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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1922, p. 1

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e i Ab. API 4 Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, MAY 25,1922 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Oopy. N.2 ENTRANCING SPRING, WEAINGAPPAREL EXCLUSIVE, ARTISTIC ]BUT NOT EXPENSIVE Our exceptionally attractive showing will be a revelation to those who seek charming Spring J apparel in fashion's newest modes, while our moderate Drices will further enhance the pQpU- J arity of this store. 20 Ladies' Suits are being off ered this week- at haîf price and less. A truly beautiful assortment of Suits-~ Coat-Skirts-Dresses-Blouses-Silks-Taff- etas-and the finest range of Voiles ever shown in town. t t' MEN'S .DEPARTMEN T Our stock of Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits is very complete and the best values it has been possible to give for several years. Men's Tweed Suits from $13.50 up. An early inspection is in your own interests. 1I.-~~ Joh e'4-on's -,'Store SjTYLE HEADQUARTERS PHONE 271 Listed below are a f ew suggestions from Our choice and well selected your Spring selection. Our gods are ail new and up-to-date, and w. cualîty and prices make shopping a pleasure,. BO YS' BLOUSES WORK SHIRTS & OVERALLS New patterns, nicely made and We endeavor to carry. at ail times in the wantîled fabries, ail sizes from 75c to $1.25 the best makes in Men's Work I ________________________Shirts and Overails. COTTON JERSEYS Just splendid for 'this time of iyear in ail shades and nicely trim- med at 50C each BOYS' STOCKINGS Extra heavy cotton rib stockings, ail sizes in Hercules and Buster Brown Brands at - 5c pair A splendid line of Penma n's fine nib cashmere stockings, suitabie for better wear, selling for 75c pr WASH SUITS, We have a splendid line of Men's Work Pants at $2.35 that cannot f ail to interest you. Boys' tweed and worsted suits, the very best makes, tailored as carefully as our men's suits, from $6.75 to $18&00 HATS Our new stock is now opened Aslni eeto ocos out for your inspection. Many and Aslni eeto ocos varied are the styles and fabrîcs from in the best makes obtainable, and ail trimmed suitably and to corespndai ~szes fom I.9 ~ ail the new shades are here shown $4.95 suit. i at from $3.50 to $6.50each 3 DOORS EAST 0 F STANDARD BANK J OHNSTON' F>Owmanille Osha'a. M% BAILIFF'S SALE FdaMay 26th-O the premises, lt10, con 9, Darlington, known as the Greenaway Farm, there wlll be "od a lot of good miachinery also somech.1ce cows. Sale at 1 p. m. Seee bilî8. J. W. Greentree, Thea. M. Siemon, Balliff. Auctioneer. Royal Theatre- Friday, Saturday, May 26-27 Marion Davmes in "'BURIED TREASURE" A CosmopoIitan Production. Monday, Tuesday, May 2q-30 "Just Around the Corner" You who laughed a-id cried over "Hurnoresque"-wefl you know what human appeaý'rnay corne frorn the lives iin son ivihum- ble street !-When the joys and sorrows ôf those lives creep close and become your own. A rare and happy hour awaits you-"'Just Around the Coriper"'. Admission 25c and 15c. May 31-Juné I "FINE FEATHERS" with an AU Star Cs June 2-3 "4THE CALL OF YouTH. --T ki.s is an.other head !iLe COMINGC June 12-13 Betty Compton in "THE LITTLE MINISTER" By Sir J. M. Barrie 3 DOORS EAST STANDARD BANK stock, that may aid you ini making invite you to our store, where UNDERWEAR You'l need a few suits of under- wear for the warm weather., We have suec'h dependable makes as Penmans, Watsons and Arrow, Brands. Combination suits from $1.50 to $3.00 suit Men's two piece suits in Balbrngg- an and Menino at 75c and $1.00 garment KNITTED AND'SILK NECKWEAR Ail the new-patterns are represent- ed in our stock,, from 75c to $2.00 HOSE Fancy and plain socks -in mer- cerised and silk, from 75c to $1.25 Also Grey cotton work socks at ZSC Per pair SHIRTS A new shipment of Silk Shirts just arrived, ask to see them. SIf on the other side of the Street it will pay you to' lt),7 corne acros ROWMANVILLE METHODISM CLOSES FRUITFUL YEAR Church-Membership, Sunday School, Attendance, Young People's Activi- ties, Missionary Contributions, Connexional Claims and al Local Revenues Surpasa Previous Records Rev. S. C. Moore referred 'Sunday mnorninto,G the closing of the church year-on -April Sth-and to reports pre- sented at tel, Annual Meeting of the Bowmanville District last week in New- castle whicli brouglit out interesting in- formation tbrougb reports of the Var- irus funds, and memibership returns of liowmnanville Methois.,t Churcli that re- presents the resuits of, iu many respects, the most fruitful and prosperous year, botli spiritually and financially, in the church's history, for without exception, every department show& substantialý in- crease. In the matter of membership, mission- ary givings and ahl other conference and local funds high-water mark has been reached ail round. 1 The membership has increased from 800 to 905-largely as one resuit of the re- cent evangelistic campaign under the leadership of, Rev. Dr. J. W. Mahood, foilowing up the earnest and effective seed-sowing and service of the pastors faithful feilow-workers in the Sunday School, the young peoule's societies and the spiritual if e of the church lias also been deepened and enriched elsewhere. At the recent, regular Quarterly Board. meeting a hearty resolution was unani- rnously adopted in expression of the Iwarm appreciation of the Officiai Board cf the faithf ni and fruitful services rendered the cause of Christ and the churcli by Rev. Dr. Mahood and bis party. The Missionary offerings, including the W. M. S., exceed $250000Q, an advance of over $20000 on last year. The Edu- cational Fund advances from $21800 to $262.00, the Social Service fromn $5000 to $75,00, and ail other Connexional con- tributions from $497.00 to $583.00. The local revenue, inciuding weekly,- off erings, seat rents and Annual Thauk- Off ering. has largely exceeded any pre- vious year. The, total contributions of the congregation for ail purposes amnount to the handsome sum of over $17,000.00. The Sunday School, the Epworth League, the "Morning Hours", Mission Baud and Circle, the W. M. S., the Lad- ies,' Aid and, the Church Choir have al enjoyed a year of marked and manifest progress and prosperity, while the mid- week service continues to lie a source of insuliration to large numbers of grateful and prayerful people, who earnestly seek to keep the of evangelism alîve and active in the coinemuni«ty,. The future outlook is brilbtwlth poie ROLL 0F HÔNOUR St. Johin's CIwvehh, Bowns-nville Th~e çongregation of St. Jolun's Chit-ýrc Io eect a abetrecirding theý 4 nsof-thcneu na women 0 f thle1 congrgatio who/euhlted'or thle r makbtis list complet1e by corr-ecýting spelling., of names, gtving fuit initials, pointing out names that should lie omit- ted or added. Pleasec (omunicate' at once with Rev. C. P.* Muirhead. The names marked * indicate those who were killed. jAlvin D. E. Bailcy B. S. Barticît H. Beith G. Best R. Bowcrs W Brookiamn A. E. Burns J. Carruthers W. Carter O. Carey D. Chiltis J. *Cochrane T, Cooper W. H. Couiter F. (N) Cousins R. *Curran T. Darcli E. Da-vis R. Dustan -T. Etigerton'-J. EhiegetI C. P. (or.) Ehiegett H. Fcwster A. Frenchi J. B. Gam; gJ. Gootiail J. y1al C. *'Hughes W. Hayes T. *frciand D. *Jackson W. IJolinston R. Johuston W. Joncs E. T. Reliman W. Reliman W. $Crsliaw A. Ring G. LivlngA. H. LIwcusg C. H. Lowens V. Manship E. *Martin R. Mitchell T. Mobun J. Moss T. Muir M. Nicholson W. Palmer J. Penniugtou H. Rentier H. Roberts O. Roenigk W. Rowc W. L. Rowe W. J. ScobehI A. H. Simnick H. *Smth J, Southecy E. Stinton C. *Tait W. Tiorpe J. Verner W., S. IWliyte R. 0. * Wilson R. A. * Wrcun A. Annison T. Banting B. *Barr H. Bell J. B. Bonnycastle G. C. *Brewer H. BrummellJ. E Cartwright T. Carruthers T: Carey H. Churchll F. Cooper A. Case A. *Cousins E. Crossmau A. Cryderman F. Dati J. Dec R. *Etigerton H. Etigerton H. Fowler H. Fry H. i' Gibson G. Goodwin C. Heywood C: Mumpage 'G. HaTpyes W. 5îrchanti H. James T. Jolinston H. *Jones R, Kelîman G. Rdilman P. 5E:ersliaw F. *King F. Leo P, Living J. Lowens R. J. *Luxon C. MarslhhS. McLcan E. H-. Milne J. Moore W. Moss H. Moses H. *Oxiey A. Parker L. A. $'etty H. Rend J. Roberts E. Romans C. Rowe W. H. Sauderson D (N- Scobehi S. Smitli C. Southey E. C. Spry Gait, W. C. Tliorhcy H. Grohiope G. Watts E. Williams F. Wilson ,L. CASH PRIZES OFFERED, FOR FORESTRY ESSAYS Canadian Forestry Association has announced a ps-lac essay competition for the school children of Canada whereby rewards of $25, $15, and $10, wil be given in eac~h of the nnel provinces Vo those writing the most intelligent essaya dealing with somns phase of forestry of tree plating based upon local -conditions. The object oft the competition is Vo stimulate s5tudy and enquis- as to tVhs forest resources of Canad and their protection agagit1 the 4Ievàstation of lire; the planting of Vsees on us-ban streets; the establishing and improv- ing or f armn woodlots; and the de- veloping of Vs-se planting on the baure prairies. riul Particulars of the competition will be sent Vo every school eaches- in Vhe Dominion and replies should bel in Vhe bauds of the Canadian Foregt- ry AssociaVizn, OtV&a, not laVer tJ*u' November lst. SUCCESSFUL W. M. S. MEETING1 some other churcli, put on one of these ________sqnads. The officer as captain wîlI have soeinterested workers, some pros- Orono Convention One of Best Ever pectve members, and some who go te -Oshawa Next Place of Meeting. no churcli in lier 'squad' and it le Up te ________lier and lier active members, toeinake In te beutifl reactive members of the prospective mem- lu he eauifu r-decorated Method- bers, and non-churcli goers. The personal ist Churcli at Orono on Wednesday, May toncli and loyalty te God, to churcli and l7th., the 29th W. M., S. Convention of te country will do great things. Bowmanville District was opened at, 10.30 a. m. Mrs. L. A. W. Tole, Bow On motion unanimously passed, Ms r.lville, District 'Supt., was in the Crozier was requested te send hier pýaper chair, and Assistant Supt., Mrs. E. J. te The Missionary Outlook toelie publish- Bale, Oshiawa, was on the platform, and ed. After a recitation "'The Leper", Mrs. W. Hl. Argue, Bowmanville, was in dramatically rendered hy Mrs. Rowe of lier place as Secretary-Treasurer. Orono, these officers were elected' for~ the After singîng "Holy, Holy, Holy", Mrs.1 coming year: Tole led in the Responsive Reading for Dist. Supt.-Miss E. M. Werry, Tyrone. Missionary Day, and Mrs. (Rev.) W. S.t. Supt.-M-Niss Mabel Dave-y, Orono* P. Boyce, Cqurtice, led in prayer. Sec' . -Treas.-MiJss CarneL Courtie. Minutes of 1921 convention were readCurie and approved, af 1er wbicli Miss Tourie 0f Mrs. T. Wesley Cawhter, Bowmianvihle, Orono, the firsi District Organizer, wel- sang "The Chldren's Home" by Fredirie comed the delegates in the name of Or- Cowan, in lier usual piea.slng manner. ono W, M. S., and saîd that'of those Mrs. (Bey.) J. W. Rae Of Oo presenit 29 years ago wlien the District brought greetings from the Ï,resbyteriaui was organized, she saw only two besides Women's Mission Board. herseif in the churcli, but she was glad Mis dil Cmbehoeo fr- te see se many young women takinig an 1Ms dt apel oi, nfr interest in the society, whicb is sa dear lougli from Japan, addressedl the con- to hier heart. At the close of ber ad- vention, saying in' substance that the n il Irtneeds of JapaÏn are veryretoui deres Missboourjelbni in t111 he frtsomewliat hard to visualize. Thecy have pscetassibokalihe n irno dire poverty, tlieir diseased are weUl possssio alltliee Yers.and promptly cared for, but the deeper Mrs. C. A. Wight, onil, in lier needs-the needs of tlie soul are thjere. reply te the address of -welcome, struck The women seemn liglit-liearted and gay a note wbicli gave ail food for tliouglit, at first, but wlien you comne tb know tlim, and for prayerful consideration. .Are we thecy are lu great need of Chr-ist V- he intcrcsted in the W. M. S. work?; and iu Great Comforter. The formeraak- othe'r christian work? So interested ing in Japan affected ouly asml group, that we will train our girls to f ullY ithe-grqat mss of tlie people stili trust- realize that God bas somie de4inite plan cd imrplicitly te thie Emperor as thlitlier for eacb 11f e, and that before deciding whio would look after bis chiîdren now aUl tbey must await Bis will, and then follow are beginniug to realize tirat each jis His guidance. an individual, toelie cousclous of liimself, Hlymu 162 "The World must be con- and think for, himself. Theý women are Quered for Christ" was sung. The sec- realiziug that they,, too, are, apaleof retary called for reports of Auxiliaries Studçy and of blq7er educion, and need and most of tiemr reporteýd tha t thie study very mucli bïelp) to uise theýir nýw fouind book-' Caukada's Share ini tlie World's ipower wiselyý. Task' -bad been takekniup at tlieregularý For many ye are the Azoou Scliool 'Was monthly meetings aud thgLd proved very the ouly centre for W. M. S. work in benrefidial. Every aiuxiliary reported Tokyo, but 4 years ago a W\omneu's Col- haviug sent fruit, eggý1s, and other pro- hege was opened, from wich-l the flrst visions, and' bbales of clothiug and quilts graduating class-67 Young womien-havEý te Deaconess' Home, Whitby Camp,! anti just gonre forth, some t teacisomne 10 different mission stations, do social settlement work, some to live Bowmanvilhe reporteti 139 annual mem- for the Christ in their owni homues. One bers, 9 of themn new, 26 if e members of girl wrote wbile at the coHlege" Why whom 3 are new, and sent $405.5,5te we're ail treateti like bumran beings here". Brauch Treasurer, au increase of $25.30 a side liglit on womeni's position jin over last year. I non cliristian lands, Courtice lias 65 aunual members (an Social Setthement Work was sjtarted 2 increase of 4) and 18 if e members as years ago in the factory district, for of well s 2 Little Liglit Bearers. After the 3,500,000 factory bauds lu the city mucli thouglit andi tahk this auxiliary three-fifths are women and girls work- tried the plan of straiglit systemnatic giv- ing 16 to 18 heurs of the 24. in unisanitary, ing-each memnber giving a certain conditions, entîrely uncared for up to amount ecd month-Iwhth the result that tîme. Very many die, se tirat 30,- that, witliout any extra effort te raise 000 are needed eacli year toe5MI up the money, tliey sent te Brandi Treasurer ranks. Good work ls beiug doue $278.28 being $1.40 more than last year, amongst these girls and women. and the plan lad been in operation oniy Last year two Japaneýse bouises wr 9 menths. rented for Evangehistie work and splendid E nniskilheu lias 14 annual, nd 6hIfle resulîs are bi)ng ,,oibainedfrou tiJ mjemtbers, andi sent $45.00 to Brandli centre. Treaisurer. Iidratu are also doing fine ser- Hlam-ptonlias 1 new nulmme icbtteeae ny to taut 1makug a total of 33, 7 i1f e mmbrsg.d or1kers for 17 kineraren cetres. 8 Littýe Light Bearers, sent $179.22 to, M ni ore w orhters are urgently edd l5rncl] esrean ihrea . f-$2 ;.ITbe counttr'y ork ,ois epnig iner(ý,scof l i on 2 1uew post beiag opUjen1edjast 'year, but K-udal lhas 14 z.annalm iessot tee s el fetthe t'rle laisof 820.0 t. BandiTresurr wraers. 'l--womcu are- ýery uî-ýÀQuz Maph~Grov i 2 aalaua)memb ro to be toltabout oui' ' eus, ant W ph and .i soPjicl Tretsuer. wuse$0 eetinga i anddot av -tini mehr~ îî en 21.0 0Brni wQre' th-r Treaue.opruly i ow-ii j5 yeai's it niha Ncwonvhlelia 15annal,2 1f emcm fot le. Realizing tbat she ,is Édîsliked,À bersN', atn slent $164 to BandiTlnreaur- and shut ont from othe!r nations, Japan bersad n 5 4t rnhTesr is ask']ing wýhy? anti is hooing ýfor the er. remcdy. We are getting results from the Orono lias 22 tithers amongst ite 59 an- work bcbng done, cspecia11ly in the kinder- nusi and Il lite mefnbers anti sent $173.- gartens. One of our missionaries beiug 69 te Brandi Treasurer. On the day of at an inn. one Sunday, found a "baby prayer, Mardi 3, this auxiliary made our organ" in one of the rooms, anti sittiug District Missionary, Miss Jackson, the doxin began to play anti sing S. S. subject for special prayer. Bef,;ore tait- hymns. Soon many of the 200 guests ing lier seat the Orono Secretay reati a at the inn camne and joineti in the sing- message from Miss Jackson te the con- ing. Wheu she asked liow tiey knew vention.. tic hymns tbey ai saldti ley hearneti Oshawa Ring-st., las 26 tithers, 97 thern froin their ebiltiren who attentiet annual and 2 11f e members-an increase Kindergarten. The needtieo oliaw up of 3-anti sent $391.57 te Brandi Treo-s- those beginnings is very great. Japan i urer, being $52.00 more than last year. is ouiy a smaSh part of the needy places Oshawa Simcoe-st., has 23 tîtes 2 of the eartli. Oh, for workers, anti more annul, 7 lte mmbes, oftim ew, x123 oriters! If enougli conseprateti work- and sent $501.85 tb Brancb Treasurer. ers eau be found, the money to seud tliem wilil be forticoming. Leýt us link Tyrone lias 9 tithers, 42 annual mcm- ourselves together-and ta God-auti wc bers, 1 uew 11f e member makiug 6 in ai, can do great things-we eau do ail thlngE and sent $171.25 to Brandi Treasurer. Alter Mrs. W. R. Courtioe cf Courtie After a duet "Wben 1 survey the won- had sung "My Jesus 1 love Thee"-, very drous Crloss", sung by Mrs. East and Miss sweethy, Mrs. East anti Miss Reýdtiie re- Kedtiie of Slmcoe-st. Oshawa, the reports peateti their duet of the onu eso for Cirches anti Bauds were recelveti, by request, anti sang even better t1iap Mission Circles the flrst time. 1; Courtice lias 23 annual anti 1 11 em- The Question Drawer was haudillltiby ber, sent $102,66 te Brandi Treasurer. Mr.Tlau Mr.Be, om 0f ii Bowmianvllle sent $86.00. Owing to questians anti auswers beiug in brief, ai_ sutdchant selou iinea o Mis Eidfolhows :-Shoulti the same tielegate go te Suci, aCc erctarylnsof Mtser repo r Bandi hmeeting year after yeer? 1,No, afl Souc, Crcl Seretryno the reortneeti the inspiration. What are dute OshawalabKn-suie.oeMiso of Supi. of Systematic Giviug? To edu- OsaaRn-tFttieiHm iso cale the society te give systematically, Fieltis at their. meetings, aud at the hast and to report number of tithers to Branch meeting bati an examination on wliat lad Supt. Wbat is wautct inl Auxlliary reý- beeu earneti. Has 38 annuai members, parts at Ibis meeting?- Itemizeti report 3 ',Ife members and sent $63.65 to of numerical strength and finances and Brni Treasurer. report of work accomplisheti, and methiodz Oshawa, Simcoe-st. studled lives of found successful in its accomplsiment, Missionaries at reguhar meetings, lias 25 which m'igit be beipful to other Ai.<l- annuai ant i1f e member5 g îent $79.47 laries. Shoulti not more tir'e lie gven te Brandi Treasurer. te the Study Book at tlie regular meet- -Newcastle lias 17 annual, 1 Ifle mem- ings? Yes, but iu order to obtain best ber, sent $42,90 to Branci Treasurer. resuits ai shoulti prepreý, topic before baud. Wiat la the iest means of cobtaîn- Mission Bands ing uew members? Tlirough the Bowmiauvilhe bas' 29 annual members,traroite y h eroa sent $35.00, have roll cail at encli meetingtuc. and members responti with a word of tes- Very liearty votes of tlianks were pass- timony or passage of scripture. cd to the retting officers, Mrs. Tole, whe Newcastle bas stutiieti"Ari' fohas been Dist. Supt. for il ycarE, Mi's. Juniors" have 41 annual members antier Bale, lier assistant for 3 years, anti Mre. lite ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mbr mmesadset185toBandi5 Argue, Secretary-Trcasurer, for 2 rears, Tireasurer,adsn 385 eBac and eaci made a short suitabie repiy Newtuviie las 2 anualmembrs, On motion the Secretary wgs requesteti set $15,0, to Bandi2Trasnurer. rtsendtietoMiss Jackson our ioving greet- ,ien $1.00 teBranh Teasrer me ings anti the assurance of, our prayerful Orono lias 1 (uew) Ifle member, 44' an- interest lu lier work. 11 nual, sent $95,00 ta Brandi Treasurer. After expressions of sincere gratitude Oshawa Ring-st. bas 5 uew Ifle memn- ta Miss Campbllh, for ber wonderful adi- bers. dress, andtiet Orono Auxiiary for kindly Oshiawa Simcoe-st. lias 8 new 11f e hospitality, an invitation was receîved 33 aunuai anti sent $99.04 te Brandhinl Siincoe-st. Churcli, Oshiawa,. Treasurer. The retiring Supt. introduceti the ncw Hymu 90 "SpeetiAway" was sung anti officers anti bespoke for themn the Christ- the benediction pronouned by Miss Ian courtcsy anti co-operation whlchh ail Taurie brouglit the morning session to been accortied toelier anti ler assoclat:eaý. a 0ho8e. After a f ew words from e cd, the slng- A vcry bountiful bot dinuer was served ing of "Blest be the tie that Bintis", andi in tic, basemnent anti the ladies spent a tic benedictlon brouglit te a chose one of h1appy bour renewiug oltianti makiug ncw the most largeiy attentict anti most icip- acquaintances, before tic opeuing of the fui conventions ever lheiti on the Bow.. afteruoou session at 2 o'clpck. mauvîlle District. -CochJohsto-& ryermean~ ~hôxt* 1O~ i:3::: -~ - .- - -' - - -~ - ~ - d 3 Q g ~ c .~ s~- -. -~ -. - ~ * - - .& - - .r Ne%

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