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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1922, p. 6

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r VlT A MINFuS precious h.eathbuiding ele- ments are essenial factors of growth te every child. Scott'ys Emulsion is the food-toc of special value toechIlcen. It is rich'in vitamines- Lbuilds health and pro- motes growth! S Ott & Bowue. T'oronto. Ont. 22-1 Cook'i ~ tt«On Root Compound2,. 4sa/e, reli ble ret7ulatUng aen. EId i hrIeede- gresoftregt-No. 1, 31; / Sold by aldugsr r~n S prepaid on receit pricf Free pamphlet. AddIress: Yes, And They Must Ke'ep Well and Strong Two Interesting Letters Toronto, Ontariro.-"When my hus- band was called back to England in 1914 1 took Lydia B. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to strengthen nie so I could work, I had a trouble that ';sed to make me weak, but 1 an able to do my work now and arn perfectly satisfied with .your medi- -eine. I stili get It at the chemist's and I strongly recommend it to any- body I hear of suffering as 1 did. You may publish this if you wish." -Mas. E. }IOuNBLOWEB, 899 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. 1 Did Not Feel Like Working "I was in a general runi-down con- dition-with a weak back and a tired feeling so that I did flot feel, like working. My mother was taking Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and recommended it to me, so 1 have taken It and my back la better and 1 arn now able to do my work, I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my neighbors and you may pub- lish my letter."-Mias. JosErnIAT A. GRENIEn, Box 47, Carbon, Alberta. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound should be taken when you flrst 'notice sueh symptoms as nervousness, backache, weakness and lrregularity. [t will help you and prevent more serio,çhns ruble. flve If afair . +,.... RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eas,ý. Going West Exres8.42 a. m. d Express 4.22 a. m Exrss1.38 a. m. d Express 5.25 a. m. daiiy except Monday Pass'ngr 1.23 p .m. Pass'ngr 7.06 a. m Pass'ngr 3.09 p. m. Express 10.02 a.m Local 6.49 p. m. Pass'ngr 2.02 p. m. Local 7.21 p. m. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m. Express 9.58 p. m. d Express 8.24 p.m Epresa 11.49 p. m. d. Csinadian Pacifie Railway Going East Going _Weut Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.47 a. m Pass'ngr 2.05 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. mr* Epresa 9.16 p. m.* Expres s 5.08 P. m Express 12.20 a. m. Local 7.00 p. m* *Daiiy except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towaj Agent. C-anadian Ntional Railway. West Bound' East Bound Tyrone Station iiPasa'ngr .8.15 a. m. Pass'ngr 6.34 P. m Hreadache Recurring headaches usually corne from an exhaustion of the nervous system, and they do not disappear until the vigor of the nerve ceils is restored by auch up- building treataient as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Temporary relief by use, of powders às often obtained at an enormous expense to the nervous system and the general health. Cet the nerves riglit and the headaches will not return. -Mrs. W. J. Pearse, Nunn St., Cobourg, Ont., writes: "My sytern became run-dawn and I suffered greatly with pain in rny head. This waa an severe that 1 would have to hind a cloth tighdy -about my head so that I could get rny work done. A friend advised the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve BOWMANVILLE, JUNE l5th, 1922 THE FOOD VALUE 0F MILK By Miss Helen G. Campbell, Dairy Br-andi, Ottawa.. Number 2 The quality of the minerai matter in milk la another reason for its im- potac in the diet. Tbere are mnkinda of minerai matter in our, f oods, but tbe cbief and moat neces- sary ones are lime, phosphorus and iron. It is thîs substance which gives rigidity to the bones and, teetb, and tbe cbild cannot bave a strong frame or a beaitby body witbout a sufficient amount in bis food. Milk is tbe chief and cbeapest source of lime and not only is it pre- sent in wbole milk, but in skim-milk, buttermilk, cheese and ail milk pro- ducta, with tbe exception of butter. The mixed diet fis often deficient in minerai matter and by f ar the most practicai and safeat -way to be sure tbat the child wili bave al be needa is to give bimi plenty of those f ooda. Pbosphorus-,la also ,abundant and the need of the body for this sub- stance will be met by a liberai use of milk. Tbougb milk bas not a great deai of iron, the amount it containa la of excellent quality and this miner- and fruits. The body needa another constituent in food wbicb it can convert into en- ergy for the body to do its work. The sugar in milk belpa to do this, as does also the fat contained in it. ,Commercîaliy, tbe fat is the moat important and, wben miik la bougbt and sold, usualiy the price isa regu- iated by tbe percentage of butter fat it containa. Butter fat bas always, been recognized as good food and is now looked upon as more or lessaa sandard of value. But lately cream la known to bave another somewhat mysterlous value, because of certain substances it con- tains about wbicb very littie la as yet known. The name "Vitamine" was firat given to this indispensable substance by a Pouash investigator. Dr. Mc- Collum, by bis work, proved tbat there were at ieast tbree kinds of vita- mines. These be prefers to desig- nate by tbe non-committal names of Fat Soluble A, Water Soluble B, and Water Soluble C. As the name implies, the Fat Sol- uble factor la losely associated with tbe fats in certain foods, and it la known to be contained in large amounta in butter fat. Professor Sherman says "tbere la no substitute for fat" in a cild's diet, because it contains this indispen- sable substance, witbout wbicb, nor- .mal, pbysical growth, or proper men- tal development is -impossible. 1The fat in ezizs and in certain vez- WhoýLeGrains FOOD scientists advse these for-hot weather aikaliaize and "lcool the blood." Roman Meal, because of its Flaxose, is the only aikaline cereal sold. Very delicious. It 4,cools the blood," clears tbe skin, aida digestion, positîvely relieves constipation. Saves You moaey, keepa you lit. ATir GGOCERs of inflammation speedily and thor- oughly and will strengthen them against subsequent attack. And as it eases the inflammation it will us- ually stop the cough because it al- llays the irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. $ 98 Puts Miss Simplicitfy, In Your Home ISN'T it worth that to be forever free from wash- day drudgery? Miss Simplicity actually does it, Saves your health and strength. Gives you more leisure ta enjoy. Sa easy ta operate, too. Works while you attend ta ight duties about the bouse, Washes every gar- ment and piece perfectly. A big week's washing in an hour. 0e - Do flot miss this offer. Let us give yaua demon- r' x No matter what you buy iii kitchen utensils, de- milka fine food as well as we do and dustry. The- Dairy Commisslouer, it is the best medium for their growth Mr. J. A. Ruddick, anxious to If germa were big and dark as blackl, serve the public in the beat way and, cats, we wouid avoid thein, but be- being f ully alive to the value of cause they are so small -that they daîry produce as a good food, decided cannot be seen, we ýprefer to trust to to add to bis staff an officiai whose luck that they are not there. chef duty it wouid be to dîsseminate We can at least keep milk dlean information on this subject in any and, if we are not absoiutely sure of way suitabie or in any way desired by the source of our milk aupply, the the people. heaith of the animais and the per-. In this Mr. Ruddick .had the support sons handling it, we can pasteurize of the heada of the department. To it and make it safer without taking me bas been given the privilege of away from the food value of the carrying on this work, and I wiah to milk. 1 ay that in whatever way I ean co- flow many dairymen are really vit-. operate with any organization or any ally interested in selling the beat miik individual, I shall be happy to do so. rather than juat milk? Perbapa_ some day we wiii have refrigerator cars for transporting milk and, when S orne people go to cburch more to the millenium dawns, we can count aetirfcshntoavter on it that among the chief fooda will sav herfae ha o ae hi be dlean, fresh, properly bandled, sus pure milk and the f ooda that are It Will Relieve a Cold.-Colds are made from it, the commoneat ailments of mankind The ovenmet o Caadais eîîand if negiected may lead to serious The ovenmet o Caadais ellconditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie aware of the importance of the in-l Ou will relieve the hronchia a saears -~ -~, mand that each article carry the SMP trade-mark shown below. SMP Enameled Ware is saf e to use;, acids or aikalis iIIl ot affect it; it camiot absrb odors; cleans like china; wears for years. Teil the storekeeper you want either SM Pft pneagtLWA REr Diamond Ware la a three-coated enameled steel, :Ëky blue and white outside with a snowy white lin- lng. Pearl Ware is enaméled steel with two coats of peari grey enamel inside and out. 1 -1SMEET METAL PRODUC.TS Co CNM MONTP&EAL. TORONTO .. WINNIPEG EDMONTON VNOVR AGR ..i i ýl 1. r- ýL-

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