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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1922, p. 8

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RIIEUMATISM Rheu ~animsd similartrouble hIva'ia.bly yield to titis T.R.C.eo (Tempetoes Riogmatie Capa sui.u) Ueatmnt. Many doctors and maay huadrode o! druggiste froum Coast to Coast Win conlina thi*trath. The. huadrds of tes- tinuwda ilettens la mur! le8 sh-aw that TfL.C.s3 have sucSmaftMy treated Pemt e4Lumbage, Neugthlatcaan @ute !oa- raltko&Ukîn su kt ths beg; lv&w*î e ur *wu exp.rienc. Il rm euer we waat y.i te t17 FsPr«s Trial write T x 9C. O 56Ceiborne St., Toroatqê. Sold by Jury & Lovll Mîý oHE R sAVwE s DOUHTERS EAITHî LYdia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Helped Both Mother and Daughter L uini s d e n, Saskatchewan.-"My mother had taken Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and when 1 needed something for my periods I took it and got good results. I reconi- mound it to women with any f emale troubles and I know other women who have been helrped by It andi do the same."-Mus. MAX RETZER, Lunis- deu, Saskatchewan. Many cases like this come to Our' notice. 'Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vege- table~ Cnmpouud is oftea recommended b y the mother and the graudmother t-, for bear in mmnd, it has been hlPing women for nearly fifty years. Wornen Tell Each Other n your own neighborhood are W(.mon who know the value of this Y oderffl mediclue and they talk to S ,another about it. So if you are ti ubled witb pains a.nd irregulari- tir , a tired feeling, nervous and Sic Pless sPells, or have other annoy- in, symptoms caused by somne female trouble, you have only to ask some neighbor what she thiuks of your taking Lydia E. Plnkhan's Vegetable Compound. What Men Admire Most in Women is Perfect Health -the Sign of Strength Barrie, Ont.-"«I was suffering front a rundown systemn soie tume ago, -was unfit to perfonni my daily duties, and was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I tried it, took two bottles, and was restored to niy natural strength. I cannot praise Dr. Pierce's niedîcine too higbl y and will be willing to write to any one sending a stamped envelope."-Mrs. A. H. Bishop, R. R. No. 1. Mothers, Advice for You! London, Ont.-"I wish I could tel ail the women lu the world wbo suf- fer wlth woman's trouble, what a wonderful medicine Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription is. My earlîest expenience with it was during my first expectancy. I became cropsical and niy people were quite alarîed about my condition. The doctor's miedicine did not seem to reach niy trouble ut ail se my husband urged mie to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, and to pieuse hlm I did. Before 1 had finished the second bot. tle the distress and dropsy left mZ and I felt in ubsolutely perfect beulth. 1 had no futher trouble froni that tne on. I afterwards took Favorite Prescription whenever lu a nervous rundown condition and it always otrengthened' and built me up."-Mrs. Lily Stoddart, 438 Ontario St. At ail drug stores, or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory, lu Bridge- bulle, Ont, for trial pkg. tablets. The Double Track Route between Toronto Detroit Unexcelled dining car service. sleeping cars on night trains and IParlor cars on the pr4,cipal day trains Fr ull information from any Grand T eink Ticket Agent or C. B. Hornîng Titrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H.L H. JURY, Agemt Phoe .78 Bowzmnml The Great English Prepdration. 0 Tlomes and invigorates the whole nervous systern. makces new Blood in old Veina. Used for NersIous QDebiIljty, Me,,tai and Brain Wrry, Desponde Loua f Enerypalpitation of the Hear, aillng Memnory. Pnice $21Peebox, 3 for 15.0 Sold by ail dnsggists, or maited ln plain 'pkg. on receipt of pdc. 4ew pamphLWt ,aaled w3me.lI! W oD m £ =I C.ToRTooONT. Francis Bratley, a well-known fanmer of Whitby, who has resided on Kingston Road east of the town for haîf a century, dîed in Oshawa Hos- pital Tuesday evening, May 9, fol- lowing an operation for appendicitis. The late Mr. Bratley was a native of England, and was in bis 75th year. H1e was an industrious, capable citi- zen, and was very widely known and respected. H1e is survived by bis widow, formerly Margaret Michie, and by four sons and one daughter: Stewart of Oshawa; Walter of Prince Albert, Sask.; Herbert at home; Mrs. Percy Byers of Bownianville; Georgel at home. RAILWAY lIME TABLE,% --R BOWMAN VILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eas'e. Going West Express 8.42 a. mi. d Express 4.22 a. ni Express 10.38 a. mi. d Express 5.25 a. mi. daily except Monday Pass'ngr 1.23 p mn. Pass'ngr 7.06 a. ni Pass'ngr 3.09 p. ni. Express 10.02 a.m Local 6.49 p. ni. Pass'ngr 2.02 p. ni. Local 7.21 p. ni. Pass'ngr 7.18 p. nm. Express 9.58 p. m. d Express 8.24 p.m Epress 11.49 p. mi. d. Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. ni. Express 5.47 a. ni Pass'ngr 2.05 p. m.*~ Local 8.20 a. m*5 Epress 9.16 p. m.*' Express 5.08 p. ni Express 12.20 a. mi. Local 7.00 p. ni* *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadian N;%tional Railway. West Bound Ea.ft Bound Tyrone Station Pass'ngr 8.15 a. ni, pess'ngr 7.84 P. ni 20MINUTES That's aIl. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUIQO tablet your headache will be gone. One of these littie tablets--safe, rellable and harmless as soda-will cure any headache in 20 minutes. Or, better stili, taken when you feel the headache coming on, a ZUTOO tablet will ward it off-nip it in the bud. rTEETHINC TIME1i for mostchildren is a is surprisingly helpful to Iteething' children.I A ittie regularlyi Sworks wonders! I Lscott & Bonn, Toron ta A safe, reliable regulating rnedicine. Sold in three de- - grces of strength-Np). 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent repasdponpreceipt of price. rega .pamplet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO., ToltanToO NT fF.,wA W mad. i THE 66LIFTUP"I ALLBIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in conformity with the science of Anatomy. The IFTUP " a patented invention with non-slip etastic inside beit. gently, supports the abdomen and j, very benefidiai for use ater an oper- ation învolving an abdominal incision. Most effective in relîaving those physicai ailments trom which maxsy isomen suifer., WRITE foruceful hints on itin and self-measurement. FRE te genuine patented **LIFTUP" is a DIAS CORSET made onl y 'y IBAS COlRSETS LRDSMMD A DEPT. P PHONE MAIN 31700 FI LLED:' CORSETS covet a tiny cream jug, a cup aunt saucer-"Tbose people with mney mante for throwing away", and, after proper demun she would part with ue piece after another "for a vetry good suni". It soit well; and she baunted sales of a niorning. It was a bnight annimen day when people on foot and lu carriages ap- peared at the turn of the road bent upon the bill-clinibing, and niy host- SIRJOHN EATON IN IRELAND By E. B. B. Reeaur in Christian Guardian. The death of Sir John, Eaton ne- Eîinds me of a story told back lu the summer of 1917, wben the 231stý battulion was in camp ut Sydney, 1Vancouver Island, B. C. 3 My two lads were witb the 231st and I went over froni Vancouver to spend a little holiday as near to theni as I could get, and became the pen- sionnaire of au original and most 'eutentaiuing Scotch woman lu a tiny abode near a pretty bay. I neyer was lu so smaîl a bouse, non one more immuculately dlean and shîpshape. A tiny verandah, not widen than tbree feet wide, led into a tiny hall just broad euough for me to, pass througb. To the rigbt was a be.droom 4ust a tnifie langer than an ordînary steai- ship staterooni, and fiuîshed and fit- ted alîost exuctly like one. To the left was a "panlor", witb a table, two chairs and a uarrow lounge; ut tbe rean was a good-sized kitchen, a splendid pautry, and some sleeping quartens. I nented tbe two front roonis, with the use of the veraudah, and arranged to bave my meuls served lu the panlor. Lt was a de- lightful, quaint little place and veny prettily situated, and I wasto, bave my lads, and whoeven tbey pleased to bning with theni, to meals wbenever they might leave the camp. My hostcss was as pleased with tbe arrangement as I was, and "My man is a fiue cook", she confided, wheu Il told her my boys would bie lu for sàup'- per tbie first eveniug. ber "man" had been a sailor,1 and ail the varlous posts lie bad filleýd while sailiug the sens I learued usi the days passed by, for my bostess' bad pleuty of time for talkiug, and we used to sit togethen ou the wee verandab knittiug socks of a moru- iug, aud mauy confidences were ex-ý chauged wbile needies clicked., ber ian had built the home "with bis owu bauds and nobody's help;" that mas why it reseîbled a bout. The hostess, herself, set the table and brougbt lu the- food witb muuy a comment served with a sauce of real Scotch bumor; tbrougb the open doon to the kitchen, we could heur "what she suid and what they said"l recouuted to whomsoever might be there, and so we had a double treat. Wheu we weut into supper the first eveuiug 1 was amazed at the beauty of the china, the fineuess of the linen and the pnettiness of the flower-be- decked table. Real crowun derby cups aud saucers aud small plates; a fruit dish of a cneamy doulton, teaspoons of beavy silver, and uap- kins that were of the oldest Irish linen. To be sure the meut platter was of granite metal, aud the serviug spoons of kitchen pewten, but the contrasts but beighteued the uovelty of the meal. It was the uext Morniuig that 1 approacbed the cnowu derby lu cou- versation., and My bostess auswered witb delightful ikidifference-"yes, old china from our'home lu Irelaud", and gave histories of wonderful sets she had possessed ut one time and another. "My daugbters married and I gave tbem thein share"l-all suid with au air of grandeur that was more entraucing than even the Old Scotch Dame, lu "The Widow lu Tbnums". Then, as days weut by aund we stilI knitted, tbe real story of tbe china came into îny Possession, aud with the china came bier neigh- bons and Sir John Eatou. She was a thrifty womau, was My hostess, and had an eye to the buw- bees that wus almost disconcertiug. ber man wus witb a sbip whose laundryman disappointed tbem-tbe ship sailed froni Belfast, and to Bel- fast she moved with bier fumuly.' "Why shouldn't shie do the wusbing for the ship and charge a good pnice?" No sooner tbought of than put into execution. "There were othen sbips. It would be as easy to wash for mauy as for one"! The first tbing she had a big lauudry, so big that bier man must stop bis sea-goiug and help lier. The wife collected the money and kept the books. She felI ill. The tbought of someone else taking thut money and puttiug figures into books wor- nied bier, and before there was a chance te lose auythiug she iade au effort to recover and te seli the busi- ness. The ian migbt go buck te sea, but she looked about for more money-getting opportunities. Many visitons came to Belfast. Tbey walked Up a street leadiug to a big bll. They ueeded refresbmeut before A goodl bouse topd -erestt BOUNSALL'S W4ONUMENTAL ART WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and onty the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I empioy no cemetery caretakers as agents preferning te seu mny own goods thus saving the purelsaser the agent's commission. A Cali solicited. F. fH. Proprletor. Phone 326W BOUNSALL Bowmainvillie. Box 941 I3EAUTY 0F THE SKIN i. pe hetue dafroof every womaa, anS te o al by thse use of Dr. Ohs',Qnment. Pimaples, blaeklseadB, rougbnesa2 and redesas of thse sktn Irritation and eczema disappear, ann thse ski le lait sot t, emootis and velvety. AUl dealers, or Eimanson, Bates & Co., Ltmited, Toronto. Sampie Ires if ,ou raention tisis paper. 1 ess was making ready for their sus- tenance as she kept an eye upon the street to number those who niight want refreshment. A gay carniage with prancing hor- ses, coachman and aIl, came swiftly round the corner, and my hostess scented a prize and bethought ber richest china purchases; but, mistak- ing the place, the coachman drew up before ber neigbbor's home, Mrs. Crawford, between whom and the tea-house was a common with well worn patb froni kitchen door to kit- chen door. My hostess forgot, for the moment, ber other prospects, and 7went to the window to see -wbat would happen. The coachman alighted; opened the carniage door and out stepped a traveller, silk-hatted, dressed witb style and much the gentleman, Turn- ing be assisted a lady, and there was a moment's talk; then the lady and gentleman, instead of walking on to the tea-room, went ýtowards Mrs. C.iawford'$ door. The coacbhn mounted his box and waited. "I was that fiustered with wanting to know, tbat 1 couldna properly at- tend to wbat I had lu mind. and I didna seeni to care if people passed me right by, for neyer before bad 1 known of carniage f olk visiting the Crawfords--and they had gone rigbt in the house". A whole hour and a baîf the car- niage stood thene. Mrs. Crawford was lnaking a bit tea, for smoke was rising from the kitchen chimney. "When the children came froni school, I posted theni at the windows, and gave more mmnd to my customi. I thought to send one of theni to bon- row at the back door, but kept my wilI in hand to waît"l. "Mrs. Crawford went to the car- niage door with ber guests, and as soon as they turned the corner I wrapped my apron lunimy hands and started across. Mrs. Crawford was coming to meet me". "Lt was relatives they were", caîl- ed Mrs. Crawford. "Do you mind me telling of one Tim Eaton, who went to Canada? It was Tim's son and bis wife. Grand f olk, nich and well mannered, and they're in Ire- land and wanting to know every one of the family. . . .....Titled, too, and just as horney us ourselves"., It took al evening and many days to tell of the wonderful visit, and durng the recital my bostess' mind was husy. "In Canada", thought 1, "au emi- grant boy and a titled son-and not ashamed of his ain folk, but bunting f or them lu ail corners" "lMy family was ail girls but one, an.d wbat was I to do witb thein?"' Collecting ber goods and chattels, china, silver plate and ail, she set sali for tbe new country. Yes, and ber daugbters marnied almost'before they were grown; "honnie lassies, and as good as gold; brigbt and sonsie, each with a busband who bas a chance to reach tbe top". Her manandberself had ýcome to' Canada too lute in life, but tbey were told that gold was for the picking in Britisb Columbi~a, so on they travel- led, stopping here and there, making their way and saving tbeir banked mouey, until they reacbed the very outposts on an island in the Pacific. "We do very well;", only one girl reniahîed uîîmarni-ed, still in ber teens, and as pretty as a picture. There is no worry, everyone settled, nioney H. L. QUINN, ABi*g A fuil-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap is " S U RP 1- 1S E." Best for any and ail household use, For use in washing machines shave or slice a portion of the "SURPRISE" bar 'direct to the machine.-It will do fine work. Could Not Eat Constipation is ëaused by a torpid condition of the liver. Dos- ing with saits, castor oil, etc., to move -the bowels, cannoe afford more than temporary relief, If you are to ri1 yourself of this ailment and the scores of an- roying symptorns and diseases which corne in its wake, it is necessary to get the liver right by such treatment as Îs suggested 'in this letter:- Mrs. Alvin Richards, R. R. No. 1, Seeley's Bay, Ont., writes: "For two years 1 was afflicied with indigestion, and in the morning when I got up my breath was bad. 1 had a poor appetite, and jusi f elt ike eating certain foods. I usent many different medicines as a laxative witbout beneit, and the dôctor's medicine did not help me at ail. Finally 1 trient Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pis, and found themn bei. ter than anything 1 had ever tried. 1 can higbly recominend them ta any- one troublent with constipation or kid- ney troubles." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PuIs, one pi11 a dose, 25c a box, ail dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Bowmanville Local Committee Chairman. C. A. CAWKER, waiting f or work done at every turn, and blessîngs up onl the head of the son of Timothy Eaton, who carried the glad news of life in Canada to his home people, whom hie loved even ýhough hie had neyer seen until hie looked theni up. ANNUAL SELF-DENIAL APPEAL Bownianville Salvation Arniy Corps announces the annual selfde- niai campaigil again in progress and are solîciting contributions to carry on its work. It is worthy of note that the Sal- vation Army is operating in seventy- three different countries and colonies, speaking forty-six languages and has two thousand five hundred missionar- ies in non-christian lands, the ter- ritory known as Canada East has sent 157 missionaries and are ready and anxious to send more had they the necessary funds. It is, perhaps, needless to remind our friends and supporters of our many well-equipped hospitals and 'homes of undenoniinational character maintained at home, open'to al lu need. A minor proportion of the Seif-Denial funds raised wilI be re- invested in the work in Bowmanville. The local corps gratefully acknow- ledge past gifts and contributions and have confidence in the citizens that they will again respond to their ap- peal. A collector will be calling in the çourse of a 'week or two at every home and place of business, and do- nation forwarded direct to Capt. Key Salvation Arniy, Bowmanville, will be acknowledged through this paper. Yours very sincerely, George and Aliçe Key, 17-E, 0. W. Officers in charge.! Saving Russian hildren have been alloted to the Save the Children Fund workers ia the famine area about Saratov, by the AII-Britisb Commîttee. At present, the generosity o~f the Canadian people bas enabled the Canadien Committee of the Save the Children Fund to provide sufficient foont for 75,000 children ia Russie, who would otherwise have died from starvetien. INow that the Russian Relief Fund (including the British Red Cross), the Frieud's Relief Mission and the British and Canadien Save the Children Funds have been united under the direction of Sir Benjamin Robertson, more work is being undertaken and there is a corresponding increase in the dement for funds. There is absolutely ne hope that Russian children can be helped by Russia itself, until the barvest wbicb- cornes at the end of August. Se it la imperative thet money sudfoot continue to be sent through the Canadien and British Organizations right through the summer. WilI you gi've sometbing? 25c. will fend a child for a week. $1. will esisure sufllcient food for one child for a month. $500. wilI establisb a kitchen i the famine district end feed 100 children until the next harvest Chequea and money orders may be forwarded through the local committee, your bank or sent direct te Sir George Burn, Treaaus'er, Save the Children Fund, Elgin Building, Ottawa. AIRlsubscriptions are expended in, Canada on Canadian Foodàrtuffa. 7 SAVE THIE CHILDREN FUIND 1 nu

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