary. The one la St. Marys gets $1,500 a year. Thene will be those wlio wihh say that Petrolia can not aff ord a public aurse. That same cry weat f ortli wlen the hospital ask- ed for a grant of $1,000 a year, wliea the market building was built, wlien the salaries of town officiais were in- cneased, when a bonus of $30,000 was granted the Wagoa Works, when $5,- 000 was spent on a sewer outiet whicli ater caved ia, and wlien the Soldiers' Monument by-law was voted on. Still we have got aioag tolerably well. Taxes of course, are high and wil ikely go higlier, but there are certain moves forwand we muet make if we do not wisli to go backward. HAMPTON THE BEAUTIFUL Hampton has the reputation of be- ing the prettîest village la these parts-and it's iglit too. Bert Jen- nings has tlie means for making eveny liouse and building ln the vil- lage and township more beautiful and attractive. Paint will do it- rand Bert lias just neceived a big ship- ment of bnand new paints and oils direct from the manufacturera. Yes, you can now afford to paint for Bet's prices are lower. What about a lttle wall papen to make the intenior of your home more inviting'? Ask to see samples when you buy that can of paint. 14-t Be it known, aiso, that A. E. Jen- nings pays the highest market pnice for eggs. Prepare For Holidays Headquarters for travelling goods and sport- ing shoes. You have put off buying that Club Bagj Trunk or Suitease because of, high prices. Prices are down to normal now and you can afford them. Suitcases-$1.75 to $13.00, Trunks-$7.00 to $15,00 Brown Cow Hi de Club Bag $20.00 Black Cow Hide Club Bag $15.00 Black Cow Hide Club Bag $13.50 Black Cow Hide Club Bag $11.50 Fabrikord Club Bags $5,00 to $7.75 Sporting Shoes at lower prices than for years from infants to grown ups, Caîl and inspeet them, Prices range from $1.15 to $1.50 Per pair Ahl kinds of White Shoes, Black and White and Brown and White, strap or oxford, styles. ,W. CtLýAU E IVEfrS PHONE 241 CASH SHOE STORE The Shop That LeadsIl BIRTHS BON D-in Winnipeg, man., April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Bond, a son. ROBSON-In Belleville, May 16, to Mr and Mrs. W. J. Robson,. William St., a daughter. McLAUGHLIN-At the Oshawa Hospit- ai, May 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray MeLaugli- lin, a daughter, DEATHS JOLLIFFE-At Lindsay, May 15, Hanuli Joîllif e, aged 86 yrers. COBBLEDICK-I-n Clarke, May 8, A&mos Cobbledick, aged 69 years. KEELER-At PortHoe May 10, Jor- don Keeler, aged 75 years. GOU LD-In Oshawa, May 9, William H. Gould, aged 59 years, 3 montbs and 18 days. Interred at Stirling. MaQU IRE-In Orono, May 14, William MaQuire,,aged 72 years. Father of Mrs. H. W. Hamm, Bowmanville. POWERS-In Orono, May 6,i Harriet Diana Hughson, relict of the ate Mel- vin N. Powers, aged 65 years. PROCTOý-In Toronto, May 9, Freder- ick Charles Proctor, at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. E. Cbalkley, 42 Kewatin Ave., forpierly of Orono.' MOORE-At Port Ferry, May 6, Elean- or Groves, widow of the late Thos. Moore, aged 78 years. Grandmother of Mrs. Frank Jackman, Bowmanville. McCARTHY-On SaturdtLy, May 6, at ber late residence, 83 Bond-st., Toronto, Bethenia Dtcker, beloved wife of E. Ai- bjert McCartby, in her 68th year. HAGERMAN-At the residence of lier sister. Mrs. F. C. Tisdell, 114 Havelck St. Toronto, May 15, Clara Porter , wid.ow 0Ï the late Thomas A. Hagerman Interment at Port Hope. TO LET GARAGE TO RENT-Apply to W. F. Ward, Bowmanville. 18-tf FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good land and buildings, immediate possession. ApplyJ. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf WANTED TO RENT-Smnail furnished house wanted with electricity and bath room. 'Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 20-1w5' ROOMS TO RENT-For summer. kit- chen, dining room, sitting and bedrooms, suitable for party of six or less. Gar- age for car. Apply to Miss Emma Kniglht, Lakeview Farm, Port Bowman- ville. 20-3w1 FARM TO RENT-Between Oshawa and the lake. About 125 acres in excel- lent state of cultivation. Ample build- ings. Plowing after present crop. Full possession Oct. lst or April lst. Apply to G. D. Conant, Owner, Oshawa, Ont. 20-tf. FARM TO RENT-South halves lots Thirty-one and Thirty-two, Fourth Con- cession, Darlington, 200 acres, improved f arm land. Plowing after present crop, full possession Oct. Ist., 1922. Appyt G. D. Canant, Barrister, Etc., Oshawa, Solicitor for the owners. 20-tf l ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Young Yorkshire Pige just weaned. Alan Campbell, Raby H1ead~ Parm, Bowmanville, Phone 183-5. 20-1w*I Buckeye Brooder, 250 bot water egg in- eubator; 120 Prairie State Brooder. Ap- ply to G. R. Parks, near G. T. H. Station, llowmanville. 19-tf FOR SALE-Reed Baby Buggy, revers- able gear, in good condition. May be seen at Hy. Buchanan, Silver & Welling- ton-ats, Bowmanville. 20-1 Threshing outfit, 1 grain seperator, 1 clover miii, 1 engine, tank and ensilage, cutter. Apply Mrs. Ethel Wilson, 229 Garden Ave., Toronto. ï9-3w CAR FOR SALE-Ford Car, 4 nearly niew tires, mechanical condition in good shape Big bargain for quuick sale. Ap- Ply to A. W. Piokard, Bowm&nville. 13-t FOR SALE AT BIG BARGAINS- Pair flraught Horses, 2 heavy platform. spring wagons, 1 lumber wagon, 1 express wag- on. Apply to J. W, Knlght, East End Livery, Bowmanville. 18-tf FOR SALE-One wicker baby carrnage, f'eversIble, one wicker sulkey, reversible, one wicker go-cart, with top, ail in fIrst- elass condition, a bargain. O0. E. Loucks, Duke-st, opposite South Ward School, Bowmanvllle. 19-2w POU LTRY MEETING The annual meeting of Bowman- ville Poultry Association will be held lin G. -W. V. A. Club Roomns on Fri- day, May 19, at 8.00 p. m. Election of officers and other business. Full attendance urgently requested. DOMINION ALLIANCE A union service will be held in the Opera flouse on Sunday, May 21, at 8.30 p. m., to be addressed by Rev. [Ben. H. Spence, Toronto, in the ln- terest of the Dominion Alliance. Mr. Howard Russell, the Canadian Bari- tone, winner of the Earl Grey Medal will sing. Everyone cordially invit- ed. Royal Theatre Monday, Tuesday, May 22-23 Viviau Martin ini "THE SONG 0F THE SOUL" Wednesday, Thursclay, May 24-25 Pauline Frederick in "THE STING OF THE LASH" Friday, Saturday, May 26-27 Marion Davies in #"BURIED TREASURE" Monday, Tuesday, May 29-30 i"Just Around the Corner" You who laughed and cied over "Humoresque"-well you know what human appeal may corne from the lives la some hum- ble street!-When the joys and sorrows of those lives creep close and become your own. You who will sec "Just Around the Corner", wilI laugh and cry again. Over another, different story of New York's great East Side. Over another mother, an- other son, two girls and a couple of men. No shimmering silks are here. ,No place of wealth. But struggle and frailty, fighting, loyalty, in- fanite love. Ahi in the clattering, challenging, thnilling whîrh of the world's metropolis! A rare and happy hour awaits you-"Just Around the Corner". Admission 25c and'15c. I fui Careful shoppers, realize that low prices does flot aiwaysnot always make' a bargain. Knowing how true this is we have set a high standard of value-giving for this publication. "The best pos- sible quality ait the lowest possible price" is the policy behind the Mason Store. That's why you can depend on finding good values here, TAFFETA AND CANTON CREPE DRESSES We have combed our regular stock of, taffeta and canton crepe dresses to make this offer to the ladies of Bowmïanviile. These dresses are ail of first class quaiity and workmanship. The styles of the dresses are the very newest. The colors are Navy, Brown and Black. While they last at $18.75 Each SWISS ORGANDIE AND VOILE DRESSES From the workshops of "Jeanette" some people say they are made as well inside as out. They certainly are well finished with their "chic" Frenchy designs these SwissOrgandie and Voile Dresses are reasonably priced from $7.50 to $19.50. Your Inspection is Invited. TAILORED AND'FANCY VOILE WAISTS A new shiprnent of Voile Waists, tailored or in the popular overblouse eff eet. Wonderful de- signs, exquisite patterns priced from $1 .25 to $4.50 CONGOLEUM RUGS Congoleum Rugs in ail sizes, in ail patterns, we have a most complete range at the most reason- able prices: Congoleuim Art Seal 3 x 9 ft $ 4.98 Congoleum Art Seal 6 x 9 ft $ 9.00 Congoleum Art Seal 7.6 x 9 ft $11.25 Congoleum Art Seal 9 x 9 $13-50 Congoleum Art Seal 9 x 10.6 $15-75 Congoleum Art Seal 9 x 12 $18.00 S. . ason &bon Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods Phone 106 Bowmanville WHEN YOU DRESSI You will find yourself in good humor and better satisfledl with your appearance if you have a cornfortable shirt and a collar that just fits the neckbancl and permits your tie to slip through easîlyYou will find our MEN'S FURNISHINGS ail designed to give you comfort and ease and to look and wear well. Can you ask more? COLLAR BARGAIN Discontinued lunes of soft collars, silk and pique, ail sizes and shapes, reg 35e to 50e Sale Price 29c Bwmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. What Is A Bargaîn? M il WATCHMAKER ENGRAVER

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