Baker and- Coxfectioner Bowmanville .-Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream-ýare high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to- cail on you we would appreciate a phone cali or writeýus. Orono Creamery Co. ORONO AWieî,eBuilder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec' Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best' place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every-- body. Caîl and sec us. McClelIan '& Co., Liniited King St. East office phone la Bowmanville Houa, Phones 228, 274, 218 AUNT'S TALK TO GIRLS 1*9= Start Lif e As You Mean to Go On. After everyone bnci arrived we were ushered into their immense My Dear Young Girls-No doubt dining-room whîch had many emal you have ofien rend or heard it said tablsbatfly dcrtdwt tînt "Habit is second nature". Doiflowers and on the mantel pieces ap- not let the little ones even stnrt a had ricot, cherry blossome, and Pink aza- habit. Neyer let them do nnything lias were very artistically nrranged that you are well nware, inter on, in great taîl vases. you will have to undo. A habit isi formed very quickly; but it takeel The fo od consîsteci of faacy cakes time and mucli patience to, break. saindwiches, creamn puifs, candy ani Also there le the danger of nngging, tea or chocolate. They lad every- for te break a habit it requires con: thing in foreiga style thus I didn't stant wntching and checking. Habits, have te sit on the floor and eat with good or bnd, dling to one with tenac: chopsticks. At the centre table the bous fingers. With care the bad omes Bareness sat with aIl the consuls' may lose their grip for a while, but 1 wives, British, Chinese, French, sincken your vigilance and back they Aeîa n e tes corne again witli. grenier f orce. Don't; 'After we lad finished, the Baron- let the littie ones do,. say, or have, esc rose and led the way into Another whn isfelidi n oderCns. ivery large roonî wlere we were to they neyer have tliey neyer M'ss. have music. A progrnm lad been~ Start as you mena to go on. The nlIragdwih ealejyds terngandchngig s -eaing bthmuch. Mrs. Gorman played won- te the nerves of the child and your derfully; Mme. Lutz sang corne very own. After indulging the child in littie whims-no matter how emal- then to thînk that merely to tell themI such-and-such must lie given up and1 Open aIl year Enter now. that they will readily respond is un- reasonable. The chld must corne to -ELLIOTT~. tle change of iulo, gmdually, and it is foolish to blame him and consider 0 him bad andobstinate. Remember the mnny things yen labitunate yourself Yog&ClaesSetTono to and how bard it is for you to Yne&CalsSrtTrno change witl your mind traned to -the higli grade business echool reasoniag; and your understnnding of of Ontario. Our graduates are in tle evil of sucli a habit in the fui- strong demand. Prepare- now ure. Chldren's mindc are yet un- and be ready to accept a good trained; tley rely on instincts, not on poionnteFal Wrefr reasoii. Blam-e yourself, nnd be more pouritn in te wFal l. iescor- patient in trying to cure an 111 that tplete ifrain he-vpupils was brougît about by your owa fault. of this echool get solid -value for their money. TEN COMMANDMENTS OF SPORT Principles Which Apply ia Business, in Work, in .Friendship-in Fact Everywhere Hugh S. Fullerton Mr. Fullerton sporting Editor of the New York Evening Mail gives these ten principles as a code f or a good sport. Tley apply also to any and every sort of cntest in which a human being can take part: Thou shaît not quit, Thou shahi not alibi. Thou shalt not glont over winning. Thou shaît not be a rotten loser. Thon shaît not take unfaîr advan- tage. Thou shaht not ack oddc tliou art unwilling to give. Thiou shaît lways be ready to give thine opponent the shade. Thou shial not under estimate an opponent, nov over estimate thyself. Remember that the game je the thing, and that lie who thinketh other- wise le n mucker aad no true sports- man. Honor the game thou playeet for lie who playetli île game stmaiglt and liard wins even wlen lie bsec, Many fpeople have discovered that 2 in 1 Shoe Pollishes are, odfor other things than for shining shoes. For' example:- 1 I BLACK-Good for polishing motor cars; reflnishirig suit cases, kodaks, black gloves, rubbers, hats, etc. iS in 1 WHITE-cake or iquid-Oood for cleaning hats5 stains li white, skirts, white kid gloves, auto tires, etc. 1 n 1 TAN PASTE-Gocod for pollshi furnftute, hardwood floors, et& Pït- Ot e&st List of New Uussfor 2 <n 1, -W am ardin& Cash Prizes as PofoWH 2afward $500.0-for the most acceptable l1t Prizes 2f $15»0-for the next twenty nd 300.00-for next best list 5.00-for the next fifty rd200.00 -for third best llst 2.00 -for the next flfty 0 crte f 25.00-for the next ten 1000 1.00 -for the nextl1OOifsta Kwis to find new uses fot any of the 2 rn 1 Shoe PolisFes, e1tthet blaec, tan, oxblood, or brown v~aste, white cake or white liquid, black or tan couîbinat1oný, Write on oine side of paper oxiiy, Lst use according tw co1tr Awards will be made according to decision of special committe%, enid minent mxade on or before Octobe lst, 1922. AU la aubnxftted to becoracour prQperty. Adcren.. Saves Yitor F. F. DALLEY COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITE», Aione~jHAMILTON, CANADA. j W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinçcipal, STARI BUSINESS SOIHOOL THIS SUMMER The Shaw Schools an Toronto neyer close an ume They are open all. July and Aogust. Don't waste the holiday season- stsrt new tb learn type- wreing, sherthand and boolckeeping. ï.div iduai instruction ie every course. P. Molntosh. Chief Principal BUSINESIIOOL Tire R epairing by Modern Methods- Your worn or injured tire will receive ckilled attention in our Vulc,nizing Shop and ita life willl be lengthened. We will repair it according to modern method--the best methode known to the tire ini- dustry. Ail material that we put into your tires will be the best mater- ials procurable. Bring in your worn casing- there may be mileage ini them. If there is, we will see that yon get it. If your tires are flot worth repairing, we'Il tell you. WE SELL TIRES Jamieson Bros, EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville Oshawa Ail Prest-O-Lite Batteries are cov- ered by a regular guarantee-a de- finite obligation plus a spirit that says the Car Owner must be pleased., Mmmuv.d $ETTER THAN. MOTHER MADE MOTHERS'S bread was good-there's no doubt about it. You enjoyed eating the bread she pro- duced. It wvs the best you could get then. It is diff erent to-day. The bakers who make our bread are experts, carefully trained in that art. Our modern, sanitary shop contains equip- ment which has made baking a science. With such a combination our bread is par excellence, and we believe, even better thafi mother used to make.- Try a loaf to-day. THOMAS r TO'"D When you buy a motor car, you expect the battery to give you good service. No battery will continue to supply power for start- ing, ignition for the engine, and bright lights, if neglected. That is why there are Prest-Q-Lite Service Stations everywhevýe to give service to car owners. 1% Drive around to the local Prest-O- Lite Service Sta- t i o n regularly. Have yourbattery inspected free of charge. This at- tention will keep yourbattery:alive and save r*pair F. W. KIRKENDALL Tempearance Street Bowmanville _________loua3 S TUDAKER builds more si-cylinder cars than arn other manufacturer because Studebaker builds them better. We can show you many definite points of superiority in the Special-Six that prove li statement. lI times of close competition, meritwins. Todaycompetition in automobiles is keener than it ever was, because people are buying morecarefully than theyeverdid. e Studebaker increased its Cana- y dian sales 64 per cent in 192 1, e though the industry, as aà whole, r. showed a falling offof nearly 45 e per cent. 1922, up to May Ist, e shows a gain of 143 per cent in S Studebaker's production in the U. S. and Canada over the same period of 192 1. i Studebaker sales records tell their r own story. The buying public rhas declared for Studebaker superiority. Touring, $2075; Roadster (2 Pass.), $2025; Roadsler (4 -Pass.), $2075; Coupe, $3050; Sedan, $3250. Ail prices f. o. b. Walkerville, Ont. A. W. PICKARD, Phone 195 Bowmanville T HIS 1IS A ST-UDEB-AKER YE AR I i I "I THE OLDEST SERVICE TO MOTORISTSi BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 15th, 1922 WITS' END CORNER Gospel Publish ing Association, Hamnilton. Are you standing at "Wits' End Corner" Christian, with troubied brow? Are you thinklng of what is before yen, And ail you are bearing now? tioes ail the world seern against you, And you ln the battie alone? Rerember-at "Wits' End Corner" Is where God's power is shown. Are you standing at "Wits' End Corner" Biinded with wearying pain, Feeling yeu cannot endure it, Yeu cannot bear the strain, Bruîsed throngh the constant suffering, Dizzy, and dazed and nurnb? Remember-at "Wits' End Corner" Is where He does love to corne! Are yen standing at "Wits' End Corner" Your work before you spread I Ml lying begun, unflnished, And pressing on heart and head, Longing for strength to do it, Stretching eut trembling hands? Remember-at "Wits' End Corner" The Burden Bearer stands. Are yeu standing at "Wits' End Corner" Yearning fer those yen love, Longing, and praying and watching, SPieading their cause abeve, Trying te brirng them te Jesus, Wond'ring if yeu've been truc? He whispers, at "Wits' End Corner", 'Iii win them, ns I won you!" Are yeu standing at "Wits' End Corner" Then yeu're just ln the very spot, To learn the wendreus resources OfHiBm whe faiieth net. No doubt te a brighter Pathway Your footsteps will soen be moved, But eniy at "Wits' End Corner", Is "the God who is able", proved.- Selected. OUR JAPAN LETTER Mrs. Found Writes Olive of'Social Doinge. Norman says lie has a letter part- ly written home so I must put in my littie cay. Since coming to the metropolis oui if e seeme one round of teas, luncheons, etc., thue letter- writing ie being neglected. Every afternoon thii week I have been to sorne tea or other but I must tell you about the one yesterday from 4 to 6 o'clock at Baronese Saito's. Hem husband is the Governor General of Korea. I left the language school at three thirty since corne people were calling for me in, their motor. We got over to the Government House about 4 o'clock and I neyer saw anything so beautiful as the cherry blossome and azalias were around the grounds. A rolling hili towers up behind their mansion on which were many beautiful mauve azalias growing among the trees. Along the driveways on botli sides the cherry trees were white like snow. When we entered, butlers met us to help us off wîth our coats and to show us the way in to the spacioue room ln whicli the Baronees received. She is a very chamming Japanese lady, talks and writes very good Eng- lish. With lier many other Japan- ese ladies and girls wliose names I couldn't remember, received with lier. They ail looked so pretty in their lovely silk kimonas. Japanese lad- ies ia higli society ar'e co lovely and refined, that they are very fascinating "Who Repars Your B aterq-no An Expert or Just Anijbodq? REST-0-LITE Storage Batteries are buit by experts in a, Plant designed and equipped exclusively for the manufac- ture of Storage Batteries, The building of a Storage Bat>- tery is a matter of scientifie skill-not of guesswork or chance. . lovely spring songe; a littie Japanese girl played. She ise a cousin of the Baron'e, by the way, and le eo pretty. Two French sisters sang and played, Mrs. Gorman and Madame Plaisante also played a duet. At about 6 o'clock we ail rose to go wvhen the Baron came in and I had the lionor and pleasure of shaking hande and talking to him, too. Mre. Lay, the'British consul's wlf e, asked us to ride home with her in hem car and so alI told it was a most pleasant afternoon. The next day a coolee came to the door with a printed invitation (to me) from the Baronees to attend an "At Home" on Monday, April 24tli (to- morrow), and thje time the men are included so I think Norman will go. Friday they served tea again at the Tennis Club to which we both belong and then the second la the series of movies took place at niglit. The edict le that women'e liair and clothes must harmonize. That'e why they're bobbing ît. Peevieli, pale, restlese, and sickly chidren owe their condition to1 Worms. Mether Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will relieve them and restore health.i ,Law of Supply and Demand- The supply of Tea in the world to- 8ay in not sufficient to m-eet the con- dton increasinbi Demand. Pro- ducionhan been eéss than consump- tion and theprice of Tea han risen to abnormally high levels. In order. to maintain "SALADA" Quality we have been forced to âdvance the price of Our popular Brown Label blend to ôi5c. per lb. The Prices of ]BLUE, RED AND GOLD LABELs ARE UNCH'ANIGED 355 1. 9 1