Give us a trial on that next job. You will be satisfied. LUEBOYS LIMITED Phone 188 Bôwmanville The Ngewcal4ýLSteý Indce THURSDAY, MAY 1922. PLANS FOR LAYING 1CORNER STONE! At Newcastle on Dominio n Day. Newcastle Council and the Building Cemmittee met on May 16#h to make ar- rangements fer laying corner stene of the Cemmunity Hall . An invitation bas been extended to Hon. Manning W. Doherty, Minister of A.griculture, te lay the corner stone on Saturday, Jnly le;. Special invitations will bc sent te Fred W. Bowen,. M. P., Rev. J. W. Rae, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Xikinson and Jas. Philp. The services of Orono Brase Band will hoe secured for this occasion. Dr. J. A. Butler and Reeve G. P. R1ck- ard are te arrange for a echool children's parade. Local Masonic, Orange and Sons of Englaud fraternel societies and local clergy will ho invited te participate in the ceremenies. Dr. Butier, and H. C. Bonathan wîll see te publicity and printîng of invitations, while Alderman Ilarry Jose and H-. S. Britton will arrange a program of sports. Plan now te ho in Newcastle on Do- mninion Day. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, also of Royal -College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- on and cbildren. 0ffice-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. I Honor graduate of Trinity University, JFellow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- C raduate Medical School and Hos- pitl of New York and Fellow of the ' F'oronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton's Residence, iN ewcastle. Heurs-S te 10 a. m.,, 1 te 3 D. m., and by appointment. cO0AL Owing to the strike it is impossible to get immediatel delivery, but I have a suffi- cient quantity on order to take care of ail mycustom- ers.1 Make sure of your nextl winter's coal by booking your order early. Geneo. Jamieson Newcaste "Bi-n- Canadas" NEWCASTLE Mise Ethel Celwill je visiting friende in Oshawa. Fred Lake vieited friende in Toronto lest week. Miss Jean Matchett, Toronto, le home for holidays. B. E. Moise, Bewmanville, sent Sun- day et home. Mr. Rtober t Gibeen, Toronto, was home over the week-end. Mrs. Frank Bennett je visiting ber daughters in Toronto. MissRu Thomas spcnt a f 0w days with friende in Hiler. Miss Glýadys'Bell, Toronto, le visiting with Mrs. Cunningham. Ed. Matchett is again able te take hie place bebinfi the countor. Mr. Ilarold Skinner sent the week- end àat Mrs. William Lake's. Mr. Sam Hurdman, Toronte, visited with Bd. Matchett ever Sundey. Howard Toms, Standard Bank Staff, Port Ferry, sent Sunday et home. Mies Graco Culley, Toronto, spent the week-end et Mrs. Frankt Bennettes. Charles Britten, Oshawa, spent Sunday in tewn, gest of hie brother Harve. Miss Amy Hunter, Toronto, epent the week-end with ber mether, Mrs. Hanter. Misses' Hoar and Bragg, Providence sDent the week-end at Mr. E. C. Hoar's. Mr. and Mrs. James Grace, Toronto, spent a day or two renewing old acquaint- ancos. J. A. Smith and family, and Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas meterefi te Toronto Thursday. Mr. and Mre. Herman Anderson and son Dick, motored'from Toronto and spent Sundey with ber mother, Mrs. R. P. Butler. The beýavy rein on Thureday evening dmlhonee of the fine shade treos opposite M',rs. Atkînsou's home on King- et. East. i Rey. E. W. Tink, Newtonville, ocupciod the Methodiet pulpit on Sonday evening, the Bey. Wm. Limhert taking the Ne0w-1 tonville annivereery services. Lorne Thomas, Trinity College, Tor- ente, bas returnefi home from bis eum- merî vacationi having completed bis firet year's studie s in that institution. Mrs. LaToronto, has purchased a lot et Newca-;,stle-on-the-Lake and in- tends bidn a cottage. She now hias a tout erec>tedý and le husy arranging ber garden. Latest eot from Mr. Thos. Brown report hlm elowly!ý recovering frem hie re- cent critical illuese. We ail trust that ho will ho able te mako bis annuel sumn- mer visit wNith us. Miss Eve Grieves' numerouà Newcast- le friende will ho glad te learu that se le making steady pregrese te, recoery from the effecte of a critical oporation which -sie uuderwen- in a New York Hospital. Mies Dora Langler, Toronto, le visiting friends lu town andi ne deubt ber many friende and acquaintances bore will ho pleased te kuow that seejoys P, good position witb a largo manufacturing concern lu Toronto. Mr. Frank O'Neil accompanied by hie mother and Miss Houa Thomas metor- cd te Wellingteneud epent the ý;week-end with Mrs. Bey Keecb. Mrs. ONDeil's lit- tic grandeon *accompanied them home fer a visit witb graudmna. I Contracter Buckley le busy moving the W. IL. Brown bouse on Ner bh-st., recenit- ly purcbased from Aleuize Cowan te hie lot on Baldlwin-st. It is Mr. Buckley's intention te, remodel and brick up thie bouse endfI have fi ready for occupation this sormmer. Mr. J. IV Be;(reberry, Oshawa, wes in town lookiing-,ov-e\ ihis King-st. preperty Ho bas decided teo couvert the large hall over the drug storie, and Jamieson bard- waro into an up te date fiat. This le a good move as5 dwelliugs are et -â'-prom- mum in Newcastle. LUcele Fred and our Post Master both dlaim tbat Contracter Chenery made a tiret dace job of the culvert et King andi Iteaver Ste. New let our Municipal Fathers got busy and finish the job by connecting the ditches witb the culvert thon al il ii howell. IfNowcastlo-on-tbe-Leke keepe on HORSE ROUTES BLACK MODEL (J f KIG'SCOURSHI 'Back (16880) KINGS CURTHIP'.BackModel', the pure bred stal-' le ~ riC[,n t 141151 (14722) Eurolmout No 1677 lion will make the season of 1922 as ' 'King's Courtship' will make the f ollows: seasonl of 1922 as f ollows: Monday noon, May 22, will leave Monday, May 22, will leave his lis own stable Enfield, and proceed own stable, lot 17, con, 6, Darling- to Jas. Crossman's, Haydon, night. ton, and proceed to Jas. Crossman's, Tuesday no001 to Harvey Curtis', BD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS lot 15, con 8, for noon; thence to Tyrone; night at John, Colwill's, Fred Smith's, lot 30, con 8, for night. Hlampton. At the regular monthly meeting of Tuesday proceed to Jas. Reeson's, Wednesday noon to Frank Hocka- NeweastleBoard of Education held on lot 4, con 7, East Whitby, for noon; day's, Solina; night at Bert Glas- April 6th the fellowing business was thence to Chas. Groat's, ýlot 17, con pell's, Taunton. tAcscuts epsed: 5, East Whitby,, for night. Thursday 11001 to Gordon Scott's Wm. Buckley, making brackets 5.00 Wednesday will proceed to J. Lee's Perriman's Sehool; night to bis own M. A. James & Sons, printing 5.70 lot 7, con 4, East Whitby, for 11001; stable at Enfield. S. Bo'nathan, repairs te tank 11.50 thence to Peter Leask's, lot 33, con Friday 11001 to Alex. MeKenzie's, Discussion took place re echool repairs. it was decided that membere of Board 6, Darlington, for night. East Whitby; night to bis own stable visit echool and fmnd eut repairs needed. Thursday will proceed to Bert et Enfield where he will remain till Finance Committee was requested te Glaspell's, lot 32, con '5, for noon; Monday no001. present estimates for year at May meet- thence to Herb. Tink's, lot 22, con 5,1 Teril~-$16.00; $1.00 to be paid at ing. Secretary %vas instructed te, secure for night. time of, service an;d $15.00 on Feb. 1, forms from department for use' of Friday will proceed to T. Albert 1923. Truant Officer. ides yoelo8,cn7fo202W3.Omtn wer Mr. J. Smith made over a cabinet forFidesTrelt8co 7,fr2-W.. mtn O er preeerving certain specimens belonglifg noon; thence te his own stable until te High, School without ýcost te Board. the following Monday morning. Secretary instructed te write Mr. Farmers in Darlington and East Men's good Tweed Suits from Smith expressing appreciation of Board W1tyTwsisaet ecnrt-$35 pa ocJhso n for bis kindly action. htyTwsisaetbccnrt$1.0u tC é, Jnto ad Miss Lee, District Scheei Nurse, ad- ulated on having place.d at their ser- Cryderman's. dressed the Board urging the advisability vc hscoc rdipre of engeging a permanent nurse.c hi hoc pure rdipte Average scool attendanee-rimr ldsaeSallion, "King's Court- tntermedi.ate 31, Senior 39. ship", which bias been purchased and I ( J At the May meeting these accounts bogh into tbis diîstrict by Horatio C O u. JL were passed: bnro'ubt H R. Pearce attending convention $6.00 His, Enniskillen. C'orp. of Newcastle, cord old side Terms-$16.00 payable Feb. 1,ad Tender of Greenaway & Elliott for eve- troughing at $200 was accepted. 20-2 Horatio Huill, Owner. Tender of J. L. Jones for painting at $130 was accepted providing he uses Government standard white leed and oul. VEMN REGENT Question of celer was lef t with Property1 The Imported Shire Stallion, pro- G S L N ofE S.Tim Lbetst_____ Board requested a grant from coun- iNrth, owE.S.nvie, wimaethest cil of $4700 for 1922.NotBwavle i mk th Treasurer reported immediate funds on, season of 1922 as follows: if hand were net sufficient te pay May sel-I Monday ay 22-Will leave bis @ t aries. An enterim grant of $2500 wasMa Psked. own stable and proceed to Frank H .e Se m it Bennett's, Newcastle, f0011; Ibence to Successor to Jas. Elliott Wm. Janes, Lake Shore, for nigbt. NEWCASTLE COUNCIL Tuesday-Preceed te Frank Ben- When starting to use your ceai MEETINGS nett's, Newcastle, noon; borne for oil stove ____night. (laent hneo hn. I>eeve Rîckard presided at regular; Thurscay-To Albert Rundle's, Ebh- es oechneo hn. meeting of Ceuncl held on April lUth nzr noon; home for nigbt, and when ail members were present. 'nezer, ,e Communications were received as fol-irernain until the f ollowing Monday lews: Cuna.dien Institute for 'Blind re- 1merning. t ig 211.Poe odr ciuesting grant, Safety Silent Policemaný Terms-$13.00 to insure a foal, All poring p23112attene d 0 r(e Old Beys' Reunien; Board of Li1tenseaciettomrstowesrsk Commissioners, re hotels; Kerr & Coèýh- 20-2 E. S. Trimm, Manager. rane, re atenographer's, fee. Accuts were passed as fellews: Chas Wlilson, dragging road and rep $ 6.401 Cee. Singer, digging ice 1.25 ____________________________________r M. A James & Sons, advertisiug 3.00 P. Martin, shovelling snow .87 Frank Bennett, work on roans 24.00 A. A. Colwill, gravel and milk 5.91 S a o a l u c a e Hlydro Cern. street ligbting 10.00 ar Wm, Perrin, work 1a ler8h se By-1,tiw permitting dogs te run at large, was passed. L C. P. R. was te be notified of unsatis- factory condition of subway on North-st..' Clerk was requested te notify Road In- Sre T-rrx ~'~~oh G i 'epector Greor and instruct Road & Bridge' erendorsW do Srens W reC... G l Commitoe on County Road System. May meeting of Councîl was helfi on the vanoid and. Blaek. 8th inst. ColO1tvs FoeceA tm teadPr Communications received: Dr. A. -ol01SoeFoee uonteadPr Farncomb, re tree demaged; Board of et Education, requiring $4.700 for echool. etOfl purposes; Dept. of Highways, oiling roads aeiH e hvl ok a n M w r May 29; Ilorticultural Seciety, acknow- ks os Soes oks a n M wr legrggrant, Sproatt & o, re lay- indgiene tene. (Xoodyatt). Petition was presented te pass by- oinlS~eil nr$9 law te close local'stores et 12.30 p. in. 1 R oin peîls py..............-72 on Wodnesdays until 5 a. m. next day. Ro~vofing ecii1c, 3 ply red siate ......... 3.50 W. Doline addressod ceuncil on this euh- ,~ ~ ject. Itwas decided te return petitien' with request the; came be revised te repd 7 p. m. inst(àad of 12.20 p. m. r 1 1 , T r 1 T '~ Repairs te road south of. Rectory was 1- E referred te Road & Bridge Committee. 'C.. ~ . /"Ne-w4 A M. Belet re unpaid taxes were return.. ed te Ceunties Treasurer. Dale of Court of Hovisien was set 'fer ________________________________________ Mouday, June 12 et 8 p. m. Account for road wxork etC. P. R. sub- way on North St. was ordered sent to_________________________________________ suporintendent. Accounts were erdorefi paid ns fol-1 lows: Frank Bennett, road work $ 54.00 T. W. Jac~kson, sur as constable 2.0 %OUP T. Moffat, aseeser's sel. etc. 61.80, Board of Educetien 25000OU READY SATU Ry LZD4)A Y Permission was given te, censtruet' cernent walk on west side of North-et. between King and George-ste.; and te grade Mill-st. from G. T. R. eubway ANNO1JNCINLG THE. 0PENING OF OURTP TP