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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1922, p. 4

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OPERA HOUSE, BOWMAN VILLE spe TO- NIGHT ie WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th suc ect OSHAWA LOCAL PLAYERS IN in THE ROvY AL CHEF1 A COMIC OPERA i 30 PEOPLE 30 ser In Special Scenery, Gorgeous- Costumes, Beauty n Chorus and Orchestra me THE TREAT 0F THE SEASON dic Under Personal Direction of Mr. Ernie Marks. chi ce] Af ter show a big dance is arranged at the Bungalow. cal ADMISSION-Show a.nd Dance: Children 25c; Aduits 50c. ti re< Tb Tb CHIROPRACTIC, (A philosophy, a science of things natural, and a system of adjusting the articulations of the gpine by hand for the elimination of the cause of disease- (Webster.) PRESSURE ON A NERVE OR NERVES is the cause of disease; the only place, where nerves are subject to impingement is at the articul:^ ations of thc spine. The spine is composed of 26 Imovable segments. Through various agents these segments get out of alignment, causing a pressure on the nerves emitting, and this pressure resuits in dis-ease. Chiropractors have not yet found one perfect spine., and in dissection of approx. 150 cases, by one investigator, there was found to be a marked subluxations of a vertebra governing the zone in whichi was found the seat of disease caus- ing death. HOURS: 11-12 A. M., 35 and 7-8 P. M. Gordon P. Souch, -D. C., Ph. C., 3 year Graduate of the "Palmer School" (The Fountain Head" of Chiropractic) I' expect to be in a new, office in a f ew days with rest rooms and every convenience to aid in the welfare of my patilents. READ then ÎBUY We have--just received several varieties of TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEEDS which we are selling at greatly reduced prices MANGEL AND RAPE SEEDS We have a si3lendid assortment of small seeds, also Dutch sets and Multiplier Onions. NOW IS THE TIME For you to give these your special attention as we are giving them ours. C. m. CAWKERÇ & SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE ARE YOU 19EADY FOR HOT WEATHER Hot weatber spoils and wastes food. The faniaus Bavnett Refrigerator keeps food fvesh and sweet. There is no waste wltb a Barnaè-t. It pays for itself in food it saves. FREE ICE-With each Barnett Refrigerator sold we give frea 2 weeks' ice. REFRIGERATORS FROM $16.75 UP WILLIAMS &CAN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmanville------ Furnitur, Dealer Onario HAYDON WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY Miss Rilda Siemon, Bowmanville, Mr. F. C. Vanstone desires to in-1 Anniversai ent Sunday at home. f ormi the public that hie will close his weewell ai Mr. and Mrs. Stiner, Whitby, vis- mili on Wednesday afternoons during ,d ait Mr. Theron Mountjoy's. June, JuIy and August 23-2 and evening, Mr. Russell Aunger had a very 'P__ ort Perry, accessful barn-raising recently, er- LONG SAULT sive and suite eting a hip-roof, and making other ____ manner. TJ ixovements. Ln was a great LogSault S. S. picnic will be held and their ini Our repair committee have been Saturday, June i Ith, in Mr. Rice'a Dr. and Mrý ,sy this week. The men of the woods. mnilw ommunity are repairing and cement- onvSund a g te curc pltfom ad sed BETHESDA ANNIVERSARY ing the Bro( Rev. W. T. Wickett conducted the several gooc ervice here on Sunday afternoon Bethesda anniversary services wÎil hi'hly apprE ahis usual efficient manner, choos- be held on Sunday, June 18th, when McKenzie gý g for the text "For hie was a g-ood Rev. A. K. Edminson, Orono, wiil Val Jean" an, etc." preach at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Special finish the w Sunday evening League was spien- music by the'school. Liberai collect-. to have the dly attended. The president took ions asked for in aid of schooi funds. complete th( jarge of the opening and closing uire. eremonies in hier capable style,1 then NOTICE 0F BOYNEVitos alied on Miss Vera Mountjoy to take WAEVIL is Webb: îe chair. The Bible leeson was AE MIL MisWb, ýad by Mrs. C. Avery, Mrs. W. guson's; Mi rhompson and Miss Vera Trewin. Mr. Jas. Moorey wishes to inform on Enniskiîl Phe topic on Mission work was weîî the public that he will close his miii Toronto, at )esented by Mrs. R. Crossmnan and Wednesday and Saturday afternoo-ns Mrs. 1H. L. âr. Theron Mountjoy. Miss Vera during the summer months., R. J. Luke ountjoy also read a verv interest- He wili aiso have plenty of Qats Scott's; Mr ng number to the Juniors comparing and corn on hand. 24-3* Enniskiiien, 0trees, how imiportant it is that they and Mrs. Jol hould have thé right start and grow with friends )eaifullv. After helarty congre- BURKETON and Mr. Ge ,tional singing a veading was given )y Miss Vera Siemon. League closed ith the Mizpah Benediction. leeting next weekin charge of Lit- 'ary Vice-President-Mrs.- R. Cross- nan. Real good program", Every- 3dy welcome. HAMPTON« Great preparations are being made for our anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Miton Avery, Bow- manville, visited at Mr. R. Avery's. Mr. Ezra Gifford, Bowmanville, visited bis daughter, Mrs. C. Hast- ings. Our boys piayed Ebenezer football team on Monday at Ebenezer, score Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephens, Toronto, visited her parents, Mv. and Mrs. E. Stevens on Sunday. Quite a number froni here attend- ed the anniversary services at Eben- ezer on Sunday and Monday. Mr. Lorne Hastings, Preston, Mr. Morley Hastings, Oshawa, visîted their parents, Mr. and Mvs. C. Hast- ings. Miss Katie McLeod, Winnipeg, Man., Miss Maud Curtis and Miss Mc- Lean and Messrs. Johaston, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Jas. Curtis over the week-end. League meeting Friday evening was in charge of Miss Marion Stevens, 2nid Vice President. After opening exercises Miss Muriel Trul vead the Seripture lesson. The topic "Train-- ing Missionary Leaders" was splen- didly dealth witb by Miss Lula Rey- nolds. Mrs. Barron and Mr. Salter favored with a vocal duet. Miss Ruby Clatworthy gave a reading and Miss Ruth Johns piayed a violin solo, after wbich the meeting ciosed witb the League Benediction.1 Sunday School Annivérsary wili be held as f oliows: On Sunday, June 25 Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. A., B. D., Cobourg, will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. ni. Special music by choir and scbool, under direction of Mv. T. Saiter. On Saturday, Juiy 1, after- noon of sports. League game of foot-bail Ebenezer, vs. Hampton. Grand supper at 5 p. ni., and concert at 8 p. mi. by Miss Jessie Tuite, Teach- er of Expression, Albert Coliege, Belleville, Mr. Fvederick Manning, barîtone soioist, Ccntral Methodist Churcb, Toronto,- Cox's orchestra, Oshawa. Watch for more particulars next week and in bills. SOLINA Ree-e Baker is at Co&nties Council, Cobourg. Mr. Joe Reynolds bas retuvned froni Cherrywood. Mrs. R. J. McKessock visited ber mother at Hampton. 1Mrs. Deweii is improving in beaitb we are glad tQ state. Mr. and Mrs. Warriner, Hastings, guests at Mr, H. Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baison visited ber sister, Mrs. Larmer, Blackstock. Mrs. John Reynolds recently vis- îted their daughter at Cherrywood. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pascoe, Cecil and Mr. W. Spry visited at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hardy, Lindsay visiféd their sons, Isaac and Harvey. Mrs. E. Wiibur visited at Ebenezer and like many others enjoyed the an- niversary. Mr. and Mvs. Everett Hardy and childven, Toronto, visited at Mr. Har- vey Hardy's. Mr; and Mvs. A. Gibbons, Miss Vera and Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, vis- ited n t Mr. Havry Avgue's Mr. Ivan M. Law attended on Fviday tbe annua[i sale of Aber- deen Angus cattie at Toronto. Messrs. John "Baker, ,W. Leask and S. E.,Wervy attended the Shorthovn annuai meeting at Pontypool on Mon- day. Mr. Frank Westiake bas lost more hens; thieves are very daring. Why allow theni to make a living so easiiy 0f course, tbey are known vevy weii. Miss Vera Baker bas been in atten- dance at Bowmanviile Hospital with Miss Mrgaret tascoe wbo underwent an opevation for appendicitis on Sat- urday. Mr. and, Mrs. F. Hardy, and Mv. and Mrs. H. Hardy, Oakwood; Mr. .and Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Bownianvilie and Mr. Aif. Hardy visited at Mv. Isaac Hardy's. Mr. AIf. Ayre is taking a carioad of sheep and Mr. Ivan Law a caniod of Aberdeen Angus catttie to Ovnis- town, Que,. to exhibit at tbe big ex- hibition tbere next week. League football gaine Saturday nigt-Enniskillen vs. Solina-was botly cotested. Many came over with the visitinR teain and the:score was 2-1 in favor cof Sauna. It was a rattiing good dlean gamne and ît looked as if the best teani won. -1 Mrs. W. H( burn, Kedroi Eat Mr., A. 0 J. Tamblyn and Mrs. SI W. PascoeÉ onto, Mrs, E and Mr. M.' G. Ashton, E Woodstock, ' Pearl, Indi& Gregor and at Mr. L. C. E. Pascoe, E Enniskillen, Mr. and Mn W. Smith's; barn was si burned with during the E boy has arri H. Stin son. ENFIELD iry services on Sunday ttended both afternoon gRev. W. D. Harrison, ,deiive-ved two impres- bble discourses in a clever The singing by the schooi tf credit to the chiidren .structors. The duet by rs. C. W. Siemon, Bow- as greatiy enjoyed by ahl evening. Monday even- )okiin MaIe Quartet gave , numbers Which were rciated. Rev, Geo. T. ,ave his lecture on "Jean but he had not tume to xhole story and we hope Spleasure of hearing him ie story in the near lut- Miss Mabel Powell. and r, Oshawa, at Mr. B. Fer- Ir. and Mrs. Theo. Sieni- Ilen, and Miss M. Hobbs, Mr. J. Hobbs'; Mr. and 1Pascoe and Mr. and e, Kedron, at Mr. W. rand Mrs. John Siemon, at Mr. F. Giibert's; Mr. Dha J. Ox'miston, Oshawa, s;Rev. W. D, Harrison eo. Jackson,' Port Perry, T . Ashton's; Mr. and epburn, Mv. Arthur Hep- n, and Miss Vice, Solina, Ormiston's; Mr, and Mrs, iand famuly, Orono, Dr. lemon, Bowmanville, Mrs and Mv. Atkinshead, Tor- [. J. Werry and daughter, Stainton, Enniskiiien, Mv, Haydon, at Mr. Russel Or- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. West, Mrs, C. Nichols and Miss an Head, Mrs. John Me- Mr. McGregor, Taunton, Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Brooklin, at Mr. Geo. Or- Mv and Mrs. W. Stainton, atï Mr. F. L. Smith's; ýs. W. Cryderman at Mr' ý;Mr. Daniel Knappls truck by lightning and àcontents on June 6th, eiectricai storni.. A baby ived at the home of Mr. BUYINGý *THE Mv. Dan Knapp's barn was struck by lightning and burned one day iast week. A gvreat ioss at this time of year. . Church, Sunday School and C. G. I. T. Ciass all at the usuail hour next Sunday and Monday.... League this week at 8 p. m. Social evening. Miss Rhoda Avery in theý chair. All are welcome. Report for S. S. No. 7, Dalington, for May: Sv. IV-Florence Avery, Bert Waterlouse, Willie Hudson. Jr. IV-Eari Adams. Sr. III-Dorothy Shortridge, Blanche Parkins, Dina McKnight. Jr. III.-Rub Mfln aid. Sr. II-Lena Glenny. Jr, Il -Mari orie McKnight, George Adanis, George McCutcheon. Jr, I-Ken- neth Pedlar, Clarence Pediar, Ernest Perfcect. Sr. Pr-Mabel Insiey, Charles Adams, Arthur Perfect, Jr. Pr.-May Adamis, Wilfre-d Insiey, Eul- een McKnight. M. A. Reid, teacher, MAPLE GROVE ANNIVERSARY Next Sunday and Monclay, June 18 and 19. Maple Grove has for some years been winning its way to popuiarity for its interesting anniversary ser- vices and the spiendid Monday pro-1 grami. Officers have been exceeding- ly fortunate this year in securing the Associate Editor of Methodist Sunday School Pubilcations, Rev. Archer Wallace, M. A., as the anniversary preacher. He *never-fails to interest and please- bis hearers. He will preach at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m.-1 Special singing wili be rendered by .'le schooi at both services, assisted by Miss Helen Yellowiees, ýBowman- ville, in the ,.fdternobn. Libyerai Df- f ering is requested in aid of Sunday School funds. Monday, June 19th, at 6.30 p. nm. a South Darlington League Football game will be piayed between Miipie Grove and Zion, Grand Concert in the evening. At S p. m. an excelent prograin wili be' rendered by these artists. Miss Emma Thonipson, Toronto, Elocutionist and Entertainer, one of Toronto's leading Elocutionista who come very higbly recommended; Miss Jennie Merchant, Bownianville, Soioist; the popular Bragg Maie Quartette, Bowmianville; Rer. Archer Wallace, M. A., wiii give a humorous address.' Admission: Aduits 35c; Chiidren 25c. Ail services and the concert wiil be held in the big enclosed shed. Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, B. A,, B, D., Pastor.1 Thos. Snowden, Superintendent. TYRONE The W . M. S. will hoid a straw- berry social on Wednesday, June 21, atf 5 p. ni., on the churcb lawn, Good prograni at 8 p.-m. by home and for- eign talent. Admission 35e and 20c. Visitors: Mvr.Will Cole, Toronto,I Mrs. George Coleman and Miss Eva Coleman, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coleman and Billy, and Fred Coleman, Oshawa, at Mr. L. J. Good-' man's; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman, sons Fred, Clarence and Eavl, wîth Oshawa and Brookiin friends; Miss Mary Richards with frends in Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McRoberts and cildren, Toronto,. with bis niother, Mrs. H. McRoberts; 'Miss Morris and Mr. W. Young, Bowman- vile. at Mr. A. A. His'; Mr. and Mvs. T. Findiay and baby Ola, with friends at Unionvilie; Miss Carrne Moore, Toronto, with lier aunt, Mrs. R. Woodley; M;. and Mrs, Arthur Stephens, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. B. S' evens, Hampton, at Mr. R. Burg- ess'; Mr. and Mrs. N. Hudson recent- iy vsited their son, Mr. Gordon Hud- son, Peterboro. Giad to weicome back to our village Mrs. M. Poliard who bas spent' the ýwinter with relatives in Lindsay and Burnt River .... Several froni bae attended anniversary services. at Eb- enezer on Sunday and ....a..... Rev. W. T. Wickett and, Mrs. Wickett motored toBellevilie and attended the Branch meeting of the W. M. S. ...The girls here played an inter- esting practise game of basebail Frn- day evening with Enniskillen girls, the latter making the iarger score. Lunch was served on Miss Wight's law. ... . The Schooi Board has re- engaged Miss Mabel L. Wight for the coming year. Miss Wight has en- deared herseif to ail families ia the community and parents and children willi be pleased that she is to continue as teacher... S5. S. picnic on Satur- day, June 24tb. Reserve the date and make it a day to be remembered ...Sorry to note fishing in Tyrone waters on the Sabbatb Day. Surely Reduced prices in -lVMen's Straw Hats, Regular $3.00 Sale Price $2.25 Regular $2.75 Sale Price $1.95 Regular $2.00 Sale Price $1.50 Men's Bathing Suits ,guaranteed al WoOl,' in greys, fawns and heathers, trim.-rned with fancy stripes at $4.50 ea Men's High Grade Balbriggan Combin- ations, Regular $2.25, Special at $1.65 Men's Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, A Snap at 69c per garment Men's Black and Brown Cotton and al-, ~OEMcMurtry Sporty ~ S ummer Shoes Showing FOR OUTPOORWEA1UNG or Recreation Yoti wiil fînd ourlîne of out-, ing shoes fo be most satis- f actory. There are Oxfords and Iow shoes here to meet every requirement. AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES White Strap Slippers, with one, two or three straps, coveredt heel $3.50 to $4.50 per pair Same as above with enamei heels $3.00 to $3.50 per pair White Slippers with 1 patent stvap, 2 button, covered- heel, $4.50 per pakb White Oxfevds, rubber heels, round or navrow toe, $3.00 and $3.25 per pair White Oxfords, rubbev soie and heels at $2.00 pr pair Patent and White Buck Coinbination, sport oxford,' weltI sole at $75 nrloi Men's Brown and White Canvas Sp)ort Oxfo low price of$ BOOST FOR BOWMANVILLE W.CLAUDEI? 1PHONE 241 CASH5 E VENT WEEK ord at the $4.00 per pair IHOE STORE OF~ We recognize that a store's mission,,in a community is to extend genuine ser.- vie and to give the best values- obtainable for every dollar rec'eived. We're out for still bigger business cit increased patronage of theý buying and by continuing to "Isëll for iess" soli- pub lic of Bowmanville. THIS LIST TELLS A WELCOME STORY 0F GREATER VALUES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 16 1& 17' B5uy Here and Save Money 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, Redpath's 75c Fresh Creamery Butter 33c per lb Pure Ceylon Tea at the old price 40c lb Pork & Býans, large tins 2 for 25c Ma<'caroni "Lion Brand" 2 pkgs. 25c Buckwheat Flour, 4 lb for 25c Canned Corn and Peas --15c per in Large bottie Tiger Catsup 30c each Muskoka Syrup, large bottie, try it 50e Potatoes, good cookers, while they last 25c per peck or 95c bushel Red Star Salmon, large tin,- extra q uality 140è each Ail kinds of Laundry Soap, 7 Bars 49c Fine Chick Food, 6 lbs. for 25c ri Children's White Voile and Organdie Frocks, with lace and ribbon trimmings ranging from $1.75 to $3.50 Children's parasols in a large range of colors, very special at' 59c eaeh 34 inch Scrim in cream and white, Very Special a t 19C yard 38 inch Scrim in cream and white,, with fancy lace border, Very Special at 25e Come and inspect our remnant table. Tt is heaped up with very special bargains. so a few p'air-of Wool Socks at 25c Pr Boys' Negligee. Shirts, Black and White Stripes, sies 12 to 13½/, at 59c each or 2 for $1.00 Boys' Cotton» Jerseys, with long ani short sleeves, sizes 24 to 30, Special at 48c each Boys' Norfolk Suits, sizes 5 to 9 years, To Clear at, $2.95 See ourline of Men's and B~oys' Run- ning.Shoes Fleet Foot make, at very lowest prices. & C.,Ltd. BOWMANVILLEL i Style - Quality - Valueé Special Values in Men's Department i > Watch the window Friday and Satur- day for Blouses and Sweaters at very special prices. Ladies' Print House Dresses in'alI col-. ors and sizes, Special at $1.98 Ladies' Gingham and Chambray Dres- ses with, organdie and gingham trim- ming, ranging from $2.19 to $4.59 Laîies' ~ l over aprons, in ail shades of chintz,- Special at 98c Ladies' Purses and Vanity Boxes, Special $2.25 and $2.50

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