Council June 5 as Court of Revis- ion. Members ail present and sub- scribed to the necessary oath. C. Molland, R. W. Lackaberry, Ed. Scott, Wrn. Orr, Miss McNulty, E. E. Hlli, Jas. Dowling, J. L. Leary, C. M. Colquhoun, Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Wil- liams appealed against their assess- ment. Couns. Edgerton & Jobb moved that the fasessor's valuations on these assessments be confifmied except E. E. Hill's, it to be lowered $75,00.- Carried. ail snnh wai rigý-kng -years--o Wu s unBI 6 ulîgÎSLo health and happiness. They willi staff has taken her. departure for always find a warm place in the home at Seaforth to enjoy a well- bearts of ail Newcastle people of the earned holiday. present generation and the genera- A number-",f farmers in this vic- tions to f ollow. Iniýy have commenced the hay bar- vest, some of wbich is reported to be Port Hope Guide-Mr. J. M. Rose- unsally heavy. vear has notified Secretary Nott that John Robinson and Matt Aidread he v;ill flot officiate as umpire in any have formed a partnership and are future games in which the Oshawa busy doing ail kinds of excavating team participates. The continuai nnd cernent work. fauit finding by Manager Booth of W. G. Jones'has a gang of men Oshawa during iast Saturday's game in tow n moving poles and re string- at Cobourg was responsible for Mr. img wircs. Why not move to New- Rosevear's witb6rawal. Mr. Rose- e. stie,_BilH and save a lot of time? vear is one of the leading umpires of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowan ac- the league and his withdrawal means cornpanied by Mr., Alouza- Cowan a distinct loss to basebaîl in this dis- rnotored to Belleville on zSunday to trict. Rather than accept Mr. Rose-1 spend'a few days with friends there. year's resignation, the executive, Newxcastle Epworth Leaguers jour- should bring Manager' Booth on the neyed to Cobourg on Saturday via carpet and make it plain to himi that automobiles and motor fricks and the chief object of this league is to'held their annual June pidnic at develop real sport smanship raher, ucL oria Park. eniorAnîl 3on or-o-Iy -andti Eveiyn. Pickard, Mary Adair, Lois Martin1 Aitha Hennings, Muriel Lake-' vocal duet, Mrs. Geo. Honey and Miss Rat- tie Mason; a paper by Rev. J . E.! Fenning on the cuitivation of cannas. This was foilowed by an illustrated taik on birds and bird life by Dr. Butler -who showed sorne ffyv fine pictures of Canadian brs e frèshrnents were served and a very enjoyable haîf hour spent in social cb at, Thc visitors then ieft for home very highiy pleased by the re- ception given "hem, and we under- , stand a movement is already on foot to stage a "retura" garne. use. 'I