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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1922, p. 5

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I LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. DISTRICT WOMEN'~ 1iN~1iIUIr.I Cobourg han decided to pave their The neme of Arthur' Simlick was la- st#- t and the contreet han inedvertantly omitted from the Hlon-I een awàrded to the, Warren Paving or Roll in env report lest week la Company et a cost of $$118,221.60. Senior Second Clesa of Public Sehool. Tomato BOO.eMrKS AND ,Most of the popular Books of Fiction to-day dost $2.00 each. You rnay read themi for 10e in our Circulation Library. This b small payrnent entities you to keep the Book out for two weeks if you wish, W. T Alen "4Big 20"V Bookstore Bowmanville Cabbage Plants John Baer, Bonny Best, Earbanna and Ponderosa Tomato Plants[ 15c doz or 50e per 100 Cabbage Plants at 10c doz Cauliflower Plants 15c doz S. J. Jackman & Sons FJorists and Growêrs Phone 80 Bowmanville IThe. Glory of a Woma n' s Beauty is Her Hair * Every lady may now be proud of beautiful hair, for nature has releasedianother secret in A perfect'prýeparation for the hair which not only removes and prevents dandruif, falling hair, itchixng scalp,' but also cleanses and'improves the hair in every respect. CHRISTIE-RIMMER SALES COI S Lombai'd-st., Toronto, Ont. I f Your Druggist Cannot SUPPly You Write Direct m Price $1.50 Lawn Mowers Sereen, Doors Window Screens, also Hammocks, Mason & DaIe's hardware Phone 145 Bowrnanville Down Goes The Prices EXTRA SPECIAL Smoked Picnic Hams 23è b Pickled Picnic Hams 23 b We were - only able to get a limited number to seil at this price. G. A. Edmondstone One door eu8t-of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bewmanviile BOWMANVILLE, lUNE ligth, 19221 1 scenery and costumes,, and the musi througbout la of e superior type. Mi Ernie Marks under whose persoa Sdirection the opera is coning wi accompany the show. AIl who st tend, are ass ue f netertalinme; weil worth 'the price of admissior 26e children; 60c aduits.1 , >. 1 LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Miss Isobel Bennett, Terento, spent Sunday witb ber mether. The chaste young woman is net running away frem anytbing. Mis. Freeman, Teronte, visited ber aunt, Mis. Jacob Gaud who is very Mi. Mis. J. Fleming is spending a few days with Mis. (Dr.) Jas. Moore, Brooklin. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Nicholîs, Wes- leyville, are visiting bis sister, Mis. J. T. Bragg. Miss Pheohe Lake, Newcastle, spent Sunday with ber cousin, Miss Minnie Webber. Mr. Fred D. Cherry, Schenectady, N. Y., is visiting bis mother, Mis. R. Cherry, Cherry Cottage. Strawberries and ether good things, Methodist Church lawn, Tnesday, June 27. Goed program. Eventually you will try Chirope'ac- tië-Why not now?. * See Sonch your Chiropractor, B owmanville. Miss Annie Coulter,' Toronto, spent the week-end witb ber parents, Mr. and Mis. Thos. Coulter. 1Dr. and Mis. F. C. Trebilceck, Te- rente, spent Sunday wîth his parents, Mr. and Mis, P. C. Tiebilcock., The automobile is still popular in Toronto. During May permits were issued for 718 dwellings and 528 gar- ages. Cheice dairy butter sold as lew as twenty-three cents per pound at Garden Hlli this week. Quite a dif- ference te the Port Hope price.- Guide. 1Miss M. M. Armeur is again oc- cupying her cottage et the lake. Reri many Bowmanviile fîiends are glad te see ber after a long sojonîn ini Torente. Mr. and Mis. Josepb Reay of Mid- land, announce the engage ment of: their yonngest daugbteî, Kathleen Mary, te Mi. Fred V. Hinman of Windsor. Oshawa Reformer makes the veîy sane suggestion that Victoria Day be celebîated on the Monday neaiest that date. Wandering holidays are truly upsetting. Mr. and Mis. Mattbew Brewni and son of Walton Cttage, New- castle, spent Sunday with Mn. Wm. Glliem, Market Gardenor, and othex' friends here. 0f fivo milk tests recently made i Oshawa one sample was clasified bost, twe were classified ns feur, one was cendemned and one dealer bad his license cancelled. Osbawa Methodists were repiesent- ed by Mis. A. Mackie f or Simeoe Churcb, Mis. R. A. Wrîgbt'and Mis. Martin for King-st. at the W.- M. S. Brancb meeting at Belleville. Mis. Geo. Woods, Owen Sound, wbe bas been spending a week with ber little grandsan, William G. James, Liberty Place, duîing bis parents' ab- sence îeturned heme on Tnosday. .Mis. John Wbitfield, Oshawa, an- neunces the engagement ef her youngest daughteî, Razel Mangaret, to Glen E. G., sen ef the late W. H. and Mis. Piper., The mairiage to ;take place eaîly in July. Dr. E. Fraser Bowie, 191 Spadin. Ave., Toronto, bifought bis mother's remains here for intermont in the family plet on Friday. Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., of St. Paul's Presbyteria: Cbuîcb, officiated at the cemetery. Mis. L. Jollow attended the gradua- tien exercises of Nîcholîs Hospital Peterboro, on Tuesday, lune 6, when ber niece, Miss Gledys Parker of Marmora, cempleted ber course in nursing, coming third in a class of twelve. Daniel McGuiness, found guilty or a charge ef seductien, tbe plaintifÏbe. ing a gi under the age of sixteer years and a resident of Cartwrigi township, .came up bef are Judge ,Ward on Friday moining and was sentenced ta one year and six months in thi refoîmatory. ,McGniness bas serveé tbîee months in the local jail and thie wîll be deducted from bis sentence Mi. Egeiton Boyce, organist anè choir leader ef Port Perîy Methodisl Cburch, bas accepted a similar posi tien in St. Paul's Presbyteriar Chnich, Port Hope, and will assura( duty August lat. Rle is son of Rev and Mis. W. S. P. Boyce, Couitice. Mr. and Mis. Franklin Brimecombt ennounce* the mairiage of the:i daugteî, Ruby Eleanor te Mr Dewey Milton Lester on Monda3 fifth of June, 1922, et 319 Reven Iweod Ave., Rochester, N. Y. , A- home in Buffalo, N. Y., efter July lat eBowmanville relatives wiab then UTENDERSWANThU The Rends and Streeta Cemmttee of the Town of Bowmnanville,' are aaking for ra Tenders for the construction ef 4 ft. ra cernent sidewalk on undermentioned of streets: 'n- On Church Street frem Ontario to St. îe George, south ide. he On Brown Street from King te Queen lsStreet, eaat ide. on Vitoi Street from Ontario te I. Pku n-' srcidc,,t!ifl5 ma> heseen a- ka the Town Engineers Offiue. ii The lowest or auy tender wi!l'nfot neces- aarlly lie accepted. Tenders will be received up tot 4 p). m., ut Saturday, lune !7,-1922. f. P. F. Newhouse, Town Engineer. Bownianville, Ont., lune 12, 1I2. 24-1 The Annual District meeting of the West Durham Women's Instiutes wr11 be heid in the Methodist Church, North Nestleton, on Wednesday, June,21st., at 2 p. m. Misa E. Reynolds, Mrs. J. R. Cooperë, President. Se'y.-Treas. BIRTHS HEARD-In Oshawa, June 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie Heard, a son. LOWERY-Ifl Clarke, on .Iune 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilartwell Lowery, a son. SLOWN IE-7At Niagara Falls, on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lownie, a son. CLARKE-At Watrous, Sask, on lune lst, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs, . I. . Clarke, a son (Billy.) Osbawa G. W. V. A. la extînet. Baby's Go-cart wanted-see ad. Mr. Harold.* Thuiston, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. D. Coleman Warnica, Peter- boro Normal Sebeel, is home. Dr. Julia Thomas, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. M. A. James, Lorne Villa. Rev. Geo. A. Beacock, Reading, Mich., is visiting his sister, Mis. A. W. Pickard. Miss Margaret H. Syer, Liberty-st., lef t last week for a visit with rela- tives in Boston, Mass. Mi. and Mrs. L. Jillard and child- ren ,Toronto, spent the week-end atg Mr. Frank Jackman's. Mis. James Burgess, Toronto, re- cently visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackman. Mr. P. H. Mason bas retuîned from two weeks' visit with bis son, Mr. L. L. Mason, Orillia. Mis. Etta Ashlee and *daughtei Clara, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mis. F. Cater, Salem. Mr. and Mis. Tbos. Peain, St. Maîy's. nie visiting heî uncle, Mr. Jos. Jeffery, and ether friends here, Mrs. D. lleddon, Toronto, bas been visiting ber brother, Mr. Rd. Tien- outb and other relatives ia this vicin- ity. Mis. R. -D. Cameron and son Ver- non, and Miss Maîjorie MeMullen bave gone* to visit their brother at .Darlingford, Man. Mr. and Mis. R. T. Stephens, Mia. A. E. Clemens and Mis John.Peîcy at- tended the funeral of their cousin, Mi. John C. Rosevear, Cobourg, on Tbursday. Mr. Frederick R. Bamforth, B. A., M. A., son of the Rev. R. and Mis. Bamfortb, Deseronto, bas been ap- pointed teacher of Mathematies at Abert Coliege, Belleville James A. Brown, for many years principal of the Whitby Public Sebools, and lately of Toronto, died at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, May 25, f ollowing a lengtby illness. Mis. William A. Wbite and daugbt- er Miss Mildred Wbite arîived at Lorne' Villa on Tuesday £rom New~ York City ýte be present at Ontario Ladies' College Commencement Exer- cises and Durham Old Boys' Reunion. Miss Glenn cf Glenn-Charles, Toi- onto, Canada's Hair Fashion Store, will be in Bowmanville,. Thuîsday, lune 22nd, Bowman Hanse, with a fulll ine of Ladies' and Gentleman's Elai Goods. If you are ,net satisfied witb the appeaiance of youî bair consuit Miss Glenn who is an author- ity on Hair Goods and individual hair styles, free demonstration. Consuit Miss Glenn re oui heîb tint for gîey hair. Il24-1 Her many Bowmanville' friends will be pleased te leain that Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa, dàugbtei of Mr. and Mis. Jerry, Westaway, , Queen-st., Bewmanville, who for the past few -weeks has, been acv.Ery busy .candidate in the Enropean Tours con- .test lield hy tbe Tarante Sunday Woîld, bas been succesgful cemîng 'first in District number tbîee, and ;third in the wbole contest. She will j oin a party of twenty young ladies te take n trip abroad. Miss West- away, with other snccessfui candid- eates, sail fîem Montreal about July 'let and durîng the trip will visit England, Scotland, Ireland, Frane, B elgium, Swtzerland and Spain. The Iduratien of the trip will be twenty- Segtdays. ri-, TOLEi p- h, FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good tf land and baildinga, immediate possession. ly Apply J. C. Montgomnery, Oshawa. 15-tf id TO LET-Furnisbed bouse wlth all P- modemn cenveniences te rent for the aum- tmer months. Apply te Mrs. H. J. Knlght, ar Division-at., Bewmanville. 23-1w t- TO RENT-Heuse and eue acre of land er twenty minutes te town or lake, excel- 1, 8lent fruit, ffteen dollars per month. Âp- ply W. F. Wàrd, Barrister, Bowmanville, OP1 Ontario. 24-1w t FARM TO RENT-Between' Oshawa >sj and the lake. About 125 acres in excel- L lent state of cultivation. Ample build- te iugs. Plowing after preseut cr051. Ful apossession Oct. lat or April lst. Apply te -a G. D. Conant, Owner, Oshawa, Ont. 20-tf FARM TO RENT-South halves lots Thirty-one and Thîrty-two, Fourth Con- cession, Darlingtou, 200 acres, lmproved farm land. Plowing after present cr051, full possession Oct. lst., 1922. Apply te- he G. D. Conant, Barrister, Etc., Oebawa, or Solicitor for the ewners. 20-tf iRlRT-ORSL FOR SALE-Brick residence, 7 rooms, and eue acre of land, with fruit trees, nt Nursery Cerner. Apply te W. B. Plneh, Division-at.. Bewmanville. 5-tf FARM FOR SALE-50 acres of west lot 13, th concession, Darlington, 5 miles aorth of the town of Bowmanville. Àpply ou promises, E. Barrett, Bowmauville, R. R. 6. 24-t FOR SALE-Brick cottage contalning 6 rooma, furnace and electrlc lighta. Hard and soft water in bouse, good garden and fruit trees. Apply te J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowmaniville. 12-tf FOR SALE-Lot about lflfty feet front- age et cerner of Centre and Concession Streets, containing geod barn, eaaily con- vertible jute, bouse. Appiy Bruce Hon- eywell, 60 Duke-at., Torouto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens fftrm located et Tynene, Ont., containinè ne huudred and ffty-four acrea, about 20 acreh orchard, aine bearing. Plougbîng posseasion this Faîl. ApPIF Bruce H-oney- weIl, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or tele- '91-1' Bownanville. 152-tf BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three o f the fineat building lots la Bewmanville are belng offered' for sale at reai bar- Igaina, sltuated at the east end ef Loyers ILane on Liberty-et., 40 ft. front by 126 anetdeewater. Apply tI orn 8. B.sw fndet er, handy ntiorn e Sin 9e James at àtatesman office, BowmanvMle. mn mm FOR WEDDINGSý BIRTHDAYS AN NIVERSAR lES ""G ive Gifts That'Last" YOU FIND IN OUR LARGE AND AT- TRACTIVE DISPLAY MANY SUGGES- TIONS WHICH MAKE GJFT-GJVING A PLEASANT AND EASY MATTER. IT NEED NOT NECESSARILY BE EXPENSIVE, BUT YOU MAY BE AS- SURED IT IS THE BEST IN QUALITY. YOIJ'ARE WELCOME TO LOOK AROUND WITIINO OBLIGATION TO BUYIUNLESS YOU REALLY SEE WHAT YOU WANT. ALEX. ELLIOT WATCHMAKER MARRIAGES WINN-BELT--At Oshawa, lune 5th, in SL. George's Church, Alilson Lenore Beit, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Beit, to Dr. Nile Hughes Winfl, New Hlamburg. ANDERSON-FLETCHER-At "The Rosery", the home of the bride's par- ents, on Saturday, June 10, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. -A., B. D., James Elmo An- derson and Edna Muriel, only daughter of Mir. A. H. A. Fletcher, both of Dow- manville. DEATHS JACKMAN-Ifl Bowmanvjlle, lune l3tb, William Jackman, aged 87 years 1 Funeral from lits late residence, Jack- man-st., on TITursday, June l5th. Ser- vice at 2.30 p. m. NORMAN-In Toronto, lune lth., Bcatrice Jane Norman, daughter of Mr. Samuel Hearle, aged 43 years.0 BULLIED-Ifl Cobourg, lune 6th, Fran- cis A. Langstaff, beloved wlf c of Mr. R. E. Bullied, aged 49 ycars. Interred. la Or,,no cemetery. IN MEMORIAM In loving mcmory of our dear mother, Mrs. E. Rice, who departed this 1f e Junc '14, 1918 We do miss you from our circle, yourà tender tones we love to hear And in fancy picture truly, as of old, thy presence here. But a secret something whispers sweetly te the inward car That an angel hovers ever, like a mother's spirit near. And we know that when the ransomed gather iu their home abeve, \Ve shall neyer, neyer miss thee from the circle of our love. Sadly mlssed by the Famlly. TEACHER WANTEO A protestant teacher for S. S. 1, Dar- lington, tirst or second class certificate, state experience. Duties to commence September 1. Saiary $1,000. W. C. Ashton, Secretary, R R 4, Bowmanvilie. 24-tf VERY DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE Tcn-roomed s olid brick house in good condition, electricity, waterworks, furn- ac, 14 acre land, good garden, centrally located. well-planned for double hense, Apply to Mrs. James Deyman, Queen-st., or box 269, Bowrnanvile. Dbone 54. 22-tf LOST WATCU- LOST-On Good Friday, FInd- er please icave information at Statesm5fl Office. 20-tf LOST-Brown Leather purse lest on Monday evening ln town or on Manvers Road north of Bowmanvllle, containfng money, handerchief, stamps, etc. Finder please return to Mrs. Leslie Collacott, R. R. 5 Bowmanville. Phone 146-r3. 24-i WANTED HELP WANTED-A young girl, as mother's belp. Mrs. R. H. Westaway, ,Queen-st., Bowmanville. 24-2* - WANTED-At once for spot cash, by private family, first-class Jersey cow. T. C. Drawer B, Bowmanville. 24-1w WANTED-1Bahy's Go-Çart, Wicker, drop back, la good condition. Mrs. Thos.- Martin, Elgin-st., Bewmanville. 24-1* WANTED-Wantiug to buy a mmall Eframe buildingthat will bie suitable for a 1summer rcsort. Apply Walton Cottage, 1Newcastle. 24-tf WANTED--Girl to assist with light 1housework, one who will sleep at borne. Apply to Mrs. C. B. Kent, Beech Ave.,I Bu wmauville. 21-tf' WANTED-A good reliable man to op-1 erate a Wjldfire Battery Service Stationý for Bowmanville and District. Apply, West End Auto .Supply, Port Hope, Ont.'ý 21-3, BOARDERS WANTED Board and 'room for a limited number îof men or girls. Apply to Mrs. H. Ed- tmond, Prospect-st., Bowmanville. 24-1w Sly Reynard !knows a thing or two-. Jt's seldorn that he's caught in a trap. One needn't "be foxy" but you must be alert and know your business thoroughly if you want to succeed in business. FurliRemodeling an d we are experts in that partîcular line. and let us prove our-words to you.. Corne I G, N. THURSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. DISTRICT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE liaïve Your Band Compete in the BA%'ND COp (_,NTEST3wl at the Toronto Exhibition T HIS YEAR, Music Day at the Canadian National Exhibition is Thursday, August 3lst. Last year, this was a gala day at the "Ex," and thousands of mu.sic loyers gathered to hear th e contes I and encour- age their respective favorites. The competition is held yearly with the object of improving band music through- out Canada and ail bands should strîve to co-operate. Every Band Mas an Equal Chance of Winning e1-2950. in Cash Prizes The competition is open ta al amateur bands and is divided into two classes, according to size of band. In addition to the cash prizes a ".pecial Challenge Trophy wiil be awarded to the winning band in Class A, in, whose custody it will rerrain for the ensuing year. The winner's name will be inscr*bed on the trophy. Besides this,- each nmember of the first prize band in both 'classYes will receive a handsome individual award. Ail memjbersý%ïf competing bands admitted ta the Exhibition grounds free,. Bandmnasters, bandsmen and others interested can sectlre full particulars regarding adjudicators test pieces, ruleg and entry forms by communicating immediatly with The Secretary, Exhibition Band Contet Committee 45Yonge Street Toronto, Ont. Th je Shop T% hat Leu3ýads BUILDERS' ATTENTION! We are prepaîed te do aIl kinds o: cencrete, plasteîing and brick werl specializing in- concrete work in a] its branches. Estimates furnisbed an4 satisfaction guaîanteed. Peter Martin & Son, 24-t Elgin-st. N., Bowmanvilli ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Twe second baud sets sir gle harness, one collar and hames. -r W. Cawker, Bowmanville. 22-t FOR SALE-Canoe and complete outfÎ No reasouable off er refused. Apply t Wreford Souch, Phoue 815. 24-3ý Buckeye Breeder, 250 bot water egg in cubator; 120 Prairie State Brooder. AI ply te G. R. Parks, near G. T. R. Statioz Bowmanville. 19-t CAR FOR SALE-Ford Car, '4 nearl uew tires. mechanical condition In goo shape Big bargain for qulck sale. Ap ply te A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. 13- FOR SALE-A quantity of 8-foot ceda posts; aiso a number of 9-foot poats suit ahle for anchor posta. Apply te, Luthe E. Mountjoy, Burketon Jct., R. R.1 Ontario. 24-3 FOR SALE-Auxllary Cabin 810< 'Eislasy", Hull 25 ft., beam 8 ft., droi 4, ft., overali 32 ft., sail area '400 sq. fi Comfortably seaworthy yacht. $550 cal or would consider good 20 or 22 ft sailir skiff as part payment. Apply or writ E. J. Wadsworth, 15 Oak-st. Oshaw2 23- TEH DERSWANTED The Waterworks Committee of th Town of Bowbimanville, are aaking fc Tenders for the excavatiug and back fil] ing for laying a 6 lu. water main, depit cf ditch 5 ft. 6 iu., on Odeli and Elg Streets, approximately 2450 ft. long. Plans and specifications may lie seene the Town Engineer'a Office, The lowest or any tender will net neceE sarily be a ccepted. Tenders will be received up te 4 p. n Saturday, lune 17, 1922. P. F. Newhouse, Town Engine« Bowmauville, Ont., lune 13, 1922. 24- JEWELER ENGRAVER Iff e have

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