SILVER WEDDING Mr. ýand Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedro Celebrate Anniversary of Marriage Mapie Avenue Farmn, Kedron, Ba Whitby, was the scene of a very ha py event, F riday, June l6th., whi over a hundned relatives and f iei, cf Mr. and Mnis. R. J. Luke met ai zux prised them it being the 25th A niversany of their Wedding Day. Amongst the company were a nui ber of the guest5 of the functions twenty-five yeans ago, an especias pleasing feature being the presen of the bradesmaid, Mns. (Dr.) Wilii Angus White, New York City, ai Mr. J. Herbent Luke, groomsma ýOsbawa. The tables were prettily deconate te bride's table being centred wi a four-storey wedding cake withs ver decorations. Aften ail had enjoyed the abunda menu prorided by the ladies,t company was called to order1 Editor M. A. James and the grooi mian, la honor of his position, w ,called to the chair and preseatedt Interesting program piaced la hands. Mn. James A. Werny of Enniski en, read an eulogîstic address, expri iive of the bigb esteem in whicb bride and groom of 25 years are h(e. and on behaîf of the company M(I dames H. F., J. A., W. C., and1 Edgar Werry presented them witl fumed oak sectional bookease& writiftg déesk, eut glass saiad hoý silven dessert spo oas, pie knife a pyrex pie 'Plate on silver stand, i of the White Family of NewYorl, MJr. M.- A. James rend letters vongratulation from frjiends unav(i ably absent, iaeluding Messrs. S. andý E. B. Luke and Miss Edith3 Luke, Monitreal; Mrs H. H. Lai Westmount, Motreai; Mr. R. Werry, Montreal; Messrs. L. HerbE' Lukè and F. E. Luke, Toronto; M~ C. Currie, Mason City, Iowa; 1 James Currie, Stirling, Mrs. 1.1 ford, Woodville; Miss E. Pcarn, Fe elon Falls; Mr. A. E. Wilcox, H&~ mond, Iad. ;Mr. Cao. J. Bray,- Torc to; Mr. A. R. Wickett and l' Laura Wickett, Toronto; Mr. M. James, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. 1] A. Phiilips, Westchester, New Yor Mrs. J. VaaNest, Toronto,I Mabel V. Bray, Hlamiltc Principal T. FranklinaWright, Catharines; Mrs. Robt. Philp 1Miss Effa Wright, Blackstock; Peter Werry and Miss Emma Weri Tyrone. Mn. Luke respoaded in neat speech on behaîf of his wif e& himsef 'but begged to be excu. from an elaborate oration owing the lack of notice for preparatic lHe appreciated the good-will evide >ced by the large gathering of frier( te expressions la the address andt letters which had been read, a: 1-while the present gatheriag w 1rather unusual, hie hoped they wou spread their visits out throught years and that they mnay yet enj many social times together.. The bride and hier bridesmaîd a] spoke briefiy. Rer.- E. W.- Rowland, Broo kl 1 spoke of the bright optimistie aý cheenful disposition Of the couple a thought the 25 years had but shar ened 'theni and made tbcm bett than they were 25 years ago. 1 congratulated them on their Chrb -!an Honie and tliougbx ail would1 cognize that such homnes are hulwar Jla Our far-fiung battie-line. Messrs. Lewis Luke, HI. Fletch Werny, Fred W. Lee, W. Batty, 0 ver Luke, and Milton J. Werny al niade short, bright addresses. RE E. W.- Rowland sang with Mrs. Ro, land at the piano, Miss Audrey We ry piayed a piano solo, TheLu] Cousins sang "Sussex by- the Se and National Anthein bnought il program to a close, aîl wishing tI bride and groom many years of we 'ded bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar, Bethe da, were amongst the guests whoe pected to be there but were unavoi ably detained at the iast minute. The address read on this happyo casion was as f ollows: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke. ýast Len nds nd JUNE WEDDING H-enderson-Dulmage. The Methodist Church was the seene of a very pretty wedding last Satunday morning, when Miss Eva Marguerite Dulaqage, daughter of Mr. S. N. Duimage, and one of our 1ei_ known and popular young ladies wasi The 1 e c~1 IidgepýenicAcit THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1922 n- uni cd la maniage with Mn. Onville JNW.A L S. A. fiendeïrson necently eoaanected MisAmCoprs stngaM. m- witb our fiigh Sehool teaching staff. EMisHrs.m opri iiiga n of Promptiy at ten o'elock the ceremoayE.CHo's ily commeneed by the choisters singing Mrs. Jack Hall, Toronto, is risitiag i tee a processionai as they mounted from with frîends here. ýam the Sunday Sehool noom to the choir Miss Frances Gibson, Oshawa, was ad galieny. As tbey stood la expeet- home orer Suaciay.f an, ancy the solema tones of Lohengrin's Mr. Alian Howard, Toonto, speat ýrîdaI chorus peaied forth from the the week-end at home cd, ongan and the groom assisted by Mn. M1 .ONi pettewe-n ith Hiarvey Smith of Ottawa, waited at M.P 'elsettewe-n sil- the aitar wbiie the bride eatered on witb fniends in Napance. thc arm of ber fathen. Miss Helen Mns. Walter Coucb risited fniends at Hendenson, sister of the groom, la in Peterboro on Satunday. the attendance as bridesmaid, and littie Mrs. S. Scuithorpe le visiting ber by Miss Helen Lawson as flowen girl. Mn. sisten, Mrs. W. H. Peance. m-Noei Bridge of town, and Mr,. Via- Mr. Wright is Canadian Manager vas cent Young of Almonte, wene the ush- of The Evrshanp Peacil Co. te ers. Mn. R. 'Carr, Belleville, speat the bis Aften the cenemoay penformed by week-end at Mrs. W. Huater's. -ev. Eiwood Lawson, the young Miss Eva Vinson is spendiag a few1 iii.. couple knelt at the aitan wbile the aswt e itra bnzr es- choir sang "O Perfect Love". Dur-dyswtbessertEeez, the ing the signiag of the register, Miss Dr. and Mrs. MeElroy, Onono, vis-' ,Id, Elleen Brown of Montreal, sang rery ited at Mn. Geo. Joll's on Sunday. es- 3weetly "Because". Mrs. B. Barstead, Toronto, bas S. The bride looked cltanmiag in a suit been visitiag Mn. and Mns. Ceo. Joli, h a of nary blue tnicotine, Mait!ti choker, Miss Kitty Murphy is again witb and and bat of nary geongette, and car- Mrs. Waltoa Bail f or the sumnier. )wi, icd a bouquet of Ophelia roses and Mn. J. W. Taylor, Wapelia, Man.,i and maiden bain fera. The church was visited at Mr. Arthur Law's this week. gift beau'ifuiiy deeorated with peonies, Miss Betty MeKeazie, Toronto, is ,i, daisies and feras. Immediately aften iiigwt e itr r.H rt of ' the cenemony the young couple leftl stng ibbrsseMs i nt ~i-on a motor trip to Kingston and from, oi-there on down through the States olMsSameHwrh, etnd M.a few vecks. The bride was the ne- home froni ber sebool dut'ies la Ton- .M. cipicat of many beautiful gifts, many onto. L.g cheques among theni and the fi. S. Miss Amy flunter, Toronto, speat cnt pupils presented Mn. Headenson with Sunday with ber mother, Mns. W. In.t a cabinet of silver and the cadets a1 Hanter. or c bautiful table iamp. The goodi Mn. Erie Toms nand wife, Belle-j El.- w,ýishes of a bost of friends f ollow the ville, are visiting Wit e ahnM 7en- young couple througbout their 1f e.,!J. Toms. amW believe Mn. ilenderson bas taken Mn. and Mns. Clarence Wlat an-b 'on-a teritini icetrfor nxtfamily were week-end WiigrsanHr A.~ Among those present froni a dist-~ Ja.ance wee-Mn. and Mns. W. W. Miss Hazel Barrie, Peterboro Non- Fas. Henderson, Eowmanville; Miss M. mal Scbool, bas retunned borne for Dr; McFeetonrs, Toronto; Mrs. fi. S« the summer. Dr., Cona, Miss Jessie Coan, Mrs. Tows- Mrs. T. I. Anderson, Toronto, is on, le y, Mns. W. Dulmage, Miss S. Dul- rîsiting Mns. Ceciifiorrocks at New- St. mage, Ottawa; Miss Cana Clarke, castie-on-the-Lake. Md. Ailnprion; Mrs. J. Dulmage, Miss Mrs. W. F. Thomas and daaghter, r. ilanlia, Mn. and Mrs. West, ýAimonte Mrs. C. Ryan motored to Oshawa on n a Canleton Place fierald. Monday to rîsît frîends. and A miscellancoas >shower la honor Banker Chas. MeMullea took la the tsed of Miss Era Dulmage whose marniage big chuncit annivensany at Maple! to to Mn. Orville J. A. fiendenson took Crore on Monday iast.1 ion. place Saturday, was held at the home Mn W. J. S. Riekard is attendiag [en- of Miss Dorothy Findiqy,,Higb Street, conference at Wbitby as iay delegate 1ds, last Thursday aftennoon.-'Carletoa fnom the Metbodist Church. the Place Centrai Canaclian.Mran s.WihToths and ~leased "Catchensc" fnom Dr. Waitoal, vas Bal] and will more la this weck. uldPecRasnBeeilea- the marked by the full rigor of maaboodi Mrs.Pey asnBlevla- ýo o whicb a boy looks forwArd like an companied by ber niece, Mary fluater io mpatient, prancing colt wanting to Iis risiting witb Mrs. W. Hanter. :ry bis stnength and those woaderful Mn. Robent McLaugbiin, Wnoxeten, LîSO years of young motberbood, wbicb and Mn.r. U McLaughlin, Osbawa,ý are a woman's higbest joy. spent the week-end at Mr- W. F. Rick-.1 ia, On the tbneshoid of 111 e you stood ard's. ad wenty-five yeans ago-untried, buti Mr. fiuilock of the C. P. R. baggagc ad hopeful and full of courage; expect-I staff with Mrs, Hiliock and son and ip- ant, no doub.-, that youn married life 1 daugbter bave ieased Chateau Me-, fie -ist- ne- rks her iso ,ev. ler- ke a" the the Les- id- Dear Fniends: We have, gatbened here this even- ing on the twenty-fifth anairersary of yoan wedding-day, as nepreseata- tires of tbe vanloas branches of the two families to which you beiong, to- gethen, with other admining frieads, to enjoy each other's compaay la youn borne and offen oun aaited and eineere congratulations. Fîrst, wc must coagntulate you on your weil-pnesrred appearance-the bride as rosy and the groom as smil- 'Ing as On tbat auspicloas event of twenty-five ycars ego, and 50 we are glad that yoa have both enjoyed a good degree of healtb and strcngth. We fuîtber wisb to congratulate ,you because of the children Who haro blessed the unia-ali heaithy, vig- oroas la mïnd, cultared la their tastes, loviag- in disposition, with neal par- pose inla Ie, and poscessing thoco bigber qulities of coul which pro- m'ote the activities and issues of 111e. Wben we offer these culogies we are doing bonor to the parents from wbom those qualities were inheited and înctilled both by practice and pneccpt-tbose mothers and fathers Who were rery dean to thein eilîdren ,and Who have la these late years 'heen gathercd to their neward. W6o'a1so congratulate yeon 11the 'Matenial cOmforts Of your Surround.. inswhich you ýharo been able to Improre from tîme to time. In haninonyý with the reprosentatiro attittîde of mind whieh these annirer- Sary occasions stimulato let those of US Who grew UP togethen tara beck the pages of history to Our childbood ,daYs wbeni we playod as cblîdren in the sand tok.ther, building housos and naay other lîke things uncon- scioasîy preparing for the actuali.. tics when the time should come. Thea, there wene mnore stern lessons to ho loarnod..allanPreparation for those inst years of Mar- rejid ife--those wonderful years. îwhich you have now completed. Years would be diff enent, but witbout thei jais and crosses, as the youngcr mcm-1 bers of this comapany see 111 e, but wc wlto anc older understand and eau j sympal hize. Among the preseats of a certain!i young couple kaown to some of us was a book cntitled "fiow To Be Hiappy Though Marrie d". Strange kind of a present, wasn't it? Well, you bave stood the testing i and adjusting, and have not troublcd the divorce court. You have raised your famiiy, al of whom are spared to you; you arc kaown as a faithful wife and deroted mothen, a kind hus.. band and father, and esteemed by ail who know you. The uaited wighb of your fniends aow is that, as the joy of Sprngtime changes to the beauty of Sammen; the beauty of Summner to the glory of fiarvest, andi the glony of fiarvest te the grandeur of Autuma; 50 may the crer swîft ne- cunniag yeans, whieh have wroughta changes and derelopmeat la the past1 stili play kiadly wth you and us,i touching the bain it may be with ai silven thread here and thene, thon thieker and thieken till it becomes a1 cnown of glory. As in youtbh we look f onward, s0 now you may find yourcelvec looking backward on the yeans of sacrifice,« effort and triumph, possessiag the satisfaction that it was worth while. May the abiiity and good sense which bave characterized and manked youn lires continue to gire you gracel so that yoa may gnow older grace-I fully and happy la each othen's con- fidence and love. You are asked to accept these glîts of ilIver, cutglass and book-case, to mnark this auspielous ereat and in aay time of doiibt be assured of ouni confidence and regard; ais. remember tat 'we are looking -to you stili for leadership la erory rirtue and good work. Signed on behaif your maay friends, Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Oshawa,-Mrs, Jas. A Werry, Mm-s S. Edgar Werry, M. A. James, Committee. Oshawa, Ontario, June 16, 1922. May many years of usefulas ,The lires of Ricb. and Minnie bless; May hoth a thousaad blessIngs share And find 111 's bundons light to bear. May many deys, as gi ad as this, Add'sweetaess to coanubial bliss;. May orery mora with sunsbine glow And orory ere new blessings show, May calm refleetion cheer lif 's noom And erery month bo brigbt as June; May ahl their eilîdrea comf onts ho Wben grown as when on Nmother's knee. May brother, sister,, neighbor, friend Contribute pleasure without end Until the days of 111e are past And all are gathered home at lut. R. Luther W.rry, Montreal, LEýodfor tesumr Mr . and Mns. Brown, Mý. and Mns. Green, Mn. George and May~ Broagbton, Toronto, spent Saaday wi- b Mrs. P. O'Neil and Mrs. Wm.- Pcmlng those attending the Old Darbam Boys Picale and reunion at Hampton were Mn, and Mrs. Frank Rickand, Mn.' and Mrs. H. R. Pearce, tirs. Fnank Crydenman, Nîewcastle, i and Mn. and Mrs. Frank Law of New-i tonville.' Our citizeas werc tneated to aý breeze froni the wild west on Monday evcning. A bac cowboy driftecl into town and took possession ofvthe four corners and procceded to give an i11- ustration of LiI e on the Ranchl. The javeniles enjoyed the show fuilyas mucb as did sone of the older boys, The Sehool Board met on Monday 'wveniag 'aad the principal businessî was the engagiag of teachers to fil the- vacancies aow existiag. They report that a marricd man bas been secared to succed Mn. J. W. Brad- ley, as Principal of the Public SchoQl,1 witb lady teachers filliag the othen positions. fiere is'bopîag that they sacceed la securnag as efficient a staff as the oid staff was. T'i lm XUÉ, Ac liry Tr A meeting of the natepayers and trustees of Clarke township will be, held la Town Hall, Orono, Tbarsday,l Jane 29, aýL 7.30 p. m., la the interests of Medicai Inspesçtion of Schos DARLINGTON Visitons: Miss Evelyn Hoît, Ton- onto, at home; Mn. and Mrs. Will Corv and Mn. Noble Metealf and fam- ily, *Oshawa, with relatives; Mrs, J. H. Powen at Oshawa; Mns. Berthta Donnan, Lexington, Micb., witb ber sister, Mrs. Walter Foley. Mrs. R. H. Coode bas neturaed home alter a pleasant visit with rel- tives la Toronto. . .. Mn. and Mrs. Ceci] Jeffery, with Mn. Ceo. Van- Dyke's. Mn. Jeffeny is building a hoase on bis, f anm ortb of. Mapie Our esteemed citizen "Uncle Fred their home .... Mn. Albert Goode wîll Eisworth' who weat ta Tornto to more into town this sammer, hariag consuit a specialist uaderweat an op- si i amt r odnVn craton a te Cnera Hopitl o Camp. Mn. VanCamp bas Also bought Wedacsday of last week and bis nau,-Lec stock and impiernentp eroas friends wiii be plensed1 to icara that lie iz progressiag farorably and SOLINA expects ta be with as on Jaly lst to belp celebrate the big ereat oI lay-~ Miss Beatty, Port Hope, risited ing the corner stone of oun new bail Miss Vera Baker.. .. Mn. and Mrc. J. and ais. to sec the Basebail game. J. Brown ceicbrated the 37th nani- FrL'd is one of the biggest hasehail vcrsary of their weddiag day Friday fans Newcastle erer produced. eening by giving their ncigbbors a ________________________happy ereniag la their own home, soe missed the pleasare owiag t'a 'stanma on prerlous engagements but A ail join la wisbiag tbcm many happy retaras. Mn. R. J. McKessock at- tended a meeting of the O. E. A. at tlarkdalc, Satunday Mn. and Mns. J. Baker and famiiy and Miss Vena visited et Oshawa on the Lake Mon- day. Miss Loraine Thompson, Nich- Nare's ols Hiospital, Petenhoro, is et home, Yj. Mn. A. L. Pascoe le attending Con- fer fereace at Whitby Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Penkins on RHthe arrivai of a young daugbter la A ÉÙ R H thein home. Miss Nana Werry, St. 7" 1,Cathenînes Business College, and Miss Beatnice Went visited friends SnELU hene. A namben from bore attended B cal prosi.g n, awrn tlyhe en the Silver Weddiag of Mn. and Mrs. ialAMEAsi, bs known tlthe mcd-R. J. Luke at Kedron Friday orcning. introdac'ýd lato Canada, atid this won, 'On Monday next the Genenai Superna- derful rem&eyis now available for every, tendent Mn. R. W. Dovenish aI the bcdy. Alre::d1, it lias won phenomenai Canadian National Railways wili meet .uccess, and is effecting remarkabiea deptuntion at Solina Station to recoveries in the treetment of Astlima, tbonoughly discuss the mater of an Catarrh, Weak Luags and other respir- agency bore. Ail intenested will atory troubles. p1ea4e attendi Ms M 34 WE«dokn, Buya btti today Toronto, risited Mn I. fiardy's.' Glad Buy botle t-day to see Rer. and Mrs. J O Totton and ýoll!&Uvxmoîl sslz"ntU family of Shannonville on their way TI~AI ~ lfifto Confenence Owing to the strike it is impossible to get immediate deliVery, but I have a suffi- cient quantity on order to take care of ail my custom- ers. Make sure of your next, winter's coal by booking your order early. Gjeo. Jamieson Newcastle BOWMANVJLLE -CHAUTAUQUA, JULY S-ll NEWCASTLE Miss C. Speace is visitîag fniends' ia Norwood. 1Miss Laura Waitoa risited friends îa Toronto last week. IMiss Glaclys Bradley is visiting with ,friends in Bowmaarille. Mn. R. W. Gibson, Toronto, was home over the -week-end. Mr. fHoward Toms, Port Penny, spent the week-end at home, Rev. H. S. Spence is ii'i Wbitby this week attending Conference. I Miss Rena Thomas visited fniends ia Oshawa over the week-end. Ray Cobbledick, Oshawa, speat Sunday at Mns, Frank Gibson's. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Branton, Osht- awa, visited friends hene this week. Miss Hulda Gibson has returned to Tornto after a pleasant risit at homne. 1Miss Charlotte Rose motored fnom Port Hope on Fniday and visited with friends. Mrn. ani Mrs. Mathews, Toronto, are visiting ber mother, Mrs. Long at the lake. Mrs. W. J. Moore bas returaed home froni risiting frieads la Roches- ter, N. Y. Mns. Limbent came down from Tor- onto and 5pent Sunday with Rer. Wmn. Limbert. Mn. Samuel Riekard has purchased a fine, Studebaker auto Îrom Mr. A. V. -Piekard.4 Mrs. McCormack has retunned borne alter a pleasant thnee weeks' visit at Mitchell. Rev. S. G. MeCormack has retun- cd home from attendiag the Cen- eral Assembiy at Winnipeg. Mrs. McEroy and daughter Helen, Hillsdale, Mich., are rîsitiag with ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. Farneomb. Mn. and Mrs. Rayncr, Niagara Falls, are visiting wîth her- parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cibson "fiel Dell". Mrs. Tuif and daughtens, also Mr. J ack Tuif and family, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Branton. Mr. and Mns. D. J. Galbraith bave rcturned home froni a picasant week's risit with Mn. and Mns, Rex Wyan, Niagara Falls. Mn. and Mrs. H. Britton motoned t. Toronto on Satunday and spent the week-end witb ber parents, Dr. and Mns. McKeazie. H. W. Dudley is acting as Inspect- or for the Dominion Canners la this dWis'nt. fiHe reports excellent pros- pecýts la most cnops. Mn. Aia Lockbart and wif e mot- ored from Toronto on Sunday and wcre accompanied back by Mrs. Lock- hart and Miss Ethel Loekhart. Messtrs. .J. E., Rincb and F. W. Fligg left this week for Eastern On- , ario to again take charge of the pole moving on the Provincial fiighway. A meeting of the natepayens and >rustees of the village of Newcastle will be held on Tuesday, June 27th.,j in the Town Hall at 7.30 p. m., la the iiltces. of medýicai inspection of the sebo ols. Master Tom Brown, is the cary of bis boy pais jus:t now, and tbe cause o£ it ail is the handsome pony outfit that he drives. This pony is a beauty and is sure enough to gladden the heart of any boy. ORONO STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL When attending the Laying of the Corner Stone at Newcastle on July lst don't f orget the Strawberry Fes- tival given by the Ladies' Aid on the Methodist Church lawn. Lots of strawberries and cream and 'other good things will be served from 5 p. M. Program will f ollow: Mrs. Frank Branton will sing; addresses by resident ministers and music by Orono Band. Admission 35c; ehild- ren 25c. 25-2 ENNISKILLEN Mrs.Geo. Simpson, Claresholm, AI- ta., is výsiting at her brother's Mr. Wm. Riggs. Congratulations to Miss Reva McGill on passing her fiigh Sehool exams. Dr. John Moore and Mr. Thos. Hall of Brooklin, will speak at En- nîskillen, Moaday, June 26, at 8 p. m., reporting their visit to Mailorytown Consolidated School. Everybody weleome. League on Wednesday was in charge of the Missionary Vice Presideat, Miss Mae Werry. After'prayer and rýeading of minutes Bible Lesson was read by Miss Eva Vannatto., Bible s ,udy on trees was given by Miss Marion Orchard; readiag by Mrs. Wil- frid Sanderson; a chorus by the young ladies was well rendered. Chapter was read by Mr. Frank Dorland. At- tendance 21. League closed with League Benediction. Visit ors: Mrs. E. T. Burk and Master Leroy Short with her sister, Mrs, C.,E Stewart, Mrs Wm. Brent, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Brent and littie Miss Elva of Uxbrid-ge, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brent, Parkman, Sask., motored out froni Uxbridge and vis- ited -Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson; Mr, and Mrs. Silversides, Zephyr, enjoyed a f ew holidays with their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)_ Ferguson; Mrs. Usher is with her Isister, Mrs. Jas. Stainton; Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore and child- ren and Mr. and Mrs. fi. Stevens spent Sunday at Whitevale; Mr. By- ron Mcbauhlin and Masters Howard and Talbert and Mr. and Mrs. Alymer fierring spent Sunday in Peterboro; We are hoping for fine weather on, Saturday when Mr. and lirs. Jas. Staînton wilI celebrate their golden wedding. Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Vir- tue also will celebrate theirs on Mon- day. This makes three Golden Weddings in our burg in less than hree months. If you waat to live long corne to Enniskilea. It's a fine healthy spot. . .. The ladies are busy these days redecorating the basement of our church. . .. Mr. fier- 1.-ert Sleznon and Mr. Cecil Lyness, Toronto, at Mr. John Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. Siemon accompanied them home and will spend a week in Toron- to..... Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oke, Mr. Walter Oke and Misses Winnie and Gertrude Oke visited Mrs, Oke's bro-her at Coîborne on Sunday..-. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, was home last week to bid farewell to her ram- ,ily. Miss Elsie leaves this week with the famiiy of Mr. Longwell, Toronto, on a ,trip to England, Beigium, France and Switzerland.. Miss El- sie is going as nurse maid to Mr. Longwell's two littie girls. We wish her a safe voyage and pleasant time' ... Miss Reta Robbins bas returned ,o Rochester. . .. Mrs. Smith, Bright- on, is at her sister's, Mrs. fi. Rogers' ....No church service here next Sunday evening on acount of fiaydon Anniversary Sunday Sehool as usual next Sunday morning. Know ye ail good citizens of New-' castle that on July 1st the corner stone, of the Community Hall wlll be laid. Theref ore, ye are ordered to have in ail readiness flags and buntings so that ye and your houses may be fittingly decorated for ye gladsome' occasion. By Order MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. SIraduate of Trinity University, ais.i )f Royal College Physicians, Edin- >urg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- 3a and children. Office-Parlçer's 3lock, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. flonor graduate of Trînity Universit,, lellow of Trinity Medical Coliege, Licentiýat" of the State University Of N1ew York, Matniculate of the Post- 4naduate Medical School and Hos- Baker & Grocer Newcastle FRESH STOCK McClaren's JeIIy Powders 10c package TEA PRICES- ADVANCING Buy your stock of tea now before prices go higher. R. WAvLdTOeN Grocer Newcastle I -__ Banking by Mail ANY and varied are the types of men who conduci their banking with The Standard through the post. Busy men who live far away fromn any bank find that Sour plan of banking by mail saves them making special < trips to town, and is satisfactory in every way and quite simple. We pay interest at current rates on such accounts. Write or cail for full particulars. THE2 STANDARD LîjBANK'N TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY TH4REE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, - - H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, -- E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery Manager i The Reconciliation Scene ini the Great Play "Her Own Money"p There is much comnedy and mnuch good sense lA the great comedy-dramng, "fier Own Money," to hbe presented at Chautauqua this summer by tlhë Percival Vivian Players of New York City. Above is shown a part of tlm closing scene of the thxee-act play. JUSâ*T RECEl VED A large SUpply Of Paints, Stains and Varn- ishes to shine up for the big day-July lst. Everytb.ngy to decorate with'at Hardware Store Newcastle PAINT UP AND DECORATE FOR JULY 1ST Fuli supply of paints, varnishes, ois, brushes and flags of ail kinds. H. C. BOf-NATH""AN CUT OUT BAKING during the summer months and LET BRITTON'S BAKERY FEED THE FAMILY HM S. BRI'TTON i