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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1922, p. 7

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Rem ember The Nanne w m we 281I ITS STRENGTH, PURITY AND FRAGRLANCE ARE UNEQUALED The Sealed P.acket is your safeàua.rd Deposit Your Coupons W ~HEN you cut the coup-ons frora your Victory Bonde or other securities, the logical place te put theui (4ç is into your saving8 account. V#\,/JSavinga Departmente are insintained et al aur branches and \»,/Victary Bond coupons wil1 be received for ceposit or encaslt- ment without charge. Let the intereît from your investment ern more interest in the "Standard-'. S5TAN DARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTYTHREE MILLIONS Bowmanvilie Branch, . . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, .. E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonvilie Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager BsUY IT AT CHRISTIE'S71 BREAD BUNS PASTRY FANCY COOKING, CHOCOLATES CANDY ICE CREAM y CHRISTIE'S. BAKERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97. Bowmanville Cream1,,WVa nt ed Prices 'of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. ,e Want Yours If we fait to cati on you we woutd appreciate a phone cati or writeîus. Orono Creamnery Co., OR"ONO A Wise Buvilder, USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontari o Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best cover'Ing. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring i more dur- able 'and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside tfim- make the, best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deaL for every- body. Caîl and see us. McC1e1Ian & Co., Liniited King St. East Office Phone 145 1Bowmmevâll. Houa&, Phonos 228, 274, 218 SHORTANDTYPEWRITING, SHÔRTAND, BOOKKEEPINQ Complete Commercial and General lm- provemeat Courses' Students acceptod ataytime. Good positions for> ail graduan.tes. CANADA BUSINESS COL.- LEGE, Oshawa and Toronto, way piescribed by Willard Standards of Servce-and there aie no higheu stand- ards anywhere. Ontario'Battery SERVICE Moif atti Bldg Motor Sales Bowmanville Representing Willard Storage Batteries BOWMANVILLE, MAY 25th, 1922.' NEWCASTLE W. (Received.too late for last issue.) NEWCASTLE E. L. ANNIVERSARY Mr. Stanley Bonneil, Whitby, visit- in ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonneli, ii Rev. R. G. Carruthers, Blackstoc'k, North Street. Ga Preached Excellent Sermons- Many other visitors were here oversu Successful Concert. Sunday-drawn hither by the League týi ___________tio Newcastle Epworth League cele-,aniMr ady . Chs li an brated its 3th anniversary by sp- r.Ca. li n cia srvce i te huchonSnda daughter Ruth, Providence, at Reeve leý and a grand concert in the 'S. S. MiankAniin n Ms M-Tc rooms on Monday night, May 14tlhI Ms nl igmnadMs c and l5th. Rev. R. G. Carruthers Vitty of Bowmanviile, visited with of Blackstock, preached both moîn-' Mis. W. H. Pearce. ing and evening on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Prout, Maple In bis morning taik hie eulogized in Grove, with lier parents, Mi. and vigorous language the work of the Mis. Wmn. E. Gilbank.W Epworth Leagues, emphasizing the Mr. and Mrs. Staples and MisL facts that they were the training Christie Staples and Mis, Elford, Ln ground where ia the young men and!Welcome, visited at Reeve Geo. P. a women of to-day are being trained Rickaid's. to take their places as the leaders of Mr. ad Mis. Fred Tamblyni and the church of to-morrow. There family, Orono, at, Mr. S. Jose's and were passages in his discourse that e~rs. Warren's, taking in the Leaguýe couid not f ail to thilil the Young anniversary. heaits of bis hearers. Dr. Walton Bail and Dr. Harris, . Rev. S. G. McCormack by îequest, Toronto, and Mi. and Mis. Abert ti assisted in the evening service and BaIl, Reveistoke, Manor, Hope, spent G offered a beautiful -and inspiîing an enjoyable week-end at Harrisle prayer. Lodge. OQ Rev. Mi. Cairuthers took for bis Mi. Geo. Singer is now employed 2 theme "The Law of Accumulation" as- overseer and head gardener at based on the stoiy of the increase of Harris Lodge, while Mi. Stanley Milîs, - the talents-a law operative as surely Port Hope, has also been engaged bya in.the moral and spiritual realms as the doctor to make somne, improve- la natural and material -things. It ments and aditions to Gate House was a carefully worked out, eainest pieparatory to its reception of its and thoughtful sermon and eloquent- new summer tennants. ly delivered. ________ The choir rendered specially ap- R propriate music at both services, Miss OBI1TUARY Beatiiice Bragg singing¶ niC.elY ah Mrs. Fred G. Mitchell, Madisot, te alto solo part in the morning.Dao.'E In the anthem "0, Magnif y the Lord" at the evening service, Miss Her, many relatives and fiienda in Louise Ciydeiman'a and Miss Bragg's North Darlington will leain with re- voices blended finely ia a duet. Miss gret that following an operation Dorothy Holland held the audience whîlch took place in Madison Hospital, spellbound by the beautiful stiains of So. Dakota, on May 7th,,Margaret - lier welltrained voice in sacîed solo Qimiston, wif e of Mi. Fred G. Mit-. and the Newcastle Male Quartet cbell and daughter of the late John sang in their usual goýod f ormi "I have Ormiston, of Brooklin passed away. heard of a Land on a far away Besides the sorrowing husband, she ir Stîand". leaves two daughters, one son and Thefioer omitte hd dnetwo sisters, Mis. Thomas-Hall, Brook- et( their utmost to make the chuîch at- 'j1 nd i.WlimAey aln tractive for the occasion keeping la Two brothers, William J. Ormiston, mnd that it was also Mothers' Day, Enfield, and John J. Ormiston, 'Osh- and the pulpit was fairly hidden in awa, also survive. a bank of fiowers-lilies, tulips, ger- aniums -a nd narcissi. Men, youî Sping suit now awaits Good congregations greeted the you ait thenew loweî prices. Couch, preacher at both services, many vis- Jobaston & Cryderman. itoîs from outside points spending the day with fiiends for the pur- Oe I er Etnw pose of attending and enjoying these Oe l er Etrn- veiy successful league annhversary U T services. The concert on Monday evening by e Z .05. common consent was one of the fineat ever given in the S. S. Rooms. It was a broad, well-balanced, aitistic, one&CaestrtsTrno truly enîtertaining piogram, flot a -the higb grade business school poor number froni staît to finish, of Ontario. Oui graduates are ha neither Wveie there any jaiiing con- strong demand. Prepare now tîasts in numbers like we have and be ready to acceit a good sometimes seen and f elt ha mixed poiini h-aI rt o pîogamsby arius îtits.oui Catalogue, which gives com- AlI those taking part were heartily piete information. The pupils encored after every number. Mi. I of this school get solid value for Ewaît Clemence, the retiîing Presi- theïr rnoney. dent, made an ideal chairrnan, say- ing, neither too littie nor to1 uh W. J. ELLIOTT'î, Picpl but just enough to guide everything aîight and announce the nîtists and numbers. A,- Rev. Mi. Limbeit, in a few 'lrT M S woîds of appieciation at the close, said: "We have had miîth and sad- T e <'imno ness, comedy and tragedy, sacîed and' Th u j.,or sentimental,, epic and comic and nar- in the Canadien Typewritins conteste rative and ail by home or near home bas been astudent of theShaw Business Sehools, lent that convincins proof of enteitainers. the thoroush teachins we give' Your Miss Doîothy Holland and the boy or eil cen tart a business course Bowmanville Bragg Quartet-Mi julya Auguet. Send now for pro- Wm. S. Bragg and sons, Messrs. Otto spectus. and Wallace Bragg and Mr. Sam P. Molntooh, Chiot Princip ali Glanville as singera require no en -_ comiums from us as their talents are so weil and favoîably known that TORONTO t nothing that we. could say could en-I hance their popularity. __________________ Mia. R. G. Cairutheis. the elocu- tionist, was equaily clever ha inter-î itng girl, boy and adüît 111e, either nipaflor serious mood. She bas a well moduiated voice, pleasing man- ner and hier enunciation was clear' and distinct, as good a reciter as hier husband is a preacher. K/PI Miss Leta L. Bragg executed a W v N.fO A Medly of Sacred Songs on the piano and Miss Ella Turnbull "Nocturne" and each delighted the audience with bier careful and sympatbe tic rendition J w of these respective compositions. Mhss Hattie Mason played the ac- We've been in the bat- companiments for Miss Holland. The paitoaiine arranged by Miss, tery business long enough Gladys Jackson, B. E., might be caîl- to know all the thinga that ed "A Popular Belle's Resourceful-i nt . t was just as good as aay-j can possibly happen to a Tire RepairingI by -Modern eth'ods Your worn or injured tire will receive skiiied attention in oui Vuicanizing Shop and its if e will be lengtheaed. We will repair it according to, modemn methods--the beat methods known to the tire ha- dustry. All mateuhal that we put into your tires wili be the best mater- hais procurable. Bring ha your woua casings-- there may be mileage in them. If there is, we wili see that you get it. If your tires are flot wouth îepahuing, we'il tell you. WE SELL TIRES Jaieson iBjros, EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville Oshawa 1/d WE CAN USE MORE MEN AND BOYSI nour shop, leaîning dîîving, repair- ng, overhauling, motors, tractors. 'arages paying $5-$10 daily to oui uccessful graduates. Leaun auto, ractor mechanics. Be expert igni- ion, lighting, starting systems. Big vages, steady work. You can ean bhile learning. Write fiee cata- ogue. Hemipbill's Big Auto Gas ractor Scbool, 163 King St. West, oroato. 20-4 AUCTIONEER WILL. r. BAKER, Hampton, Ont, ive Stock a Spechalty. Live Stock ind faims for sale. Phone 167-14. 34t CHANGE 0F TIME For the convenience of the travel- ing public I am now making daiiy Tips to Oshawa. Leave West .End 3arage, Bowmanvilie, at 6 a. m., cave corner King and Mary-sts., 'sbawa, at 6 p. m. Satuiday leav- ng Osbawa at 5 p. m., ti Art Cole, Proprietor. Ne Ssekir.-Nla spayk.-I sud jusi Swallow a a ula RAZ-MAH la Guarant..d t restore normal btreahilg, stop muce rtherings ia the brenchial tubes, "îr mn of<tsetquiet slepncontalixesme ~'etna ra îMar agaciesor write rtmlat», 42King W., Terent. Sold hy Jury & Lovel GEORGE CHENERY General Contracter n cement work, bouse found-3tion, tc. Estimates furnished. King-et., lowmanville. 1- _yJET 'ry irequra rom? te IVwflbe In qae(10C quaefe) basIs fer anialysie of the costa oika B or Asphatt Siates i8 given beiow:, 1-01ITIAL COSSOP MATERILS-Bînntord Asphdt t Bles. a i onetimou lgher Iin Iitial ceai for the iateriel. 450 ni a u.Brnfr 3-COST OP LÂThIqG-Breaford Asphalt SIab Slaes are tour en oeeatrip--relidrce lyoICne opeîatlen in han4tIî«ne eoperatioa ln spciing Imtaivl4ualtatas are 8 x 12% iache-Cut essiy, 1 eaafly, *t on aneies and1 baud ovor round surfaces. leu savi 30 te 50 per cent, lulayig. 4.-INO PAIIIT OR STAIN REQUIRED-4lio mqmlaof ret ftorf AhatSlates laei nature)â permaynt colcrs, gîsen alid r.a ufadecaslways attractiveq--requiig net, ab ztte eD4se etti octs,, naquld coas tot maire them St-reegtRnt. S.-SAVflG OPI UA¶E-frntodAsphibSlaten are cIneM~ 1as unn-embuqtil by feeinsuranco companes-ae t rt e ot fromta o 20 peor c-ent. on preraluins lje ffecteai. I n crai localities fireïçgnltiern utd - bstspaper under semcreoo1 matedialebut rauf& ý mbitStes arefIre-reeatant Faad axé Immune tram specrel regulerians. 6--cosT 01? REP>APTl;--"com t -ait yprüli Bei a Asphalt Sate rocafeshow ml e s-' 100 per cent. ofth d ia rigie rM tauchafi. Bzantford Aeph ,*tSe@ doCa net curi, spUt, crdci-e rct Compare these roof costs with those of any ôther ioofing material- It is your rnoney yoU are spendlng and you want value for ît-then buy DIutrlbutedinder Brantfcrd Rooflng Trade Markk through Branfo«4 Roofl Dealers. Stock carde4, iuiormation.f urzléhU., service render.d by our d"ul la your district. Brantford Rofing Co.. Lmtd IEAi> 0111CR anâ FÂCTOIT Brantoed a Canada btsa&suet Temat., Meo iHMan d WIaaIp. For Sale By MASON & DALE DUNLOP TRACTION CORD q Dunlop Cords, with Dunlop Extra Heavy Service Tubes, make the ideal tire equipment for every car, any place and ini ail weathers. q Some two years ago 1 purchased two Dunlop Traction Cord Tires, 32x4. Sinco placiîng thema on mny Columbia Car I have covered 18,500 miles. In view cf the almost uninterrupted service Îhey have given, and stili are giving, 1 feel it is my duty te informn you of the great satis- faction I have received from their use. Also, I muet congratulate your -Company on the high standard cf quality tiiat îs put into the manufacture of tires, te enable themn to give such service." q I Dunlop Cord Tires you have " Traction" and " Ribbed " to choose froin. Ç I DtgaIoP Fabric Tires you have "Traction," "Ribbed," "Special," "'Clipper," "Plain." Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office »ad Factoresa: Toronto Branches in the Leadlng Cîtles T îaS~ Over 50 Years For over haif a cen tury the House of, Tod lias served the citizens of BoWmanville and commun- ity With the best in bakery and confections. During these many years there is, no time when we have been in a better position to cater to your wants in our chosen lines than NOW. YOU ALWAYS GET THE BEST., Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville w-v I 1 àmý 1 At

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